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Fantasies Fulfilled Ch. 21

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Paula reveals her dark fantasy.
13.7k words

Part 21 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/21/2006
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Paula leaned closer to the mirror and touched up her lipstick, then stood back and examined the results, a couple of flyaway hairs were stroked back into place and she was happy. "Not bad for a woman my age." Then as a tiny lack of confidence began to creep into her mind she undid a second button on her tight fitting cotton blouse, revealing just a hint of the pink bra cupping her impressive cleavage. "Every little helps." She thought and exited the ladies, wending her way back to the table that Gavin was sitting at. Unknowingly she gathered several admiring looks from other customers in the bar.

Gavin smiled at her as she resumed her seat next to him. He immediately noticed the extra flesh on display. "Christ Paula, you don't know what you do to me."

Paula leaned forward and provocatively sucked on the straw of her cocktail, "I'm sure I don't know what you mean." She said with a wicked smile.

"This was supposed to be a proper working lunch."

"Well I'm ready to get down to business." She laughed.

"Fuck! I could do you right here and now."

"Could I a least finish my drink?"

Gavin sat back with a sigh, "Well to be fair we have covered most of the sales projections."

"I think you have your mind on some other projections right now." Paula replied glancing her eyes down to her cleavage.

"True. I fucking love your tits." He replied bluntly.

"Paula laughed and sat back. "Good. I'm glad you like them."

"I suppose we should be getting back to the office." He suggested.

Paula felt the lead weight return to her stomach. She had hoped they would be able to talk about things and she would have been able to find the right moment to bring something up that she had been putting off. "Couldn't we get another drink?" She suggested hoping to buy some time.

"I did tell Irene we'd only be an hour."

"She can manage another half hour surely."

"I suppose." He looked doubtful. "To be honest I don't particularly want another drink. Lunch time drinking just sends me to sleep. But if you want one we can stay. I'll get a coffee or something."

Paula took a deep breath and bit the bullet. "Gavin, we need to talk."

The four words that Gavin least wanted to hear from any woman made his heart sink. "We need to talk?" He repeated back to her. Those words were never followed by good news. Was he about to be dumped? Was she pregnant? Was he going to be asked to leave his wife? He slumped back in his seat. "What do we need to talk about?" He said with a look of resignation.

Paula shuffled a little closer to him and grasped his hands in hers. She had practiced this a hundred times in her head but that counted for nothing now that it came to it. She raised her eyes to his. She hesitated before finally saying "You know me don't you?"

"Of course I know you." He replied a little confused.

"I mean, you really know me, you know what I'm like."

"I think so." He was suspicious of where this was going. He had no clue of the direction the 'talk' was taking.

"I think we're what people call soul mates." She continued.

Gavin thought for a second. It was certainly true that he felt more comfortable with Paula than anyone else he had ever met and that included his wife. He felt he could tell her more or less anything and that there were never any awkward silences, silences yes, awkward no, not that they had ever really ran out of things to talk about. He found her endlessly interesting and amusing.

"I guess we are?" He was still not at all sure where this was going, but guessed he was not about to be dumped.

"What I'm getting at is that you know what I'm like. How I think, how I react, what I like in and out of bed. You trust me."

"I think we've established that I know you."

"I need you to remember it."

"What?" Now he was thinking he had done something wrong.

"I need you to remember what I'm really like and believe that I love you."

"OK?" He said uncertainly.

"I'm going to ask you to do something for me that's going to surprise you, probably shock you. But you must not think it's the real me. Remember how I truly feel about you. I said I love you and I meant it."

"OK." He said thoughtfully with a heavy hint of suspicion.

"Remember us talking about fantasies? How You agreed to help me with mine after we had sex with Rachael?"

Gavin felt a wave of relief. She just wanted a sex favour not a life changing event. "Well I recall you saying that I owed you one but I don't remember agreeing." He was teasing her but her face did not get the joke.

"You asked me to seduce your wife! We talked about it then as well." Gavin could not deny the conversation had taken place.

"True, but you never went into any detail. You never told me what your fantasy is. I do remember you saying it was a 'dark' one."

"I think it is. But it's been in my head for as long as I can remember. I've never told anyone about it, but I know it wont leave me until I act it out."

Gavin was intrigued, what could she want that was so dark and secret. "Who do you want me to kill?" He hoped he was cracking a joke.

"Nobody, but you might want to kill me when I tell you."

Now he was worried. "Just tell me what you want."

"You'll do it?"

Gavin could see the look of slight desperation in her eyes, he could hardly refuse, they definitely did have an agreement and if he was to have any chance of getting Paula and his wife in the same bed he would have to go along with her. He had often wondered what his fuck buddy's 'dark fantasy' was, he was pretty sure his idea of dark was a lot blacker than anything she would come up with. "Yes, I'll do it." He eventually agreed. "Anything to do with you and sex is a no brainer for me."

Paula's face visibly relaxed even though this was the bit she was dreading most. "I want to have sex with a stranger."

Gavin was a little taken aback, he had always assumed her fantasy would involve some sort of dressing up or maybe even a bit of bondage, he thought for a moment. "I have to wear a mask? Make up? How does that work exactly?"

"No. You don't have to do anything. I mean I want to have sex with a real stranger. Someone I don't know. Ideally someone I don't even see."

"You want to shag another man?" He was having difficulty understanding.

"No. Well yes, but I don't even want to know who. It's not like having sex with someone else. It's not like there's someone I particularly want to fuck", then she quickly added, "apart from you of course."

"So it's me you want to fuck?"

"I do. But I also want to be fucked by a stranger. Just once" She thought the last bit might help.

"Who is this stranger?"

She looked at him a little exasperatedly. "If I knew that, they wouldn't be a stranger."

Gavin was beginning to feel a little sick. He knew he was being a complete hypocrite but the thought of Paula with another man truly made his stomach churn. She did have a husband and whilst she had assured him that nothing ever went on between them he had assumed that no man could live in the same house as her and never... he did not like to think of it. His thoughts raced.


Gavin became aware that she expected him to respond in some way. "I... I don't..." He trailed off, shaking his head, he had nothing.

"I've upset you." She looked crestfallen. She had not expected him to be overjoyed at the idea but emotionally this was a lot harder than she had imagined. She was pretty sure that Gavin had not understood that this had nothing to do with him as a man or a partner or lover, it was simply a burning need, she had a curiosity that had to be answered. "It's not about my feelings for you."

She offered.

"You just want to fuck someone else, that isn't me." The sarcasm was hard to hide.

"You're not understanding. I don't want to be fucked by someone else in particular, that's the whole point."

Gavin was feeling almost tearful. "Just not me?"

She grasped his hands across the table and squeezed them. "Yes by you, always by you." Then she realised the logic and backtracked, "Just one time by a stranger."

"So what? You go to a bar and pick someone up for a quicky or is this a weekend in a hotel?"

Paula looked a little baffled. "Pick someone up? No. If I did that they wouldn't be a stranger any more and it would be because I chose them."

Gavin was confused. The logistical side of his brain was taking control. "So let me get this straight. You want to be fucked by..." He hated that term in relation to Paula and anther man, "You want to have sex with..." He stopped again, that was no better, he spent a few moments wondering which was worse 'fucked by or having sex with' "You want to meet up with someone you never met before and". He was stopped by her finger being pressed to his lips.

"Let me explain. I have always had, and I think this goes back to when I was a teenager, a desire to be made love to by a complete and utter stranger. Ideally I never even see them, before during or after, I don't want to know who it is, was, or is going to be. Bluntly, me on a bed in a dark room, man comes in does the deed and leaves not even a hello or goodbye."

"You want to be raped."

"No. I want this to happen."

Gavin was baffled, he had his fair share of fantasies, many of which had been ticked off his list recently, but he just could not get his head around this. "Why?" he asked.

Paula chose not to mention the fact that she was getting wet just thinking about being used and abused by a complete stranger. "It's not so much the act itself, it's afterwards. It's the not knowing who it was. Being in a room full of people and potentially they could be there and I wouldn't know, it's like having sex with all of them."

"All of them? Jesus."

"I don't want to have sex with all of them, but you know what I mean," he did not, "not knowing who means it could be anyone."

"And you find that exciting?"

"Yes. Wouldn't you?" She was truly surprised that he did not fully understand.

"So given that you don't want any prior contact with the bastard how does it happen? A card in a shop window, a telephone box. 'Free fuck, room 101, 9:00pm'. I'm sure you'll get them queuing down the street. Some of them might not even be tramps, rapists or druggies."

"Now you're being silly, please don't mock me."

Gavin felt suitably chastised knowing that he was being condescending. "So just how does the mystery man know that you're there ready willing and able, where ever that may be?"

Paula took a deep breath. "You tell them."

Gavin stared at her. "Like fuck I do."

"It's the only way."

"I am not pimping you out to any old passing stranger."

"I know you're not. That's why I feel safe doing it. You get to vet them."

"What am I supposed to do? Find some respectable looking chap and say there's a blonde in that room do me a favour, go and give her one."

Paula considered for a moment, "You know that might actually work, I bet some bloke would take you up on it. But actually no, I have a much better plan and it's one that might make you a little less anxious about it all."

Gavin braced himself, he knew this was going to be a workable plan, Paula was a clever girl and she had obviously thought this through very carefully.

"I've joined a club." She said, as if that explained all. His blank face told her otherwise. "You know... a club." The repetition did nothing for him. "A swingers club." It slowly dawned on him what she was saying and the sensibility of it sunk in. For some reason when she had said 'club' his first thoughts were of golf followed by cycling. Then just for a moment the word swingers became singers followed by choir. A swingers club made a lot more sense.

"An actual swingers club? Wife swapping sort of stuff? Do they really exist?"

"Yes. I was a little surprised by just how many there are to choose from."

Gavin was intrigued, the shock of his lover wanting to screw another man was fading a tiny bit. "Where is it?"

Paula smiled, thinking she had been quite clever. "It's in Leeds. Far enough away for anonymity, close enough to travel."

"Anonymity? You said you didn't want to know who... you know?"

"I don't want to know who, but I don't want to risk bumping into someone who knows me, or you for that matter."


"Yes of course you. You don't think I'd go to a swingers club on my own do you? Besides there would still be the issue of having to meet someone."

"So we go together and do a swap?"

"I've done my research and I even spoke to the owner. Quite a nice man really very helpful. We can go, have a drink and nibbles, socialise even, but we'd book a private room. I go to the room and you sort out who..."

Gavin was quite impressed, she did seem to have worked it all out.

Paula continued, "I'd quite understand if you wanted to avail yourself of any of the ladies." She hated the idea but it was the one way that she could think of to get him to agree. She slipped a card into his hand. "This is the club, look it up, see what you think and we'll talk about it." She felt a wave of relief having told him. "Now we really do need to get back to work." She pushed her chair back and stood.

That evening Gavin studied the club's web site. He was surprised at how expensive the membership was and that did not include entry to the twice weekly 'parties'. He snobbishly concluded that the prices would ensure a higher class of customer. The web site did include a lot of couples' pictures which he assumed were not genuine members, they were all mid twenties upwards and well dressed and attractive. He found himself paying more attention to the men than the women wondering which he would find the least objectionable as a partner for Paula. He concluded the uglier the better, not that any of them were remotely ugly. A glance at the women told him that none of them would be a hardship but a slim brown eyed brunette particularly caught his attention.

"She's nice." His wife's voice said from just behind him. Gavin literally jumped in his seat. "What's this you're looking at?" Elaine continued, leaning over his shoulder to get a better look.

Gavin considered quickly switching the screen off but knew that would be incredibly suspicious. "Oh, it's nothing, I clicked on a link in my junk mail, stupid really." He started to stand in order to usher Elaine out of the room but she leaned in further preventing him from moving.

"Adult parties? Does that mean no jelly and ice cream?"

"I don't know what it means."

"Of course you don't. Why are you looking up wife swapping clubs? Are you thinking of trading me in?"

"I wasn't looking it up, it just appeared."

Elaine reached in and tapped the back of his hand to relinquish the mouse, he could hardly refuse. She proceeded to click the back button and page after page of pictures and details scrolled into view. "These all just appeared did they?"

"No harm in looking." He looked sheepish.

"Are you really interested in joining a wife swapping club? They do have men there you know it's part of the deal. We swap, the clues in the name. You wouldn't mind me going off with another man? We tried it remember, I'm not sure you were OK with it."

"I wasn't really looking, I was just interested."

"Hmmm. I saw who you were interested in. I wonder if her husband is as attractive her?"

"I believe they have women who go for women too. Maybe she'd be more interested in you."

"Back on the threesome quest is it?" She teased.

"I was just looking."

"I'll let you off, but if you genuinely want to go that route it's a joint decision." Elaine squeezed his shoulder, kissed the top of his head and left the room. Gavin was a little confused, did his wife really just show an interest in a swapping club?

It was a few days before he had a chance to talk properly to Paula. Irene had a meeting with their accountant and he had the office to himself. He and Paula sat and had lunch together. The half glass office walls ensured they sat apart, the floor workers did not need any more cause for gossip.

"So what do you think?" She asked. "Did you look at the site?"

"It looked surprisingly classy. I bet those people aren't real members though."

"Some of them might be." Paula lacked a lot of Gavin's cynicism, she had of course looked at them all and thought most of the men were doable in broad daylight let alone in a dark room.

In the days since their meeting at the pub, Gavin had had time to come to terms with what Paula was asking, he had pushed his mind into accepting that she was not looking for his replacement just a long unrequited experience. Providing she assured him it was a one off, then he could handle it. He had also determined that he would not himself indulge in any pleasures of the flesh. He genuinely felt a deep guilt regarding his wife. He loved her, he also loved Paula but if push ever came to shove his wife would win, he just did not want the push to ever come. The part he was most dreading now was lying to his wife about where he was going when he and Paula did go to the club. Gavin's head and heart were all over the place.

"Will you do it?" Paula asked bluntly.

Gavin sighed. "Once. I'll do it once. Promise me that'll be an end to it."

Paula smiled. "I promise. Once is all I want."

"The parties are Wednesday or Saturday. Wednesday is better for me, I can blame it on work. But we have to be back the same night, I don't want to lie any more than I have to."

"It's Tuesday."

"I know."

"You mean tomorrow?"

"Yes." Paula looked worried. "You haven't got your period or anything?"

"No, you know when that's due. It's just a bit sudden."

"We can leave it a week."

Paula thought for a moment, her heart was racing. "No, tomorrow it is."

"I'll have to go in this work suit, it'll be too suspicious if I change clothes."

"You look fine, very smart. I'll bring a change of clothes though."

"You wont be needing any will you?" Gavin grimly observed. Over Paula's shoulder Gavin spotted Irene returning from her meeting. "I presume we don't talk about swinger clubs around Irene?"

"The first rule of Swinger Club is that we don't talk about..." Irene entered, cutting her short.

"Hello you two, how are my favourite sex fiends?" Both Gavin and Paula looked around them to make sure they were alone. "It's OK our little liaison is a well kept secret. But I'm hoping it wasn't a one off." She looked at Gavin when she said it. It had been a month since their business trip when the three of them had ended up in bed. She still cringed when she thought of what had happened afterwards when she had played call girl at her son's university house. She had spoken to Robbie a couple of times since but only briefly and the goings on had not been mentioned.

"I'm not sure it's a good idea mixing business with pleasure, Irene." Gavin said.

Irene looked from one to the other of them. "Well you two seem to manage." He had no answer to that. "How about you Paula, would you like to meet up again?"

"I had a great time but I go where Gavin goes." Was all she could think to say. She had developed a genuine fondness for Irene and their romps together had been a real eye opener for her but she was not about to start a one on one relationship with her female boss.

"Well the offer is always open, to either of you." Irene smiled and opened her laptop.

The following day dragged on and on. Paula must have looked at her watch a thousand times before five o'clock came. When it did she was out of the door like a shot. She drove to the pub a little way down the road, got a small valise from the boot and went to the ladies where she changed into her best dark blue underwear, a bustier and high side knickers, black stay up stockings, a simple black dress which finished a few inches above her knees and black high heels with silver buckles. A small black handbag with matching buckle finished her look. She spent ten minutes applying make up and adjusting her hair. Then she made sure her work clothes were safely stored in the valise. Finally she checked her handbag for lipstick and checked for the third time that she had put in her black sleep mask in there. Overnight she had determined that it would be far more thrilling if whoever she had sex with could have the lights on and see her nakedness but she would wear the blindfold. She thought it best not to mention that to Gavin. On exiting the ladies room she spotted through the window, Gavin's car pull into the car park. She went out to meet him.

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