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Family Secrets, I Know All Ch. 09

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With Brett hurt and his Mom away, it's Susan to the rescue.
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Part 9 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/02/2013
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I'd like to thank Steven for giving me the inspiration to write this story.

With Brett injured and his mother on her way to Bermuda, Susan to the rescue.

A couple of hours later while Tiffany and Michael were waiting at the airport to board their plane for Miami for them to board the ship for their cruise to Bermuda, Susan answered the phone at home.


There was a brief silence on the other end as if the caller expected someone else to answer the phone and had the wrong number.

"Hello?" Again a pause on the other end. "This is Elizabeth, the school nurse calling on behalf of your son, Brett."

School nurse? My son? The nurse must think she's Tiffany. Susan hoped that Brett wasn't injured or ill.

"I'm not Brett's mother. I'm a close family friend. Is he okay?"

She imagined the worst, a broken leg or another concussion, with him always being injured during football practice.

"I can only discuss the condition of his injury with his parent or legal guardian," said the nurse. "Are you his legal guardian?"

With Tiffany and Michael already at the airport, now what is she going to do?

"No," said Susan. "His parents are at the airport ready to board a plane for Miami for their cruise to Bermuda. I'm housesitting while watching their children." Feeling pressured, Susan thought quickly what to do in an emergency. "If I call Brett's Mom and she calls you with permission for me to intercede on her behalf in Brett's medical care, will that work?"

Susan knew that whatever happened to Brett must be pretty bad for the school nurse to call home.

"Yes," said the nurse. "Parental permission is acceptable even over the phone. Brett's fine. Don't worry. He just had an accident on the football field. The inside of his thighs are badly bruised where the helmet of another player hit."

Relieved that it was only bruised thighs and not a broken leg, as if that wasn't bad enough that he was injured yet again, the first thing that went through Susan's mind was that he had a head injury, another concussion. These high school coaches thing that their players are professionals when they're just boys that haven't fully developed yet.

"Actually, now that I think of it. Brett is an adult. He's over 18-years-old. He doesn't need parental permission for anyone to speak on his behalf," said Susan. "He can even request that I be in the room with him, if that's his wish."

There was a pause and a rustle of papers as if the nurse was checking his school records to verify his age.

"Oh, I didn't know he was over 18," said the nurse with a face full of relief.

In the way she was being so familiar with his cock, if he was a minor, she'd be a sexual offender, a pedophile, but with him being of age, she was off the hook. Now, once he graduated high school, without fear of losing her job, she was free to look him up, make a date, and have her wicked, sexual way with him without having any repercussions from the school board.

"His mother held him back a year for him to start school a year later, until he was more emotionally mature," said Susan. "I'm sure you know that he's not the brightest crayon in the Crayola box," said Susan with a laugh.

Obviously reaching a topic of discussion that they both agreed, the nurse laughed too.

"They're all like that at that age," said the nurse in commiseration. "They all think they know everything when they don't know anything. It's my job to guide them and to help teach them right from wrong," said Nurse Elizabeth getting high up on her soap box.

Teach him what? Sex? Is that what she thinks she's going to teach Brett? With Brett already having had sex with his sister and wanting to have sex with her too, his mother's best friend, Brett knows all about sex. Guide him? Guide him where? Into her bed? With Susan wanting to have sex with Brett too, obviously, this nurse was just as slutty as she was. Suddenly relieved the Brett was in good hands, Susan liked the nurse. For some inexplicable reason, she bonded with her. Perhaps they had a connection because they were both cougars on the prowl looking for young, hard bodied men who had big, hard cocks.

"I was the same way at that age," admitted Susan.

As if Brett's cock was her personal, pliable plaything of pure sexual pleasure, Nurse Elizabeth continued holding Brett's erection in her hand while talking to Susan on her cell phone. Slowly she stroked him while he felt her tits through her nurse's uniform. If only Susan knew what was happening in the nurse's office, she'd probably pull up a chair and watch in the way that she pulled up a chair to watch Brett having sex with his sister, Erin.

"Okay, thank you for telling me that he's over 18-years-old," said the nurse. "I'll tell him that you're coming to take him home. I'm sure he'll love to see you."

She wondered how a nurse can care for a patient without knowing all that she can about his medical background, the least of which is his age.

"I'm surprised you didn't know his age. With him injured enough at school, just curious but don't you have his medical record there with you? He's been hurt playing football so many times before that he must have an extensive file."

She listened as the nurse rustled through my papers.

"I do," said the nurse. "With the two boys carrying him in and with Brett in such pain, more concerned with his injuries, I just didn't take the time to read completely through his medical record. My first concern was to administer him medical care," she said stroking him a little faster before leaning forward to briefly take him in her mouth to suck him.

Nurse Elizabeth stood, took a step back, and ran her tongue across her lips while staring at Brett. If only Susan knew that the nurse was more concerned with Brett's cock than she was with his medical care, they'd be friends. If only Susan knew that Nurse Elizabeth just took Brett's cock in her mouth, she'd be jealous. With them sharing the same sexual peccadillo in their appreciation of having sex with much younger men, no doubt, they'd become close enough. They could compare notes. They could go clubbing together. No doubt, if only having their sexual preferences in common, they'd be best friends.

"And what medical care have you given him?"

If only Susan knew that Brett was in good hands, literally and figuratively, as well in good mouth too, she needn't worry.

"I gave him an ice bag to reduce the swelling and a couple of aspirin," said the nurse.

Ice bag? Even though the nurse told him that he had badly bruised thighs, Susan figured he must have hit his head.

"So what happened? How is he?"

"He was hit in the groin when tackled by a much bigger player. He wasn't wearing a cup. He said he forgot his cup at home," said the nurse. "The inside of his thighs are badly bruised. He's lucky he didn't break a leg or even both of his legs."

At least now with the nurse aware of his age and adult status, there wouldn't be any issue of her getting information from the nurse or from Brett.

"But, just so that there's no issues, I'll call his mother to make her aware of what happened and will have her call you with permission for you to discuss his medical condition with me. I'd rather she know firsthand what has happened with her son," said Susan. "I'm leaving for the school right after I call her."

Susan figured just in case his injury needed a doctor's care, she'd have Tiffany call Brett's doctor in advance too. If he were her son, she'd want him checked out by a doctor and perhaps to have an X-ray in the way that baseball teams do for their players even if they have a broken fingernail. It's overboard how baseball ballplayers are pampered. If they were hockey players with broken teeth, contusions, and broken ribs, they'd just send them back on the ice and give them medical care for them after the game.

"Bye," said the nurse.

"Bye," said Susan.

Susan called Tiffany.

* * * * *


Tiffany answered the phone while sitting at the airport waiting for her plane to board.

"Hi Tiffany, its Susan."

"What happened? What's wrong?"

Tiffany panicked as only a mother can panic.

"Not to worry. Brett is fine but he was hurt on the football field," said Susan. "Do you need the number for the school nurse?"

"Oh God. How serious is it this time? How is he? It's always something with him. He's had so many injuries with that damn football that I have the school nurse's number on speed dial. I just hope it's not another concussion. I just hope he hasn't broken anything," she said. "Brett hurt himself playing football again," said Tiffany to Michael.

"With him graduating in a few weeks, I'm glad he's a senior and this is his last year of football," said Michael in the background.

"The nurse said not to worry so maybe his injuries are minor. She said he has some bruising on his inner thighs where another player hit him with his helmet," said Susan to Tiffany. "At first the nurse wouldn't disclose any information about his medical condition unless she has your permission. Can you call her? I'm on my way to the school right now," said Susan.

"He's eighteen Susan. He doesn't need my permission. He can speak for himself," she said. "Being the horn ball that he is and with the crush that he has on you, I'm sure he'll have no problem with you being in the room with him while being examined," said Tiffany with a dirty laugh.

"I told the nurse he's over eighteen but in case he needs medical care while you're away, after you call the school nurse, can you call his primary care doctor for her to allow me to be in the room with him? You know how combative he gets with doctors," she said.

"You're right. He's not a very good patient. I'll call Elizabeth, the school nurse and then I'll call Robin, his doctor," said Tiffany laughing suddenly. "With a continuous, sexually excited look on his face, the last time he injured himself, I gave him sponge baths and he always had an erection," she said laughing.

"He must have loved that," said Susan while she imagined giving Brett the same type of medical care.

The image of her stroking Brett's cock while giving him a sponge bath consumed her. Not putting it past her, she wondered if Tiffany gave Brett a hand job and/or a blow job while giving him a sponge bath in the way that she obviously would if the opportunity ever presented itself.

"With me washing his cock as if giving him a hand job, it wouldn't surprise me if he purposely injured himself just so that you can give him sponge baths and wash his cock in my absence," she said with a laugh.

Susan imagined giving Brett sponge baths while paying special attention to cleaning his cock by wrapping her hand around it and rubbing it up and down and up and down really fast. Inspiring her sexual fantasy, she imagined her tee shirt getting wet, so wet that it was virtually see through and she wasn't wearing a bra. She imagined Brett feeling her tits and fingering her nipples through her tee shirt, while she washed his cock before he ejaculated his cum all over her hand.

"I'll call you when I bring him home to let you know if I'll be bringing him to see his doctor or if the doctor can't see him and if I need to bring him to the emergency room," said Susan. "I'm almost at the school now."

Susan parked her car in the school parking lot and walked the long distance from her car to the school. Depending how injured Brett is, she may have to wheel him out in a wheel chair, leave him at the door, and pick him up in her car.

"I'll be on a plane by then and then a ship. You may not be able to reach me until I dock somewhere. We're boarding now Susan. I'll call you when I land at Miami," said Tiff. "Thank you for taking care of my children."

"No problem," said Susan.

With Brett 18-years-old and his sister, Erin, 19-years-old, acting more adult with all of the sexual content and context in their lives, they're hardly children. If only Tiffany knew the good, sexual care she was hoping to give Brett and Erin while she was gone, she wondered if she'd approve. With the school doors locked for security, Susan rang the bell while looking in the camera.

"Yes? Hello? May I help you?"

Not that long ago, Susan remembered when she was in college. A different time back then, anyone could walk on the school grounds and in the school. Now with all of the recent school shootings, nearly every school across the country has beefed up security and is virtually on continue lockdown.

One time when she left the toilet after peeing, she saw a man in the mirror standing in the girls' bathroom and in the open stall behind her with his pants down around his ankles. He was watching her in the mirror leaving her stall. Immediately, she noticed him. With her being the exhibitionist that she was back then, if she was born a guy, no doubt, she'd be doing the same thing, flashing women her cock. Being that she was alone with him in the women's toilet, she raised her short skirt and lower her panty and leaned forward to moon him while giving him a show of her pussy and ass. She washed her hands and left while he ejaculated on the floor to all that she showed him and all that he saw of her.

She should have reported him but she didn't. He was harmless. If anything, she felt bad for him. For him to flash himself in that way, someone must have sexually abused him in the way that seven separate men sexually abused her. Now the schools are more like prisons on lockdown than they are places of learning. As if the airports aren't bad enough with their TSA agents body searching everyone, and as if schools are now a city, state, or federal building with their metal detectors, no one gets in and no one leaves without going through security first.

"I'm here to see the school nurse. My son was injured," she said lying that Brett was her son for the purpose of not having to explain and share personal information with the school secretary.

"I'll buzz you in," she said.

'That was easy,' thought Susan. 'So much for security. She could have been anyone. She could have been packing a gun and had a grudge against a teacher. She could have been a kidnapper or a child molester.'

* * * * *

Susan walked to the nurse's office, a familiar walk she's made numerous times with Tiffany. With her knowing the school nurse and the school nurse knowing her, she knew that once the nurse saw her that there wouldn't be a problem with her sharing Brett's medical information. Besides, with Brett being 18, she wouldn't have a problem accompanying him to the doctor's office too as his temporary parent either. With the nurse's office only a couple of doors down from the principal's office, if she wasn't driving Tiffany to see the principal because of something that Erin attitudinally did when she was in high school, she was there to see the nurse with Brett being hurt playing football. She was glad that he was graduating high school in a few short weeks.

Not the brightest bulb, when it came to school, it took Tiffany all the convincing that she could muster to convince Brett to attend community college in September. Erin was no better. It took all the convincing that Tiffany could muster for her to convince Erin to attend college for nursing a couple of years ago when she graduated high school instead of working at a minimum wage job and hanging out with her friends. With all the naked bodies that Erin has already seen at only 20-years-old, almost 21, it made perfect sense that she'd want to be a nurse or a mortician. Obviously, she has a thing for naked bodies.

As soon as Susan entered the nurse's office, as she knew she would, the nurse recognized her. An older woman in her fifties, a woman who never married and took her job very seriously as if every student was her child or her potential 18-year-old sex partner, Susan could tell she had repressed issues of sexual frustration. A redeeming quality that Susan shared with the school nurse, in the way that older men were predators of younger women, she was a predator of younger men too. She was one of those women who'd never admit that she had a sexual problem and an inherent sexual attraction to much younger men but it was obvious to Susan that she did. A common ground that they both shared and could relate over a cocktail or two, they were both cougars. Even though Susan wasn't married, divorced actually and didn't any children, she was still a MILF that any young man would want to fuck.

There were lots of rumors about Nurse Elizabeth meeting up with and dating male students after they graduated high school. Definitely she was a cougar on the prowl. In the way she dressed in her freshly starched uniform and wore her hair down instead of up and pinned back, never without her makeup and bright, red lipstick, she reminded Susan of Nurse Ratched, played by Louise Fletcher, from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. In the way that her hair was dyed blonde, she was busty, and she wore her nurse's uniform shorter and lower cut than it should be, she reminded Susan of Hot Lips Houlihan from MASH. When not referring to her as a MILF, Nurse Ratched and Hot Lips were how the students referred to her as.

"Susan. Hi. I thought that was you on the phone. I didn't put two and two together," said the nurse.

Susan gave her a smile while looking around her office for Brett.

"It's been a while since I was here last with Tiffany, Brett's Mom, a couple of months ago when he had his last concussion," said Susan. "How's the patient?"

As if she was about to share what really took place with the two players carried Brett in and deposited him on her table and in her care, a flicker of sexual excitement flashed across Nurse Elizabeth face.

"Well, he's fine but he's in a lot of pain. He's stiffly sore. You should have his family doctor check him out," she said. "I gave him an icepack to hold on his injured area. He's bruised but I didn't see any other injury. There's no bleeding but his inner thighs are still a little sore and tender to the touch. He wasn't wearing a cup," she said suddenly whispering. "He forgot it home and he was hit right in the testicles when tackled by a boy who weighs 300 pounds. He's all swollen down there," said the nurse giving Susan a perverse smile.

"I know. You told me that already over the phone," said Susan who was annoyingly uncomfortable talking to another cougar of a woman about Brett.

If she imagined the nurse stripping off his pants and underwear, and she did, she'd be right. Maybe because she deemed the nurse as sexual competition was the reason why she didn't like her talking about Brett's bruised and sore inner thighs. Seeing how the nurse acted with young men was as if holding a mirror up to Susan in the way that she acted with Brett. Susan saw much of herself in the nurse's inappropriate sexual behavior when it came to men who were less than half her age. In the nurse's obvious readiness to have sex with any student over 18-years-old, when picking up young men in bars and bringing them home for sex, she made Susan wonder if she'd be like her ten years from now. With this a small town, it was difficult for residents to keep secrets, especially someone in such a high profile position as the school nurse.

"What I didn't tell you over the phone was that I felt a lump in his testicle when I was examining him. I've handled enough testicles in my career to know when something doesn't feel right," said the nurse. "Most times it's nothing but it's always good to have a doctor have a look."

Even though the nurse was always professional when in her environment of nursing, in the way she stared, leered, and lusted over the 18-year-old male students, it was obvious to Susan that the nurse had repressed, sexual, frustration issues. With the whole school aware of her salaciously bawdy reputation but having no proof that any of the rumors were true, she always viewed the nurse as bit of a pervert instead of a prude. What 18-year-old to 21-year-old man would step forward to report that they were sexually solicited and seduced by a horny, sexy woman who was more than twice their age?


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