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Family Orgy Ch. 01


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And unlike Panda, who until today had never really thought about playing with her own family, Mark had blazed past that boundary long ago. At first he lusted after Panda, and who wouldn't? But lately, his parents had become an object of obsession. Helen thought no one could desire her; not so. Mark tried to envision what she looked like naked. He considered putting a secret camera in her parent's bedroom to capture her (and his father) naked, but was too scared it would be discovered. He tried to sneak a peek when she came out of the shower. He looked at mature videos with women who looked at her, and stroked himself to powerful orgasms thinking about it.

And now he was also obsessed with his dad. Six months ago he had had his first jack off session focused on not just some "fantasy" son and "fantasy" dad, but of him personally sucking his dad's cock. The cum rocketed from his body as he orgasmed, biting his arm to suppress a screech of pleasure. A few months later he actually snuck into his parent's closet (barely missing his mom's secret box), with his tablet, an unprecedented step in furtherance of his lustful desires. He hoped to find and film them making love. Unfortunately, they just slept.

When he jacked off to his bisex incest fantasies, he licked up every bit of pre-cum that leaked from his piss hole; and when one of his powerful orgasms rocketed cum all the way to his mouth (which was often), he would swallow it all down.

If he had captured them having sex, he thought, would he have tried to join in? He didn't think so, but God he had had many orgasms thinking of fucking them both.

Of course it was unthinkable, impossible. It would never happen. He had to get it out of his mind, focus on regular chicks. But the videos were always there, a click away, dwelling on his mind. And his parents and sister, naked under their clothes, were only a room away...

* * *

Everything was ready. Panda had gamed out every possibility, thought through every angle. Everything she knew was coming together - her facility with "hijacking cock"; her dirty talking expertise; her fascination with incest; and the things she had discovered in her snooping that morning.

Still, there was great risk in what she was doing. It was very possible her plan wouldn't work. In that case, though, she would just leave home, like she was planning to do anyway. Her mother's obstinate dictates had forced her into this situation - she had to fuck more, wanted to fuck more, and she could do so only through this plan or by leaving home.

No matter what, if this didn't work, she had fixed it so that she would still experience her most powerful, taboo orgasm yet. Her family was going to see her naked tonight, and at the very least she would finger herself to a screaming, mind-blowing orgasm in front of all of them. The thought of that made Panda's pulse race and her sopping wet pussy even wetter.

Now the only thing left was to do it.

* * *

At dinnertime, Panda took slow, lugubrious bites of her food, looking intently at all her family members. Perhaps they sensed something different about her, but on one could have ever divined her true intentions.

As usual, after dinner, the family retired to the family room to watch TV. As usual, Steve was already in his loose pajamas, having showered earlier. He sat on his usual La-Z-Boy, looking at his tablet and occasionally looking up at the TV. Mark and Helen sat on the couch across the way from Steve's chair; she doing a crossword, he as usual consumed with viewing his tablet.

Panda entered the room. She was wearing pajamas as well - but ones she hadn't worn in three years, since she was 15. She was busting out of them at this age; her breasts straining against the tight fabric, her hips and buttocks threatening to burst.

Helen looked at Panda, opened her mouth to say something disapproving, but then thought better of it.

Panda closed the hall door behind her. It was the only door out of the room; unbeknownst to her family, Panda had switched the doorknob that afternoon, making it lockable from the outside. She now locked that door and placed the key secretly in a box behind the lamp. The only other egress from the room was the sliding glass door; also that afternoon, Panda had jimmied it shut from the outside, making it impossible to open from indoors.

They were all locked in.

Panda an occasional college student; she was currently taking a psychology class. She picked up a red nylon cord.

"Daddy," she said in a sweet voice. "I have to do an experiment for my psych class. It's called a 'trust experiment.' I have to tie someone up lightly in my family, and ask them how they feel. Could you do it?"

"Ahh, can't you experiment on Mark for a change?" Steve said good-naturedly. This was not the first time he had been the subject of one of Panda's school projects.

"I'll experiment on him later. C'mon, Daddy, please let me do it? Please?" she ended with a winsome, beautiful smile.

"Allright," Steve said. He calmly allowed Panda to loop the rope around his ankles and his wrists; she then took the rope behind the La-Z-Boy, and placed it around the back. She had practiced this various times this afternoon; she knew it would work.

With a sharp tug, Steve's arms and legs were pinned to the sides of the La-Z-Boy. "Hey, that's kinda tight" he said.

"I know. I like tight things." Panda replied.

She faced her father, her back toward her mother and brother. Her pulse was racing; her pussy juice flowing freely - if one had looked toward her crotch, the wetness sopping through the pjs would have been visible.

But no one looked.

"Time to bust this family right open" Panda said under her breath.

"What?" Steve said. Panda did not reply. With a swift movement her left hand reached over to the waistband of her father's pajamas, grabbing both them and the underwear beneath, and tugging them forward. Panda's right hand then thrust forward, into her father's pants, and cupped his penis.

Panda exhaled with glee. She was doing it! SHE WAS ACTUALLY TOUCHING HER FATHER'S COCK!!

The cock was soft and mostly pliable. But Panda's experienced hands could sense a hint of hardness underneath - no doubt caused by her revealing clothing. Her nimble fingers immediately began manipulating her father's manhood, touching everything - head, shaft and balls. Within a second she had the head between her thumb and index finger, which began rapidly rolling the sensitive area on the shaft directly beneath the head. Her other fingers kneaded the rest of the cock and Steve's balls.

This was "cock hijacking" at its best. This was what Panda specialized in; what she loved to do; what she was so good at. She was pretty sure it would work.

At first Steve inhaled deeply in shock at Panda's completely unexpected action. He tried to wriggle away; but of course, he was helplessly pinned down to the La-Z-Boy by the nylon rope. "What the..." he exclaimed. As Panda began to expertly manipulate his cock, Steve looked up and saw the lust-filled look on her face. At this point he was entirely filled with shock; he didn't know what was going on.

"Stop! Panda. STOP!" he yelled.

But Panda of course had no intention of that. Deliberately, irresistibly, remorselessly she continued caressing her father's tool. Within seconds she would know if this was going to work; if he would respond or not.

A man's cock is filled with millions of sensory cells; it without a doubt is the most sensitive part on his body. And if it is properly touched, no matter what the context, it will respond. The only way it knows how. By getting hard.

Which is what happened to Steve.

Panda sensed the hardness in her hands. It was working! HER FATHER WAS GETTING FUCKING HARD! AND SHE WAS DOING IT! She redoubled her efforts.

Before he knew what was happening, before he could respond or tell his body what to do, Steve's cock began to stiffen under his daughter's able touch. Oh shit, he thought. Fuck, gotta stop this before something terrible happens!

This time, Steve didn't just yell, he screamed: "PANDA, GODDMAMN IT, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!"

The yell finally alerted Helen and Mark to what was happening on the other side of the room. Helen looked up, and saw Panda bent over her father. What was she doing? Was she hitting his lap?

To her utter shock and horror, Helen saw it was none of these. Above the curve of his pajamas, just emerging, was the head of Steve's cock. A hand was attached to it, touching it, playing with it. The hand of Panda. Her daughter.

"What the fuck" she whispered.

Mark at first couldn't believe what was happening. He too, saw the very tip of his father's cock, peeking out over the pajama waistline. And being jacked off by Panda. Something he was never supposed to see. Something he had longed to see. But as of yet, he was too much in shock to feel anything about it. He sat on the couch, stunned, mesmerized by the sight in front of him.

Steve's cock was now more than half-hard. And that was the point of no return. A dozen more strokes, and it was almost fully erect. A few more, and it was completely engorged. Panda put her left hand into the cushions of the La-Z-Boy, and produced fabric shears, which she had secreted there that afternoon. With a quick movement, she began cutting through her father's pajama top, slicing it off from bottom to top.

Steve still couldn't believe what was happening to him. He still tried to struggle, but the reality was that pleasure was now radiating from his cock, caused by Panda's expert jerking. His legs felt weak; and in any event he was still tied down fast to the chair. All he could do was talk, as Panda disrobed him.

"Panda, baby, stop it. This is wrong. I'm your father. Stop it, fucking STOP IT."

Panda replied by ripping off his top, exposing his chest. She now moved the scissors down to his pajama bottoms and underwear.

"Oh my God, Panda, no more, you can't do this, NO MORE."

Rippppp. Panda with one movement pulled off pajama bottoms and underwear. Steve was now totally naked, exposed to his whole family, his fully erect cock being jacked off by his hot 18 year old daughter.

For the first time, Panda spoke, in a low voice to her father first.

"I don't think so Daddy. I know what you want. We're all going to fuck each other! All of us! And by the time this night's through, we're all gonna eat your cum!"

Then, standing next to Steve (but still stroking his cock), Panda addressed her brother and mother.

"Fuckin-A! Daddy is such a PERVERT! He's completely hard after being jacked off by HIS OWN DAUGHTER! What a fuckin' freak!

"I've looked at Daddy's and Mark's computers, Mommy. Know what they're looking at? Porn! But not just any porn, they both love not just pussy but COCK too! And they fucking love looking at families that fuck together! Don't try and deny it!"

Neither Steve nor Mark did; the look on their faces betrayed it all.

"Now, Mommy, tonight I am going to FUCK Daddy's long, hard COCK. And there's nothing you can do about it. And you can't complain, since it's been so long since you fucked him.

"But first, I think his cock needs a little extra pleasure given to it. By my MOUTH. Since you haven't touched it in so long!"

Finally, Panda looked straight at her mother. "And by the way, I also know about your dildo collection. Daddy, Mommy likes fucking her pussy with an 8 inch realistic cock. Isn't that hot?"

And with that, Panda went on her knees, and with a swift movement, enveloped her father's cock in her mouth.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh" Steve exclaimed, overwhelmed by the delicious sensation of it.

On the couch, Panda's dirty words suddenly seemed to waken Helen from her reverie. She suddenly noticed that Steve had stopped struggling. He was ENJOYING this.

Helen strode over to Panda and picked her up. Her husband's cock came out of her daughter's mouth with an audible "Pop."

But instead of fighting back or trying to get away, Panda did something totally unexpected. She suddenly clamped her mouth on her mother's mouth, and began a deep, penetrating french kiss. Her right arm started grabbing her mother's ass, while her left began to vigorously paw at Helen's bottoms, fighting to get at her pussy region.

Shocked, Helen pushed away, and sat down on the couch. Again, she seemed to lapse into a kind of disbelieving stupor, trying to look away. Mark was already there. He sat stock still, riveted at the incredible scene before him.

Panda bent down again between her father's legs and kept up her delicious sucking. Slowly she pulled off her tight top, revealing her beautiful tits; then pulled down her pants, revealing to the entire family her perfect ass and sopping wet pussy. She threw them down, and began to idly finger herself with her free hand, slowly moving three fingers into and out of the pink slit, wetting them with the delightful pussy juice, moving her ass rhythmically to and fro as she pleasured herself.

Mark's eyes moved from his father's cock to his sister's perfect petite twat. Suddenly his cock fully extended itself into a hard erection. "Pussy and cock, so good" he mumbled to himself, as he had done in his jack-off sessions. Next to him, his mother heard the obscene words and tried to turn her head away. But in the corner of her eye, she could still see her daughter's smooth tight ass bobbing and weaving, her husband's cock appearing and disappearing out of Panda's mouth.

Steve kept mumbling "No, No No," as Panda's mouth bobbed up and down his cock, to which Panda (after she lifted her mouth) replied:

"Your mouth says no no no, but your COCK says yes yes YESSSSSS"

She certainly was a good cocksucker. Her mouth explored every square millimeter of her father's cock, her tongue tenderly exploring his piss hole, the top, middle and bottom of his shaft, and his hairy balls. As she removed her mouth, a large drop of pre-cum emerged from the tip of the cock.

"Fuck yeah! Daddy's pre-cum" Panda removed it with her index finger, and lovingly rubbed it off on her tongue. "So fuckin' good. No wonder you love this cock, Mom! It makes such delicious juice!"

Steve appeared to get a second wind at resistance. He spoke up to Helen and Mark. "Ok, Panda and I have to ... ohhhhh ... talk. Please leave the room. After ... uhhhhhhh ... I talk to her, I'll let you know what we decide. Ungghhhhh. We need privacy. GET OUT ... Ohhhhhhhh."

Helen actually seemed to hear this. Like a zombie, she stood up and half-heartedly tried to open the door. Of course it was locked. She gave up and sat back down beside Mark.

Panda stopped her sucking. "Daddy, I think I have to help out Mommy and Mark. You can sit there and watch while I play with them. You'll like watching, it'll be just like viewing your videos!" With a smirk, she turned around to sashay seductively toward her mother and brother. Steve stayed tied to the chair, his cock completely erect, pulsing in the open air.

She began to take off Mark's shirt. "C'mon, big brother, I know this turns you on. I watched your videos! You got your hot sister's pussy right next to you, mommy's pussy too." Seeing how Mark's gaze was riveted on his father's openly exposed cock, Panda added: "And maybe best of all, Daddy's COCK! Goddamn you're a fuckin' pervert, Mark!"

She began pulling down Mark's pants, then his underwear. There emerged his cock, fully erect, 7 inches long and of over average girth. The top half was already smeared with pre-cum.

"I saw your jack-off sequences on your video, big brother. You cum real good!" Then facing her mother, Panda exclaimed. "Look here, Ma! Your son's cock is bigger than your husband's! I know you like big cocks, you loved that 8-incher, right! Well this one's almost as good!"

She began to jack off her brother's slipper cock. Instantly he uttered a long and loud "Ohhhhhhh".

"You really, really wanna fuck me, don't you" Panda said. Mark groaned in reply. Panda picked up Mark's tablet, left on the couch. "We gotta record this, the real thing this time." She started the camera rolling, and propped it on the back of the couch so that everything in the room would be recorded.

Then with one move, she raised her leg up, sat down, and impaled her hot, wet vagina onto her brother's stiff cock.

"UNNNGGHHHH" Mark exclaimed in pleasure.

"OHHHHHHHHHH" Panda cried out, as the pleasure of the taboo act overwhelmed her. This was so much better than even her most incredible hopes.

She began to ride her brother on the couch, bouncing up and down, right next to their mother. Across the room, Steve watched his children fucking; his cock jerked and strained at the incredible sight. He was by now fully enveloped by lust, as he watched the incredible, the impossible happen.

Helen was still trying to look away. But it was impossible to ignore the noisy, fucking pair on the couch next to her. And Panda wouldn't stop talking. "Oh, fuck, Mom ... unghhhhh... Mark's cock is sooooooo goooooood! . . . Big, thick and veiny ... ooohhhhhh... You gotta try this cock. . . yessss... you'll fuckin' love it."

She also spoke to her brother beneath her. "You wanna fuck Mommy, too, don't you!"

"Fuck yeah!" Mark said in a guttural groan.

"Start taking off her clothes" Panda commanded.

With strong hands, Mark began to paw and tear at his mother's blouse as she sat on the couch beside him. With a roar and great rip he tore the shirt off her torso, revealing a dowdy white heavy broadcloth bra. Helen gasped and tried to get up, but Panda grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her down.

"I know you want his cock, you slutwhore! I know it!" Panda shouted.

Helen did know it. Incredibly, her pussy was on fire. She had never enjoyed porn, but the sight of the three naked bodies in the room - HER FAMILY!! - had turned her on. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak. Lust was moving up from her belly to her throat, like a thick coating of mucous. And after all, why should she be all "good" when her own husband had cheated on her, right in front of her? When her son had also revealed himself to be the rankest pervert? When her daughter's pussy was sooooo beautiful...

That thought shocked her to her core. She had never had lesbian thoughts except in her dreams. But the insanity of these events had changed her utterly. With the world turned upside down, the impossible was now possible. And she was being dragged, pussy first, into it.

Mark began playing with his mother's bra. With a groan, he found the latch on the back, and took it off. Immediately Helen's large, pendulous tits spilled forth. Opulent and lolling, they were an incredible sight to behold. Both son and daughter breathed in deeply; this was the first time they had seen their mother's tits since childhood.

Their lustful desires catapulted into overdrive. Seducing Steve was in the realm of possibility; he was a man, with a cock just like any man, and Panda had already found out his deepest sexual secrets and knew how to exploit them. But her mother? In her heart of hearts, Panda hadn't believed it was possible. But it turns out that beneath her matronly surface, Panda and her mother shared a similar lustful being. As, perhaps, anyone caught in such an incredible situation might discover, no matter how prudish.

Mark was now struggling to take off his mother's pants. Eager to help in the incredible seduction, Panda stood up, disengaged from her brother's cock and began tugging off her mother's pants. With a rip and a whoosh, only large grandmother panties stood between Helen and total nakedness.

"I wanna see that PUSSY!" Panda screamed, and with one sharp jerk ripped off her mother's panties; with her other hand she shoved Helen's legs open.

Helen's naked glorious, hairy fuckhole was now fully revealed. Like many older women, their mother had a meaty, protuberant vagina, with zig-zaggy, prominent pussy lips. Pubic hair surrounded most of the motherly pussy; all of the hairs near the entrance were soaked in pussy juice, and its tangy, pungent smell filled the air; it was clear to everyone she was completely wet.

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