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Family Mix-Up

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Jeff starts randomly swapping bodies with family members.
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Jeff Cobble was thankful to finally be home. It had been a long day. But as he turned the doorknob and stepped inside, he felt all the stress and anxiety leave him. It was almost dinner time, and what he felt now more than anything else was hungry. He just wanted to microwave some leftovers and crash on the living room couch.

Normally, that wouldn't have been an option. His parents were sticklers about always eating the evening meal at the dinner table with the whole family, or at least, the family that still lived at home. But his mom and dad were on an anniversary cruise and wouldn't be back until sometime next week. Until then, it was just him and his oldest sister, Abby.

Jeff had three older siblings. The oldest was his brother, Andrew, who was seen as the golden child. He had become the successful one, with a lucrative job, trophy wife, large home, and lots of expensive toys.

Abby was born a year after Andrew. She had been the smart one, and had been on track to be just as successful as Andrew, if not more so. But she had been swept up in a torrid love affair that led to an ill advised marriage. To no one's surprise, it ended in divorce, and Abby found herself adrift without any educational or job prospects. Her life had stalled, and her parents had allowed her to see refuge back at home until she could get back on her feet.

Jeff's other sister, Jenny, was still in college, and having the time of her life. She still had two years to go, but she was making the most of them. She loved to party, which her sorority did plenty of.

That left Jeff, who was seen by everyone as the baby of the family, a fact they reminded him of constantly. He had recently turned eighteen and wanted to be seen as an adult, but knew it was unlikely to ever happen. He was a senior in high school, and everything was currently going his way. He got good grades, was popular, had a part time job, and best of all, had a smoking hot redhead named Heather for a girlfriend. In his social circle, he was seen as the man, envied by classmates and peers. But at home, he was the baby, the runt, the one who got told what to do whenever an older sibling was around.

Jeff pulled out leftover meatloaf and stuck it in the microwave. He heard his sister call from somewhere in their house, "Is that you brat?"

Brat was Abby's affectionate nickname for him. She said it was because their parents let Jeff get away with anything and everything. Jeff disagreed, he'd gotten in trouble plenty with them, but that wouldn't ever stop Abby from calling him that.

"It's me!" Jeff yelled back. "Just got home. You want me to microwave you anything?"

He heard a muffled response as his sister moved through the house. It was a big house. It had to be to hold all six of them. It wasn't a mansion, and they had to double up if they all came home for holidays or special occasions, but it suited their needs. Instead of asking her to repeat herself, Jeff waited, assuming she was making her way to the kitchen.

A few seconds later, his 23 year old sister walked in. Jeff tried not to judge as he took in her appearance. She was still wearing her pajamas, the ones she had worn the day before, and possibly the day before that. Her hair was disheveled, and she looked tired, even though she had probably been in bed all day with a bottle of wine. Before he could stop himself, the words were out of his mouth. "Another productive day of moping I see."

Abby punched her baby brother in the arm. Hard. "Shut up! I don't need you kicking me while I'm down."

"Ow! Hey, sorry. I'm just saying you've got to get back out there and live your life. Get a job. Go out on a date. There's plenty of fish in the sea and you should have no problem landing one."

"Why do you say that?"

"You know why. You're super talented and..."

His sister arched her eyebrow. "And?"

He vaguely gestured at her buxom hourglass figure that was mostly hidden behind baggy pajamas.

"Are you saying I'm pretty?"

Jeff blanched. "I said no such thing. What I am saying is that you won't look like this forever, so best make the most of it." He sniffed the air between them and noted, "But you might want to shower. I can smell you from here, and that stench lowers your chances significantly."

She swiped at him again, but this time he dodged. The microwave began beeping, and Abby opened the door and grabbed the plate of warmed meatloaf. "Thanks for making me food, brat."

"Those are my leftovers!"

"I asked you to make me something," she argued.


"When I was coming to the kitchen!"

"I couldn't hear you," he protested. He tried to grab the plate, but she retreated. "That's the last of the meatloaf! Give it!"

"You'll just have to eat the rest of the casserole then, brat, cause you're not getting this. It's the price for my silence."

"What silence?"

Abby gave her brother a sly grin. "About your little sleep over last night."

Jeff's mouth fell open, and his face went red. His girlfriend, Heather, had pretended to go home last night, but then had snuck into his room and stayed until morning.

"How did you..."

Abby laughed. "Are you kidding me? You don't sleep in a soundproof room, dummy. I could hear your girlfriend's moans all through the house. For a little brat, you must be doing something right."

"I'm bigger than you are!"

"And I can still put you in a headlock you can't get out of," Abby warned with a smile.

And that was the last that Jeff saw of the meatloaf. As he scanned the fridge for more leftovers, he appreciated the normal interaction he and his sister still had. That was something. He would have liked to tell her about his long day. He should tell someone. He texted Heather to see if she could spend the night again. He assumed by his sister's chill response that he could get by with another sleepover with his girlfriend. But then he thought about how his sister had heard them have sex. That was so embarrassing. Why did Abby have to tell him that?

His phone dinged. His girlfriend reminded him that she was studying tonight, and told him that he should be doing the same. They had a big test tomorrow, and she was right, he should be studying. It was his worst subject. The test was like a quarter of his grade or something. But he absolutely would have preferred to get laid. Try as he might, he could not change her mind, but she did promise to come over first thing in the morning. That was something at least. Maybe she'd give him a morning bj. And since he was wishing, why not a million dollars too.

He could call up a friend to come over, but he was tired, and he really should get some studying done. First though, he plopped down with the rest of the casserole and turned on the television. He absent mindedly shoveled the food into his mouth while watching a movie that wasn't that great. When he was done eating, he reclined on the sofa, and scanned his textbook for twenty minutes. That was the most studying he could manage, and then he resumed the movie. When it ended, he started another one, but only got halfway through before he was fast asleep.

A few time zones away on a large cruise ship, Jeff's parents were very much awake. Ned and Vickie Cobble were happily celebrating twenty five years of marriage on a cruise that catered to their every whim. Even though they were both in their late forties, they were still up for everything, and mostly in shape enough to do it. Victoria was anyway, Ned had developed more of a dad bod in recent years. But that didn't stop them both from snorkeling, parasailing, dancing, and taking in the sights at every port they stopped at. Neither stressed about their careers, and just got lost in each other for the last several days. They didn't even miss the kids.

They also made plenty of time for sex. That was supposed to be a given on an anniversary. But their pace had taken its toll on Jeff's libido. He couldn't keep up with his wife, which was ironic, because he had been the one with the high sex drive most of their marriage. But that particular night, Ned had another reason to not be in the mood. Around the time Jeff was falling asleep, Ned was overindulging at the buffet. They took in a show the cruise offered, and by the time they got back to their room, Ned was ready for unconsciousness.

His wife, however, was ready for lovin'. While Ned plopped onto the bed, his wife put on her most risque lingerie she had worn so far. She liked to keep getting racier every day just to keep her husband on his toes. She was worried she might wear him out though. Something about the ocean air made her sexually insatiable.

When she came back into the room, Ned was fast asleep. She tried to wake him up, but to no avail. She sighed. As she snuggled in next to him, she vowed to start the next morning off with a bang. In so many ways for their family, it did.

The sun was just making its appearance when Ned stirred. The first thing that he noticed was that the boat had stopped. He could not feel the thrum of the engine he had become accustomed to. They must have made an unexpected stop. But he couldn't hear the waves splashing against the boat either.

His half lidded eyes shot wide open as his mind fully awakened. His wife wasn't next to him. He wasn't even on a bed. He was reclining on a sofa. It was a familiar sofa, in a familiar room. These weren't the clothes he had gone to bed in. He sat up and looked all around. There was no doubt about it. He was not on the boat. He was in his house. Was he dreaming? It all felt so real. He pinched himself. He growled at the pain, but his voice sounded off.

Ned stood up. That's when he noticed something else. He had morning wood. That was a rarity these days. He used to get them every day when he was younger. Now that he thought about it, he felt younger. He felt great. He didn't feel any aches and pains from sleeping on the couch. He felt like he was, like he was...

He caught his reflection in the television screen. His figure was warped, but it didn't look like him. It looked like... Ned walked quickly to the downstairs bathroom and turned on the light. To his credit, when he saw his body in the mirror, he didn't scream, or make any sound for that matter. All he could do was stand and stare at the sight of his youngest son's body, staring back at him with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

Ned was a rational thinker, but all reason escaped him. The only person that might have an answer was his son, who presumably would be in his body. Problem with that was, his body was on a boat in the middle of nowhere with a cell phone that had spotty reception, but was turned off at the moment anyway. He would find a way to contact them. In the meantime, he would remain calm. No sense getting worked up. Not yet anyway.

Ned caught a whiff of his son's body. It didn't stink per se, but he could definitely use a shower. He turned the water on and got undressed. He caught his reflection in the mirror again, and thought how good it was to be a young person. His son's body had definition and sculpted abs, something that Ned lost after the first two years of marriage. Ned also couldn't help but notice the monster between his legs. Was it bigger than his? When had that happened? His son was certainly a man now.

As he stepped into the falling water, he realized how good everything felt. This was the body of an eighteen year old. As the soap glided over his sensitive skin, he felt an erection begin. He put a hand on it, and an electric pulse shot through him. It was a familiar sensation, but stronger and more persistent than he was accustomed to. He usually needed the help of a pill to maintain an erection, and his wife was always right there to help him with it. But at this moment, he had a hard, natural cock, that needed no help, only release.

Ned hadn't masturbated in a long time. He assumed it was like riding a bike. But he shouldn't. It wasn't his cock. As he gripped the shaft tightly and experienced a pleasurable jolt, he questioned this fact. It certainly felt like his cock. If he could touch it and feel it, didn't that make it his? Wasn't possession nine tenths the law or some philosophical bullshit. He was walking a mile in another's shoes, and one that was in the prime of life. If he didn't jerk off, it would be doing the universe a disservice.

Having thusly rationalized his deviant behavior, he began to vigorously stroke himself. Everything happened quicker than his own body. The pleasure came faster, and felt his balls tighten in less than a minute. And then there it was. His spunk shot out like a rocket, covering the shower wall and curtain. He chuckled at how intense it had been, and finished showering.

Ned first went to his room to get dressed, but was quickly reminded that his clothes were too big for his son's frame. He went to Jeff's room, and shook his head at the selection of clothes. It was shirts with names of bands he didn't know, or pop culture things he knew even less of.

He was getting dressed when the doorbell rang. He wondered who it could be? He then wondered if he should be the one to get it. His daughter Abby was here. Maybe she should be the one to answer given his current circumstance.

When the doorbell rang again, he heard his daughter's voice screech from her room, "Answer the door, brat!"

He narrowed his eyes. He was not a brat. He was her father, and he had a mind to go and set her straight. He was glad they could be there for her during this tumultuous time in her life, but he was still her father and would be treated accordingly.

As the bell rang again, he realized that in this body, that was only partially true. Ned was both her dad, and her little brother. He sighed and headed for the door. When he opened it, he saw Jeff's girlfriend, Heather, standing there with a sly smile on her face.

"I know I'm early," the cute redhead said. "But I did promise you a reward if you were a good boy and studied."

Ned didn't know what Heather was talking about, and Jeff's face must have show this, because Heather asked, "Were you a good boy?"

Ned knew the answer to that question. "Yes."

She beamed at him, and thankfully had no follow up questions. She squeezed by him and grabbed his hand. He barely managed to get the door shut as she began pulling him quickly towards Jeff's room.

As soon as they got there, she pushed him onto Jeff's bed and said quietly but firmly, "Get your pants off."

"Excuse me?"

"It's going to be hard to reward you if I can't see your cock."

Ned understood now. Jeff's girlfriend wanted to give him a blowjob. He instantly regretted jerking off in the shower 10 minutes ago. If he had known this was a possibility, he would have waited. There was no way he'd be able to perform now.

But as Heather pulled her shirt over her head, and unsnapped her bra, he felt his dick pulse. As his eyes took in Heather's large, freckled breasts, his dick leapt. And by the time he had yanked his jeans and underwear off, his dick was at the starting line, ready to race.

Heather's mouth was on Jeff's large member a heartbeat after that. There was no foreplay. She had come there to suck dick, and it was clearly not her first rodeo. She started moaning, and playing with his balls. She looked Ned right in the eyes as her tongue swirled about the shaft, and right then, Ned knew his son had found a winner. When she deep throated him, he wanted Jeff to propose marriage to her as soon as possible.

She was a gifted cocksucker. Maybe a prodigy. He hadn't thought he'd be able to achieve an erection so soon after cumming, even with a much younger body. But here he was, on the verge of another climax. His wife hadn't sucked him like this in years. Heather's mouth was so wet. Her tongue was all over the shaft. He could feel the tip of his dick hitting the back of her throat. He squeezed her hair, indicating that he was about to blow his load.

Heather's mouth came off immediately, but she kept stroking him with her hand. "Cum on my tits!" she pleaded.

Ned would pay for the ring himself at that point. He started to ask if she was sure, but it was too late.

As his first shot landed, Heather stroked even faster and said, "That's right, Jeff! Paint my big tits with your cum! I know you like that! They're all yours baby! Cum on them!"

Ned was surprised by how much spunk his son could still manage. By the time he was done, cum was sliding down both of Heather's breasts, and in one case, dripping off a nipple.

Heather unceremoniously grabbed one of Jeff's shirts on the floor and wiped herself off. "That was pretty hot. Now remember, if you get an A on the test, I'll let you fuck me again tonight."

As Heather ushered them off to school, Ned hoped he excelled at whatever subject this test was on.

Around the time Ned was taking Jeff's very important test, Jeff was waking up on a cruise ship. His mind was foggy, but his body felt good. Really good. He felt a weight on his midsection, and hot, wet pressure on his dick. Heather had snuck into his house and was fucking him. This was amazing. She was the best girlfriend.

Jeff opened his eyes and got the shock of his life. His mother was on top of him. She was wearing a red see thru bra and was rolling her hips with slow and sensuous movements. The effect only made his cock even harder inside of her.

As he started to struggle, she looked down at him. "I'm sorry I didn't wake you up before climbing on top of you this morning, darling. You were just so hard, and I wanted to feel you in me."

"Mom! Stop! It's me! Your son!"

Her face looked shocked, but also intrigued. "That's pretty kinky, but I'm down." Instead of stopping, she leaned down and pushed her boobs into Jeff's face. "Did you miss mommy's boobies? Would you like to suck on her titties?"

"No, I-" but then he couldn't talk without getting a mouthful of boob. What made it worse was that his dick didn't find his mother's boobs repulsive at all. He felt his dick get harder. So, apparently, did his mom.

"Yeah, you like that don't you! You like momma's titties! Well get a good mouthful while I, I...Oh Ned! Oh fuck! Momma's cumming!"

All Jeff could do was hold on as his mother began to slam her pussy up and down on him frantically for several seconds. Then she shook all over, then looked at him expectantly while she slowly rolled her hips. She was about to ask if he got his, when she felt his hot seed pump inside her. "That's it, son. Fill Mommy up. Get it all out."

When she saw his body relaxed and felt his dick begin to soften, she rolled off of him. "Well, that was different. We've never done mother son roleplay before. I'll admit, it was pretty hot."

After a few seconds of silence, Jeff managed a meek, "Mom, it's really me, Jeff. I don't know how you got here, but..."

She turned towards him. "What are you talking about, Ned?"

"You think I'm Dad?" Jeff asked.

She laughed and shook her head at him, thinking he was still teasing her. She got up to go get a towel. While she did, Jeff took in his surroundings. He was in a small room. A bed, a television, two chairs, a dresser, he could hear water. He was on the cruise with his parents. He looked down at himself. His belly had gotten bigger overnight. His body felt achy. He rushed into his bathroom, almost stopping as he saw his mom peeing into the toilet. At that point he figured it didn't matter as he'd just seen a whole lot more. He looked into the bathroom mirror, and almost passed out as he saw his dad looking back at him.

An hour later at Jeff's school, the principal came over the intercom. "Jeff Cobble. Please come to the principal's office."

The students tittered and jested as Jeff left the room. He got lost twice on the way through the halls, but eventually found the office. The principal pointed to the phone on his desk and said, "It's your father, Jeff. He said it was urgent."

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