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Fantasy Girl Ch. 04

Story Info
Mom lures her friend into affair with son.
13.5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/25/2022
Created 04/30/2003
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The story resumes the day after Mike's 20th birthday. Several weeks earlier Mike and his mom, Wendy, started fucking. For his birthday Wendy offered to fulfill Mike's ultimate sexual fantasy. After much deliberating, he choose to blindfold and tie her up before fucking her. She enjoyed it so much she started the next morning by tying him up and fucking again.

The other primary character is Tori, Wendy's co-worker and best friend. Mike has secretly lusted after Tori for a long time and they have now had three encounters. Initially, Tori accidentally caught Mike in the middle of jerking off. A few weeks later she gave him a quick blowjob at the hair salon where she and Wendy work. Most recently, they had oral sex at Mike's birthday party the previous weekend.


"How about we go out to eat tonight?" Wendy suggested a short while after she got home. Mike quickly agreed before she added, "After last night and this morning I don't think I have the energy to cook anything."

Mike felt his cock jump and he looked at his mom with a small smile as she gave him a devilish smile right back. All day long he felt as though he was in a daze thinking back to what had happened the previous night and again this morning. Despite having been fucked so completely, he had spent the day fighting to control his hard on.

They got in the car and drove to one of their favorite restaurants. It was a small place off the beaten path that served good food at cheap prices. They were seated in a secluded booth that suited Mike just fine as it gave them a bit of privacy.

After they ordered Wendy surprised Mike by taking his hand and looking him directly in the eyes. "Oh Mike," she said in a quiet voice, "sometimes you really do surprise me."

Mike wasn't sure exactly what she meant and gave her an inquisitive look before she continued. "Last night was very unexpected, but very appreciated."

Mike was surprised she was talking so openly about the previous night before he realized that anyone watching or listening wouldn't have any idea what they were actually talking about. He swelled with pride at her compliment and it made him very happy to know that his request was both unexpected and that she liked it. His cock began to stir and he couldn't help but ask, "So, what were you expecting?"

Wendy's eyes flashed a lusty gleam as she looked at him and it looked like she was beginning to formulate an answer. She had just opened her mouth and started to talk when the waitress returned with their food. That was enough to seemingly break the mood and they both sat for a while in silence as they ate.

Eventually they began making small talk but neither broached the subject they had been discussing before they were interrupted. Mike's heart was pounding and he wondered what she had expected him to ask for. He was very curious to hear what she had expected, and more importantly, what she would have been willing to do if he had asked.

It wasn't until the drive home that Mike raised the subject once again. "So, you never answered my question," he said.

"Which question was that?" Wendy teased making it very clear she knew exactly what Mike was talking about.

"What were you expecting me to ask for last night?" Mike asked as his anticipation built to nearly uncontrollable levels.

"Honestly," she began as she turned the corner onto their street, "I guess I expected you to be like most other men your age." She paused a bit before she added, "I know most young men are fascinated with women being together. I guess I expected you to ask to watch me with another woman or for some type of group sex."

She pulled up in front of their house and parked the car as Mike sat in stunned silence feeling like he'd been hit in the stomach with a board. Wendy looked over at him with a sly smile on her face and said, "Come on, let's go inside."

As he walked inside Mike's head was spinning like a top. If she had expected him to ask for that, had she been willing to give it to him? He had about two dozen questions racing through his mind at the same time and he didn't know where to start so he simply remained silent.

"What's the matter?" she finally teased once they were inside, "Cat got your tongue?" She then added, "Mike, I want you to know that I absolutely loved fulfilling your fantasy last night. The fact that it was unexpected perhaps even made it better for me. I hope you aren't upset that I said I was thinking you would pick something else."

"No, no. Not at all," Mike answered. "It's just..." his voice trailed off, as he still didn't know what to say exactly.

"What, Mike?" Wendy asked. "There is certainly no reason to get shy now. Tell me what is on your mind."

"Well," Mike started slowly, "honestly I did think about asking for exactly that." Wendy broke into a wide, sexy smile as if she was pleased to find out that she did know her son as well as she thought.

"Why didn't you?" Wendy said coyly.

"Well, um, I don't know..." Mike stammered, "I mean, how? With who? I guess I didn't think I could really ask for that."

She took his hands in hers and moved directly in front on him stopping only when their bodies were just barely brushing together. "Mike," she started, "I told you that you could ask for anything. I wouldn't have said that if I didn't mean it."

Mike's cock jumped and he felt a big knot of excitement in his stomach. He couldn't believe that she would have agreed to it if he had asked. Part of him was kicking himself for not having asked. As his mind reeled a couple of questions popped out of his mouth. "But, who? How?"

She didn't answer and instead leaned forward and met him with a lingering, soft kiss. When she parted the kiss she very quietly asked, "Mike, I wanted last night to be about fulfilling your biggest fantasy. I want to know if this is actually your biggest fantasy."

"Yes," Mike replied honestly.

"Good," she said just before they melted together in a deeply passionate kiss. They stood kissing and softly caressing each other for a long time before they went up to her bedroom. Once there they slowly stripped each other and then took their time fucking slowly and passionately.

After they finished and lay exhausted in each other's arms Mike was still trying to comprehend what she had said to him earlier. Had she agreed to have group sex with him? Was she going to let him watch her fuck another woman? Before he could ask, he felt her fall asleep in his arms and it wasn't much later that he too drifted off.

Neither of them referred to their exchange over the next few days. Mike ultimately convinced himself that she must have been just "talking dirty" for him and trying to get him excited thinking about her with another woman. The fact that she didn't bring it up seemed to reaffirm his theory that she hadn't been serious about doing it. He still thought about it often but he never brought it up with her. She clearly knew his feelings now and he figured the next move, if it would come, would be hers.

It was perhaps a week later when Wendy surprised Mike while they were eating dinner. "Mike," she began in a tone that let him know she was serious, "I know that you say what we have been doing is fine but I am concerned about something. I feel like you have been spending all of your free time with me and I think you should be out dating other girls. There have got to be some girls at school that you would want to date."

"Yeah," Mike answered somewhat unenthusiastically. The truth was that there were a couple of cute girls that he had thought about asking out but he hadn't given it much thought since he and Wendy had started fucking.

"I want you to go out with some other girls," she continued. "I can't feel like what we are doing is messing up your normal social life."

"OK," he answered.

She still wasn't convinced at his response so she looked at him with a crooked smile and said, "I didn't think you would be too enthusiastic, so I took the liberty of setting you up for a date Friday night."

"A date?!" he replied in surprise. "With who?"

"Someone I know from work has a really cute daughter home for a while. She is bored and lonely and I thought it would do you some good to be with someone your own age," Wendy said.

He knew from years of experience that there really was no arguing with his mom so he begrudgingly agreed to the blind date. He quickly set his expectations for the night very low figuring his date would either be really ugly or have a hideous personality. The only good part about it was that his agreeing to the date made his mom surprisingly happy. He felt like she was really blowing this whole thing out of proportion and that she was getting far too excited about him taking out her friend's daughter, but if it made her happy he figured it was only good for him in the long run.

On the day of his date Mike slowly got ready still not feeling very excited or happy about the night. Wendy had eagerly turned over the car keys and again seemed to be oddly excited that he was going out on this date.

She gave Mike a page of directions on where to go to pick up his date. Mike easily followed them and found himself pulling up outside a medium sized apartment complex. He parked and went up to the apartment number that Wendy had written down for him.

When the door opened Mike's jaw dropped open in shock. Standing in front of him was Tori! He couldn't stop his eyes from wandering over her body. "Uhh, hi," he stammered. He really didn't know what to say as Tori was about the last person he expected to have a daughter his age. "I'm here for the date that mom set up," he added as if to justify why he was there.

Wendy had told him to dress casually and he noticed that Tori was similarly dressed. She wore a pair of tight jeans and a black T-shirt that really showed off her reddish hair. The jeans rode low and the shirt was cut short so her belly button was exposed to Mike's gaze. During his brief glimpse he could see her belly button piercing glimmer in the light.

The shirt had a deep v-neck and her bra pushed her tits up high creating a sensuous valley of cleavage between her tits. To top it all off she had on a pair of high heeled sandals that exposed the bright red polish on her toenails that matched the color on her fingernails. If her daughter looked half as good as her this might not turn out to be such a bad night after all, Mike thought.

Tori stood and let Mike's eyes go to the floor and back up to her eyes again before she smiled and said, "I'm glad you approve. Come on in."

Mike smiled awkwardly at having been caught being so obvious and went inside. "Do you mind if we stay in tonight?" she asked with a smile that showed she already knew he wouldn't. "I couldn't think of a good place to go. This can be such a small town sometimes it can be hard finding fun things to do out other than drink. Besides," she added with a sexy grin, "I thought it might be fun to just hang out here."

Mike's head was now spinning and he tried to figure out what was happening. "But what about your daughter?" he asked. "Mom said I was supposed to take her out."

Tori laughed devilishly and put her arm on Mike's shoulder. "Your mom thought it would be fun to surprise you," she said, "I hope you don't mind spending the night with me and not some hot college girl." As she spoke she playfully ran her fingers over his shoulders in a way that sent jolts of excitement straight to his cock.

"That sounds great," Mike replied lamely. Tori giggled at his awkward answer and took his hand leading him further into her apartment. She ordered dinner from a nearby restaurant and went into the kitchen to pour herself some wine.

Mike casually looked around the apartment. It was decorated very tastefully. He wasn't sure what he expected her place to be like but this really wasn't it. The decorations were similar to what his own mom might have selected, but that probably shouldn't have surprised him as Tori was only a few years younger than Wendy.

The food soon arrived and they ate a nice meal as Tori continued drinking wine. She offered some to Mike but he refused. They talked all through dinner about various subjects. She asked all about his school and he learned that she had been married once many years earlier. She married a guy she met not too long after high school. They were married for only about three years before she caught him in bed with another woman.

"Ever think about getting married again?" Mike asked.

"No," she replied, "I'm having too much fun on my own. I don't know that I'm the marrying type."

They both laughed at her comment as they got up to clean off the table. Afterwards they moved to the living room and Tori dialed up the pay per view movie listings. They quickly found one they both wanted to see so she ordered it and went to pour them more drinks. She brought Mike a glass of Coke and refilled her wine before setting the rest of the bottle in front of her.

Mike had been having a surprisingly great evening so far. Once his initial wave of lust passed from simply being alone with Tori he was able to relax and found he really enjoyed being with her. She was definitely mature like his mom but he still felt, at times, like he was talking to someone his own age.

She sat close to him during the movie and he put his arm over her shoulder. It was amazing to him that he could be so confident and comfortable in this situation. He was somewhat surprised at how boldly he had put his arm around her since he still didn't know what her intentions were for the night. However, he relaxed as soon as she leaned closer to him and clearly had no objections to his arm around her.

He was briefly struck by how much he had changed recently. Just a few months ago he would have been too nervous to move but now he not only had his arm around her but let his fingers rub softly up and down her arm as they watched the movie. It was amazing what being with Wendy had done for his overall confidence and how that manifested itself in ways he would never have guessed.

They chatted periodically through the movie as it turned out that it wasn't as good as they had hoped. About halfway through Tori said, "So who has your mom been seeing lately?"

"What do you mean?" Mike asked trying to sound casual.

"She won't admit anything to me," Tori said, "but you can practically see it written all over her. Pardon my being so blunt, but it is obvious that your mom has been getting laid."

"Oh," Mike said trying to sound surprised as he thought about what to say. "She's been out a few times but hasn't said anything to me."

"Really?" Tori questioned looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Mike thought for a moment that his face was giving away his dirty secret and breathed a silent sigh of relief when she said, "Wendy always tells me about how close you two are and now here she is keeping secrets from you. I'll have to give her some shit the next time I see her."

By the time the movie ended Tori had finished her bottle of wine and her hand was resting on Mike's knee. He started rubbing her neck and the back of her head and heard her moan softly once or twice. Without a word she looked up at him before they met in a kiss. Their lips parted almost immediately and their tongues began dancing together.

They continued to kiss and grope each other on the couch before Tori stood up and said, "Come with me."

She led him down the hallway to her bedroom as Mike's mind raced to come to grips with what was happening. Was he really about to fuck her? As soon as they reached her bedroom they resumed their kiss standing next to her bed. The more they kissed the more wanton and excited their embrace became until Tori gasped, "Ever since I caught you jerking off I've been thinking about this. You tasted so good in the salon that day..." Her voice trailed off as Mike drove his tongue into her mouth and resumed their wild kiss.

They kissed hungrily before she continued, "And on your birthday, hmmmm, that was sooo fucking nice."

"I've wanted this for a long time," he whispered into her ear before moving to her neck and kissing and licking his way down to her collarbone. She moaned as he teased her neck so he continued up one side and down the other until he needed more.

He took the bottom of her shirt and began to pull it upward. She lifted her arms and let him pull her shirt off. He stood for a moment gazing at the sexy black bra that pushed her tits together so erotically. Before he could reach out for the clasp she moved to him and pulled off his shirt and pants leaving him wearing only his boxers.

He reached for her bra but she whispered, "Do the pants." He unsnapped the button on her jeans before pulling down the zipper. She helped him push the pants down her legs and stepped out of them still wearing the spike-heeled shoes.

He stared openly at her as she now wore only a black thong, black bra, and those sexy shoes. She posed playfully for him and then said, "Take off your boxers." He quickly pulled them off and tossed them aside as she stared at his hard cock and smiled.

"Jerk off for me," she said. He just stared at her at first before she added, "I want you to finish what I interrupted in your room."

He wrapped his fingers around his hard cock and began to slowly stroke himself as he stared at Tori. "Do you think about me when you jerk off?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered.

"Do you think about fucking me?"


"I want you to think about me now," she said as she stepped closer to him. "Look at me and think about what you want to do to me."

She was now standing right in front of him. He began stroking himself faster as she ran her hands over her tits letting her fingertips drag along her cleavage temptingly. She turned around and swayed her ass back and forth slowly. His eyes were drawn to a small tattoo of a lizard near the top of her right ass cheek.

She continued modeling for him as he jerked off until she whispered, "Cum for me. I want to watch you cum."

He moaned and began to jerk off faster. Very soon he gasped, "I'm cumming," and almost immediately huge jets of thick cum began shooting from his cock.

"Yessss," Tori hissed as she moved slightly closer to him. His cum landed directly on her stomach and he watched jet after jet land there before he finished. He stared lustfully as she brought her right hand up to her stomach and began to rub his cum into her skin. By the time she finished her stomach and the tops of her thighs glistened under a layer of his cum.

When she finished rubbing his cum she made direct eye contact with him as she unsnapped her bra and tossed it aside. Next she pushed her thong off and stood before him completely naked except for her shoes.

She put her arms around his neck and pulled him over to the bed where she sat down on the edge and spread her legs wide. She pushed him down between her legs and it was obvious to Mike what she wanted.

He eagerly dove into her dripping wet pussy and let his tongue swirl through her heavy juices. She moaned excitedly and Mike grew very excited and happy knowing that she enjoyed his teasing. Ever since he had first tasted her at his birthday party he had desired another chance. He remembered every trick his mother had taught him and used them all to drive Tori wild.

With her excitement growing she fell onto her back as Mike continued kneeling on the floor between her legs. He loved how wet she was and he savored her heady taste as he licked and sucked at her.

When Tori finally came she grabbed his head and pulled it roughly against her pussy. She rubbed his face and mouth against her convulsing pussy as she rocked her hips from side to side. Mike wildly fucked her with his tongue and licked and sucked all over her pussy as it spasmed against his face.

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