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Family Values Pt. 01


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"Uh, of course she does..." I replied.

"Hey," she interrupted. "What did we just talk about? You show your sister some respect and trust. Now, I'm going to call her back in here and I'll leave the rest in her hands. I don't want to hear from her that you were anything less than grateful. Also, you apologize immediately do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Vicky!" She called out.

Vicky returned to the living room, and looked at my mother. My mother than redirected her eyes toward me. "You're brother has something he'd like to tell you."

I knew that was my queue. "Vicky, I wanted to apologize to you for my actions earlier today. Not only was it against the rules that I was doing that in this house, but it was disrespectful of me to do it while you were at home, causing you to accidentally step into my room and witness me doing that."

"Thank you Jeffrey, that is thoughtful of you. Then I'm sure you understand why I'm going to punish you then?"

Maybe it was because my mother warned me of what was coming, I expected something like that as a response. So I prepared my next words wisely. "Yes ma'am, I understand and fully support whatever you feel is necessary."

"Good. Now I want you to march back up to your room, strip down to your underwear, and wait in the corner till I come up to give you your spanking. I need to finish my conversation with mom first and then I'll be up."

"Yes ma'am," I replied, then quickly walked back up to my bedroom.

I did exactly as I was told and went straight to the only unobstructed corner in my bedroom. I removed my clothing, leaving nothing except my underwear on and waited nervously.

I stood in silence for about twenty minutes before I heard her footsteps angrily stomping up the stairs through the hallway. The door opened, and the first thing I heard was her dropping something on the bed.

"Okay Jeffery, you can turn around now."

I slowly turned around and could see four different spanking implements laid out on the bed, but she quickly snapped her fingers and redirected my eyes to her. "Jeffery?" she says in a soft voice making sure she has my attention.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Mom and I just had a good talk about you and your future here. I want to be clear about something with you. I do not hate you. You've always been my little brother and I absolutely want the best for you. Just like her though, I will not tolerate misbehavior. At some point in our life, mom will be too old to manage this household. Although that is most likely years down the line, I will do all I can to maintain order here. When mom was my age, she too demanded her brother treat her like a princess. She is now the queen of the house so to speak, and while her authority is absolute, I will be as strict as I feel it's necessary to have the control that she has now, got it?"

"Yes ma'am," I responded. Happy to hear some type of explanation for her ways, as tyrannical as they were.

"Actually..." She replied with a schemish look. "Let's drop the ma'am talk, save that for mom. I kind of like the sound of princess Victoria. It seems fitting don't you think?"

"Yes ma'am, I mean, yes princess Victoria?"

"Ooooh, I like that. Very good Jeffery," she replied. "Now to prove to you that I can be fair, I'm going to let you pick out which implement you want me to use for you spanking."

I looked down at the bed. There was a wooden paddle with holes drilled in it, a carpet beater, a razor strap, and a horse riding crop.

"Hurry up though, I don't have all night."

The paddle always hurt the most for some reason, so that was out. The strap will sting for sure, but sometimes I felt it was the loud sound that made it bad. I hadn't felt the sting of a carpet beater since I was a child, so I wasn't sure if mom was just light with it, and the crop must've been new and I wasn't sure how it would feel. Either way, I expected that she was going to make sure it hurt. I also wasn't expecting it to be a quick spanking. So trying something new was out. I reached down for the strap, and handed it over to my sister.

"Very well," she said. "Go ahead and bend over the side of the bed.

I bent over laying my face and stomach flat on the mattress. My sister spared no time getting right to it.

"Thwack!" The first blow landed perfectly across both cheeks, and my body started twitching. Before I had time to recover. The next one landed, hitting hard on the right side. I tried hard not to make a noise, but she certainly wasn't holding back her strength. She made sure every stroke made a mark and wouldn't be forgotten.

After about five minutes, and completely losing count. She reached for the elastic on my briefs, and yanked them down to my knees, exposing my bare bottom. "No, please Vicky, don't!" I cried out.

She leaned over and grabbed my face, making me look her in the eyes, then shouted "Did you think you were gonna get off easy? You knew damn well you were getting a good bare bottom spanking the second you were caught jerking it. Trust me, you're gonna remember this one, I can promise you that." Then she dropped my head back into place and began strapping me bare.

"Thwack!" The sound projected much louder going against my bare bottom. Then she sped up the pace, swat after swat, giving me no time to even acknowledge the previous strokes. Each of them landed as hard as she could swing her arms.

I began balling out in tears screaming, "please Vicky, please, I'm so sorry!"

Once again she paused. "You're not even close to being sorry yet. Stop your whining and take your punishment!"

She continued laying down the strap, swat after swat. I kicked and screamed the whole time. My bottom was on fire, and my hands couldn't help but make their way back to protect my bottom.

"Hands on the bed in front of you," she shouted. I placed them back on the bed but the next blow immediately caused them to jolt back again. She kept yelling at me but I couldn't stop. So she took one of her hands and grabbed both of my wrists, pulling them together and holding them in place on my back. I couldn't move them anymore, and lost all control.

The unbearable strapping went on for what had to be at least thirty minutes. I figured she would tire out, but she was devoted to give it to me as long as she could. I cried out over and over, "Vicky please!"

She finally paused . "What did I tell you call me?

"Princess," I replied. "Please princess, I'll never do it again, I swear. You'll never have to worry about walking in on me again, I'm so sorry."

She dropped her arm down, letting the strap dangle in front of her. "Turn around and look at me." I slowly turned my body in her direction. "Get on the floor. Kneel before your princess."

"Yes princess," I called out desperately as I dropped to my knees in front of her.

Once again she grabbed my face squeezing my lips together. "You want me to stop?"

"Yes princess, please." I mumbled with my lips blocking any clear speech.

"Okay, perv, what are you gonna do for me if I stop?"

"Anything princess, anything for you."

"That's a bold statement, saying anything opens up quite a bit of possibilities, but I'm thinking, maybe there is something you can do for me." She stopped to think for a second. "Oooh, I have an idea."

She set the strap down and took a seat on the bed. "Turn around and kneel in front of me," she ordered.

I turned my body and knelt directly in front of her legs. "Okay listen up," she said. "If you can prove to me that I'm your princess, and do exactly as I say, I will spare you the rest of your spanking. Fail to do as I say, and I'll use every implement on that bed till I'm satisfied that you've gotten what a pervert like yourself needs, understood?"

"Yes princess, I understand."

"Good, now I want you to stay right where you are, and pull your underpants back up. I already told you, I don't want to see that tiny little penis.

"Yes princess, sorry." I quickly pulled my underwear back up to my waist, feeling the elastic brush against my stinging flesh.

"Good," she said with a mischievous smirk. Then she reached down and slid both of her socks off her feet. Grabbing them by the tops, she took both of them and shoved them right in my face. "Smell my socks pervert."

Completely shocked I turned my head in disgust. Immediately, I felt a slap right across face. "You wanna bend back over that bed again?" She shouted.

"No ma'am, I mean, princess." I quickly responded.

"Then give them a good sniff," she demanded. So I turned my head forward allowing her to place them right in front of my face again. "That's it little brother, smell my dirty, stinky socks. I've been wearing them for over two days now. I even went for a jog today, so I'm certain they have been soaking in my sweat."

The smell was intense, she clearly wasn't lying about that. I tried to breathe in through my mouth to avoid the stench, but she caught me. "Keep your mouth closed! Breathe in nothing but the smell of my hard working feet."

I would've responded, but I didn't want to be accused of keeping my mouth open. Her method of punishment seemed very unusual, but I most certainly could not handle anymore spanking. I gave in to what she wanted and sniffed her socks with more enthusiasm.

After few minutes of smelling her socks, she removed them from my face and dropped them on the floor. Then she pointed to the top of her feet. "Kiss em," she demanded. "You know you want to."

I tried to wrap my head around what she was thinking, or why she would want me to do that in the first place, but I knew better than to hesitate, so I lowered my head. She stopped me short though, grabbed my cheeks, and slapped me across the face once more. "I thought I told you to be enthusiastic. I mean, I'm a freaking Princess right? You should be honored to kiss my feet. In fact, you should beg to kiss them."

I replied carefully "Yes princess, you are right, and I do want to kiss your feet, badly. Please let me kiss them princess, please. It would be such an honor."

"Very well, you may kiss them."

"Thank you princess," I replied, then lowered head back down again. I could smell the stench of her feet before my nose even became close, but I remained enthusiastic while I puckered up to kiss the top of her feet.

I kissed her left foot, and then her right. "Keep going," she softly requested, and I continued to kiss them passionately, back and forth.

After a few kisses on each, she readjusted herself on the bed, sitting further back with her legs and feet up in the air. "Let's not forget about the bottoms," she said, clearly enjoying the situation.

She pointed her feet upward so I could access the bottoms, and I kissed right in the middle between the palm and the heel. Back and forth between each foot. Slowly, she started pressing the bottoms of her feet against my face, pinching my forehead with her toes.

"Give them a good massage too. Show my feet the attention they deserve," she ordered. So I grabbed onto the sole of her right foot with both hands, working my fingers deep to massage it. Her feet were relatively small, and with my hands blocking the lower half, I began kissing on the rough callus of the palm. With my nose right between her toes, she pinched and prodded at my face to make sure I had no choice but to smell them.

"Don't forget the other foot," she called out, lifting her left foot in front of my face to receive the same treatment.

She had started putting off a vibe that she was enjoying herself, and with a certain excitement in her tone she called my name, "Jeffery..."

"Yes princess?" I replied.

"I was just thinking about how good it would feel if you sucked my toes... Actually, I think you should do just that."

I had a funny feeling that she was going to tell me to do that next. As gross as it was, what choice did I have. I paused for a second and took a deep breath. She looked right into my eyes and said, "I'm going to lay on your bed for a while and do some stuff on my phone. Suck my toes, massage my feet, and we'll call that the end of your punishment, from me at least. Since I'm not sure what else mom has planned for you. Fair?"

"Yes princess, that's fair," I replied. At least there was a light at the end of the tunnel. So I opened my mouth, stuck her right big toe in, and started sucking. There was no intense flavor per se, but I could feel the calluses scraping my tongue.

"Work your tongue on them too," I heard her say from the bed. So I moved my tongue around while sucking. It was hard to keep massaging with my hands as all my mind could focus on was how odd the situation was. Nonetheless, I continued on, going from toe to toe, working my way down to the pinky toe. Once I had made my way down each toe, I switched feet and did each individual toe on her left foot.

After I got down to the pinky on her left toe, she started pulling her foot back and shoving it in my face, spreading the wet slobber on her toes all over. Eventually I got the hint, and realized she wanted me to fit her whole foot in my mouth. So I opened wide for her, and she shoved all five toes into my mouth. Luckily, her feet were pretty small. So with a lot of effort, I was able to fit them in.

I could tell the night was coming to an end soon, we had been in my room for what felt like two hours at least. Finally, she told me, "that's enough," then she climbed off the bed and stood up. "You did a good job little brother. I expect you'll give my feet the same attention in the future right?"

I enthusiastically replied, "yes princess, anytime you like."

"Good. Now I expect you to stay in your room for the rest of the night, unless if mom says otherwise, of course. Also, I want you to take my dirty socks and keep them by your pillow. Sleep next to them all night so you can become more acquainted with my feet. Oh, and don't think I won't check to see if you kept them there, I will."

"Yes princess, I promise I'll sleep next to them."

"Good boy. I'm excited to see what else you can do. Anyway, good night."

"Good night princess," I replied as she shut the door behind her. I wondered what on earth she meant by "what else." What direction was she planning on taking things. Worshipping her feet felt a bit incestuous, but it also could've just been a power move. Still I couldn't help but think that maybe she was planning to take things in a sexual direction. I had to keep telling myself I was overthinking it.

That night I went to bed with her smelly socks next to me. The smell wafted into my nose all night, causing me to have a rough nights sleep. On top of that, my bottom was still on fire from the intense strapping I had received. I considered what my mother and I discussed about new responsibilities as an adult in the house. Was this what she meant? All I knew was that I had to watch myself, and be on my best behavior.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I have 2 schools of thought. 1 the dominance and control is hot. 2 having to serve my sisters after all the crap they put me through…I would have asked to be allowed to stay the night without the discipline and gone down to the local recruiter and signed up asking to be taken immediately. Gone back to my house to inform my mother. Been respectful for the next 24 hours and on my way out told my sisters to fuck off and that I will never be back.

Ultrafox69Ultrafox69about 1 year ago

I stopped at the chastedy belt.

This not an erotic story but a man hating feminist torture manuscript.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That is no incest. And bow we know exactly how feminist crap started. From depraced women who just want to torment abuse and torture people. There isn't anything incest about this please change the category. These peopke need help there wasn't anything erotic about this story.

JJA122JJA122over 3 years ago
I like it

I love this sort of thing.

luedonluedonover 3 years ago

An interesting question, Mattenw


You ask: "What do readers find erotic about this story?"

And why good ratings might be given outside the Loving Wives category.

I think it is probably because the only readers of stories in categories other than LW are people who read those stories because they like the topic and rate the story by how well it is written.

LW readers rate the story by whether the characters are doing what the reader wants them to do. The BTB mob will one-bomb any story in which an adulterous wife isn't burned, regardless of how well the story is written.


The question would be better asked of LW readers than of those reading other categories. They won't see your question here (nor my comment on it). I only saw it because it was one of the fifteen recent comments in the Public Feedback Portal.


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