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Farm Boy Pt. 05

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Grandmother and mother take the plunge with Sammy . . .
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/03/2022
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Hamilton Sheriff Department: Police Blotter (September 2 - September 8, 1973)

Monday, September 3, 2:12 p.m., Hadleyburg

Two adults apprehended for public lewdness. Reginald Carlson, age 77, and his wife, Pearl Carlson, age 73, were arrested by Hamilton Sheriff Department for public lewdness in Hadleyburg on Monday afternoon. The couple, married for 47 years, disrobed in front of Perkins Hardware on Main Street after "kissing and rubbing," as one witness reported. When HSD arrived on the scene, the couple were engaged in coitus on the sidewalk in front of the establishment. Neither suspect had been previously diagnosed with dementia or other impairments.

Wednesday, September 5, 7:15 p.m., Hadleyburg.

Hamilton Sheriff Department officers were called to City Park by concerned residents shortly after 7 p.m. Officer Bud Gelhorn encountered two men engaged in indecent acts on the grass beneath the statue honoring General W. T. Sherman. Arrested for sodomy and public lewdness were: Herman Biddlemeier, age 57, and John Furman, age 49. Biddlemeier is a former mayor of Hadleyburg. Furman was his opponent in the June primary election. Biddlemeier faces additional charges of bribery and solicitation after offering to "make sweet whoopee" with Officer Gelhorn as he was escorted to Hamilton County Jail.

Thursday, September 6, 6:47 a.m., Potter Springs

Hamilton Sheriff Department arrived at the "Chomp and Chew Drive-In" in response to a public nuisance call. Vandals had defaced the front of the restaurant with obscene images. Officer Bud Gelhorn issued a BOLO for three adult males armed with spray paint and issued a coincident BOLO for any graffiti signed by "Euphorax4Eva."

Saturday, September 8, 9:34 a.m., Hadleyburg

Hamilton Sheriff Department officers were called to the home of Susan Funkhoffer, age 32, at 18 Grafton Street after receiving a 911 call. Paramedics were dispatched at the same time. Officers were met by Mrs. Janice Abbot, Susan Funkhoffer's sister and resident of 25 Grafton Street, outside the home. Mrs. Abbot reported that Funkhoffer and her estranged husband may have been engaged in coitus since her previous visit to the home the evening before. Inside, HSD Officer Bud Gelhorn discovered the body of William Funkhoffer, age 37, naked and unresponsive on the living room floor of the home. Officers forcibly removed Mrs. Funkhoffer, also nude, after she refused to dismount her husband. Paramedics determined that the husband was in cardiac arrest. He was transported to the Hamilton County Hospital by ambulance. Mrs. Funkhoffer was placed on a 48 hour psychiatric hold in the same facility.


As dusk settled onto the farm, they ate dinner together - - Lucinda, Sammy, and Jenny. Jenny complained that she felt peaked and barely touched her food.

"Oh my," Lucinda said with concern, patting her daughter-in-law's hand. "I was feeling the same way a couple of weeks ago." She rested her hand atop Jenny's. "I visited Doc Halloran and he said I just need to drink more water. Something about older folks and dehydration."

Jenny responded with a timid smile.

Lucinda stood and poured a tall glass of water from the kitchen tap.

"Here you go, honey," she said, placing the glass next to Jenny's plate. "You drink up."

As she emptied the glass, Jenny shifted her eyes to Sammy. He smiled at her and nodded.

"This water tastes so much better than the water in Indianapolis," his mother said as she returned the empty glass to the table. "It's sweeter. I think."

Sammy nodded.

"We had the water district out to test it," he said. "Passed with flying colors. It's a good well."

His mother's lips smiled in agreement.

"I wonder," she continued. "What you two were up to today."

Sammy shot a quick glance at Lucinda, who reacted with an arched eyebrow.

"I looked all over for you," Jenny went on. "In the barn. Out near the animals. I thought I'd have to walk through all the fields."

Lucinda rested her hands on the table top.

"It's a farm, Jenny," she said slowly. "All manner of chores to be done." She looked up at Sammy. "I believe Sammy was out in the corn somewhere. Myself... I was over at the Thompsons, checking in on Arlene. She's in a bad way."

Jenny nodded.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I wasn't worried. I just couldn't find anybody. And...."

Lucinda tilted her head.

"And," Jenny went on. "I thought I heard some animals or something... out there beyond the corn."

Sammy glanced at his grandmother but her gaze was still fixed on his mother. She chuckled suddenly.

"Yes, Jenny, dear. You probably heard some animals. We do have quite a few of them around here."

Admonished, Jenny bowed her head.

"Now, now," Lucinda reassured her daughter. "It's fine. You're not used to life out here in the country. All kinds of new and unfamiliar things are bound to pop up."

She stood and gestured toward her daughter-in-law.

"Come on honey, let me help you to bed. You just need a good rest up."

Jenny rose, smiled at Sammy, and allowed her mother-in-law to lead her out of the kitchen. With the ladies gone, Sammy breathed a sigh of relief and got to work on the dinner dishes. A few minutes later, his grandmother joined him at the sink to help dry the plates and glasses.

"Poor thing," Lucinda said. "She's just a little nervous...being in a new place, apart from Rutherford.... She's not one for changes, your mother."

Sammy nodded.

"You don't think...," he started.

Lucinda waved her hand.

"Pshaw," she said, carefully placing a glass on the drying rack. "That girl wouldn't take a step into those fields if the Lord himself called her." She paused and tipped an ear to the ceiling. "I think she's already sleeping."

She bumped a hip against Sammy and smiled at him mischievously.

"I don't know," he answered. "She might still be awake."

Lucinda's smile broke into a broad grin. Her hand snaked down between Sammy's crotch and the kitchen counter. His eyebrows shot up.

"Oh come on, now," Lucinda whispered. "A healthy young man like you always needs a little bit of relief."

Her small hand pressed against the front of his jeans.

"I don't know, gran," he said, his hands still dipped into the soapy water. "Remember, we have to be careful."

Lucinda kissed him.

"We are being careful," his grandmother murmured with her eyes fixed on the expanding bulge in his jeans. "We just have to be a little quieter than usual."

Her fingers nimbly undid his jeans and yanked the zipper down. Ten soft fingers fluttered against his prick.

"Oh my," Lucinda whispered. "You really do need some relief, son."

Sammy swallowed hard and turned toward his grandmother. She attached her mouth to his and shot her tongue through his lips. He muttered his appreciation and her fingers danced along his shaft. He raised his hands to squeeze and massage her breasts. Lucinda straightened her back and drew her lips from his. She was flushed and panting.

While Sammy made her nipples tingle, she began to squeeze and tug her grandson's fat dick harder and more forcefully. He grew stiff and strong as wood in her hands and she smiled with satisfaction at the way she made him grow so hard so fast. An old woman like her... able to start a young man's motor this quickly. She relished it, almost as much as she relished the anticipation of tasting his musty, salty flesh. Sammy had screwed his eyes shut in pleasure. She ducked toward him to kiss his neck and then leaned backward to enjoy the sight of his fine, vigorous man-thing between her two hands.

Far away, she heard the sound of soft footsteps. They neared... crossing from the living room into the dining room. She rolled her eyes left to catch a glimpse of Jenny standing at the edge of the kitchen entrance. The other woman's eyes were stretched wide open - - fixed on her son's massive cock. Lucinda almost stopped but a sudden, wicked pride surged through her. She smiled and continued her ministrations.

"That's it baby," she cooed softly to Sammy. "Let that big ol' monster run free. Give me all you've got."

Her grandson grunted and Lucinda shook her big tits against his groping hands.

"Feel me up, honey," she croaked. "Make me hot."

A stifled gasp issued from the dining room and Lucinda's thighs quivered with excitement.

"Argggggh," Sammy choked out. "You're gonna make me cum, gran."

It was Lucinda's turn to gasp as she tugged on her grandson's cock. An image of Jenny, cowering in the other room flashed through her mind.

"Yes, baby," she growled. "Cum for me, big boy."

With a groan that began deep in his belly, Sammy's cock exploded in long spurts of ropy goo. They showered his grandmother's house dress and spattered against her bare arms. She continued to jerk him with hands coated in slippery cum. As her groin trembled and convulsed in response, she pushed her mouth onto his and sucked his tongue. Her hands gripped his withering tool as they shook together.

A high-pitched wheeze flitted from the dining room and Sammy's eyes shot open. He twisted his head but Lucinda knew - - from the small sound of bare feet skittering on wooden floors - - that Sammy's mother had already fled back to her room. She raised a hand to her young lover's cheek and guided his mouth back onto hers. Panting together, they kissed until Lucinda stuffed her grandson's cock back into his jeans.

"That was some sweet relief," she said, pulling her mouth from Sammy's and zipping his jeans back up. "Thanks, honey."

Sammy looked at her with confused eyes.

"Did... did you hear something?" He asked.

Lucinda turned her head to the dining room and then back to Sammy.

"I sure did," she grinned. "I heard you enjoying yourself. And, I heard myself doing the same."

She patted him on the cheek.

"Now, go on baby. Get yourself cleaned up."

Sammy blinked and opened his mouth.

"Don't you worry, dear," Lucinda said before he could speak. "We were careful... and nobody knows any better."

Sammy's shoulders slumped and he nodded. He bent down to kiss her and turned to amble out of the kitchen.

"Oh my," Lucinda said out loud as she fingered her drenched dress. "I'll have to clean up too."

She flicked off the lights as she left the kitchen.


Upstairs, Jenny stood trembling against her bedroom door. Her rapid breathing betrayed her near-hysteria. What had she just witnessed? She squeezed her eyes shut. It all suddenly made sense - - the familiarity between Sammy and his grandmother, the furtive glances, the way they were constantly touching and rubbing each other, the excitement that seemed to crackle through the room when they were together. Her jaw dropped and she wrapped her arms around her chest, her mind reeling and confused.

She must flee, she thought to herself. Right now. Get in the car and get away from this insanity.

"My god," she whispered to the empty, dark bedroom. "My god."

Resolved to escape the farm, her breathing slowed and her body relaxed. She had a plan. She strode to the open suitcase on the bedroom's only chair. She would leave her things in the bathroom. Getting out was the most important thing.

Her hand just touched the lid of the suitcase when she stopped. An image of Sammy's huge, stiff cock clutched in his grandmother's small hands flashed across her mind. She wanted to vomit at the idea of this sick, forbidden love. In her mind, Lucinda's hands squeezed and massaged her son's shaft. She heard Sammy's grunts of pleasure and Lucinda's huffing and panting.

Her body froze, fingers still resting on the suitcase.

A new sensation rolled across her shoulders.

"Sammy's big cock," she murmured to herself. "His big, stiff thing."

She'd led a pretty sheltered life and had only been intimate with one fully-developed man-thing in her life. An image of her husband's stubby, flaccid member wagging forlornly below his big belly flickered up from memory.

She closed her eyes and the new sensation shimmered along her chest. Her neck tingled. Despite herself, her mind fastened itself back onto the images of Lucinda and Sammy. Her disgust seemed to ebb away as the tingling spread from her neck to her breasts. Her memory focused on the fat, round head of Sammy's magnificent cock. Her nipples buzzed. Like a glistening, round helmet, she thought to herself. Her fingers clenched into fists at her side.

No, she suddenly thought. Stop.

Yet no matter how she struggled, something deep inside pulled her like a strong, inexorable tide back to the scene in the kitchen. Lucinda's face flushed with pleasure and something else. With want or determination. No, she realized suddenly as her fingers relaxed. With lust. And, hunger. Jenny's thighs shivered and she clamped her hands onto them, trying to steady herself. And, Sammy... with his head raised to the ceiling. His mouth stretched open and his eyes shut. Her son's beautiful face racked with pleasure.

Jenny gasped and her hands crawled to the crotch of her slacks. Oh my god, she whimpered to herself. Please... no. Despite her efforts, her resistance gradually leaked away - - the picture of Sammy's face replaced by the image of his tremendous manhood.

"No," she whispered between tight lips as her hands massaged her groin. "His cock," she gasped. "His big, fat, hard cock."

The words, uttered aloud, joined with the pictures in her mind to spur on her hands. She bent over and pumped them between her thighs. There was no tingling now. Only a burning, urgent desire that seemed to set her nerves and muscles on fire. She gasped sharply.

His cock, she repeated to herself. My son's big cock. Big. So big.

Her groin convulsed and she folded at the waist, coughing a gasp at the floor. A long, deep current sparked outward from beneath her hands. Her abdomen trembled and her crotch glowed with warmth. She leaned back against the door and curled her toes. Sweat beaded along her temples. As wave after wave of pleasure shivered through her, she relaxed and accepted her body's victory.

Some time later - - minutes? hours?... she couldn't say - - she groaned and straightened. Her hands fell away from the wet fabric at her crotch. Her chest heaved but slowly she gathered mind back into focus. She raised her damp hands to her eyes and pressed her palms against her eyelids.

What had just happened? She recalled the shocking images that had started it all. But, she no longer felt disgust. Her quaking body and all of its new found powers had erased that. Instead, she found herself marveling at how relieved and satisfied she felt. She had kissed and petted and made out with a few men before Rutherford. But neither they nor Rutherford had ever made her feel this way. Her hands fell back to her side and she stumbled toward the bed.

She lay there in the quiet dark, puzzling this new mystery. The memory of Lucinda and Sammy - - grandmother and grandson - - in the kitchen no longer seemed so shocking. It flitted through her brain but was quickly chased away by the stronger, happier memory of what had just happened to her body.

She fell asleep with her lips relaxed into a smile.


The next morning, Jenny failed to appear for breakfast. Lucinda tapped on her door.

"Jenny dear," she said through the closed door. "Are you okay, honey?"

Sheets and blankets rustled on the other side of the wooden slab.

"Yes," Jenny's voice answered, catching on something as she spoke. "Yes, mom. Still feeling a little off."

"Okay, honey," Lucinda answered. "You get back to sleep." She paused. "Do you have water in there? Can I get anything for you?"

"No, I'm fine," Jenny said. "Plenty of water. I'm fine."

Lucinda frowned and returned to the kitchen. Sammy had left the house well ahead of dawn to get his work done before the sun heated things up. They'd missed an opportunity to enjoy each other. She sat at the kitchen table and nursed a cup of coffee, idly listening to the farm news on the radio and reviewing her to-do's.

A half hour later, Jenny appeared in the kitchen entry and wobbled to a chair at the table.

"Goodness," Lucinda said, patting her daughter-in-law on the shoulder. "Honey, you don't look so good."

Jenny smiled wanly.

"I feel strange," she said. "I don't feel right."

Lucinda pressed the back of her hand against Jenny's forehead.

"No fever," she said. "But maybe I should call Doc Halloran. Does it hurt somewhere?"

Jenny shook her head.

"No," she replied. "I just feel... I don't know. Kind of woozy."

Lucinda poured her a glass of water and put two slices of bread in the toaster.

"Could be the heat," she said, as she buttered the toast.

Jenny nodded.

"Here, honey, have some breakfast and let's see how you feel."

Jenny munched on the toast and asked for more water.

"That tasted so good," she said as she wiped crumbs from her lips. "Could I have some more?"

Lucinda chuckled.

"Well, there you have it," she said, dropping another pair of slices into the toaster. "You're just thirsty and hungry. Probably faint for food." She pulled the refrigerator open and found the egg carton. "Let me make you a real breakfast, dear."

Jenny brightened as she ate. Her gestures became more animated and her voice steadied. By the time her plate was empty, she seemed even more lively than when she'd arrived at the farm. Lucinda beamed with satisfaction.

"Tell you what," the older woman said, clearing the table. "Why don't we make a picnic lunch. We'll find Sammy out in the field and enjoy ourselves. We can eat next to the pond." Lucinda turned her smile to Jenny. "What do you think, gal?"

Jenny straightened in her chair, her face glowing with happiness.

"Yes," she answered. "That sounds like a great plan."

She ducked her eyes for a moment.

"Can I ask you something, Lucinda?"

Lucinda heard the concern in Jenny's voice and seated herself at the table.

"Of course, dear. Whatever I can do for you."

Jenny glanced down at the table.

"I know this is going to sound strange," she said in a quiet voice. "But... well... do you ever have bad thoughts?"

Lucinda's eyebrows arched and her smile weakened.

"Hmmmmm," she answered slowly and deliberately. "I suppose we all have bad thoughts." She chuckled. "No need for religion and all that if we didn't."

Jenny nodded.

"But I mean... really bad thoughts." She swallowed and continued. "Thoughts that you never believed you could ever think."

Lucinda rested her hand on her daughter-in-law's hand. Jenny twitched in her chair.

"Honey," Lucinda said in a comforting voice. "Thoughts are just that. Just ideas and words that live in your head. Nobody ever hurt nobody with thoughts."

Jenny slowly raised her head to peer into her mother-in-law's eyes.

"But," she said in a steady voice, all the while studying Lucinda's face. "What if those thoughts led to something else. To doing something."

It was Lucinda's turn to gulp as she quickly grasped the deeper intent beneath Jenny's words. Reflexively, she patted Jenny's hand while she scrabbled to phrase her response.

"I think I see what you're getting at." Lucinda enunciated her words as clearly as she could. She paused. "Let me tell you something," she continued, squeezing Jenny's hand gently. "We're women. And sometimes... no... almost always... we give up things so that other things can work."

Jenny's attention was fixed on her mother-in-law's face. She drank in and digested every word.

"But sometimes - - every once in a really long while," Lucinda went on. "We can get back all those things we gave up."

Her eyes moved past Jenny's shoulder - - as if she were remembering or imagining something.

"Heck," Lucinda said in a quiet, firm voice, her dreamy gaze fixed on the wall behind Jenny. "Sometimes... if we're lucky... we get a chance to get even more than we gave up. To get what we need....and maybe even get what we want."


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