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Family Secrets, I Know All Ch. 13

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Injured playing football, Susan takes Brett to the doctor.
9.1k words

Part 13 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/02/2013
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I'd like to thank Steven for giving me the inspiration to write this story.

Severely injured at practice playing football, Susan takes Brett to the doctor


"I know you can handled this as well as anything you put your mind to but taking my brother to see his doctor should be my responsibility and not yours," said Erin giving Susan back more attitude than she received.

The more mature adult, Susan was calm and in control of Erin. With the both of them having control issues, Erin gave Susan a look as if she was ready to fight over taking her brother to the doctor. Seemingly, their line of demarcation, Brett was the lynchpin, the key, and the one they needed for one or the other to gain complete control over the family and neither women was ready to give up their control over him. The woman who controlled the family would be unofficially deemed the Dominatrix. It was an unofficial title because the family didn't even know that they were under the spell of a Dominatrix, Susan, and a Dominatrix in training, Erin.

With Erin not even 20-years-old, she wasn't old enough and sexually experienced enough to be given such a title, the title of Dominatrix. She still had much to learn in how to exert control, punishment, and discipline without having to submit and give her submissive one sex. Erin was certainly sexually experienced enough but not in the wily ways that Susan was. With Susan an experienced Dominatrix, she had a way of getting whatever she wanted from men and from women without ever having to give them sex unless she wanted to give them sex. She controlled when and how much sex she gave anyone.

Other than her father and her brother, Erin possessed that gift too but to get what she wanted from all of the other men in her life, she had to submit her beautiful body to them and give them sex. Breaking the code, giving too much too soon, a Dominatrix never submits to anyone unless she wanted to submit and unless that was her plan for her to gain even more control of her submissive one. With this family the prize, it was all about taking control of Tiffany, the mother, Michael, the father, and Brett, the son.

Only, Erin was the one ruining everything. She was the one getting in the way and interfering with Susan's plan. She was the one resisting Susan taking control of her family. Erin wanted to have control of her family but she wasn't ready to have the responsibility of control but Susan was.

"Your mother asked me to take Brett to the doctor's office, not you," said Susan talking to her in a soft, calm, and controlled voice.

Seemingly the calmer Susan spoke to Erin, the more upset Erin became. The poor thing, she had so much to learn. If she couldn't control her own emotions, how could she control anyone else's emotions? If she couldn't even control her own temper, Susan had little hope that she could control anyone. She had to learn the first lesson of being a Dominatrix, never allow anyone to see you coming.

"You may control my mother and my father but you don't control me or my brother. I control my brother, not you," she said pointing a stiff index finger at her. "Much like my mother, you're a control freak," she said falling silent and softening while seemingly waiting for Susan to capitulate.

Susan didn't submit. She'd never submit to anyone, especially to someone like Erin who was so young, so inexperienced, and who knew so little about life. Not allowing herself to be sucked into Erin's little power game of struggling for control, Susan didn't respond. Instead she remained silent.

She paused the conversation to allow Erin to stew in her own thoughts. She knew that Erin had a way of bringing herself to a boil. She didn't need to say anything to help her poison stew along. She knew that Erin would lose her temper without any help from her. Susan gave her a look at is she was sizing up the competition at the Olympic game of jousting, should they ever have an Olympic game of jousting.

'Kettle black,' thought Susan while laughing to herself.

If anyone in the family was a control freak, Erin was the one who was controlling. A spoiled brat, Erin was the one who had been running roughshod over this family for years. Frustrating her mother at every turn, she had her father and now her brother wrapped around her little finger. Her wish was their command. Her desires were always fulfilled by her father and/or her brother while her mother helplessly watched from the sidelines.

Even with the small notion of not being able to take her brother to see his family doctor, she was made powerless by her mother calling Susan and not her. If anyone was a control freak, it was Erin. It was best that Tiffany had clipped her daughter's wings, otherwise, she may have already flown away and taken off with some man. It was best, that Tiffany put an end to Erin's reign over the family by enlisting Susan's help. Without even realizing it, by relinquishing the control of her family to Susan, Tiffany had chosen the bigger of evils by choosing her best friend over her daughter.

"Why would you want to go to your brother's doctor's appointment when you've shown no interest in your brother, other than when teasing him, enticing him, and seducing him into giving you sex?"

Rubbing it in her face, when Erin looked guilty and embarrassed that she had sex with her brother, Susan laughed. She was such a novice at the Dominatrix game. She didn't know the first thing about being a Dominatrix. She didn't know the first thing about controlling anyone, never mind her brother, especially her brother who only wanted sex. Only, with her beautiful face, shapely body, and mean disposition, she had all the makings of a becoming a good Dominatrix.

"We were all a little crazy for a while, especially before Brett was injured," said Erin. "Besides, using his injury as your excuse, and with him unable to shower himself, you wanted to show Brett your naked body as much as he wanted to see your naked body when you helped him shower last night. You're as much of a whore and an exhibitionist as I am," said Erin.

She was right. Susan had played her own version, a reverse version, of the movie called, Spanking the Monkey. Instead of a son helping his mother take her shower after she had broken her leg, she had helped her surrogate son shower after he had injured himself playing football. Only, instead of remaining dressed, averting her eyes, and reaching her hand and arm in the shower to help Brett wash himself, she stripped herself naked and climbed in the shower with him. Her last resort way of regaining control over Brett after his sister had given him sex, she was desperate to reel him back in before she lost control over him for good to Erin. If she didn't have control over Brett, she'd never have control over Erin and if she didn't maintain control over Brett and Erin, two against one, she'd lose control over Tiffany and Michael.

If she felt that she needed to get in the shower with him, she could have helped him shower by wearing her old, grubby clothes and thrown them in the wash afterwards. She could have helped him shower by wearing her bathing suit or her bra and panty but she didn't. Instead she removed all of her clothes. She stripped herself naked. By stripping herself naked to help Brett take a shower in readiness for his doctor's appointment today, she had used her naked body as her desperate attempt to gain control of him. After Erin had torpedoed all of Susan's hard work in gaining control over Brett, she needed to take him back from his sister.

"There's nothing sexual about nudity when used in the right context," said Susan putting Erin on the defensive. "There was no way that Brett could shower without my help. The only difference between you and me is, I didn't have sex with your brother. If you had stripped yourself naked to shower with him, you would have had sex with him," said Susan with a laugh. "You're such a little whore. If you had stripped yourself naked, you would have fallen to your knees in the shower and sucked your brother's cock before fucking his cock."

Unsuccessfully trying to hide her anger, Erin gave her a knowing look.

"You could have helped him shower while still wearing your clothes. You could have helped him shower by stripping down to your bra and panty. You could have put on your bathing suit. You didn't have to strip yourself naked. You didn't have to allow him to touch you and feel you in the way he groped you," said Erin pointing her finger of accusation at her. "With the both of us wanting the same thing, if I'm whore, then you are too."

Knowing full well that Erin was right, Susan rolled her eyes and sighed loudly while knowing that Erin was as much of a slut as she was. Only, Erin assumed that Susan was teasing her brother for sex when Susan was teasing Brett to regain control of him. As if they were two prostitutes arguing over the same John or two strippers marking their territory on stage, they did everything short of having a catfight. Only, if ever their arguments came to blows, Susan would mop the floor with Erin's blonde hair.

She didn't want their relationship to come to that. She'd rather control her with her intellect than with her fists. Besides, she needed to control Erin too. She needed Erin to be in her control for her to continue to control Tiffany and Michael. She needed to control the whole family and for her to control the whole family, Erin was the key. Without Erin inline, the rest of her plan would crumble but first she needed to regain control over Brett before turning her attention to Erin.

"If I remember all that happened you were feeling me as much as your brother was. If I recall, you even sucked my nipples while masturbating me," said Susan with an unembarrassed laugh. "If memory serves me right, you wanted me as much as your brother did."

Seemingly defeated, Erin softened her hard look to look at Susan with pleading eyes.

"I want to go because he's my little brother. I'm worried about him," she said looking as if she was about to cry. "Besides, I want to go because it will help me with my studies. As part of my research and homework assignment, I must write a paper on a doctor's visit."

Susan made a face as if she had just swallowed a bug.

"Studies? What studies?" Susan let out a loud laugh. "Since when do you study anything but the packages of the boys on your college football team?"

Erin rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Duh, very funny. I am attending nursing school to become a nurse," said Erin. "You know that."

Susan jiggled the car keys while impatiently waiting for Brett to get dressed. She gave Erin a thoughtful look.

"I doubt if they'll even let you in the room," said Susan.

Erin shrugged her confidence and made a sour face.

"They will if Brett tells the nurse that he wants me there," she said. "Besides, I'm family. You're the one that the nurse won't allow in the room. You're the one who will have to wait in the waiting room while reading a magazine," she said with a winning grin.

Once again, it was all about control. As if they were in a tug of war competition, when one pulled one way, the other pulled the other way. Susan stared at Erin before answering. Obviously, with Susan needing to exert her control over Tiffany's daughter, even something as small as taking Brett for his doctor's appointment, this issue was important enough to make a stand. If she gave in to Erin on one thing, even one little thing, such as taking her brother to the doctor, her next battle wouldn't be as easy. In order to control Erin, she could never allow Erin to beat her at anything, no matter how seemingly small and unimportant was the issue. Instead, as her sign of good faith, and using Brett as her bridge, she relented so that Erin will trust her and bond with her.

"Okay," said Susan. "We'll all go together as a family. Just let me put on some clothes."

* * * * *

With a doctor's appointment that Tiffany made from Miami before getting on the ship to take her vacation cruise to Bermuda, Susan readied herself to take Brett to see his Family Care doctor, Doctor Robin, as Brett familiarly referred to her as. Concerned for his wellbeing in the way that his mother obviously is to make Brett's doctor's appointment from Miami, Susan hoped that he hadn't suffered any serious and/or permanent damage other than bruised thighs. When she followed Brett from the waiting room, the nurse turned to her as if to block her way. In the way that a teammate had tackled Brett on the open field Susan wanted to brush past her on her way to the doctor's office.

Obviously the doctor's nurse was another woman with control issues. Only, she had no idea who she was dealing with when trying to control Susan from getting in that examination room with Brett. Her being there was pivotal in her controlling him. Just as she needed to take charge of Brett, not his mother and surely not his sister, she needed to show him the she was the only one there in his hour of need. Maybe at work is the only place these women can exert some control but with Susan a Dominatrix, she was accustomed to controlling everyone anywhere.

Why are all of these women so fucked up? These women need a dominant man in their lives. These women need to get laid. These women need a good spanking. These women need to back the fuck down and not act so self-important. Obviously, with her the ruler of her small roost, her the responsibilities of her job went to her head. Susan imagined stripping the nurse naked, tying her to a rack, and whipping her naked ass until she submitted her will to her.

"Are you his mother?"

Obviously, with Brett coming there since he was a child, she knew that Susan wasn't his mother just as she knew that Erin wasn't his mother either. She obviously knew that Tiffany was Brett's mother.

"No, I'm a close, family friend," said Susan.

The nurse made a sour face as if she had bitten a lemon.

"And who are you?" The nurse looked from Susan to look at Erin.

With Erin having never accompanied her brother to his doctor's appointments before, the nurse obviously had no idea who Erin was. Perhaps figuring that Erin was Brett's girlfriend, she gave Erin a cold look and Erin returned the nurse's cold look with a dose of her ever present self-important confidence.

"I'm his sister. I'm family," said Erin puffing out her already abundant chest.

Seemingly protective of the doctor and of her patient with not wanting unnecessary people cluttering the examining room, the nurse made a face that told Erin that she didn't care that she was his sister.

"Sorry but, you'll have to wait out here in the waiting room," said the nurse to Susan. "Only family can be in the room with a patient." Then, she turned to Erin. "With the full examination that the doctor is going to give your brother, I doubt that he'll want you in the room with him either."

Brett looked from the nurse to look at Erin before looking to Susan who was about to leave to wait in the waiting room. He turned back to address the nurse.

"It's okay," said Brett to the nurse. "I want her to stay with me. She's like my second mother. I'd rather my sister remain in the waiting room," said Brett looking from the nurse to look at his sister. "Sorry Erin."

As if it was no big deal, Erin shrugged, turned, and headed back to the waiting room. Obviously her weakness, Erin didn't like showing her vulnerability in public, something that Susan would never do. Nonetheless, Susan humiliated her in front of the nurse and it was a point scored in regaining control not only over Brett but over Erin too. The nurse turned from Brett to look at Susan.

"Okay," said the nurse with a shrug. "Right this way," she said focusing her conversation on Brett while ignoring Susan. "So why are you here?" When Brett didn't answer her question, she put her question a different way. "What's the purpose of your visit?"

Obviously, the nurse knew why they were there. Brett's mother had talked to her on the phone to make the appointment and she had it written on his chart right in front of her. With the nurse directing her question to Brett, Susan took charge.

"He injured himself playing football. The inside of his thighs are badly bruised," said Susan. "More as a precaution than a necessity, we wanted to make sure there was nothing seriously wrong with him."

Before heading down to the examining room, the three of them stopped at a little alcove.

"I'm just going to weigh you and take your temperature," said the nurse weighing him and sliding a thermometer across his forehead to take his temperature. "Follow me," she said escorting them to a little room.

Once inside the exam room, the nurse took his blood pressure.

"Perfect," said the nurse removing the blood pressure cuff.

"What was his blood pressure?"

As if she was his mother or his sister, Susan looked at the nurse with concern in the way that Tiffany and Erin should be looking at Brett with concern. Only Tiffany was on her way to a swinging vacation in Bermuda and Erin was banned to the waiting room.

"It was 120 over 70," said the nurse. "Remove your clothes, your underwear too, and put this on," she said handing Brett a hospital gown.

"Thank you," said Brett not usually being this polite but he seemed nervous.

The nurse gave Susan a strange look, perhaps because she was present in the room while Brett was stripping himself naked. Maybe she figured that Susan would leave to give him some privacy to undress but she didn't. Yet, obviously in the way he stiffly limped and slowly moved around in the examining room, it was apparent that he needed help in undressing himself. Perhaps the nurse was happy that Susan was there to help him undress instead of leaving that chore to her. She had enough to do without having to help Brett undress in the way she had to help several of her elderly patients undress and dress.

"The doctor will see you in a few minutes," she said leaving and closing the door behind her.

Difficult for him to undress on his own, Brett was unable to lift his legs without experiencing excruciating pain because of his badly bruised thighs. Susan helped him undress in the examining room while Erin scribbled her nursing notes in a notebook in the waiting room. When Susan squatted down to help Brett remove his sneakers, the horny dude that he is, he forgot his pain and nervousness to stare down at Susan's blue, bikini panties in the up skirt she was deliberately or inadvertently giving him. Brett unbuckled and unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock while staring at the sexy sight of Susan's underwear and panty clad pussy. He took his semi-erect prick in hand as if he was about to masturbate himself over the up skirt view that Susan was giving him.

Then, when she leaned over him while gently lifting his legs for her to slide down his pants and underwear, he started stroking himself. While stroking himself, he reached out his horny hand to feel her breasts though her blouse. As soon as her nipples made their nickel sized impressions known, he fingered her hard nipples through her bra. Using his preoccupation with her tits to continue to undress him, she allowed him a moment to have fun feeling her breasts and fingering her nipples through her blouse and bra.

"Brett, stop that," said Susan finally slapping away his hand.

With his cock only inches from her mouth as was the case with Brett and the school nurse, Nurse Elizabeth, Brett gave Susan a look that told her that he wanted her to touch him, stroke him, and maybe even suck him. Not in too much pain for that, seemingly his libido was willing but his body wasn't. Perhaps as his last ditch effort before seeing the doctor, he wanted to see if she could give him an erection. Only, in the way that he always had a hard erection before, he didn't have much of one now.

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