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Family Takedown 01

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David takes control of his older sister.
6.8k words

Part 1 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/13/2017
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Disclaimer: This story is fictitious and so are the characters. All characters are 18-years-old or older. In real life, all non-consensual sex is immoral and illegal, and not condoned by the author. Not for publication.

This story is harsher than my previous posts. It contains non-consensual incestuous sex. Generally, it relies on coercion as a device, but this part contains mild violence. You've been warned.

Superiority Complex

Allison Thornton drove the tip of her pencil eraser into her right temple as she worked through the logic progression necessary to solve the complex equation staring at her from the page.

"It all ties into vectoring the gravitational pull against the rotational momentum," she pondered. "This can't be that hard."

Allison was smart. Maybe smarter than she knew. Too smart, really.

Locked in her bedroom for another 'all-nighter' under the solitary spotlight of her desk lamp, Allison hadn't noticed the time slip away and the sun rise at the 7:00 o'clock hour as she finished working through the difficult assignment for her Applied Astrophysics course at Cal Sci.

"Okay, that's it...that's the key. Now it's all coming together," she concluded. Another problem solved, another challenge vanquished.

"I'll bet I'm the first person in class to solve this one," she decided, justifiably pleased with herself.

Allison was accustomed to conquering intellectual problems. She was something of a prodigy at CS. The only sophomore...and woman, in the advanced course surrounded by geeky male upper classmen, she had been an academic star her entire life. School had always come to her naturally.

"Bye, kids. Have a wonderful day!"

The homework completed, her attention broke from her studies with the sound of her mother Kate calling out to her children. It was Friday, and Kate was headed out for a day of shopping, lunch and cocktails with her lady friends.

It was a weekly event for their early 40's mother -- a woman with time on her hands since Allison's father George was also quite brilliant. Mr. Thornton had founded a research think tank that was quite profitable, consulting on scientific issues for the government and many major corporations.

Sleepy and worn out, Allison exited her bedroom to head downstairs for a glass of milk and a snack before taking a well-deserved nap. She didn't have any classes on Fridays, so could quietly catch a few hours before heading over to the CS library for some quality study time.

As she started to the stairwell she heard the rumbling in the 'Jack and Jill' bathroom she shared with her younger brother David, who was clearly up and about, getting ready to take a shower. When she returned to her room the shower was still running after a full 20 minutes.

"Doesn't he realize we're in a drought?" she shook her head bewildered. "He's probably jerking off in there."

It always took David forever in the shower, and Allison figured since he didn't have a girlfriend, masturbation was his only form of release. Not that Allison was in any better position with her love life. The difference was that, unlike her constantly horny little brother, Allison didn't really care. Sex and love weren't where her interests lay.

Pulling down the shade in her room, Allison was just about to take off her clothes when the music started. Loud music. Heavy metal throw-back garbage from the 1980's pouring out of her brother's room, causing the walls to shake from the incessant bass and making her prospect for sleep dim.

'BAM...BAM...BAM...' Allison pounded her fist on the adjoining wall, shouting for David to shut it off, but there was no way he was going to hear with that noise on, so she determined to play the role of big sister and go tell him to turn it off.

Allison played the role a lot when it came to her little brother. He was only a year younger than her at 18, the fraternal twin of their sister Britney, but unlike Brit, David had never seemed to mature. On top of that, unlike her or Brit, David had never been motivated to succeed, or to do much of anything really. While Allison was an intellectual whiz, Brit was driven to succeed in sports -- playing both soccer and softball.

David played sports too, participating on the high school wrestling team his senior year, but he was only on the junior varsity because he never wanted to take the time to learn proper technique. He preferred to just lift weights in the gym, wear his uniform, and pretend the fans on the sideline were cheering for him, when in fact most didn't even know he was on the team.

Of late, having graduated high school, David was hitting the gym hard hoping to make the squad at the local junior college. There was no way he was going to attend a 4-year college with his GPA, so the JC seemed his only option. Brit also attended the JC, but that was less about her grades and more about the national caliber women's soccer team they fielded and her desire to earn a scholarship to a major university.

Allison's intelligence led to something of a superiority complex over her younger brother and sister, although it was mostly directed at David. She wasn't so much arrogant, as she just couldn't control the impulse to point out the stupid things he said or liked, and that he didn't seem to have her sense of drive to succeed.

Brit might not be as smart as Allison either, but she was at least driven to succeed at sports, harnessing talents Allison had to admit she herself didn't possess.

The result was ridicule and teasing from Allison about nearly everything David did -- from school to wrestling to dating, and his general lack of knowledge or interest in the world. Marching into his bedroom to get her inconsiderate brother to turn off the music was just one more example of how he just didn't use his head.



David posed in the mirror in the bathroom wearing only his tight briefs as he admired his muscles while the steam cleared and the music blared. The shorts weren't tighty-whities, since he preferred the bikini-style so he could pretend he looked like the muscular male models on the package. Besides, it outlined the contours of his 'package,' of which he was quite proud.

"The ladies are gonna dig me this year," he repeated his mantra.

David wasn't a bad looking fellow, with light brown hair and a solid build inherited from his mother's side of the family. His sister Brit exhibited the same traits. Like their mother, she also had light brown hair and was athletic.

Mrs. Thornton had been a gymnast on the college team when she had met their father. She was no rocket scientist either, but he was, and while he was more of a proto-typical academic than a physical specimen, he wasn't bad looking and she admired his intellect, falling in love and getting married right out of college.

The other more unfortunate trait David and Britney both shared with their mother was they were short. Kate Thornton was only 5'2" and maybe a 105 lbs. Brit was not much bigger. That was fine for girls. Men thought it was cute and, right or not, felt an ingrained need to protect a woman of such diminutive stature.

Such was not the case for a guy.

David stood just 5'6", and while his weightlifting had bulked his body up to 175 lbs. so he could compete on the mat, his height nonetheless was a barrier to his success in wrestling and, as it turned out, with the ladies as well. He was even shorter than his older sister.

It seems Allison took more after their father's side which, while not tall, was average of height. Allison stood a full 5'8", which only added to her sense of superiority over David, and created one more weapon she could use against him when she needed to put him in his place; which she did frequently whether she knew it or not.

David was a classic example of the Napoleon Complex -- when a person tries to compensate for their size by acting bigger than their britches, using braggadocio and aggressive bravado to overcome his insecurities about his height. He created delusions of his athletic prowess and appeal to the ladies that weren't matched by reality. The result was an underlying resentment of those he thought were holding him back, thwarting his dreams of wrestling stardom and sexual triumph.


Allison didn't bother to knock on her brother's door, figuring there was no way he'd hear it anyway. Instead, she simply barged in to berate her brother, calmly walking to the other side of the room to shut off the head-banging music from the MP3 player.

'Click' and the music died.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" David yelled, taking only a moment to charge out of the bathroom into his bedroom.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM, ALLISON! YOU CAN'T JUST CHARGE IN HERE AND TURN OFF MY MUSIC." David yelled, clearly irate. His short-cropped hair was still damp and his scant underwear was his only clothing. His body was flushed red from his hot shower, along with his pumping and preening in the mirror, which was soon matched by the redness in his face from his anger.

"This crap is too loud and I need to sleep," Allison was quick to reply as she turned towards her approaching brother. "Some of us actually studied all night, although that's something you wouldn't know about."

"I'd study too if that was all I had in my life," David angrily retorted. "Maybe if you'd get out and live a little you'd develop a little appreciation for this 'crap,' as you call it, not to mention get a date or something."

The resentment David felt for the years of teasing and abuse at the hands of his older sister lurked only slightly below the surface. Fueled by his sensitivity about his own lack of dating success, it was not difficult for his constantly demeaning sister to bring it out. It only took Allison's next riposte to send David over the edge.

"Spoken by 'Mr. Experience,' huh?" Allison derided. "Yeah, I can see the girls just lining up to get a date with you."

David had enough. All care that she was his big sister went out the window as quickly as the words left her mouth.

'I'll show her I'm not some loser,' he seethed, convinced he was everything he believed himself to be, and that he was in charge. In a rage, David reached with both hands and shoved his sister, launching her into the wall -- the only thing preventing her from falling to the floor.

" little shit...," Allison's eyes shot wide from surprise at his attack.

Allison wasn't about to take that from David and scrambled up to put him in his place. Her brother had always been too big for his britches, but he had never dared to challenge his older sister, and certainly had never physically assaulted Allison.

'Smack!' The echo reverberated around the room.

Allison had just placed an open-handed slap to her brother's face. It seemed powerful to her, and made her hand sting, but it was only a glancing blow to David. Turning with it to dampen its impact, it barely phased him.

"That's it bitch, you're going down!"


David's eyes bulged as he immediately struck Allison's left cheek before she even had time to assess any damage she had done to her brother. The slap was harsh, causing her head to jerk to the right as the sting raced through the entire left side of her face and blood rushed to the site of the impact.

'CRACK!' The back of David's hand landed on his sister's right cheek before she could recover from his first blow.

"OOUUUCCHHH! WHAT THE...," Allison was momentarily stunned by the second hit, with flashes of white light coursing her brain and her black plastic-framed glasses flying askew across her face.

"You're gonna show me some respect," David barked. "I'm tired of your bullshit!"

David didn't let up, his pent-up anger and the sudden superiority of his position inflating his sense of power over his condescending big sister. Contrary to her intent, it was he who was going to put Allison in her place, and on her knees before him.

'THUD!' Balling his right fist, David punched his stupefied sister in the gut, knocking the air out of her lungs with a gasp, and dropping Allison weakly to her knees.

"UUGGHHHH...!" Tears welled in the distraught girl's eyes as she fought to catch her breath. Her shorter brother hovered over her like a prize fighter.

'What's he doing? He's outta control?' Allison realized through her confusion.

As her senses slowly returned, a cringing Allison gazed up with a pleading look of dismay at David, who suddenly appeared to be towering over her crouching form. Still establishing his dominance, David grabbed a handful of Allison's dark brunette bobbed hair before she could even adjust her glasses. Yanking skyward, he compelled his aghast sister to her feet.

"OUUUCHH!" Allison cried. "THAT HURTS, ASSHOLE!"

"Girl's aren't interested, huh? I'm a loser, is that it? I have nothing to offer a lady?" David pulled Allison's head to the left as he talked, a reminder of his control over his cowering big sister.

"C'mon, David, let me...go," Allison whimpered between welling tears. "I get it. I'm sorry."

"DAMN IT, YOU'RE HURTING ME!" She screamed.

David ignored her as he continued. He had his sister where he wanted her and he liked it -- the power...the control...and her fear.

"And what about you, Allison? I don't see any guys lining up to get in your panties...not even those geeks you're so impressed with at college," David said viciously, wanting to be cruel to his sister -- as cruel as she had been over countless years with her arrogance.

"What do you have to offer a guy?" He continued to hammer his sister with invective. "Who can even tell with the way you dress? You never wear any make-up like other girls."

"Hell, you can't even tell you're a girl with those big sweaters and loose jeans," David jibed, grabbing the top of her blue cable knit sweater and tugging it towards him.

"What you got in there anyway?" He complained. "No one knows."

But David did know.

You can't grow up in a house with two sisters and not have at least some sense of what they look like when dressed down, if not naked. It was true Allison almost always wore big floppy sweaters, sweatshirts and blouses, even in the summer, accompanied by loose-fitting jeans that straightened out most any curves she possessed. She almost never wore shorts or a tank top, even on the hottest of days.

Still, David knew that in the last few years his brainy sister had developed a body to match her mind.

Sometimes he'd enter their conjoined bathroom as she was leaving wrapped in just a towel, or she would on rare occasions make an appearance by the family pool. She always wore a functional yet form-fitting one-piece bathing suit, with the elastic material doing the best it could to cover her body. It was clear to David that Allison, for whatever else she may be in the annoyance department, possessed a ripe body with curves in all the right places.

Allison preferred to dress down, and not showing off her body. She wanted to be taken seriously in her studies. If she dressed up all 'girlie,' then the focus would be on her body and not her brain. That's why she kept her hair in a bob, wore no make-up, and plain baggy clothes. She just wanted to be treated like an equal -- like one of the guys.

Of average stature, Allison was bigger-boned than either her mother, sister, or David, for that matter. While not as athletic as any of the three, she was not chunky, but rather had a sturdy frame with tapered legs, broad hips, a trim waist beneath wide shoulders and firm arms.

yMost obviously, she had a large bust. Even her baggy clothes couldn't hide the pronounced bulge of the big chest she sported.

"Stop that," Allison said seriously, but her protest sounded weak, so overwhelmed by her brother's sudden audacity and the ringing pain still rolling around her addled brain from his slaps.

Tears ran down her pale cheeks as David nearly pulled her hair out by the roots. She liked to wear it short. It was curly but easy to manage. Right now, however, it just provided her brother an easy handle with which to pull her head to the side, just to keep her attention and demonstrate he was in charge.

"I got a better idea," David suggested. "Let's take a look instead."

Feeling his oats with his adrenaline flowing, David pushed the envelope more than initially intended. Still, he didn't think twice about pursuing his new objective. He felt an overwhelming urge to embarrass and humiliate his big sister.

"Take off the sweater, Allison." David's eyes were aflame with power. "Show me what you have to offer a guy."

"Knock it off, David. Screw you!" Allison tried to compose herself to reassert her authority over her little brother.

David wasn't as smart as his sister, but he was a smart enough tactician to know he needed to quell her resistance in the crib, before she gathered any strength of will to fight back.

Holding her in place by her hair, with her head still tilted and mouth breathing rage at her brother, David's left hand slapped Allison firmly across her covered tits to knock the side of her large right boob into her large left boob.

"AAGGGGHHHHH!! SHIT, THAT HURT YOU LITTLE SONOFABITCH!" She screamed loudly with outrage.

Despite the padding of the sturdy bra and thick sweater, the pain reverberated throughout her torso as her heavy mounds bounded about within their cage before settling back on her chest, as Allison instinctively reached to protect her precious breasts from his assault.

"I CAN MAKE IT HURT MORE THAN THAT...," he promised, raising the back of his hand once more to counter-swipe across her tits from the opposite side.

"OOOHHHH, FUCK...STOP IT!" Allison's pleading tone echoed in her voice this time, rather than protest.

"YOU SURE? I THINK IT'S FUN. LOOK AT THE WAY THEY BOUNCE IN YOUR SWEATER. MAYBE I SHOULD DO IT AGAIN?" The sneer on his face told Allison her little brother was deadly serious about beating her breasts further as she stood helplessly on jelly-like legs unable to protect herself.

"NOOO! STOP! PLEASE DAVID, STOP IT!" Allison's pleas had turned to begging. "I'M YOUR SISTER...THAT HURTS."

'WHACK!' Another smack across her tits was her brother's only response.

"OKAY...OKAY, I'LL TAKE IT OFF. I'LL SHOW YOU," Allison's begging quickly changed to acquiescence, bargaining with her heartless brother.

"Please...just...uh...stop hitting me," she followed meekly.

David's sneer suddenly turned to a smile, and the 18-year-old recent high school graduate felt just the slightest twinge in his cock. This was going in a direction he hadn't predicted, but now that it was, he intended to follow it to its logical conclusion.

"That's more like it. I'll stop hitting you...if you just do as you're told," David advised, loving his newfound control over his disdainful big sister.

"Let go of my hair," Allison asked.


"You have to let go of my hair if you want me to get my sweater over my head, stupid," Allison answered, instinctively retreating to familiar habits, which she immediately regretted when her brother, in a fit of spite, jerked her hair hard.

"YIIIKKEES!" Another shriek issued from his set-upon sister.

"Or I could just yank it out by the roots, sis," David retorted fiercely.

"Don't call me 'stupid.'"

"Oh...okay, I'm sorry! Please, you're going to tear it out of my head," Allison pleaded as more tears flowed from the excruciating pain in her scalp.

David let go with a shove, bouncing Allison once more against the wall with a thud. Allison thought about making a run for the door, but was afraid of what David would do if she didn't make it. That was a real possibility, since he stood between her and the door. He wasn't smart, but he was fast and strong. Allison thought the better of an escape attempt in favor of doing as he said.

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