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Fantasy of My Mother and Sister

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Indonesian Mum and Daughter raped in front of humiliated son.
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A reader contacted me from Indonesia and requested that I write him a story about his incest and humiliation fantasies.

After exchanging ideas via email the following short story is the result. I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as he did.


My name is Robert, I'm a 27year old Indonesian guy whose recent experience of paying back a gambling debt should serve as a warning to all mothers or daughters who suspect that their son or brother is in financial difficulty.

It started quite innocently when a friend of mine at a local bar suggested I might like to join him and some others in an after-hours poker game. I had always considered myself to be a good poker player and on this particular evening I did well. I felt very nervous when he showed me through to a back room of the bar. The other guys were not the types I normally mixed with. They were heavily built and tattooed and it would not have surprised me if they ran the local drugs trade. However, they welcomed me as a new player and, as I said, I did well and went home with twice the cash that I had to start with.

Predictably I suppose, my luck was to change for the worse. A week or so later I was invited back to play again. This time it went disastrously wrong. I suppose I was feeling over confident after the first time and also I suspect that they had let me win so as to entice me back before taking all of my money.

The game started reasonably well but soon I had lost all of my money. We were playing for higher stakes than I was comfortable with but I wanted to appear to be an experienced player. I was holding what I felt certain was a winning hand and when one of the guys offered to loan me IDR100,000,000 to enable me to continue I accepted his offer immediately, confident that I would win the IDR50,000,000 that was already on the table. In what I felt was the worst few hours of my life I lost and found myself looking at the big guys pleading for them to give me some time before paying them back. They agreed to a week and then, having searched my pockets and found my home address and phone number, they threw me out of the bar reminding me that I had exactly one week to pay them back. I owed these men almost half a year's salary and I had no idea where to or who to turn to.

The week passed quickly and one morning I noticed a large dark car parked outside my house. My fifty-two-year-old mother, Irene and twenty-three-year-old sister, Aurel had just left the house to go shopping. It was my cousin's wedding in a few weeks' time and my mother and sister were going to town to pick up their evening gowns that had been especially made for them.

Now alone in the house I recognised the two large guys walking up the drive and trembled as I heard the doorbell ring.

I contemplated not answering the door but fearing they would just smash it open I nervously released the locks, opened the door and stood to one side as they pushed by me and came inside.

"Where is our money you little wanker?" the largest of the two said. "We gave you a week to pay up and have not heard from you at all."

"I did not have time to raise the cash", I answered without any real conviction.

"Just ask your mother, I'm sure she can afford to pay her little boy's debts."

"I can't. She'll throw me out of the house if she finds out that I've lost money gambling."

As he spoke the other guy was looking around and then turned to the big guy and said, "It looks as though the family are well off. Let's just take whatever we can find and leave this little shit to explain to his mother that some nasty men forced their way in and burgled the house."

The big guy chuckled as he said to the other, "that should recover most of the debt but we've just seen the interest repayment leave the house earlier as we arrived."

I stood there silently, wondering what they meant and fearing that they would beat me or worse as the big guy said, "This is what is going happen. We are going to take any jewellery and valuables we can find to the value of your debt. You will have to make up a story about burglars and how they forced their way in."

I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that my mother had the house contents adequately insured. It seemed like an easy way out until the big guy added, "then we need to discuss the interest payment."

"What do you mean interest payment?" I wined.

"The interest you owe us is IDR20,000,000."

"Then please just take more items," I said.

The big guy looked at his accomplice and grinned as he said, "We need something other than cash or goods; something that will teach you a lesson not to get into debt again."

I felt fearful as I asked, "What did you have in mind?"

He then looked me straight in the eyes and said, "My friend and I like to visit whore houses from time to time. Do you know how much two high class whores cost for an evening?"

I had no idea and felt completely out of my depth as I replied, "No, I don't."

"Two good high class whores cost around the same as your outstanding interest."

I looked at him wondering where this conversation was going and then my heart began to sink as he continued, "we watched two high class whores walk out of this house just before we came in."

Rather naively I replied, "No, they were my mother and sister." But as the words left my mouth the truth of what he was saying hit me.

"We are going to take goods from your house now and you are then going to give us a spare key. Sometime during the next month or so we will return unannounced, take the three of you by surprise and then fuck both your mother and sister."

I started to protest but then stopped abruptly as the big guy suddenly thrust his hand between my legs and grabbed my scrotum in his large hand.

He squeezed hard causing me to cry out and then collapse onto the floor in agony as he released his grip. They left me groaning on the floor as they quickly searched the house before returning to me in the hallway carrying small but valuable items including most of my mother's jewellery and a couple of top end tablet computers.

The big guy paused menacingly above me and said, "Give me your door key or I'll crush your balls again,"

"It's on the table next to the house phone," I replied weakly, still clutching my groin.

He grabbed the key and before leaving the house, opened the front door and tried it in the lock. Satisfied that it was OK he put it in his pocket, turned to me and said, "see you soon you little wanker," before the pair of them walked off down the drive.

Somehow I managed to convince both my mother and the police that I had been overpowered by the burglars when I opened the door to them. My mother even told me not to worry as she hugged me and confirmed that the valuables were all covered by insurance.

During the next few days I worried constantly about the two guys returning. My mind was in turmoil; part of me was fearful of my mother finding out the truth about my gambling debt but, although I tried to suppress it, I actually felt aroused by the idea of watching my mother and sister at the mercy of the two guys. Eventually I convinced myself that it was the fantasy of watching their abuse rather than watching the harsh reality which would be awful.

Despite my tortured thoughts I found myself masturbating each night with images in my head of my mother and sister being forcibly stripped naked and then abused.

I'd had improper thoughts about them ever since reaching puberty. First it was just my mother but then, when my sister, who is younger than me reached puberty, I found myself fantasising about her as well. I often spied on them in their rooms, hoping for a glimpse of their naked or partially clothed bodies as they dressed or undressed.

As the days passed by I began to think that the big guys had just been threatening me. The weekend of my cousin's wedding arrived and my mother, Sister and I dressed in our new outfits before leaving for the celebrations in a hired limousine.

I thought that both my mother Irene and sister Aurel looked fabulous in their expensive blue silk evening gowns. Both dresses fitted their bodies perfectly, flowing elegantly down to their ankles. Each dress had a sleeveless top with narrow shoulder straps and modestly plunging necklines, showing a tantalising glimpse of both my mother's and Aurel's cleavages.

The celebrations lasted late into the evening but after saying our goodbyes to relatives and friends the three of us were soon in the limousine and returning home.

Everything looked normal as we arrived outside of our house. The three of us were in a relaxed mood as we walked to the front door and let ourselves inside the house.

My mother suggested a night cap before we retired to bed and so the three of us walked into the living room. The room was dimly lit. As I was the last to enter I flicked on the main room lights.

As the light flooded the room both my mother and sister screamed as I felt my arm being grabbed and the door being slammed shut. It took me a second or so to realise that the two big guys had returned.

The biggest of the two was gripping my mother and sister Aurel by the arm as they both struggled.

As the big guy held them both the other one looked leeringly at them both before saying, "You'll both do nicely."

The big guy released his grip and turned toward me saying, "I told you we would be back to collect our interest payment."

I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me as my mother glared at me saying, "Robert, what is this man talking about?"

Before I could answer the big guy said, "your little boy here has been gambling and got himself into debt with us."

My mother interrupted him as she said quickly, "whatever he owes you I'll pay. I'll pay you the full amount and then you can leave us alone."

Both men laughed loudly as the big guy said, "You have already paid. Who do you think committed the burglary the other week?"

Mother looked puzzled as she said, "So why are you here now?"

Both my mother and I saw him openly looking Aurel up and down as if he was appraising her slim but curvy body as he said, "We are here to collect the interest payment. The additional payment due for the inconvenience your son has caused us.

"I'll give you cash now," she said. "Just please leave us alone."

He shifted his gaze to my mother, making it very obvious that he was staring directly at her cleavage as he said, "I don't think you understand what this interest payment will be. Let me spell it out for you.

On Saturday nights my friend here and I regularly visit the local whore house where we choose a couple of filthy women to entertain us for an hour or so. Tonight we have been inconvenienced and as a result we have both missed out on our usual Saturday night fun.

I could see the panic starting to spread on Aurel's and my mother's faces as they realised what these men wanted and, in case they were still in doubt the big guy continued, "What are your names?"

They both remained silent until he shouted again, "what are your fucking names!"

"Irene," my mother whispered.

"Aurel," said my sister.

"OK, Irene and Aurel, guess what? Tonight you are going to be our whores and your darling Robert is going to watch how whores are treated to teach him the value of money and the folly of borrowing what he cannot afford to pay back."

Both Aurel and my mother started pleading with the big guy to leave them alone and just take whatever they wanted but he wasn't listening. He just grinned as he looked across the room to me and said, "OK, you little wanker, take off your clothes."

Now it was my turn to plead and panic but I reluctantly obeyed when the other guy said, "strip naked now or I'll just rip all of your clothes from your body."

I glanced nervously at my mother and sister as I started to undress. I felt very self-conscious as I took off my clothes until I was left wearing just my underpants.

"All of your clothes you little wanker."

I had always been a little shy, and the thought of standing naked in front of these men and my mother and sister made me cringe with shame.

"I'll count to three!" said the guy nearest to me, "One, Two...

I grabbed the waistband of my underpants and swiftly pushed them down my legs and kicked them off.

Despite the situation I saw Aurel looking at my genitals but then divert her gaze abruptly as the big guy said to her, "we'll show you much bigger examples of manhood than your weedy brother's excuse for a cock when we get this little party started;

Now both of you strip and let's see what we have under those elegant dresses."

My mother and Aurel just stood frozen to the spot and then my mother tried to escape the big guy as he suddenly grabbed the plunging neckline of her dress and said, "Either you take it off or I'll just rip your expensive dress from your body. The choice is yours."

"Please don't rip it!" she pleaded. Then take it off now and stop being stupid!"

Aurel looked horrified, knowing that it would be her turn next as she watched my mother reach up behind and unzip the long dress. I could see a tear in her eye as, with both men watching her intently, she slipped the straps from her shoulders and let the dress fall to the floor. She reached down and picked it up, folding it carefully before placing it on a nearby chair.

I could not help but stare at my mother as she stood self-consciously in just her black lace bra, panties and holdup stockings.

The two guys both looked her up and down commenting, "Not bad for an old lady," before turning to Aurel and saying, "now it's your turn."

Aurel looked at both men in turn and then glanced over at me. I could see the embarrassment in her face as well as a stubborn streak she had always had since childhood.

She just stood there defiantly until the big guy suddenly grabbed both shoulder straps of her dress and tugged them down off of her shoulders. "The choice is yours you little slut, either take the dress off voluntarily or I'll just rip it off for you."

I sensed her despair but briefly admired her defiance as she refused to give in. I then heard the ripping sound and then a gasp of horror as the guy literally tore the dress from Aurel's body. The tattered remains of her once elegant evening gown were now just a bundle of rags on the floor leaving Aurel standing there, looking shocked and embarrassed wearing just a black lace bra, matching panties and hold ups like her mother was wearing.

I considered making a run for it when the guy with me joined the big guy to get a closer look at my mother and Aurel. I realised very quickly that it would be pointless as they were certain to catch me and it would probably make matters worse than they already were.

I just stood there, naked, trying to suppress my own excitement at seeing the two of them stripped to their underwear. My mind was racing and thinking of what would happen next.

My thoughts stopped when I heard the big guy say, "OK, Irene turn around slowly and show us what you have to offer." I watched as, with a look of shame, my mother slowly turned round as the guys rudely appraised her body.

I listened as the big guy placed his hand on her belly, causing her to gasp, as he said, "her belly is a little slack and flabby but not bad for an old whore."

As she faced away from them the big guy slapped her buttocks saying, "her arse has sagged a little."

As she continued her turn the other guy said, "Nice sized tits, probably droopy without a bra though."

As my mother completed her humiliating turn and faced the men the big guy said, "You might as well give in now. The sooner you and Aurel satisfy us both the sooner we'll be out of here."

"Please don't hurt Aurel," my mother pleaded.

"We won't hurt her Irene; we just intend to fuck her!"

I saw and heard Aurel gasp as the realisation of her fate filled her senses.

The big guy ignored Aurel as he said, "OK Irene, it's time for you to show us your tits. Take off the bra and let's see what you've got."

My mother glanced at me before reaching behind her back. I watched as the cups on her bra suddenly slackened and then tried to hide my excitement as she took off her bra and stood there with her breasts exposed.

"There a little saggy Irene," said the big guy as he reached out and grabbed one of my mother's breasts, "but I like your huge nipples.

She gazed down at her feet with shame and audibly winced as he pinched one of her nipples between his finger and thumb. As the big guy continued to touch and grope my mother the guy who had just ripped off Aurel's dress interrupted him saying, "we can go back to the mother in a minute. Let's have a closer look at sexy Aurel here."

I sensed her acute embarrassment as the two guys stood close to her; one in front and the other behind her.

I saw her flinch as the guy behind her grabbed one of her buttocks and said, "she's got a lovely cute backside, so firm and perfect. Now turn around slowly and let us both see what you have."

With a great deal of reluctance Aurel started to slowly turn round, her cheeks looking flushed and embarrassed as the guys commented on her figure.

"Nice firm tits," said the big guy, "we'll get those out next and get a good look and a feel.

I watched as they ran their hands all over her body, stroking her thighs and caressing her firm flat belly. Aurel flinched at every touch as they inspected her as they would a piece of fresh meat.

When she had completed a couple of turns the big guy said, "OK, Aurel, it's time to show us your tits. Take off your bra and let's have a good look."

"Please don't make me do this," she pleaded. Both men laughed as the big guy said, "Your brother over there should have realised what the consequences might have been when he started gambling. He did not care. His only concern was to have enough money to gamble with. Now he must watch and learn what the consequences of his selfish behaviour are to you and your mother.

Now take off your bra before we are forced to rip it off."

I felt ashamed as I eagerly awaited a glimpse of Aurel's breasts. Ashamed because of my increasing feelings of arousal and the inability to hide it.

Aurel looked shyly at the two guys as she said, "OK, but don't hurt me," as she reached behind her and unfastened her bra. She hesitated as the cups went slack, holding them to keep her breasts covered. The big guy then just grabbed one of the shoulder straps and pulled it violently from her body. Her natural reaction was to try and cover herself with her hands but the other guy quickly grabbed her arms and held them behind her back.

My eyes felt drawn to Aurel's perfect firm and pert breasts which were moving in a most sexy way as she struggled with the guy holding her arms.

I watched as the guy holding her arms quickly released his grip and then reached around to cup each of her breasts in his large hands. I watched her writhe and struggle as he groped and squeezed her breasts, pinching and teasing her nipples as the big guy watched.

At that moment both of the guys were preoccupied with Aurel to notice my predicament but much to my embarrassment, my fully erect penis had not gone unnoticed by my mother. I could see the look of disgust on her face as her gaze locked on to my erect manhood.

My mother's attention was then suddenly distracted as the big guy thrust his hand down the front of Aurel's panties causing her to cry out and then sob with shame as he exclaimed, "well, what do you know, the little whore's cunt is soaking wet!"

At that very moment my mother shouted, "Please, please leave my daughter alone. I'll do whatever you two filthy men want but please just leave Aurel alone."

The guys looked at my mother and then at each other. "So you will do anything we want?" said the big guy.

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