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Family Secrets, I Know All Ch. 11

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Susan assumes her matriarchal role as Dominatrix of family.
7.8k words

Part 11 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/02/2013
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I'd like to thank Steven for giving me the inspiration to write this story.


Susan assumes her secret, matriarchal role as the Dominatrix of her entire adopted family, mother, Tiffany, father, Michael, daughter, Erin, and son, Brett.

With Brett's mother, Tiffany, on a cruise to Bermuda with her husband, Michael, she left Susan in charge of their children, 19-year-old almost 20-year-old, Erin, and 18-year-old, Brett. Obviously at that age, able to care for themselves, they don't need adult supervision. Yet, at that age, with all the trouble they could get into, especially with Erin so sexually wild and sometimes so out of control partying, they certainly did need a babysitter. Besides, with Erin a bad influence on her younger brother, it took Susan all the powers of persuasion she had to stop Brett from following his sister to ruin.

Actually, with both of them basically good kids, adults now, everything would have been fine and so much better for Susan, if Erin hadn't been intent on being the one in control, sexual and otherwise, of Brett and not Susan. Pushing her limits and trying Susan's patience, obviously she wanted to see how far she could go in her mother's absence. If only Erin knew that Susan had a sexy, sexual secret. If only Erin knew that Susan was a closeted Dominatrix just biding her time while to dominate her and the rest of her family. If only Erin knew that, one day soon, Susan was waiting to corral her whole family into submission with discipline and punishment. Not now and not ever, if only Erin knew that Susan would never relinquish control of anything to Erin.

Frustratingly for Susan, thwarting her every move, Erin ran interference in the way of a linebacker chasing after a running back when trying to make moves to run by her. With Susan hoping to score a touchdown in retaking control of Tiffany's children, and having to settle for a field goal in hopes of winning back Brett, Erin was seemingly always there to block her bid to reach the end zone. Fighting to assume control of her entire adopted family, 42-year-old Susan needed to regain not only her control over Erin and Brett again but also over the whole family which included Tiffany, their mother, and Michael, their father.

She needed to punish them all for being so bad. She needed to discipline them so that she could control them. Just as she needed to strip Tiffany naked in front of her husband and son, she needed to strip Erin naked in front of her father and brother. Then, making them all submit to her will, she needed to fuck them all with her strap-on dildo that she called Devil. She only wished she had a dark, dank dungeon. If she had a dungeon, she'd tie them all to the wall and leave them there until they submitted their wills to her.

Today, Susan was scheduled to take Brett to see his doctor, pediatrician, Dr. Robin, for a physical examination after being injured during football practice yesterday. Only, what stands more in her way of taking Brett to the doctor is not his physical injuries but his sister's annoying and continued interference in challenging Susan's influence and power over the family. When she had been part of this family before she was even born, how dare she challenge her authority? How dare she try and take control of this family from her when she's little more than a child, albeit with the body of a porn star and the face of a model?

Wanting to take control of the situation and take control of her brother away from Susan's care and responsibility, obviously both women have strong personalities. Only, Erin had no idea what she was up against with Susan as an enemy rather than an ally. She had no idea that Susan was a Dominatrix just wanting for her chance to assume total control of not just her brother but also her, her mother, and her father. If only Erin knew that Susan would love to take her along and make her a Dominatrix too.

If only Erin would mind her own business instead of causing dissension and creating a hostile environment, there'd be no problem. If only Erin would relent and relinquish the control and influence she thought she had over her family, things would go much smoother for Susan to take control and show her domination. Had it not been for Erin's continued interference, Susan would have been much further along in controlling, disciplining, and punishing the entire family. She would have already pushed ahead with her sexual agenda that she had planned for Michael, Tiffany, Erin, and Brett. Had it not been for Erin interfering for the nearly past year, they all would have been Susan's sexual slaves by now.

* * * * *

Susan knocked on Brett's bedroom door and listened while waiting for his response. Usually with his music blasting, she never heard him being so quiet. With him an early riser, first to get the coffee brewing and with it already half past 8 am, normally he'd be up by now. When no response came, figuring that he was still sleeping when he needed to be up and dressed, she opened his bedroom door.

She poked her head in his room before stepping inside. Unable to see him in the dark, he had his blackout curtains drawn. Going from the brightly lit hall to his unlit bedroom, it took Susan a minute for her eyes adjust to the darkness of his room. Finally seeing him still ensconced in bed and curled in the fetal position as if he was dead, he looked as if he was cold. Hidden within a cloud of white, with the sheet covering his body as if he was a corpse at the morgue, not moving, he was buried beneath the sheet that was drawn up to nearly the top of his head. Hoping he was still alive and breathing, in the way how a new mother checks on her newborn baby, she flicked on his bedroom light before calling out to him.

"Brett? Brett, Honey," she said to awaken him. "Brett?" She asked again, this time with concern. "Brett?" She said now with panic in her voice. "Are you awake? Brett!" She raised her voice loud enough to awaken him.

Obviously too sore to put on a tee shirt, underwear, and/or pajama bottoms late last night, Susan could tell from the outline of his form that he was naked beneath his sheet. Had he not been injured, she would have used his nakedness to sexually tease and erotically entice him. Had he not been injured, she would have taken it upon herself to embarrass him by giving him an erection with her words and without so much as touching him. Perhaps she would have deliberately flashed him an up nightgown peek of her naked pussy or a down nightgown view of her naked breasts while making her flashes appear accidental.

Only, no need for Susan to flash him now, especially after that fiasco last night, he already saw her naked when she stripped off her clothes to help him shower. With nothing sexual about getting in the shower with him naked, it was her way to win back his control. Normally, not that long ago, there would have been no way that he'd ever have Susan wash his naked body. Normally, not that long ago, he'd never take a shower with Susan being naked too. Normally, not that long ago, he would have been embarrassed to see any part of her naked body. Normally, not that long ago, he would have averted his stare and not looked at her naked body but with him under his sister's control, he was becoming just as sexually perverted as Erin was.

Too young to admit that he was tired, too proud to admit that he was hurting, and too stubborn to ask for her help, she felt bad that he went to bed naked. She felt bad that she didn't help dress him. After helping him shower, she should have helped him get dressed for bed last night too. Yet, with him in a horny mood, he was too fresh with his hands.

Groping her, grabbing her, touching her, feeling her, and fondling her naked body, where he should never grope, grab, touch, feel, and fondle her naked body, she was too tired for his foolishness. She had punished, disciplined, and whipped better men for much less infractions and now she couldn't wait to punish, discipline, and whip him. If he wasn't already injured on the football field, she would have really hurt him in his bedroom last night.

Once he had healed from his wounds, she couldn't wait to get her hands on his naked body. Once he had healed from his wounds, she couldn't wait to teach him the meaning of being physically, emotionally, and sexually controlled by a Dominatrix. Too annoyed with him trying to control her, the last thing she wanted was Brett trying to take control of her in the way that Erin was trying to take control of her.

How dare they? Who in the Hell do they think they are? Barely adults, they're both just children to her. They should be eating out of her hand and groveling at her feet instead of standing to look her in the eye. Soon, once Brett is better and Tiffany and Michael are home from their cruise to Bermuda, with Susan taking control and in charge, everything will change around here. One day soon, Erin will be begging her for mercy.

The last thing she wanted was for him to think that he had control over her in the way that his sister thinks that now. When he couldn't dress himself, he should have stopped his nonsense of groping her and asked her to help him put on a tee shirt, underwear, and a pajama bottom, his usually bedtime attire. Trying her patience, Brett going to bed naked and cold was his own fault for misbehaving and for not asking for her help. Always a good kid, he was never like this before.

Erin is the one responsible for her brother's bad behavior. Erin is the one who prematurely gave her brother incestuous sex. How dare she? Erin is the one who will ruin what Susan had planned for years, unless she gets Erin back under control and gets her to submit her will to her, she would lose Brett and possibly the whole family. With Erin the strong willed one, and with everyone so enamored with her physical beauty, once Susan had Erin under the control the rest of the family members would be easy.

With Susan the only normal one and the only one in control of her libido, it's as if this whole house has gone mad with sex. They're all sex addicts. They're all addicted to sex. Something she could use against all four of them, this family was ripe for the taking by a skilled and experienced Dominatrix. Soon, they'd all be eating out of her hand and groveling at her feet. Soon, they'd do whatever she asked them to sexually do. Soon, she'd be the one in control and the one in charge.

Susan laughed with the thought that, as a Dominatrix, she was the only normal one in this family in regards to sex. With Tiffany and Michael out of control in their swinging lifestyle that has now spanned twenty years, their ideas regarding sex weren't normal. Susan feared that Erin would follow in her mother's footsteps with Brett close behind in emulating his father's sexual appetite. With all of them wildly out of sexual control, Susan was eager to use their libidos to shape them, mold them, and redefine them. Soon, Michael, Tiffany, Erin, and Brett would be her sexual slaves. Soon, she'd have her sexual way with them all.

Susan attributed Brett's recent bad, sexual behavior to Erin that began after she had incestuous sex with him. How dare she ruin Susan's plans by having premature, incestuous sex with her brother without Susan giving Erin her permission? Totally out of control, Erin had suddenly turned into such a slutty bitch and was taking her brother down the road to Hell with her. The way that Brett is now, so free with his hands and so willing to expose his cock to her whenever she's alone with him, was all Erin's fault.

How dare Brett sexually disrespect her? He had never sexually disrespected her before. After teaching him and training him to be respectful of women, everything was tossed out the window as soon as he turned 18-years-old and had sex with his sister. Now, Susan had to start her training with him all over again.

Molding him and shaping him, Brett was her prized piece of her plan of perversion. Waiting for him to turn 18-years-old, he was her last piece of the bondage, discipline, and domination puzzle. Now that Brett was old enough, Susan didn't have much time left to get both Brett and Erin back under her emotional, physical, and sexual control before they found someone, fell in love, and moved out of the house. With her having the looks, the body, and the bitchy disposition that changed from being kind to mean, a perfect candidate, she wanted Erin to learn how to become a Dominatrix.

Other than leering at her and trying to peep on her, what any normal 18-year-old man would do to a sexy woman, Brett was always polite and well behaved before falling under the incestuous, sexual influence of his slutty sister. Erin on the other hand had the morals or lack thereof, of a horny, perverted man. A double standard, Erin wouldn't have been judged for her sexual appetite had she been born a man but she was born a woman in a man's world. With her need for sex, where a man would be patted on the back for bedding so many women, she was deemed a slut and a whore for having sex with so many men.

Yet, even by Susan's liberal, sexual standards, she questioned Erin's constant need for sexual attention from the opposite sex. With Erin's lustful, sexual appetite, it wouldn't surprise her if she was having sex with women too. Definitely and ultimately, it was Susan's sexual desire to have sex with not only her best friend, Tiffany, but also with Erin too, along with Michael and Brett. Only, instead of giving it all away for free, she needed to teach Erin how to turn her God given gifts into a lucrative business.

* * * * *

Before he was injured, Brett tried turning the tables on Susan. He had been making his feeble attempt in trying to control her in the way his sister had been doing all along, as if he or she could ever control Susan. With his testosterone hormones raging since the advent of his 18th birthday, and with Erin flashing him her panties and tits, even giving him sex, he had suddenly turned into a sex fiend. Now, whenever Susan wore her sexy nightgowns with nothing underneath, he leered at her long and hard with wanton desire and sexual lust, something he never dared do before. Even though he stared at her before, obviously not wanting her to know that he was looking, he was more discreet about leering at her.

Now, he had gone overboard with his aggressive, unconstrained voyeurism. As if he had Superman's X-ray vision, he'd nearly burn a hole in Susan's nightgown where the impressions of her nipples pushed against the thin, sheer material of her nightgown. As if he could see through her nightgown and no doubt he could, he'd stare where the shadow of her patch of blonde pubic hair could be seen through the thin material of her sheer nightgown whenever she stood in the morning light. As much as he made her sexually uncomfortable, he made her sexually excited at the same time. Even though he was her best friend's son, they didn't have an ordinary relationship. With them living in the same house, they had more of an incestuous relationship. As if he was her stepson, she was as close to him as he was to his mother.

Whenever she wore something sexy and/or was in the mood to flash him, Susan wanted him to look at what he could see of her, of course, while he imagined he's seeing more of her sexy body than he was. Yet, with her not wanting to give her sexuality away for free in the way that Erin does, she needed to control his voyeurism by monitoring her exhibitionism. Now, as if he had suddenly became perverted overnight and as if he was intent on raping her, his focused stare made her feel more uncomfortable than it made her feel sexually aroused. Almost feeling as if he wanted to force her to have sex and even rape her, she felt compelled to wear a robe over her nightgown, something she'd never do.

Even though he had been making her nervous recently with his leers, words, and actions, Susan wasn't afraid of him. When his own mother couldn't control him, if anyone could control him, she could. Yet with her enjoying the attention of his focused stare nonetheless, as long as she was safe from harm, Susan would rather sexually tease him, entice him, and sexually arouse him. Erin was the one who let the cat out of the bag, so to speak, by having sex with her brother. Now, it was up to Susan to round up the escaped animals and put them back in their cages until she was ready to use them to suit herself.

Something he had never done before, now he barges in her bedroom without knocking, obviously with the hopes of seeing her in her sexy bra and/or panty, topless, and/or even naked. No doubt, he'd barge in the bathroom too while she was taking her bath or shower but she now knows better to keep her bathroom door locked. If she had a lock on her bedroom, she'd lock that door too but it would look oddly suspicious for her to install a lock on her bedroom door now. Once recovered from his football injuries, making him as submissive as he used to be, she planned on getting him back under her control.

Even though he was always the sexual voyeur, he was never such a little pervert before in the way he is now. In the way he does now, he never invaded her privacy in the hopes of seeing something he shouldn't see of her. It was all Erin's fault in the way her brother is now sexually out of control. His sister had changed him from a good boy to a sex crazed animal. She had given him the incestuous lust and the sexual desire of a man who not only craves sex but also who was addicted to sex. Hidden deep within him, as if he was already addicted to sex, Erin encouraged his sickness of always wanting to have sex by her having sex with him. With him walking around with an eternal erection, she had changed him from kind and caring young man to a masturbation machine.

Yet, then again, maybe it wasn't Erin who infected Brett with her sexual addiction affliction. With Erin being such a slut and a whore, it was easy to blame her. Maybe their addiction to sex was something they were both born with and inherited from their mother, Tiffany, as well as from their father, Michael. With the both of them longtime swingers, they were both sexually insatiable too. Maybe she was too quick to blame Erin for Brett's seemingly outrageous libido when she should be pointing her finger at his parents. No doubt something good for Susan to know now that this entire family was addicted to sex, Susan would make use of that information later.

Starting slowly, Susan was making good strides in taking sexual control of Brett by flashing him bits and pieces of her sexy, shapely body. By allowing him to see up skirt peeks of her panties, up nightgowns of her pussy, down blouse peeks of her cleavage and bra, and down nightgown peeks of her tits, she had him eating out of her hand. Then Erin moved in to take back the sexual control of her brother by allowing him to not only see her naked but also to have sex with her naked body.

How dare she? What the Hell is wrong with her, the slut? Turning the tables on her, Susan had to make some fast moves to regain the sexual hold she had on Brett. Only with Erin there at every turn, making Susan's discipline and domination that more difficult and punishment impossible, whatever she did, Erin undid. Obviously for her sexual plan of being the Dominatrix to all four members of this family to work, she had to control Erin. Controlling Erin was the key.

With his whore of a sister a bad sexual influence on him, he changed dramatically ever since Erin started nursing school and right after having incestuous sex with her. Instead of being a caring, kind, loving women, nursing school turned her into a bigger slut than she was before she started her nursing training. In the way that most men would have sex with any woman who had hands, a mouth, a pussy, and an ass, Erin would literally have sex with any man, young or old, handsome or homely, who had a hard cock. Seemingly not caring what he looked like, even if that man was her brother, as long as he could get her to cum, she'd suck and fuck him in the way she had already had sex with so very many men.

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