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Family Misfortunes Ch. 04

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The origins of his daughter's bad behaviour.
7.4k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/22/2022
Created 04/03/2007
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As the first sprinklings of light dusted the room and rabid seagull cackle filled the air, Dan Ferris awoke with an exaggerated jolt. Immediately the ache in his lower legs reminded the stocky firefighter where he was: on his sister Jill's cramped couch in the house by the coast. In many ways Dan would be glad when the whole escapade was over and he was back home in the comfort of the luxuriant kingsize bed that previously he'd taken for granted.

Yet in other ways Dan could be forgiven for wishing to prolong the stay as thoughts of the previous night's amazing dalliance with his sexy sister came to mind. There was no denying he'd give his right arm for a repeat. Then there was the delicious tasting pussy of her daughter Hayley, the awesome blowjob she offered in return and their wild fuck session up against the washing machine. But to top it all, they'd been spied upon not-so-secretly by Susie, his horny little daughter. Far from turning and fleeing in disgust, she'd watched with salacious glee. Dan could barely fathom the incredible turn of events.

With time -- and a hard cock -- on his hands, Dan reflected upon the bizarre chronology that had led him to Jill's door.

* * *

The absolute origin was doubtless when wife Sandra ran off with the travelling salesman almost three years ago. Susie had been fifteen then and in her last year of school, resolute in the refusal to uproot and follow her mother to Wales. Hence, against common protocol, she remained in her father's charge.

Overjoyed at first at avoiding becoming an only too typical once-a-fortnight father, Dan was protective of his daughter, overly so perhaps, and the harmony was not to last long. The break-up of her parent's marriage becoming the catalyst for all the ills in her life, the inevitable happened to Susie: she failed her exams, consequently a decent job was impossible to find and pretty soon she became the teenaged handful that Dan really could do without.

His own life having been rocked by the separation, work failed to offer the solace he craved. Indeed, it almost broke his resolve. His chosen career having undergone an about turn in light of the tragic events of 9/11, like all in the emergency services he was faced with constant training, screening and re-training, the anticipation of a similar atrocity afflicting the UK hanging heavy like a dark spectre. It made for a stressful existence. When July 2005 afflicted London, turning the constant dress rehearsals into stark reality, sadly Susie started to become forgotten.

From that point forward it was an all-too-familiar tale: she fell in with the wrong crowd, started drinking and coming in at all hours and doing all those things that can cause any normal parent to despair, let alone one who was on the verge of a breakdown. But tough and determined even in the face of adversity, Dan battled to keep on top.

A glimmer of hope arrived when he secretly discovered that Susie had found herself a guy. If nothing else, he hoped this might bring some semblance of stability to her life. Eighteen by then, it was about time she grew up to become the young lady her early childhood had promised.

In the meantime, as one day blurred into the next, like many of his ilk, the pressures took a heavy toll and Dan found himself rely more and more on alcohol. At the end of one particularly strenuous week, he hit the bottle in a major way. In fact, even by Dan's standards it was a bender to beat all benders. Crashing home paralytic in the early hours, somehow he managed to wedge himself behind the sofa before sleep descended like a dark veil.

His awakening came courtesy of the doorbell and, for all he knew, he could have been out for days. The bell droned an ear-splitting cacophony that made him grimace. Shaking like a palm tree in a hurricane, he could hear the distant sound of voices echoing softly in the hallway. "Come through," sounded Susie's voice, annoyingly cheerful in comparison to how shitty Dan felt.

In fact, it was only when the last remaining trace of sleep was shaken off that he found himself caught in the throes of THE hangover from Hell. His brain felt ready to explode, he was shaking like crazy and felt as weak as a newborn kitten. His first and only instinct was to remain precisely where he was -- behind the sofa -- and hope that Susie would take her boyfriend up to her room.

Self preservation aside, the last thing he wanted right at that moment was to be discovered by his impressionable young daughter in this crude and unforgivable state, given the lectures he'd hectored her with on the evils of alcohol. Hardly an example to set the teenager, he remained deadly still, quite appropriate for the catatonic state in which he found himself.

To his utter dismay, however, Susie came through into the sitting room, the sound of lips smacking lips close above. To make matters even worse, the pair plumped down on the very sofa behind which Dan sought refuge. His heart pounded deafeningly, bringing untold pain as it reverberated through a brain that felt as if it might explode any moment. Even Susie's dulcet tones sounded like those of a cackling witch: "I've been thinking about you ever since last time," she revealed. "I've thought of nothing else."

The hint of desperation in the candid admission caused Dan to shake his head in disgust. Weren't girls supposed to play hard-to-get? Wasn't it the guy's job to do all the running? The shaking motion merely made Dan's brain crash against his skull excruciatingly, unleashing untold torture. A fighting fit Dan Ferris would have been up on his feet and fronting out the young beau by now. And at the first sign of disrespect, fists would have been flying in the young man's direction. Yet he couldn't have moved if he wanted to, rigid like in death, though death would have been too easy a let-off. No word yet from the boyfriend, Susie prompted: "Have you been thinking about me too?"

The words heaped more misery on Dan. She was so pretty that self-doubt shouldn't even be present. The girl could practically have any man she wanted. "Hmm," replied her boyfriend. "Maybe you need to remind me what I've been missing..."

Dan's face clouded with a quizzical look. Still not himself by any stretch of the imagination, he could be forgiven for hearing things. Yet it was a voice he recognised, if not one he could readily place. One thing was certain, however: this was no boy. "Do that little thing you like to do for me," rang out the manly baritone voice.

Susie cooed. "Ooh, my little lapdance thingy you mean?"

"Hmm, yeah. And make it good."

"You want me to take my top off while I do it?"

From his position beneath, Dan could barely believe his ears. His precious little eighteen-year old daughter daughter was turning into a slut in his presence. And yet he was impotent to do anything about it. His only hope was they'd disappear upstairs shortly and not subject him to any more torture. That would afford him the opportunity of freshening up and gaining some succour. Suffice to say, the guy would be smashed into tomorrow by the time Dan was finished with him. Yet the very thought of physical violence made him sick and, in any event, whilst they remained on the sofa he was effectively powerless. "You like my titties?" Susie enquired, heaping more misery on her father.

"Yeah honey I love your titties," observed the guy less than enthusiastically, causing Dan's lip to curl. "Now get over here and start doing what you do best -- being a slut."

Even those harsh words directed at his only child, his lovely daughter, couldn't coerce Dan into action. He was just too beat up by the booze, lifeless and lethargic, a mess of a man. Bemoaning the situation inwardly, it was only then that finally he placed the voice, his red-streaked eyes expanding painfully.

It was almost too hard to bear, but Susie's lover was Tom Ross, their next door neighbour and Dan's supposed friend. That Ross was forty-four years old and married with kids caused a static surge that almost caused Dan to explode with rage. His fists clenched tight but that simply brought pain and more distress. Rationalising the situation, he concluded grudgingly that there was nothing he could do now. But later...well Ross could consider himself a dead man. "Mmm that's it, rub them in my face," the lecherous neighbour enthused, unwittingly taunting his mate.

From his worm's eye view, Dan watched as the sofa sagged with Susie's added weight on Ross' lap. Somehow exacerbating the torture, he could partially see what was happening through the gap between the seat and the back. Not that he needed to, for the pair were vocalising their every thought, providing an explicit commentary. "You like my nipples, Mr Ross?"

"Mmm yes," replied Ross, maintaining a deadpan tone.

The sofa squeaked and creaked and lots of panting could be heard as Dan tried to shut his eyes. Yet the pressure on the lids was too great, forcing them back open. "That's it Mr Ross, suck them for me. Ew-eeeeeee, that's bite them...HARDER!"

Dan's ire rose to such a degree that he was almost prepared to stand up and halt the liaison immediately, irrespective of the consequences. Yet his body was as limp and lifeless as when he'd suffered pneumonia as a child and almost perished. It was totally incapable of movement. "Oh Mr Ross, you are such a dirty old man," Susie squealed as the sofa continued to bounce with her fervent lapdancing. "Mmm, I can feel your big cock getting hard."

The word 'cock' registered in Dan's fucked-up brain. Feeling down carefully, he frowned in dismay upon discovering that Ross' cock wasn't the only hard one in the room: his was obscenely aroused too. Sickeningly, he was getting turned on witnessing his own daughter seducing their neighbour, his pal, a man old enough to be her father and then some. Yet, there was no denying the erection. "You're a sick man, Dan Ferris," he said under his breath, brow furrowing.

Not that they'd have heard him, for by now his daughter was gyrating gymnastically on Ross' lap, grinding a panty-clad crotch into his midriff and rubbing and slapping her pert tits all over his smirking face. Ross had his hands around a flat waist that was so slender the fingertips almost met in the middle. Dan knew for, as the settee bounced, the gap increased until he could enjoy an almost uninterrupted view. Above her father's head, Susie's palms were pressed tight to the wall.

After a good five minutes of teasing and panting, the sofa finally stopped creaking and Susie alighted with a giggle. To Dan's relief the gap closed over and sight if not sound was cut off. Yet a pair of treacherous ears heard quite clearly Ross' jeans being unzipped then dragged from his legs by an eager young Susie. "Oh, Mr Ross, sooooooo big!" she gasped.

Unimpressed, Dan nursed his own slab of impressive manhood through the front of his jeans with deft fingers and the ball of his thumb.

"Well, don't just stand there," Ross said with disdain. "Get sucking my cock, you filthy little slut."

Dan felt his blood boil as the crude words almost forced him to his feet. Yet Susie merely giggled with glee upon hearing the order. Dan's heart plunged as he heard his teenaged daughter go down on his mate, her tongue lashing the head, followed by intent sucking. Occasionally Ross would tell her what a nasty little cocksucking whore she was, or words of similar sentiment. Thankfully, the gap in the sofa remained closed, denying Dan the opportunity to see, though in fairness the aural accompaniment to the oral feasting didn't need a visual presentation.

Lying there beneath them, Dan felt thoroughly despondent yet at the same time perversely excited. Manoeuvring carefully, he ran down his zip and fished out a real throbber. It stood proud in his hand and surely put Ross' cock to shame. As Susie plunged her head up and down her lover's jerking manhood, guiltily Dan squeezed and stroked his. In his mind, guiltily he wanted it to be him instead. "Oh baby, you are such a dirty fucking little cocksucker," Ross imparted in a hoarse tone. "Fuck, I'm going to cummmmmmm. Ohhhhhhh."

Dan grimaced as he heard a light moan from Susie, followed by the unmistakable gush of jism being ejaculated into the waiting receptacle that was Susie's sweet mouth. At the same time, Dan stifled a grunt as a thick rope of semen was pumped into the underside of the sofa. He barely dared to breath as Susie and Ross sat side by side exhaling deeply. Words were rare as they recovered. It was Susie that broke the silence. "Feel how wet I am," she suggested.

"Not now," countered her lover curtly, brushing the girl away and denying any thought of reciprocal pleasure. "I have to go look in on the kids."

Dan's teeth grinded together and the anticipated revenge took on a real viciousness.

"You'll come straight back?" Susie enquired pleadingly.

"Maybe, maybe not," Ross said with a shrug.

Suffice to say that that the half-promised liaison never came to fruition. After Ross went back home and Susie sought sanctuary in her room, Dan emerged from behind the sofa like a lion whose cubs had just been killed by a hunter. He flew next door and unashamedly pummelled Ross into a pulp.

In the fall-out, Susie was despatched to live with her aunt and cousin by the sea. A makeshift measure, it wasn't ideal, but was all he could come up with off the cuff. At least it got her away from the lecher living next door -- living, albeit through a straw. That was three weeks ago.

* * *

Three weeks later, morning's arrival in Jill's seaside home brought movement and soon Dan was sharing breakfast with three beautiful ladies, not quite sure where to look. Daylight had initiated guilt and words were sparing. Upon reflection, he wasn't sure whether his coming down here had improved matters or made them worse. Either way, it was time to go. "Right, I better be getting off home then," he announced.

Jill nodded her head in acknowledgement as Susie stared into her breakfast bowl. Singling out his daughter, Dan offered a heartfelt: "Promise me you won't mess up the rest of your life, Susie. You only get one chance..."

The girl continued to avoid his glance then, excusing herself hoarsely, fled tearfully from the table. "What did I say?" Dan appealed, hands raised in frustration.

"It's okay," Jill comforted. "I think Susie may have come to an important decision."

Dan looked back inquisitively. He could live to a hundred and not begin to understand the workings of the female brain. A minute's silence elapsed before his daughter's return, two full bags in hand. ", if you'll have me, I'd like to come home with you."

Dan was dumbstruck, swallowing a huge lump in an arid throat. Hayley rose from the table and gave her cousin a huge hug, followed by an unashamed kiss on the lips. "Take care," she heralded. "I'll come and visit soon if Uncle Dan will allow it."

"Yes of course," he replied, finding a voice at last.

"Good luck," whispered Jill, rising to kiss her brother's neck. "With any luck we can all get together again soon under more pleasant circumstances."

The two teenagers looked sheepish, their embarrassment at having initiated the gathering covered by a joyous Dan. "I'd like that very much," he responded, standing to usher his daughter to the car before she had a chance to change her mind. "Um, maybe we can take a holiday together -- a proper family holiday."

"Yay!" Susie cried, immediately warming to the idea. "Yes, we must. Ooh, when we get home the first thing I'm going to do is buy a new bikini."

Dan was taken aback, overwhelmed at the positive response. Susie hadn't shown the slightest interest in going away since her mother walked out. Yet as a kid she'd lived for their trips during the summer, home and abroad. It was like she had been reprogrammed to her old self. A round of fervent goodbyes and farewell kisses preceded father and daughter hitting the road for the journey home, waved off enthusiastically by Jill and Hayley.

Susie kept the promise to herself, alighting in town to search out the sexiest summer outfit on sale. A pleasant afternoon, Dan headed back to the house whereupon he changed into cut-off jeans and a billowy shirt, taking the newspaper out into the garden. Neighbour Tom Ross, having convalesced from the beating three weeks earlier, looked back uneasily over the waist-high wall, a family barbecue about to start. Ross moved closer, forcing a smile. "Dan," he said with a simple dip of the chin, their friendship having been irretrievably condemned in the wake of the indiscretion.

"Tom," Dan replied, equally abruptly.

Both men stood idly, acknowledging a mutual guilt. "Look, um, why don't you come around and have a beer?" the neighbour offered, trying to broker an impasse.

Dan rubbed his chin. It was a generous gesture given what had occurred and he wasn't sure who had been the more hurt: Ross physically or he emotionally. But broken bones heal and bitter memories fade and there was nothing to be gained from bearing a grudge forever. Gesturing his counterpart closer, Dan imparted with a stern look: "Susie's coming home, Tom. It goes without saying that you if lay one finger on her I swear to God I'll finish the job."

Ross raised his hands in contrition, an agitated glance over the shoulder to ensure his wife wasn't in earshot. Evidently he'd managed to convince her he'd been set upon by a mugger in a desperate attempt to save their marriage. "Dan, I swear I'll never..."

"Make sure you don't," Dan warned with a glare which quickly softened as his better nature prevailed. "Now, where's that beer?"

Ross issued a sigh of relief as Dan hauled his considerable frame onto and over the garden wall. Apart from his neighbour's school-aged kiddies who were tossing a Frisbee back and forth, the party was a middle-aged assemblage with in-laws from either side, the men talking sport, the women discussing summer holidays. Grabbing a can from the ice barrel, Dan joined the men on one side. At times like this when his mind was occupied with other thoughts, Dan could be a good listener.

Twenty minutes later, a familiar voice from the next door garden alerted everyone. "Dad? Dad, where are you?"

He looked over the wall to see that Susie had arrived home from shopping duties. Moreover, she was already fashioning the new bikini she'd threatened to buy. All the men's eyes were drawn as she wiggled to the wall. "Well, what do you think?" she enquired, peering over and visible from the navel up.

The bikini was similar to one Paris Hilton had been pictured wearing in the newspaper and the bodily similarities between the socialite and his daughter were evident for all to see -- only too evident. In lemon yellow, the bikini top was little more than two miniscule triangles that barely covered her areolas threaded together by a spaghetti string. Despite Susie being pert by modern day standards, there was nonetheless an acre of breast on show. Partly obscured by the wall, God only knew what the bottom half resembled.

In a show of gentlemanly concern, Ross' brother-in-law Alan ambled to the wall to help Susie over. To the disdain of Alan's middle-aged wife, the filthy pervert's hands roamed everywhere as he lifted the slim and luscious teenager over. Susie was in her selfish element: in the presence of a handful of middle-aged men, all smitten with lust. As Tom Ross greeted Susie with a peck on the cheek, Dan shot his treacherous neighbour a glare, causing him to look away embarrassedly. Yet he could do nothing about the other three men who, by their reactions, looked as if they hadn't had sex in months.

Dan's eyes bulged when finally Susie was allowed to escape the scrum: the bikini bottom was indeed as skimpy as the top. With a tiny triangle that was barely larger than one of her clenched fists, it was somewhat fortuitous that Susie was freshly waxed. The unmistakable ridge where a pair of gorgeous teen pussy lips pressed the material was visible for all to see. "So...what you think?" she prompted, singling out her father's gaze and giving a little twirl.

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