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Fate, An Unexpected Ally Ch. 03

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The hedonism intensifies.
3.5k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/14/2022
Created 05/18/2010
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We did indeed receive the blessing of the family when we visited the following day, after which we went to sign the lease on the new flat. I didn't know beforehand, but the new flat turned out to be a duplex penthouse unit and the owners were retiring to the east coast. As Mr. and Mrs. Gresham explained to us, they were in no need of money and we could purchase the unit at a very reasonable price if we wished. My sister and I didn't need to think too hard and we agreed to buy it. Some days later, with the financial formalities concluded, we took ownership of our first property and moved in.

The lower floor consisted of two bedrooms, a bathroom and a study while the top floor held the master bedroom, en-suite bathroom, kitchen, lounge and open patio. A spiral staircase linked the two floors and a private elevator gave us direct access to the unit from the parking level in the basement. We had no need to decorate either, as the entire contents of the flat were part of the sale; from the linen to the furniture. The Gresham's had impeccable taste and we were quite happy with the arrangement indeed. Once we were properly settled, we had our parents over for dinner and they were quite taken by our new home when we gave them the grand tour.

That evening, as we enjoyed some coffee on the patio, Mom and Dad had some news of their own. They were flying to the UK to visit our brother Robert and his wife for a month, with a view to emigrating.

"So you see," said Dad, "this is all for the best."

"I couldn't agree more Dad. It's good that you and Mom are taking this step. England will be great for you guys."

"Well, Rob also thinks so. We'll let you know what's happening once we finalise everything over there. I'll be relying on you to sort things out over here when I need you to."

"You can count on us, don't worry. We'll miss you guys but we'll definitely visit as soon as we can."

A month later, Dad called to facilitate the arrangements he had made with me. I set about selling their house and getting their belongings shipped to England. Within weeks, everything had been concluded and we settled into our new life together.

On the day that the last container was safely on its way to the UK, Pam came home from work in a particularly happy mood. I was sitting at the computer in the study and had just finished sending an E-Mail with the shipping details to our parents. I looked up as I sensed her at the door.

"Hey beautiful..."

"Hey...are you busy?"

"Not anymore, why?"

"Well, it's Friday night and I'm in the mood for a party."

"Uh-huh, so am I. What did you have in mind?"

"I want to go clubbing with you. There's this new place called 'Noir'..."

"Okay Pam, we both need a good night out anyway..."

"I thought you'd agree so I stopped at the mall on the way home and got us each a new outfit. Come see what I got you."

I stood up and, taking her outstretched hand, kissed her waiting lips. "I love you Babe."

"I love you too Markie." She turned and led me to her bedroom which was really just a glorified wardrobe, since she slept in my bed anyway. "What do you think?" she asked when she showed me what she's bought for us.

"Your taste is at its usual best Sis." Both outfits were made of Lycra and designed for dancing. Mine was a matching singlet and hipsters while hers was a very sexy bodysuit. "I can't wait to see what you look like in that either."

"The same goes for me, Bro'," she laughed.

"It's still early. Let's have a few drinks before we get ready."

"I was thinking along those lines too but I really need a shower first. Care to join me?"

"Oh yes, most definitely." I led her upstairs to the main bathroom where we undressed as we waited for the water to heat up.

"We're so very lucky Mark. Not many people have what we do."

"We are indeed, you sexy woman. Come, the water's ready." We entered the shower and took pleasure in washing each other, getting within a fraction of having sex. We managed to resist our primal urges and, refreshed but quite naked, retired to the lounge where a bottle of champagne started the evening's debauchery and we teased each other mercilessly until it was time to get dressed.

As a couple, we would always stand out but dressed as we were that night, we were sure to cause a stir. The form-hugging outfits showed our, er, 'assets' off quite blatantly.

"Oh my god, I could make love to you right now." I was in awe of the beautiful creature that was my sister.

"Hmm, hold that thought for later, mister. Let's go before we get too distracted."

We took a taxi to the club and as I expected, made everybody stare when we entered the establishment. We made our way to the cocktail bar where we enjoyed an olive Martini as we took in our surroundings. The club's décor was plush and opulent to the extreme. The music was strictly funky house and complimented by soft blue lighting throughout. We both love dancing and it wasn't too long before we were ready to show off on the dance-floor. After quaffing a few energy drinks and buying a bottle of spring water, we made our way through the throng of patrons to the centre of the club.

At the time, the dance-floor was lit by a single strobe light, flashing in time to the beat and it created a very abstract effect, each flash catching people seemingly frozen in various poses. The smiling faces all around us lifted our spirits even more and we began dancing with the same passion we used in bed. The hard thumping beat became the pulse for our erotic movements, our hips meeting with suggestive promise as we gyrated with hedonistic abandon. An hour or so later, a new DJ, Lady Lea, began her set, taking the already sexy tunes to even greater heights of aural pleasure. By then, we were well warmed up and loose, easily keeping up with the increased tempo the DJ was spinning on the decks. When conventional lighting replaced the strobe light, everyone in the crowd cheered, raising their hands high. Like everyone else was doing, we looked around at our fellow clubbers, our smiles widening as we were acknowledged by those closest to us. We gravitated toward the DJ box and were eventually right up front where Lady Lea gave us a big 'thumbs up' when she saw how we appreciated her music. I turned to my sexy sibling and she smiled at me as she leaned and spoke into my ear.

"I love it; this club, the music, you...everything!"

I kissed her neck and lips before responding with, "We're meant to be together Baby. Can you see what effect we're having on everyone?"

She looked around and nodded as she moved close to me. She pulled my head down and kissed me very erotically indeed, whether for our benefit or for our 'audience' I didn't care. I returned her kiss with just as much passion and I could taste her arousal on her lips. She broke the kiss and waved the empty bottle at me, indicating that I should get a refill. I left to get the drink, grateful for the break.

As I waited to be served at the nearby bar, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see who it was.

"You and your girlfriend are very good dancers," said the petite brunette who had gotten my attention.

"Thanks, we really love dancing. I'm Mark and you are?"

"I'm Michelle and it's nice to meet you. Would you mind if I joined you guys? My friends stood me up."

"Not at all, Pam and I love making new friends. Can I get you a drink?"

"Yes please, whatever you're having."

"Well, I'm getting a bottle of water but I'm sure my si...er, Pam wouldn't mind if we had a drink together. Red Bull and Vodka?"

"Hmm, that happens to be my favourite."

I ordered the drinks and then followed her to a vacant couch where we got to know each other. She was a legal secretary for a well known law firm in the city, she lived with her parents but was looking for her own place. I told her a bit about myself and my 'girlfriend' and when she heard about our flat, she squealed with delight.

"Wow! That's awesome! You must invite me over some time."

"I'm sure that we will but I need you to meet Pam now."

Just then, my sibling sat on my lap. "Hmm, I was wondering what was taking you so long."

"Hey sexy, meet Michelle. Michelle, meet Pam."

"Hi Pam, I hope you don't mind me hijacking your man."

"Hi Michelle, don't stress. I gave up being jealous a long time ago. I know he wouldn't mess me around anyway."

"She's right," I said, "I love her too much."

"That's so awesome. Anyway, Mark was just about to introduce you to me when you showed up."

"I believe you Honey, don't worry." Looking at me, Pam continued. "Markie, I also needed a break. Let's go upstairs where it's a bit quieter, shall we?"

"Yeah, great idea. Will you join us, Michelle?"

"Thanks, I will."

We made our way to the lounge upstairs and sat together on a small couch. I was sandwiched between the two beauties; my sister on my right and Michelle on my left. Pam draped her legs over mine and I stroked her thighs as we chatted.

"You guys are so sexy together; you must tell me your secret."

"I guess it's just passion; passion without limits. Mark and I are very open in that regard."

"That's amazing Pam. I've been searching for a relationship like yours but all the guys I've dated are jerks."

"I had the same problem until Mark. We're made for each other."

"I can see that. You are both so sexy too."

"Michelle, you're just as sexy. The right guy will eventually sweep you off your feet too."

"I'm not sure that I want that anymore. Like tonight, it was meant to be just us girls from the office but they never showed up. I was hit on by every lonely Joe in the club. I guess that's why I latched onto Mark. I knew I'd be safe from any advances."

"That's quite a compliment Michelle, thanks."

"He does know how to treat a woman, doesn't he?"

Pam kissed me lovingly and snuggled closer. Michelle, perhaps emboldened by the alcohol, leaned forward and hugged us both.

"Aw, you guys are stunning. I'm so glad we met and I hope we can become good friends."

"I'm certain of it," said my sister, "why don't you party with us for a bit and then join us for a nightcap at our place?"

"I think I will Pam...and thanks."

Our new friend took Pam's hand and kissed it playfully, her ruby red lipstick leaving an imprint of her lips. She tried to wipe it off but Pam stopped her.

"No, that's okay...I kind of like it."


"Well girlfriend, let's get Mark back on the dance-floor and cause a bit of nonsense." My sister winked at us each in turn and stood up, holding out her hands expectantly. With Michelle and me in tow, she pushed her way through to the dance arena where she whispered something in Michelle's ear. The women were grinning wickedly as they closed in on me. I knew better than to resist and played along, enjoying the sexy attention I was getting from them. I felt more than a little turned on and my state was soon the object of their attention. I was a very surprised but willing victim of the seductive advances of the two beauties and when Pam suggested that we go home a little while later, I readily agreed. We made a giggling trio as we were taken home, again by taxi and were still in that state when we arrived at the apartment block where we lived. I paid the taxi driver and joined the women at the elevator.

"Welcome to our humble abode Michelle."

"Oh my god," she exclaimed when she realised that the elevator was for our exclusive use, "this just gets better."

"It certainly does," agreed Pam, "we are very fortunate to have found this place."

The women were holding each other about the waist as we entered the flat. Michelle was smiling broadly as she took in her surroundings.

"This is really very nice you guys, thanks for inviting me."

"It's a pleasure, friend. Mark, pour us some of that champagne while I show Michelle around. Oh and put some music on too, if you will."

"Sure thing Babe, don't be long."

I kissed my sister and she left with Michelle still hugged close to her. I mused at the turn of events but only for a second. I opened a bottle of bubbly and poured three glasses before turning on the sound system. I'd kicked off my shoes and was sitting barefoot on the couch when they returned.

"Mark, I must compliment you guys on your beautiful home. This is just the kind of place I'd like."

"Aren't you looking for a place to stay?"

"Yeah, but this is still out of my league. Someday though..."

The women sat next to me as I handed them their drinks. We raised our glasses to each other and took a sip of the excellent champagne, grinning happily together. I leaned forward to set my glass down and then stood up.

"I need to get out of these clothes, ladies. So, if you'll excuse me for a minute or two, I'll be right back."

"That's actually a good idea Markie. Michelle, come with me, I'm sure I can find something for you to wear."

We were soon back on the sofa, all more comfortably dressed. I was in my customary boxers and tee-shirt while both women wore short cotton night-shirts that showed their legs off nicely. We eyed each other with more than just passing interest but let that sleeping dog lie for the moment. Michelle was very forthcoming about herself, having relaxed completely in our company and we reciprocated just as freely without revealing our secret.

"I feel so at home with you guys and that's weird for me. Usually it takes me forever to open up to new friends."

"Well, I speak for Pam too when I say that we really like you. It's rare to make such an instant connection."

"Like Mark, I'm also quite reserved when it comes to my, er, private life. I know we can trust you though."

"There is something I need you both to know," said Michelle, looking at us each in turn, "I'm sure you've guessed it but here goes; I'm bi...well, more lesbian than bi. Before meeting you Mark, I was just so over men...now, I'm not so sure anymore..."

Her cheeks flushed at her admission but her coy smile was evidence that she was comfortable enough with us to have shared her secret. She seemed to sigh with relief when my sister took her hand and pulled her closer.

"Where have you been all this time? I feel the same way. I was about to actively pursue a lesbian lifestyle when Mark came back into my life."

"Are you serious? What do you mean by 'back'? Did you two date before?"

"Well, not really. You see, Mark and I are actually..." she looked at me with a smile and asked, "Can I tell her?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, better now than later."

"Michelle, please don't judge us. If you don't like what you're about to hear, we'll take you home..."

"Pam...Mark, you know how I feel about you. I wouldn't have opened up to you otherwise, so, what is your secret? Are you cousins or something?"

"Hmm, close. We're brother and sister."

Michelle's grin didn't fade and she didn't get up either. "That explains a lot; the way you two are together. I had psychology as a minor in university and incest was covered quite extensively. You know, the jury is still out whether it's good or bad. Scientifically, anyway." She looked at us with a new understanding. "I'm honoured that you've trusted me and I won't break that trust, ever."

"I must admit," said my sister, "I thought you would accept us, so I wasn't too worried."

"Michelle, I love my sister with everything I have. She's my queen."

"Aw Mark, that's so beautiful."

"You wouldn't believe just how intense the sex is either."

"I can imagine. I'd love to experience it with you but that's just me being forward...and horny. Just ignore me."

"No...don't feel bad," cooed my sister as she hugged Michelle, "remember the club? Didn't I get you to help me seduce my brother?"

"Yes, you did..."

"Well, I wouldn't have done that if I wasn't willing to have you in our bed."

My sibling's words were having the desired effect on Michelle and the sexy woman was clearly getting turned on. With a glance and a nod at me, she leaned back and let my sister caress her. I accepted her invitation to join in but first, I had some other business to attend to. I positioned myself behind Pam and helped her out of her night-shirt. Michelle yelped when my hands cupped my sister's breasts and tweaked her nipples gently. Pam threw her head back, moaning with pleasure.

"Oh god...Mark..."

She slid her hands under Michelle's hem and lifted the garment over the willing woman's breasts. Michelle was indeed slimmer than my sister but her body was no less alluring and she was perfectly proportioned in every way. She lifted her arms and sat up briefly to allow the complete removal of the garment. She closed her eyes and arched her back as Pam kissed each erect nipple, sighing with delight at the sensation. I marvelled at the sight of the two semi-naked women in front of me. My sister wore a thin red nylon thong while Michelle's equally miniscule panties were white. I felt my erection threaten to burst through my boxers so I stood up to take them off. My beautiful sister looked over at me when they were off and she reached out, grasping my manhood and tugging me closer. I went, as willing as ever and trembled with lust as her lips slid over my penis. Michelle took the opportunity to wriggle out of her panties, exposing her smoothly shaved pudendum to my wide-eyed stare.

"Ooh, I can see that you like my pretty flower..."

She slid her fingers down and stroked herself slowly, inserting her middle finger into her vaginal opening. I reached down and ran my hand down between my sister's buttocks, easing her thong aside as I cupped her very wet vagina from behind. My caress teased yet another groan from Pam and she too arched her back as she pushed back onto my probing fingers.

"Wait," she gasped and stood up, "I'm overdressed as usual."

She stepped out of her thong and sat down again, spreading her legs as Michelle knelt between them. Without preamble, Michelle then treated Pam to the most erotic cunnilingus ever, her sexy derriere moving invitingly from side to side.

"Michelle," gasped Pam, "we're driving my poor brother insane...look..."

"You poor thing...I don't think your sexy sister would mind too much if you put that magnificent rod of yours in me," she said when she looked over her shoulder.

"I wouldn't mind at all..."

Michelle kept looking as I eased my penis into her eager vagina. When I was completely inside her, she returned to eating my sister and thrust back at me, urging me to start thrusting in and out of her. I locked eyes with my sister as I humped Michelle and the sheer eroticism of the situation had us all hornier than ever. I felt Michelle's muscles tighten around me and she shuddered with the onset of a magnificent orgasm. When it erupted from deep within her, she lifted her mouth off my sister's vulva and yelped as each intense convulsion ripped through her senses. When she could take no more, she moved away and flopped down next to Pam. I immediately started screwing my sister and was made even hornier when she reached between the other woman's legs and fingered her to another orgasm. I was unable to hold my own climax back at that point and with Pam's legs hooked over my arms, I felt my testicles tighten just before I ejaculated deep inside her. My sibling waited until I was almost spent when she finally let herself go, wantonly frigging herself with the fingers of both hands until she came with a loud shout.

"I'M CUMMING....C-C-UMMING...all for...YOU..."

I withdrew from her and lay on her other side, panting wildly but completely sated...for the time being anyway.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Adding another killed the story for me. 1 star

OlebillOlebillalmost 7 years ago

Why break the love between siblings with someone else. SICK.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

once again, an author thinks more is better. what was it she said about emasculating him in ch 1? move along.

OlebillOlebillabout 8 years ago

Going great and enjoying story right up to the point you put someone else in. Was hoping the celebration at the club was Pam going to say she was pregnant. So nope finish right when you put other woman in. Just can't stand writers who just have to screw these stories up. Not surprised there are no other comments.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

you wasted your time and ours so just delete it and go away.

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