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Farewell to the Dancing Man Ch. 05-10

Story Info
Cynthia and Rebecca make decisions.
10.5k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/03/2022
Created 03/27/2012
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Cynthia's Story.

I guess it had to happen. Peter had been busy with his business, building it up from the small family business that he'd inherited from his father. I can understand that, but what I can't understand is his lack of interest in family matters. Take this morning for instance, he was prepared to stay home from work to answer police questions but when he discovered that he wasn't needed he left for work without kissing me good-bye. It wasn't that he has been in the habit of kissing me good-bye of late, but it seemed to stand out today because of the disruption to the routine.

I tried last night to interest him in sex but no, he 'had too much to do'. Even when he did come to bed he showed no interest. I stayed awake waiting for him but he just went to sleep.

I felt so dirty lying there beside him trying to get some satisfaction from my finger, don't get me wrong sex isn't everything, if it was I would have accepted one of several offers I have had from friends' husbands. Apart from my loyalty to Peter I just couldn't see myself being able to face them knowing that I had been having sex with their husband.

Then this morning along came this detective. I don't know what came over me, I actually set out to seduce him, it wasn't that he was all that handsome, oh he had a sort of rugged charm about him. At first I wasn't sure if he would be willing, he pointedly refused to call me by my first name and I still don't know his. I saw that he was nervous about being close to me and when the opportunity came up I made sure that I didn't miss it.

Firstly I had to get the girls out of the house, after the TV people had left and there was no more excitement around, it was easy. With Samantha's parents out of the house for the day, they both worked, I knew that they would take the opportunity to be by themselves. The mess the TV crew made getting their film was the perfect excuse for me to get Brownlow here.

Once they had gone I made my preparations carefully, I put on my sexiest blouse, I felt guilty wearing it because Peter liked it, but it was the most suitable. I left my bra off, my breasts are probably my best feature, at least my friends' husbands have told me so. I checked carefully that it opened just the right amount, in the mirror I could see that when I bent over most of my breasts showed. I also checked that when I sat down the skirt fell open to reveal just the right amount of leg. I was careful not to put on too much makeup, and when I had finished I looked in the full length mirror and had to admit that the result was pretty good.

When he arrived I was pleased to see that he had come alone. I don't know what I would have done if he'd brought Constable what's his name with him. He tried hard to keep his eyes off my breasts but I could see him sneaking a look whenever he thought that I wasn't looking.

I was sure that he was a biscuit dunker which is why I chose Monte Carlos, (Monte Carlos are two elliptical shortbread biscuits with a jam and cream filling), the filling would hold it together long enough for him to get it clear of the cup before letting go and dropping the soggy biscuit back, hopefully with a suitably big splash. All that I had to do was to distract him for long enough while the biscuit was in the coffee for it to reach the right consistency. I couldn't have asked for a better result. From there it was easy.

I had a few qualms when I returned to the bedroom after taking his trousers to the laundry, but I soon overcame those, once I had him on the bed he was mine. I was surprised at the cold-blooded way that I set out to get him, but I wasn't disappointed with him. He was big, I felt when he put it into me that I might not be able to take it all, but I somehow managed. He was gentle as well as strong, moving slowly within me and I thought that I would die when we both came together.

I was enjoying the afterglow of sex with him when Rebecca's outburst spoiled it all.


Rebecca's Story

I was devastated! There was Mummy on the bed with HIM! They were both naked and had obviously been making love. She must have seduced him because I know that he wouldn't have done it unless she had.

When we got to Samantha's house she had gone into her parents' bedroom and got out some Playboy magazines that her father had hidden on top of his wardrobe. I didn't think that those women could be real, their skin was too perfect, and we all thought our breasts were every bit as good as theirs. Samantha took her top off, "See mine are shaped the same as hers, maybe not as big. Let's have a look at yours Bec, I bet they are better than her's." I took off my top, I felt sort of funny doing it but didn't want to be left out of anything. "See look at Bec's Belinda, aren't they better than hers? Let's have a look at yours now."

"No. This is dirty, we shouldn't be doing it."

"Don't be so wet, Rebecca didn't have any problem showing hers, did you Bec?"

"Well, no."

"But you'll laugh at mine, they're so small."

"Size isn't everything as long as they are the right shape."

"Oh I suppose so." Belinda slowly took off her top, they were smaller than Sam's, their size having been hidden by the padding of her bra.

"You've nothing to be ashamed of with them. They're cute."

Samantha's hand reached out and stroked my breast and I felt tingly inside, I know that we shouldn't be doing this but couldn't bring myself to stop her.

Belinda stood up. "I'm going home, you shouldn't be doing that and if you don't stop I'll tell on you."

"Who to? Samantha asked.

"Your mother, that's who."

"My mother wouldn't worry about that, how about yours Bec?"

"I don't think that she'd be too pleased." I used this as an excuse to pull away from Sam's caresses. "I think that I should go home too." I dressed quickly and as I left Sam said quietly, "I want to continue what we've started, but without Belinda around." I didn't say yes or no.

When I got home I left my bike in the garage and went in through the back door. There was a police car parked out in the street but I couldn't see any sign of a policeman anywhere so I went down the hall to my room, and that's when I heard someone talking in Mum and Dad's bedroom.

I opened the door and that was when I saw Mummy and the Sergeant on the bed. I couldn't help myself, I cried out before I realised it and he and Mummy sat up. They must have been as shocked to see me as I was to see them. I couldn't stay there so I rushed to my room and locked the door. I hated her! How could she do this to me, I was in love with him and she was trying to take him away from me. I'll never speak to her again!


Brownlow left as soon as he was dressed. Cynthia had kissed him, "I'll call around tomorrow to check what's happening." He whispered into her hair in the general direction of her left ear.

"That'll be fine, she'll be at school and I'll be ready for you."

She walked down the hallway to Rebecca's room and tapped on the door. Rebecca, open up I need to talk to you."

"Go away. I have nothing to say to you, how could you do this to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Making love to him, I know that's what you were doing."

"I can't deny it, that's just what I want to talk to you about, woman to woman." Rebecca considered this for some time before she opened the door. "What I did today is not something of which I am proud, it just happened. When you get a little older you will understand and realise that these thins sometimes happen and no-one need be hurt by it."

"Bu Mummy I love him, and you took him away from me. How could you do this to me? After all you have Daddy, why do you want another man?"

"One day you will understand just how this came about and why I needed to do what I did, but for now take it from me you will fall in and out of love many times before you find the right person to marry."

"No I won't! I just know that he's the right one for me."

"And last week it was one of the plumbers and next week it will be someone else ."

"How would you know, I bet it never happened to you."

"Oh yes it did. When I was your age I had this enormous crush on one of my parents' friends, I thought that he was the kindest, gentlest person that I had ever met. I thought that I would be his forever and make him the best wife that he could ever have."

"What happened?"

"One day he told me that we could never see each other again."

"Did you?"

"Only socially and only with other people around."

"How did you feel about that?"

"I was totally shattered and thought that the world would come to an end for me. It didn't end and I met and fell in love with several other boys before I met your father. Since then there's been no-one."

"Until today."

"Well yes, today."

"You couldn't really have been in love with him, could you?"

"I thought that I was and I told him that I loved him and he said that he loved me too."

"Did you make love to him?"

"Yes. I was your age at the time and I thought that I was being so mature in giving myself to him totally. Now of course I realise just how silly I was. Don't get me wrong, he was a very good lover, but I was much too young for that sort of involvement."

"But women are maturing much younger these days."

"Physically yes, but emotionally you're under much more pressure to grow up than we were, but that's not really maturity."

"So what you're telling me is that I should be looking to boys my own age?"

"If you must associate with anyone I would prefer it to be someone of your own age, yes."

"But the boys my age are so immature."

"Don't worry that will pass and before you realise it you will become aware of just how mature they have suddenly become."

"I suppose you're right but I don't think that I can forgive you for what you are doing to Daddy."

"I'm not asking for your forgiveness, just your understanding. I would appreciate it if you didn't tell your father."

"Why, don't you want him to know if you're not ashamed of what you've done?"

"Because this is just a once off thing, there is no thought of it becoming a permanent affair that will affect my relationship with your father."

"Tell me Mummy, is your relationship with Daddy a happy one?"

"It's not unhappy."

"That wasn't the question I asked you. Is it happy?"

"Our life together is comfortable. We love each other but he spends a lot of his time earning the money that we need for life's little luxuries like food and clothes and an education for you and Timothy."

"And you've never done this sort of thing since you married Daddy?"


"But the girls at school are always talking about the affairs that their parents and their friends are having. Do you mean to tell me that you've never done this before?"

"You'll find that a lot of talk about affairs is just that, talk. There are plenty of rumours about who is making love to who, but most of them are more wishful thinking than fact. I've even heard several rumours linking me with some of our friends, of course there's been no truth in any of them"

"How boring for you."

"Rebecca! I find that comment in poor taste. I will not have an affair with anyone simply because it is expected of me. I hope that you will never give yourself to any man or boy because your friends say that they're doing it. Before you consider doing it I want to have a long talk with you about the facts of life."

"What's wrong with now?"

"Timothy will be home in a minute and will interrupt. I also need a little time to think this through and to make sure that I'm approaching it from the right direction. Give me a week or so to sort it out and then we'll have the discussion."

"Okay, I think I can hold out for that long."

"I sincerely hope that you're joking young lady."

"Of course, Mummy."

On cue there was a clatter from the garage that announced that Timothy had arrived home and had thrown his bike down in the middle of the garage. "Hi Mum! What's to eat?"

"Nothing until you go back out to the garage and pick up your bike and put it on the rack where it belongs."

"I'll do it later, I promise."


"Oh all right." Timothy slouched out of the room mumbling under his breath about the harsh treatment he was receiving from his nasty old mother. He told himself that he was sure that none of his friends had to put up with anything like it. On his return he was presented with a glass of milk and two Monte Carlo biscuits, the biscuits he ate quickly hoping that he would be able to get another couple. He didn't, the milk he drank with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. "Why can't we have coke like my friends?"

"Because we don't have any at present, you'll just have to do without for a couple of days until I get more."

"Hey Timbo, guess what?"


"I'm going to be on telly!"

"Yeah, sure, doing what?"

"I was interviewed for the news about the skeleton in the septic tank."

"Aw gee, why wasn't I allowed to stay home?"

"Because it was not the kind of thing that we thought you should be seeing."

"But Rebecca stayed home, how am I going to explain that to my friends?"

Rebecca became an instant celebrity that evening. The TV news broadcast, apart from a brief lead in about the discovery feature, almost uncut, the interview with her. No sooner had that segment finished than the phone rang. "I'll get it!" She shouted from her position half-way between the phone and the TV set/ "Sam! Wasn't I spectacular! I can't wait to get to school tomorrow." She prattled on for the next hour discussing with Samantha what they would say and how they would turn the conversation back to the discovery if it should stray from that topic. No sooner had she put the phone down than it rang again, this time it was Belinda on the other end. The same conversation was repeated.

Peter arrived home while Rebecca was still plotting her triumphal entry into school the next day. "Hi, any dramas?"

"Jut the making of a celebrity." Cynthia nodded toward their chattering daughter.

"How did this come about?"

"There was a TV crew here this morning and she was interviewed for this evening's news broadcast. She's been busy for the past hour and a half plotting her campaign for tomorrow."

Peter and Cynthia sat at the breakfast bar while Peter ate his meal. They discussed the events of the day before Peter retired to his study to continue the work that remained unfinished from the day at the office. With much protesting Rebecca was prised from the phone and Timothy from the TV. Both were sent to bed.


Cynthia's Story

I sat in the family room and half watched a movie that I had seen before at the cinema. I didn't even notice or mind the numerous commercials that totally destroyed the continuity that the original might have had, it was background noise.

In my mind I went over the day's events. I had mixed feelings about having made love to Brownlow, while the conservative part of me said loudly that I had breached the sanctity of my marriage, the pragmatic side of my personality told me that Peter had allowed the marriage to drift slowly but surely towards self destruction. My decision seemed to be whether to make the break now or to make one final attempt to salvage our relationship.

With this problem weighing me down I went to bed. After several attempts to blanket my thoughts by reading I gave up and allowed my thoughts to drift once more to Brownlow. I remembered the strength of his arms and the powerful but gentle way that we made love, I longed once more for that sensation I felt when we had reached our simultaneous climax. There was nothing perfunctory about his lovemaking but, was it really his love or the thrill of doing something that my conscience told me was so very wrong that made it a special occasion. I guess that was something I may never know. I drifted into a restless sleep anticipating our next meeting.

Peter disturbed this thought as he crept into bed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you."

"That's alright I wasn't really asleep." I rolled over to face him, reaching for him and the comfort of his closeness. Some comfort, he rolled over and lay facing away from me, he didn't even react when I put my arm around him and snuggled against his back, my breasts pressing against him. I gave up and turned away from him.

The morning brought no change to this situation. I tried to be as seductive as possible in an attempt to provoke some reaction from him, instead of sitting in bra and half slip in front of the mirror to apply my make-up, I had slipped into this wispy little black number that he liked so much in the past. It was a total waste of time. "Where are my clean shirts?" I could quite cheerfully have thrown them and the iron at him and told him to iron his own shirts in future, but instead I went to the laundry and brought back the three shirts that I had ironed yesterday. The bastard didn't even thank me.

I went into the kitchen and made breakfast for us all. As usual Timothy was waiting for his, Rebecca arrived sleepily and still dressing a few minutes later. I busied myself with the preparations, cereal for Timothy, Rebecca, her figure in mind, had coffee and one slice of with vegemite but no butter. "Peter, your breakfast's ready." I called to him. He arrived, as he had the day before and just about every other day as far back as I cared to remember, adjusting his tie. He had his usual breakfast of coffee and toast which he consumed behind the screen of the Sydney Morning Herald.

Rebecca leant across the table trying to read the front page story about the discovery of the skeleton while he studied the financial pages. "Hey Bec," There was a triumphal note in his voice, "You're getting butter on your uniform."

"Damn! She studied the damage. "Mummy, do I have a clean uniform?"

"Yes, it's hanging in the laundry, I'll get it for you."

She followed me into the laundry. "Did you and Dad have a fight last night?"

"No, why?"

"Because he hasn't said anything to you all morning."

"There's nothing new in that, or hadn't you noticed?"

"I think now I understand why you did what you did yesterday."

"Hurry and get changed or you'll be late for your moment of glory." She slipped out of her butter stained uniform and, as she stood before me in her bra and panties I realised just how much she reminded me of myself at her age, her breasts stood young and proud, hidden but not hidden by the expanse of her all encompassing bra. Her stomach, flat and smooth, showed no signs of puppy fat, her hips curved and slender, had already taken on an adult shape. Before me stood a young adult. I felt a lump in my throat as I realised that it seemed like only yesterday that I was like her, and now here she was. Life was slipping by me.

"What are you thinking about now?" Rebecca interrupted my thoughts.

"I think I shall have to have that talk with you sooner than I've anticipated."

Having slipped into her butterless uniform she kissed me lightly on the cheek and skipped off down the hall, "Bye Mummy." In an instant she and the mood was gone. I returned to the family room to find Timothy finishing his breakfast and Peter gone.

"You'd better hurry." Timothy gulped down the last of his glass of milk and scampered off to get his school bag. He disappeared in a blur of grey out the back door. The silence that followed his departure descended over me like a blanket. I felt alone, really alone, in this large, socially acceptable world. Was my future to stay trapped into this perfect world as portrayed by the glossy women's magazines, or was I destined to break the shackles? What part, if any, did peter have in my future? Was lack of excitement a grounds for divorce? I had to talk to someone.

The voice at the other end of the phone was much too cheerful for this time of the morning. "Fliss here."

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