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Farm Boy Pt. 03

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New complications arise for grandmother and grandson . . .
4.9k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/03/2022
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'Manning-Smith Internal Memo (09.12.1971): Charles Hoover (VP Marketing) to James Barlowe (CEO) [Excerpt 1.5]

"Yes, Jim, I've read through all the clinical trial reports. (Good god, don't they teach writing to chemistry majors? My third-grader writes better.) And, yes, they are shocking. In some cases, disturbing. I'm glad they were terminated, and I hope those poor people have returned to normal after taking EE-47, aka "Euphorax." (I know Legal made us immune to any claims.)

But.... And, it's a big but. The results were extraordinary - - in terms of the basic stuff. Stimulation. Enhanced function. Satisfaction. I mean... good god... it's like sex became a whole new thing for these people. The responses aren't just off the charts. They're off the fucking planet. This stuff could revolutionize sex lives. (I wouldn't mind a few pills myself... Cindy and I aren't exactly teenagers anymore.)

This is like penicillin or the polio vaccine or something. World changing. And we own it.

We can't just sit on this. The positive outcomes for Mannin-Smith are too enormous. Can you imagine the profit margins?

Maybe we can dilute it. Or, give lower doses? Can't those science nerds just figure out a way to tone it down a bit? Make things a little less intense. Shorter acting, maybe? Isn't that just chemistry?

I'll tell you, bud... you won't even need an old marketing nag like me to make this stuff fly off the shelves. It will sell itself like gangbusters.

I'm just saying: think about share price before you pull the plug. We could both be very, very rich men thanks to EE-47. Boca in the winter, France in the summer. I know Shirley would like that...."

[Handwritten comment scrawled across memo in pen: "Fucking idiot. No clue. Proceed with termination ASAP."]


Sammy woke the next morning still nervous about the doctor's phone call. He and Lucinda fucked once before dressing and driving into town - - more to tamp down their lust than to fully satisfy it. Lucinda took special care with her outfit, spending more time than usual in front of her closet, studying her clothes. Sammy waited outside for her and tapped the pickup's steering wheel impatiently. When she stepped out of the front door, his cock twitched in his jeans.

Lucinda wore a tight black skirt that ended just above her shapely calves and unapologetically advertised her lush curves. Her blouse clung to her breasts and featured a daring view of her cleavage. She'd fixed her hair and applied makeup. She smiled as she tip-tapped toward the car on black heels.

Sammy offered a parody of a wolf whistle when she settled her plump, little body next to his in the cab of the truck.

"What?" Lucinda said, smacking him on the shoulder. "Stop that, you troublemaker"

Sammy grinned. "You look like a million bucks," he said. "But you smell better than money."

Lucinda returned his grin.

"Well, I'm glad somebody's here to notice." She crossed her legs to display her smooth, sexy calves. "Now go on. Drive."

Sammy laughed.

Neither Sammy nor Lucinda spoke as he piloted the car into town and guided the pickup into a parking space outside Doc Halloran's clinic. He opened the door to his grandmother and offered his arm. Linked together, they entered the clinic and each was directed by a nurse to a separate exam room. The nurse asked each to don a paper gown.

Sammy filled in a form on the clipboard he received from the nurse and waited. He was swinging his bare legs below the exam table, worrying over his grandmother, when the doctor entered.

"Sammy," Doc Halloran said, offering his hand.

They shook.

"Good to meet you, son," the doctor said as he dropped onto a stool in front of his patient.

Sammy nodded.

"I just want to assure you." The doctor adjusted his glasses on his nose. "Everything is fine with Lucinda... er... your grandmother. In fact... " He scanned the clipboard in his hand. "I'd say she's gotten even healthier since the last time I saw her - - heart rate, blood pressure, reflexes."

The doctor seemed to forget about Sammy as he studied Lucinda's chart. Sammy coughed quietly.

"Uh... yes." Doc Halloran's weathered blue eyes returned to Sammy. "Well. Today, we just want you to do some simple tests...some blood work, urine. Typical stuff."

Sammy nodded.

"We're looking for the same substances that showed up in your grandmother's tests. Again. No big deal. Tests this morning and we'll let you know the results by this afternoon."

The doctor stood.

"Doc," Sammy said. "I had the water district out last week to check the well."

The doctor nodded and scratched a note on his clipboard.

"Haven't heard anything back from them," Sammy continued. "Probably next week."

Doc Halloran clapped Sammy on the shoulder.

"Excellent," he said. "When you get the results, let me know." He strode to the door. "I'll send the nurse in." He paused with his hand on the knob. "But...again...this isn't really about health issues. We're just curious about what might be going on... maybe with the well water."

He shrugged and smiled. Sammy nodded.

Less than a half hour later - - having peed in a cup and donated a draw of blood - - Sammy dressed and joined Lucinda in Doc Halloran's office. Lucinda smiled at him as he entered the room and took a chair next to her.

"Well," Doc Halloran began. "It's good to see the two of you. And to see both of you in such excellent health."

Lucinda beamed and crossed her legs. Her bare calves were like powerful magnets and Sammy's eyes glued themselves to her ankles and her knees. Lucinda noticed and stirred in her chair, uncrossing her legs and then crossing them again. She felt a flush rising in her cheeks.

"And, Sammy," the doctor went on. Sammy pried his eyes from his grandmother's smooth, luscious legs. "I just want to compliment you on what you're doing."

Sammy raised his eyebrows and gulped.

"Taking care of the farm," the doctor said. "Taking care of your grandmother."

Sammy relaxed.

"Oh, Doc," Lucinda said in a bright voice. She patted Sammy's arm. "You don't know the half of it."

Sammy's cock trembled as his grandmother's soft hand stroked his forearm. Lucinda crossed her legs and swung her foot against his shin.

"He's just a marvel, my grandson." She practically purred. "So loving... and strong...and full of life."

Lucinda's foot now hooked itself behind Sammy's calf and her hand squeezed his forearm. He glanced at her. Her face glowed with happiness. She flexed her lipsticked lips and smiled at the doctor. She straightened her back and elevated her generous bosom. Her tits stretched her blouse tight. Sammy's cock started crawling down his jeans.

The doctor nodded, switching his gaze between Lucinda and the papers on his desk. Lucinda's hand dropped onto Sammy's knee and she squeezed.

"He's a real lifesaver," she said, shifting in her chair.

The doctor smiled. "Family can be the best medicine," he offered as he pushed the papers in front of him back onto a folder. "And, you're obviously a very healthy woman, Lucinda."

She chuckled and squeezed Sammy's thigh. Sammy gulped and squirmed. His prick swelled against his jeans.

The phone on Doc Halloran's desk rang and he lifted the receiver.

"Oh my," he muttered. "Hold on. Be right there."

The doctor stood and made his way around the desk.

"Sorry," he said as he whisked by Lucinda and Sammy. "You two wait here. I've got a bit of an emergency out in reception."

The door clicked shut behind him. Sammy turned to his grandmother and their eyes met. Her tongue slid along her lower lip. Without a word, Sammy stood and undid his jeans. As they slid to the floor, Lucinda's eyes widened.

"Oh my," she mumbled as she stood. "Oh my goodness."

They lunged toward each other and Lucinda's hand latched onto his bare cock as their lips met. Tongues lashing together, Sammy pushed his grandmother against the doctor's desk. Lucinda's ass met the desk's edge and Sammy reached down to yank her skirt up over her thighs.

Lucinda pulled her mouth from his. "Oh my god," she whispered hoarsely. "I've been dying for you since we stepped in here."

Sammy grinned and spread his grandmother's thighs. She guided him to her crotch.

"I left my panties at home," she panted.

Sammy jabbed his hips forward and his cockhead spread her lips. Lucinda wrapped her meaty legs around his waist and tightened him to her. Sammy planted his hands on the desktop and they rocked together, enjoying the exquisite, smooth friction.

"Hurry, baby." Lucinda's hot breath rushed against his ear. "Hurry."

She bit down on his t-shirt collar to stifle her moans as Sammy pumped frantically between her legs. Somewhere in the hallway outside, he heard footsteps pass the office door. The phone on the desk rang again, pushing Sammy to rock his hips harder and faster.

"Baaaaaby," Lucinda mumbled into his shoulder. "Yes, baaaaaby."

Her thighs shivered and she gasped. Her fingers clawed into his shoulders as she raised her head and exhaled from deep in her belly. Greedy for his own climax, Sammy was just about to push Lucinda onto her back atop the desk when the sound of Doc Halloran's voice echoed down the hall.

"Fuck," Sammy muttered, abruptly pulling out of Lucinda and reaching down for his jeans.

The doorknob clicked. A woman's voice said something indistinct beyond the door. Sammy scrabbled to zip his jeans while Lucinda stood in a daze. Desperately, he yanked her dress back into place, spun her around, and pushed her back into her chair. Outside, Doc Halloran was talking to his nurse. Sammy plopped into his chair.

He glanced at his grandmother next to him. Her chest was heaving and her skirt clung haphazardly to her thighs. Her cheeks and chest were flushed bright red. He motioned to her legs and Lucinda, snapping out of her daze, pulled her dress hem to her knees and swiped her forehead with the back of her hand. Sammy pulled his palm across his lips to remove his grandmother's lipsticked kisses.

The door opened and Doc Halloran paused on the threshold.

"Everything okay here?" He asked as he ambled into the room.

Sammy twisted his head and grinned.

"Just dandy," he answered, his voice catching in his throat. "Find and dandy."

Lucinda took a deep breath.

"You okay, Lucinda?" The doctor asked Sammy's grandmother as he settled into his chair behind the desk.

"Oh," she answered in a surprised voice. "Yes." She paused. "Just a hot flash, I suppose."

The doctor's frown was replaced with a thin smile. He sniffed at the air in the office and stood.

"Well, then. I'll phone you if we find anything interesting."

He switched his gaze from Lucinda to Sammy and stood, extending his hand.

Sammy rose and they shook. Lucinda remained in her seat, still looking a little confused. Sammy released his hand from the doctor's and extended it to his grandmother. When she noticed it, she smiled and grasped his fingers in hers. He helped her to her feet and steadied her.

"Thanks, doc," Sammy said. "We'll wait to hear from you."

"Yes," Lucinda added. "Thanks, doc. Thank you so much."

Sammy noticed the doctor's frown return as he guided Lucinda around the chairs to the office door.

"Take care," the doctor said just before the door shut behind Sammy and his grandmother.

With his arm around her waist, Sammy guided his grandmother through the clinic front doors. He waved to the nurse seated at the reception desk as they exited into the bright morning sunshine. Once he'd helped Lucinda into the passenger seat of the truck, he slid behind the steering wheel and started the truck.

"Whew," he said under his breath. "That was a close call."

Lucinda grinned at him and patted his thigh with her hand.

"I'm sorry, dear," she said as Sammy shifted the truck into gear and checked the rear view mirror.

"Sorry for what, gran?"

Lucinda's hand squeezed his thigh.

"Why honey," she said, her hand squeezing his thigh. "Sorry you didn't get to relieve yourself."

Sammy blinked in surprise and then laughed. Lucinda joined in even as her hand crept onto his crotch. She leaned over to peck him on the cheek.

Sammy piloted the truck out of the parking lot and onto Main Street. Lucinda's hand continued to massage the front of his jeans.

"Oh... " She said suddenly. "I need to pick up some groceries." She gave his crotch a squeeze. "Can you stop by the A&P?"

Sammy nodded and turned on his blinker.

"No," his grandmother said. "Not here. I like to park around back."

He glanced at her but her eyes were fixed on the road even as her hand busied itself at his jeans.

"Go around," she continued, gesturing with her free hand. "Just pull around back."

Sammy guided the truck through the parking lot and around the side of the red brick building. He pulled into a spot in front of the grocery store's empty loading dock and switched off the ignition.

"That's perfect," Lucinda said, scooting next to him on the bench seat.

"Grandma," Sammy started. "I don't think... "

Lucinda raised her free hand and pressed a finger to her lips.

"Shhhhhhh," she said. "Let's just make sure you get some relief, honey."

Sammy gulped and Lucinda worked at his jeans button and zipper with both her hands. Once she opened the zipper, she tugged at his underwear. His cock popped free and she took it between her soft, cool hands.

"That's better," Lucinda cooed. "Isn't it, baby?"

Sammy nodded and relaxed back into the truck seat. He closed his eyes to concentrate all his attention on his cock.

"Oh my," Lucinda purred. "Look how excited you are."

Her lips brushed against his cheek and she snuggled her soft, full body closer to him. Sammy sighed and inhaled her perfume.

"Do you like it, baby?" His grandmother panted into his ear. "Do you like it?"

Sammy nodded and grinned. Lucinda pushed her tongue into his ear as she tugged and stroked him.

"I like it," she whispered hoarsely. "I love it."

Lucinda slid her hips back, toward the passenger door, and lowered her head to his crotch. She murmured and Sammy groaned as her wet lips attached themselves to his cock. Still murmuring, Lucinda squeezed the base of his shaft in both hands and sucked his cockhead into her mouth.

"Ohhhh shit," Sammy gasped as all the blood in his body seemed to rush into his prick.

Lucinda answered his gasp with more murmuring and slurping. As he grew harder and stiffer, Sammy reached over his grandmother's back and pulled her skirt up her thighs. His hand dove between her fleshy cheeks and found her wet pussy. As he played his fingers in and out of her, Lucinda grunted and redoubled her mouth's busy efforts. The truck began to creak gently back and forth.

"Oh," Lucinda said in a high-pitched voice, pulling away from him and raising her head. "That's it baby, right there."

Sammy twirled his fingers inside her and Lucinda's ass wagged back and forth excitedly.

"Goodness," she panted.

Her eyes flashed up at him and she released his cock. Sammy exhaled and Lucinda crawled over him until she was sitting on his lap. He swung his eyes across the empty parking lot.

"I don't know, gran...." He huffed. "I mean what if...."

Lucinda silenced him by pushing her mouth onto his and sliding her tongue between his lips. She answered his muffled gasp by opening her thighs and wiggling her hips until his cock met her pussy.

"Now, baby," she said between hurried breaths. "Don't you worry... " His cockhead slipped inside her. "Ahhhhhh... " Lucinda moaned. "That's better."

She straightened her back and the length of his prick slid into her warm, wet pussy.

"Dont... " Lucinda grunted. "You...." She pushed her hips down hard onto his crotch. "Worry... " She shimmied her hips and dug her fingers into his hair. "About anything...."

Sammy signaled his agreement by dropping his hands to her bare ass and squeezing. Lucinda responded with a choked laugh. Hands clamped onto her generous ass cheeks, Sammy began pushing and pulling her onto his cock. Lucinda arched her neck and raised her face to the truck roof. The truck swayed back and forth beneath them.

Sammy kissed his grandmother's neck and Lucinda moaned. As they pistoned their bodies together, Lucinda reached down and yanked her blouse free from her skirt. Grinning, Sammy helped her raise it over her big tits. He bent his mouth to the massive, snowy mounds - - licking and kissing her velvety skin.

"Ohhhhhhh," Lucinda squealed as her hands fumbled at her white, lacy bra.

She pushed her bra cups roughly off her tits and planted her palms against the roof of the truck cab. As they bounced together, Sammy attacked her stiff, pink nipples with his mouth and tongue. He chewed and sucked and licked while Lucinda groaned her approval.

The truck bobbed up and down on creaking suspension. The cab filled with the wet sounds of fucking and the music of pleasure even as the cranked up windows preserved the silence of the empty lot. Only a brief, muffled outburst marked the end of the truck's motion and its return to quiet stillness. Ten minutes later, the driver's door popped open and Sammy tumbled onto his feet in the parking lot. He grasped the truck door and leaned inside.

"Eggs, butter, and bread." His grandmother's feathery voice whispered into the hot summer air. "And make sure you get that unsalted butter. Better for the blood pressure, honey."

Sammy took a deep breath and nodded. He shut the truck door and made his way to the front doors of the grocery store.

They arrived back at the farm around noon and Lucinda made lunch. After, they retreated to their bedrooms for a nap.


Lucinda woke the next morning in her bed. The hot, humid summer weather had broken and rain cascaded against the windows. She stretched her arms and sat up. With the storm outside, Sammy would have to postpone his work in the fields. Typically, these were the kinds of days reserved for maintaining machinery, cleaning things out, and checking the books. In either case, she noted dreamily, a rainy day meant she and Sammy would be together all day.

She snuggled back into the pillows and enjoyed the dim light and the sound of raindrops. After a few minutes, a restlessness spread through her. She rolled onto her side and stared through the bedroom window. What she was doing with Sammy was not right. She knew that. And yet, what they were doing made her feel new and bright - - like she had turned a page in a book to reveal some new, exciting chapter. Sammy loved her. He was devoted to her. And, her love for Sammy felt deeper now than ever before.

She closed her eyes and recalled his strong, handsome features - - his square chin, high cheekbones, and full lips. His brown eyes that seemed to glow with care and tenderness. She recalled his dense, thick muscles, the way his firm, lightly-feathered chest felt beneath her fingertips. How the striated bands of his chiseled abdomen rippled. Before they began enjoying each other, she would have chastized herself for thinking this way. Now, she let her mind drift as she slowly ran her hands over her breasts and across her thighs.

She pictured the trail of short, curly hairs that spread from her grandson's belly button down to the bush around his equipment. Her right hand slid across her own thatch until her fingers rested on her woman parts. In her mind, she saw his big pole, lazily dropping across his thigh. Long and thick and crowned with a fat toadstool. As her fingers played against the cleft between her legs, she pondered the mystery of his beautiful cock. The tip so silky soft compared to the hard thickness of his shaft and the rough, hairy skin of his chest and legs. Her fingers delved between her own velvety lips.

She imagined her tongue against Sammy's shaft and the sound of his deep, manly sigh. The musky smell and taste of him inside her mouth. The joy of feeling her grandson come to attention as she fed on him with tongue and lips - - his cock transforming from lazy rope of flesh to iron-hard rail - - stretching vertical above his groin like the mighty mast of a ship. She trembled with pleasure and with recognition of her desire for Sammy's erect, resplendent man-thing.


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