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Father's Day Coupon Book

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She gives daddy a special coupon book for father's day.
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Andre Delgado heard the small chime come from his computer. Turning to look at the second screen, he touched the email icon the tapped the inbound email from his daughter. Just like his daughter Sophia to send an email when she was no more than yards away from where he sat.

Andre was one of those rare men who had the rugged looks that drew women like flies to a candle, yet refused to take advantage of it. In his youth he had played soccer and run track, and now in his forties he was still a regular at the local gym. His Greek heritage had given him the dark wavy hair and chiseled looks that most men would kill for. Yet, it was masking a bright mind that loved to solve puzzles, leading him into the computer and IT business.

Andre let the hacking program he was running continue, as he turned to read his daughters email. Yes, he was a hacker, and a legal one. Right now he was breaking into the user files of an investment firm. Once he was done, he would send them a full report on how to beef up their security. In today's growing cyber age, Andre had found his skills in high demand.

When he read the heading for happy fathers' day, Andre smiled to himself. So like Sophia to not only remember, but make a point of sending something to him. Andres' thoughts turned to the twenty-three year old beauty and love of his life. His daughter had inherited his Greek features, and then blended them with her mothers' Lebanese genes. The result was like watching a vogue model walk down a fashion runway.

Like her father, Sophia knew the reaction her body caused in men. While she enjoyed a bit of teasing and flirting, something her farther attributed to her young age, she never used her physical charms to win her something she had not earned.

Sitting on her father's lap for years, watching him work his magic at the keyboard, had fascinated the young woman. Now, completing high school and college with a degree in computer sciences, she had joined her fathers' consulting firm.

Andre had added almost a 'wing' onto his ranch home when Sophia had joined him. His portion of the house was one leg on the L-shape, while Sophia maintained an almost separate world in her portion of the other leg.

Andre had told his daughter it was for her privacy but he also knew something that lurked deep inside him, something he dared never let loose. The fact that every time she walked by him, he could feel that familiar stirring in his groin, and the thoughts that flowed into his mind; had motivated him to give her a separate home as much as anything.

Andres' wife had died almost four years past. Her semi-annual trip home to see her family in Lebanon had led to heartbreak for the Delgado home. Usually Sophia went with her mother to see her grandparents, this time she had not been able due to illness.

For the Delgado household it had been a blessing she had stayed home. The rocket that had been sent into the neighborhood where his wife's family lived had destroyed almost a full city block.

In one instant Andre had lost his wife, and almost her entire family. He had spent almost two years swept with grief, had it not been for Sophia, he was sure he would have lost his mind.

Shaking himself from the reverie, he focused back on his daughters email. Reading slowly he was stunned at the letter. Not the language, his daughter was an adult, Andre was no pure saint, at times in anger or frustration his own words were not the best. No, it was the content, the 'proposition' his daughter had sent that rocked his world.


First and foremost, I want to tell you how very much I love you. You have made me the person I am and I am eternally grateful to you. For years, you have sacrificed yourself for this family. You have suffered loss and kept moving. You are a strong vibrant man who I am proud to call my father.

You are also a man. A man, who has needs, wants and desires. You have put those needs on the back burner for far too long. You have buried yourself in your work while I watched you do without the company youu often need. So, I am sending you a special Fathers' Day Coupon Book.

Please download it before you open it, I want you to hold them and read them or I know youu will never download them after you do.

You now know the what, so let's discuss who. Don't be a humble fool and deny what we both know, that any woman out there would rip her panties off in three seconds to be in your bed.

In fact, you are the subject of some rather lewd fantasies of a number of my friends, and have been for years. I know that both Emily and Gayle would love to ride your pony anytime you wanted.

Believe me dad you have one hell of a pony, and no I'm not telling you how I know. It's time you took that thing out of pasture and started riding the trails again.

So here is the deal. You pick the coupon, one per day. Write the name of who you want on it and I will make the contacts. If there is someone you know that's perfectly fine. I want her signature on the coupon and you give it back to me. No, I don't trust you to not fudge things.

Just, for once, enjoy Daddy.

Love Sophia

Andre reached over and pulled the small papers off his printer where he had sent the attachment. He had specified a modified label print so was able to slowly leaf through the coupons one at a time.

At first he had been amused by the descriptions. At first it was hot bubble bath, back massage, dinner. Then they started changing as he continued. Hot date came next, then full body massage followed by lap dance and striptease. He couldn't suppress the groan as he read some of the others. Blowjob, happy ending massage, position of choice; they began to get more and more sexual.

Andre pictured Emily with her slim hot body sliding over his lap; he could feel his cock thicken just at the thought. Then, the image of Sophia's raven haired friend Gayle kneeling sucking on his cock like a Popsicle stick caused a surge in his groin.

"Jesus" Andre murmured. Was his daughter serious? Had she really arranged for those two vixens to willingly take part in this? Then, the forbidden image hit home. The sight of his own daughter grinding her tight ass into his crotch as she swayed to some music, he felt his cock harden in record time.

"Fuck no" he groaned to himself.

He really needed to get laid, he thought. It had been well over a year since his last 'score'. While he knew he could walk into any bar in town and pick something up; to Andre that was the problem, it was a something not someone. For Andre there needed to be a connection or it was just physical.

Then again he thought, if he didn't do something soon...he shuddered remembering three days ago when he had stood in his kitchen and watched his daughter sunning by the pool, and without a second thought had jerked himself to one of the largest orgasms he had ever had.

First he had to test the waters, see if everything was real, or if his daughter was playing some kind of trick on him. He pulled one of the coupons out of the stack and swiftly wrote his daughters name on the piece of paper. Leaning over top his printer, he scanned the paper and sent it to his daughter, before he could change his mind.

For Sophia, trying to find something for her dad for Father's Day had been the yearly challenge. Then she had seen the love coupons advertised online during one of her infected web page searches.

She had quickly created her own version, not trusting some other site, and then screwed up her courage to send the letter to her father. She really didn't expect him to answer, and her mind was still circling over what to get him; when her email chimed and she saw her father respond.

Opening the email she stared at the message with her mouth half open. Holy Shit, she thought; he actually did it. Staring back at her was a scanned copy of the love coupon,

The coupon was for something she had actually thought up herself, it was the Home Cooked Dinner choice. Below the title her father had scrawled her name.

Her stomach did a small flip as she realized her father wanted her to cook him a dinner. Settle down thought, she admonished herself; it's just a damn dinner.

Sophia looked at her screen, seeing the search engine quietly going through IP addresses. Rising from her chair she walked from her small office to her bedroom. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and did a double take. Working from home was nice, but it meant she had not taken the time to really put any effort into her appearance, especially when she saw herself standing there in sweat pants and a loose sweatshirt. OK daddy, she thought, you want dinner; then its dinner time right now.

Rummaging through her dresser and then her closet, she laid out her clothing selection; her hands taking what her subconscious directed, without even realizing. It wasn't until everything was laid out that she did a double take.

Lying on her bed was a pale rose colored thong, beside a pair of form fitting jeans she knew hugged her hips and ass like a second skin. The light blue tank top had spaghetti straps that left her shoulders and upper body with plenty of exposed skin. In fact the low neck line plunged well beneath the curve of her breasts, showing of more cleavage that she normally did.

As she stared at herself in the mirror after dressing, she could see the deep valley of her cleavage showing back. OK, let's add the finale she thought.

For Andre, the request to his daughter had been forgotten as he plunged himself back into work. It wasn't until two hours later when his phone chimed with a text that it was brought back to him. The short text from Sophia told him "Dinner Is Served".

When he stepped into the dining room, Andre wasn't sure which drew his attention more. The food spread out on the table, or the vision standing beside the chair. He watched as Sophia turn her back to him and pulled the chair out for him to sit in. Forget the food, Jesus look at that ass Andre thought. The fabric of her jeans clung to every curve as she moved; he followed the seam as it disappeared between her firm thighs.

Numbly Andre walked to the chair and slowly lowered himself. Trying to distract himself he looked at the dish laid before him. Fresh vegetables on a single plate with tzatziki dip beside it and then the skewers of Souvlaki with just a hint of the grilling crispness showing on the meat. His daughter had gone all out preparing her father some of his favorite foods from home.

Sophia slowly unfolded the cloth napkin, and leaned down to lay the cloth in her father's lap.

"The meat looks delicious" Andre complimented his daughter.

"Yes it does" Sophia whispered softly. As she laid the cloth on his lap, her fingers pressed lightly against the bulge in his slacks.

Andre was stunned at his daughters touch, turning his head he opened his mouth to speak, but stooped dead as his eyes landed on her bent over his table setting. The tight tank top clung to the curves of her breasts, and his eyes locked on the globes of soft flesh that were only inches from his face. He saw two protrusions as her hard nipple pressed against the fabric. Jesus, she's not wearing a bra, he realized.

"Fuck me" he whispered softly.

"Enjoy your dinner daddy" Sophia traced a finger along his cheek. Her eyes locked with his.

Leaning closer, her warm breath filled his ear. "Just so you know...about your other comment" she whispered. "Anytime daddy...anytime." Her voice filled his ear.

Andre sat in shock as his daughter softly kissed his cheek and then exited the dining room, heading back to her own apartment. Holy God, he thought, did his daughter just proposition him. No, it couldn't be, he had to have misread her he decided.

All the way through the meal, Andre felt his cock continue to throb between his thighs. It simply refused to go down as continual images of his daughter's tight ass and swollen nipples filled his mind again and again.

Finally giving in, he hustled off to the bathroom where he disrobed and slipped into the shower. Standing under the warm spray his hand glided up and down the length of his cock. He tried to keep images of the honey blonde Emily or raven haired Gayle as he felt his cock throb. But it was the image of that luscious tight ass bent over the dining room table that caused his nuts to tighten up as he approached his release.

"Sophia" he gasped as his cock jerked. He closed his eyes to the image as the first jet of hot cum erupted from his cock to splatter against the wall of the shower.

Leaning against the shower wall he shuddered through his climax as feelings of both relief and revulsion swept through him. Dammit, he thought, tomorrow he needed to really take care of this issue or it was going to drive him insane.

The next day as lunch approached, Sophia felt her heart skip a beat as her email chimed from her father. Opening the letter she felt a mixture of happiness, yet something else as she saw his scanned coupon.

Andre had scrawled the name Emily below the coupon for lap dance, sending a tremor through Sophia. Her father had upped the ante of the present, but with Emily; she felt a sense of disappointment as she reached for her cell phone.

Andre pulled back from his desk as he heard music coming from the hallway leading to his office. His first thought was that Sophia had walked over with her ITunes playing. Instead, a totally unexpected vision walked through the door of his office.

He stared as Emily stood in the doorway for a moment, letting him take in the sight. Her honey blonde hair hung in waves to her shoulders as she smiled at him.

"Hey Mr. D" she said as she glided into the room.

Emily had cut off the lower half of a t shirt, so the edge hung just below the swell of her breasts. Her bare tanned belly glistened with some kind of oil as she moved. The tight jean shorts she wore clung to her ass like a glove, the frayed edges leaving wisps of threads along her firm thighs. When she bent and set the phone playing music on his desk, his eyes gravitated to the curve of her ass, he was shocked when he realized the cloth was so short, he could actually see the bottom crease of her ass.

Emily, are you sure" he started to ask.

The young girl turned and pressed her fingers to his lips. "Shhhh" she said softly. "You have no idea how sure I am Mr. D" she said in a throaty voice.

As the next song came on the small device on the desk, Andre watched as the young girl turned her back to him, slowly gyrating her hips as her hands reached back to run over the curves of her ass.

"You like my ass" her voice seemed to fill the room.

"Yes" Andre gave a strangled reply. His eyes were locked to the young girl, as he felt his cock threaten to rip through his slacks as it filled with blood.

The young girl stepped back and slowly lowered her ass until it rested in his lap. Slow circles drug the cheeks over the throbbing bulge as Andre couldn't hide the moan from the slight pressure.

"You want to fuck my ass?" her voice was almost hypnotic to him.

"God yes" Andre gasped back. His hands rested on her hips as she slowly slid up and down his turgid cock. The thick shaft sliding between her jeans covered cheeks.

"Mmmmmm" Emily softly moaned. "I love a hard cock shoved up my tight little ass." She murmured.

Andre felt like he could explode at any second, and then groaned as the young girl rose to her feet. He gripped the arms of his office chair as she turned to face him. His cock throbbed as she stretched her arms above her head, letting the short cloth of her cut t shirt rise until he caught the hint of the curve of her breasts. He watched as she reached down and slowly pulled the thin cloth over her head.

"Oh God" he moaned as her firm young breasts slid into view.

Swaying now to a second song, Emily slowly approached his chair. He legs straddled his as her breasts were only inches from his face.

You like my tits don't you Mr. D" her voice husky with desire.

"Fuck yes" Andre groaned.

Emily reached out and put her hands at the back of his head, pulling him forward. "Suck them Mr. D" she whispered hoarsely.

"Mmmmmm" was all Andre could groan as his mouth was filled with soft tit flesh. He sucked greedily at the hard nub in his mouth as he felt Emily start to gyrate on his lap.

He swore he could feel her heat through her jeans and his slacks as she pressed herself down harder on his throbbing cock. He could feel his balls start to pinch with that familiar tightness as the young girl moaned and trembled against him.

Andre had just started to reach for the young girl when a beep came from the phone resting on his desk. Before he could react, Emily slid from his lap and stood pouting in front of him.

"That's four songs Mr. D, that's all we get" she sighed.

Leaning down to pick up her discarded top, she turned and faced the handsome man. Leaning over so her firm breasts were again only inches from his face, she brought her lips to his ear.

"Maybe next time you'll pick another coupon" she whispered. "One that will give us both a happy ending." She nipped at his ear as she rose to her feet.

Stunned and horny beyond belief, Andre could only watch as the young girl picked up her phone and walked from the office. As he slowly rotated his chair back to his desk, he thought he caught a movement outside the office window. Sophia? He dismissed the thought, why would his daughter be watching them, he thought.

Andre spent the next few hours trying to will his cock to go back down, until he finally gave in to the gnawing hunger. In the late afternoon, he sent his daughter a quick text.

"Only one coupon per day" He asked.

It took a few moments until the answer chimed on his phone.

"One kind of coupon per day yes" his daughter answered. "You can use other coupons in the same day but only once per person." A second text told him.

Andre quickly rifled through the small slips, he found the one he wanted. Scribbling a name he then slapped it on the scanner and hit send, firing off a text at the same time to his daughter.

"Will that work?" he asked.

Andre waited for the few seconds before he heard his phone chime again.

"Yes." was the simple reply. It struck him as odd that the answer was almost curt, and what had taken so long to send a three letter text?

Andre shoved the thoughts to the back of his mind as he settled back in his chair and tried to focus on work. At least now he was going to get some kind of relief.

It was a little over an hour later he heard a soft voice come from the doorway behind him.

"I hear someone wants a massage, a rather special one" a young woman said quietly.

Andre turned to answer but could only sit and stare at the vision in the doorway. It was one that had burned in his mind numerous times this summer when Sophia would have her friends over to enjoy the pool.

Her friend Gayle stood calmly in the door, her tanned skin glistening from the summer heat. The bright yellow bikini she wore barely covered the swell of her breasts, while the bottom triangle clung to her obvious camel toe with a tightness Andre felt in his own slacks.

"Holy Christ" he whispered as he stared.

"I hope you don't mind Mr. D" Gayle smiled. "I like oil, but I prefer it on my skin not my clothes." Her gaze shifted to the growing bulge in his pants. "I'll take that as a yes" she laughed lightly.

"Why don't you change into your swimsuit and meet me by the pool" the young girl told him.

As she disappeared into the hall, Andre rose out of his chair, reaching down to adjust the already steel hard cock in his pants. The frustration of being left hanging earlier in the day had left him with an almost permanent hard on.

As he walked out through the dining room and towards the pool, he could see Gayle sitting on the edge of one of the loungers that had been laid flat. The young girl rose and patted the lounger.

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