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Fear and Lusting Ch. 01

Story Info
Bored couple test their limits.
7.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/14/2010
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Fear and Lusting

Chapter One

(Note to the reader: This is the first chapter of the first part of a three part erotic novella I've tentatively titled "Making Love to Horrible People." Each part consists of about 4 or five chapters. I hope you enjoy it. Any feedback is more than welcome.)

Dan heard a car door slam outside and he immediately padded over to the window, scooping up his shoes from the floor as he went. His heart rate quickened as he looked out the window from the third floor apartment in the old converted house. The girl was home sooner than he had expected. She had only been gone twenty minutes and he had thought he'd have more time. He heard her car yelp as she locked it and walked to the front door. Dan ran, stepping lightly, to the back door of the apartment. He pulled on the doorknob and it came off in his hand. He stared at it in wild disbelief. He scanned all the interior locks and frantically tried to undo them all and then shoved the doorknob back on its nub and turned it. It spun uselessly.

He cursed his luck and fled to the storage closet he had rummaged through earlier. He had seen a wide roll of duct tape there and grabbed it before advancing on the front door to the apartment. The door was already opening and he was still twenty feet away from it. He froze and dove into the nearest room to him, the bedroom in the middle of the apartment. Several of the girl's things from her jewelry chest and lower dresser drawers he had already taken out and stuffed in a gym bag. His heart was pounding and he grabbed the bag and dropped down on the floor and scooted under the bed. It was clichéd he knew, but he knew the bedroom was the first place she'd go before settling down to eat in the kitchen and giving him a chance to either escape or surprise her and bind her up so he could get out without alarm. He tried to steady his breathing and pulled the ski mask he kept just in case of emergencies like this over his head as she entered the room.

From under the bed, he could see her feet as she kicked off her shoes and dropped her pants to her delicate ankles and stepped out of them. Her blouse dropped to the floor soon after. Dan's mind processed his cock's immature excitement and threw it away. He was petrified of being discovered and could think of nothing else but remaining hidden. She left the room and he could hear noises from the kitchen, where the back door was located. He hoped like hell she didn't notice any of the locks undone. She was making popcorn and the smell soon filled his nostrils. He just wanted to wait until she was settled, and then he could creep to the bedroom door and make a break for the front door. After she finished making her snack, he heard her sink onto the futon facing the TV in the living room and turn it on.

The living room was right outside the bedroom door and he again cursed his luck. He decided the best thing to do was wait for her to use the bathroom before he tried to leave. Dan waited there and the afternoon shadows turned to night, while he rested on his back. He used the time to take out and inspect the objects hidden under her bed. He found that if he stretched them toward the light spilling in from the doorway to the living room, he could make out what they were. There were the typical items a girl might have stored there: neglected shoes, old textbooks, old underwear and boxes of letters from previous boyfriends.

Then, there were the magazines. Dan couldn't help but study them in detail. They contained graphic scenes of bondage, rape and torture as well as collections of erotic stories of BDSM, infidelity and incest. His eyes widened and his pulse pounded as hard as it did when he saw her come home. He realized his cock was not only excited, but also completely rock hard. If she was so into chicks being dominated, maybe he could... Dan shook his head and shoved the magazine away. That kind of shit gets stupid pricks caught, Dan thought. The dumb rapists leave their sweat and dirt and semen all over the victim... all over them... all over their beautiful tits... Dan pulled his hand off the bulge in his pants.

No, he told himself. Just wait for her to go to the bathroom and then book it, he commanded himself. He hadn't had much of a chance to get anything he was certain was valuable while she was away, but maybe after he got out of here he could sell what he had and get himself a whore or a few really high quality sex DVDs, and at least have money left over. He could still come out ahead.

He heard the TV turn off and the girl move off of the futon and Dan shuffled back under the bed. She came into the bedroom and flicked on the light. Dan froze and stopped breathing, his pulse thumping in his ears so loud he was sure she could hear it. She stood near her dresser, opening something on top of it, probably her jewelry case, and Dan's eyes bugged out, thinking she'd notice what he took. Then, he heard the lid snap shut and she retreated to the living room, shutting the light off behind her. Dan let out a slow exhale and took measured breaths for a minute or two before reaching over to the plug in the wall near his head that led to the lamp that was controlled by the light switch and pulled it out, cursing himself for not thinking of it before. Amateur mistake, he thought. I'm getting distracted here.

As he tried to relax and focus on the sounds coming from the next room so he could tell when she went to the bathroom, he could make out odd noises. It almost sounded like moans, but they seemed tinny and distant. Curiosity was getting the better of him and he crawled back out to peak around the door from the floor to see what she was doing. The girl was lying on her side with the top of her head facing him and looking at her laptop, positioned on the edge of the cushion. He couldn't see what she was looking at, but the sounds coming from it became louder as she tapped a key a few times.

"You like that, bitch?"


"Are you going to be a good little whore for me?"


"AHHNNHH! Oh yes! Yes, I will!"

Dan's cock throbbed and lurched in his pants as he realized she was watching porn. In spite of himself he crawled out further and raised himself up into a standing position behind the door, which was still partially closed, and peaked out again. The futon was straight across from him and perpendicular to his position, pushed up against the living room wall that separated it from the kitchen. The girl was lying down on it, her head toward him. Her smooth and well-formed legs were splayed, one pushed against the upright part of the futon, the other slightly bent and flat on the cushion with the knee toward the edge. He could just make out her red panties as she idly rubbed something he couldn't see near them. When she took a deep breath, he could also see over her shoulders her full and round breasts heave against her matching bra and then disappear from sight. On the screen of the laptop he could see images that made him almost want to gasp, but he struggled hard and remained silent. He saw a naked woman bound with her hands behind her back and feet tied together and bent over some kind of low saddle horse. Her mouth was hanging open and a man was circling her and whipping her ass. Dan swallowed loudly and hoped the girl didn't hear. She didn't, and she continued to watch.

As she did, Dan heard a loud hum begin and realized the object the girl had retrieved earlier had been a small vibrator, one of those bullets or rabbits or whatever. Her right hand was in her panties and she was using the other to search for more porn. Dan's cock was throbbing and was taking control of his mind. He stroked it through the fabric of his pants, trying to maintain some semblance of control by providing some tactile satisfaction. Maybe if I just cum in my pants, he thought, I'll be able to keep my wits about me and get out of here without notice.

The girl decided on the next on-line video and Dan watched from over her shoulder, stroking and grabbing his cock head as it bulged out from his underwear and pressed against his pant leg. He could see another naked woman strung up in a harness swinging from the ceiling and being fucked from behind by some guy. He was savagely spanking her ass. The camera switched angles and all of a sudden, Dan could see she was taking his cock in her ass. Dan's dick head throbbed achingly and he grabbed and shook it savagely and silently. The humming stopped just then and the girl paused the video and began to rise from the futon.

Dan released his cock and retreated, fleeing as lightly as possible around the end of the bed to the darker side of the room. The girl entered and flicked the switch again. The light didn't come on. She tried it again and nothing happened. Her hand fumbled for the lamp and tried the switch on the stand. Still nothing. She cursed softly and began to feel her way around the bed to the lamp on the other side, the one next to which Dan was crouched.

Dan knew there was only one way out now and he leaped out of the shadows and grabbed her by the throat and threw her face up on the bed. Her surprised cry was strangled silent as he squeezed her larynx so she could only choke instead of scream as he climbed on top of her, pinning her arms under his legs. He moved one hand up to smother her mouth and heard her groan and gurgle. He released her throat and produced a knife from his back pocket and held it to the side of her neck while he covered her mouth and pressed his weight down on her. He could feel her breathing was rapid and panicked and he tried to make sure her nostrils were clear of his fingers.

She tried to kick her legs up and Dan pushed her face down and pressed the blade against her throat. "Listen!" he snarled. "You're going to be just fine. All I wanted was to get out of here without anyone noticing but you came home sooner than I thought." The woman tried to force her knees toward his kidneys and scream at the same time.

"NO!" He hissed in a harsh whisper. "I don't want to hurt you! I just want to make sure you can't call the police as I leave. That's all!" He brushed the flat of his blade up and down her throat to remind her of it. The girl's knees were jammed into his lower ribs and had been trying to squeeze, but now they relented a bit. "I promise you'll be just fine. All I wanted was to steal some stuff and leave. I don't want to hurt anybody, so please don't make me," he said as sincerely and yet menacingly as he could. Her legs dropped down hesitantly and her pinned arms relaxed a little.

"Good," he said as he withdrew the knife and placed it near her head. He could feel her rapid breathing as it blew out of her nose and across his hand. Her heaving breasts pressed against his thighs as he sat on her chest. He shifted his weight a bit to relieve the pressure on her lungs. His eyes were more adjusted to the dark than hers at this point, so he could study her features while she blinked and tried to make him out. She had high, rounded cheekbones and wide, dark eyes. Her brown straight hair was soft and silky and he resisted the temptation to stroke it. Her sharp jaw line pressed against his hand seemed fragile and beautiful. He wanted to kiss it, but squeezed his eyes shut and stopped looking at her.

"Now," he said as he shook himself from his lust and reached for the pair of old silk panties he had stolen from underneath her bed in case he needed a gag. He dropped them near her head and then pulled the duct tape roll from the large pocket on the front of his pants. "I need to make sure that you don't make a sound. I guarantee this won't harm you, but it will be a little uncomfortable. Just open your mouth and don't try to fight it. You might choke yourself." He fed the panties into her mouth and she kept her teeth shut and tried to turn her head as she whined and failed to contain a loud sob.

Dan roughly pulled her face over to look at him. "Jen... yes I know your name. I saw it on the mailbox. Listen to me. The only way I'm leaving here is with you either unable to call for help in the immediate future or incapable of it ever. You're a woman who lives on your own, so I imagine you're bright enough to distinguish between the two." Jen shuddered and whined under his hand. "Be a good girl and let me bind you so I can get out of your life and you can continue with yours. Try to fight me and you'll force me to doing something neither of us wants. You understand?"

She took a couple of quick deep breaths and nodded sharply, her eyes wide and focused on his. She could now faintly make out the ski-masked face above her in the dark room. She gasped and he pressed the panties into her mouth and she accepted them. He tried not to press too far or too firmly. "Shove them up against your teeth with your tongue and try not to swallow until you have them in place" Dan looked at her after he finished feeding her the soft silk. She seemed to breathe ok. "You all right? Can you breathe?" Jen nodded. " Is any part of it too far down your throat?" Jen shook her head.

Dan grabbed the duct tape with his free hand as his the other still lightly covered her mouth. "Ok, then. I'm going to secure the gag on you. This is duct tape. It holds lightly to skin, but securely to itself. It won't harm you when peeled off, so I don't want you to be worried, understand?" Jen nodded again, seeming almost too calm. Dan eyed her cautiously as he grabbed the loose end with his teeth and pulled out a strip. He bit it off and placed it over her mouth. Jen's breath quickened as she felt her mouth fastened shut over her gag. Dan ripped out another piece and ran it from her nose down below her chin, securing the other strip and restricting her breathing further. Jen started to whine and squirm and he made sure her nostrils were clear before using his free hand to press her forehead back on the bed and lean his face over her. "Calm down, Jen. Calm your breathing. Breathe steady regular breaths. You're going to be just fine. You can do this."

In spite of herself, Jen slowed her breathing and concentrated on steady shafts of air entering and exiting her nostrils. She felt herself calming down and noticed the burglar was looking into her eyes and stroking her hair. "That's it. Good girl. You're doing great, Jen. You're going to make it through without a scratch. Just think. Next time you're with your friends you'll have this scary and interesting story to tell them and they'll just adore you and admire you so much for being so brave and calm through it all. I just know it."

Jen's eyes welled with tears. She had never heard anyone say those words of encouragement to her ever and she could not understand why the most frightening individual she had ever come across was saying them now.

"Listen," he continued. "I need to bind your wrists and ankles together and then tie you to the bed." Jen sobbed and shivered and started to choke. Dan grabbed her by the bottom of her jaw and pulled gently up to stretch her neck out. "No, no, Jen. I'm not going to do anything to you. I just need to make sure you won't move and take off your gag and call the police. Now, just breathe, sweetheart. Steady. In and out. I promise you, once I leave, I'll make an anonymous call to the cops after 15 minutes and they'll come make sure you're ok. All right? Everything's going to be fine." Jen stopped choking and she calmed as this stranger stroked her face and hair and stared deeply into her eyes. She nodded, ready.

Dan pulled a long strip of duct tape off and wrapped a figure eight around her wrists with a few inches of space between them as he held them near his face and squatted gently on her abdomen to apply just enough force to keep her submissive. She remained calm and looked at him. "OK, now I'm going to tie your hands to the head of the bed so you can't move your arms." Jen made no response as he put his hands under her armpits and lifted her and shifted her around so she was lengthwise on the bed and started tying her handcuffs to the iron railed head frame with more duct tape. He had noticed she had even moved her legs to help and was glad of it. He really didn't want to hurt her at all and couldn't wait to get out of there. He finished securing her hands and moved to the foot of the bed.

"Now, I'll just secure you're feet and I'll be out of here and just a bad memory for you, Jen. We're almost done." He got off the bed and moved to the foot of it and took her feet in his hands and took out the tape. He paused. He looked up the long, shapely legs and smooth thighs to the sexy hips still covered in the tight red cotton panties. Her small waist led up to her toned abdomen and he watched it heave up and down steadily. Then he noticed she was moaning softly. Her legs and arms and hips were moving, ever so slightly. His hands moved up a little to her ankles and she might actually have moaned a little louder and arched her back a little. Her high firm breasts stretched against the matching red cotton bra. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her head was tossing gently back and to the side, her soft brown hair a mat of silky comfort beneath her head.

Dan snapped out of his trance, even though his cock insisted this daydream was worth pursuing. He cursed his stupidity and pulled Jen's feet to the iron rails and secured them. He blinked and hesitated when he finished. He didn't even notice what he had been doing. He had tied each foot to each corner of the bed, so Jen lay on her back, spread out before him. He simply meant to tie her feet together and secure them like he did with her hands, but instead he bound her like some sacrificial slut. His eyes were wide as he scanned back up her body. Her soft and shapely thighs were flexing and he could see her waist push her pussy and ass up on the bed. He realized she was actually moaning but he could see that her breathing wasn't erratic. He looked and saw she really was twisting her hips and ankles and hands slowly and with repetition - he hadn't imagined it. She was testing her bonds, but not with the urgency of escape. She wanted to feel them digging into her flesh.

Dan walked slowly around the bed to stand near the door. He knew he should leave. Some part of his mind told him he had to leave. Everything else that filled his mind was abhorrent and depraved and terrible. He reached out and grabbed a blanket on the floor and spread it over Jen's quivering body. As he did so, he brushed his hands slowly from Jen's pelvis, up along her stomach and her arching breasts. He heard her moan a little louder and felt her torso try to bend up and reach his hands, before he dropped it over her so only her face and arms were exposed. He could swear he heard her give a frustrated sigh. "That's... Ummm..." he struggled to say as he looked at her. "That's so when they find you, they don't see your... Uh..." He grabbed his shoes and his bag and left the room.

His hand was reaching for the front room doorknob and he couldn't seem to grasp it. His body was tingling at its core and slightly numb at his extremities and his cock bulged and strained and complained against his pants. His brow furrowed and he could feel he was starting to sweat. "Just do it, Dan," he whispered silently. "Just get the hell out of here and move on. She's just a hot piece of ass. You can go down the fucking street and drink some bourbon and get a blowjob from some slut and then this is all behind you. Move, damn you!" His body shook and his mind thrust images of Jen's perfect body stretched and bound before him. He saw her ass as it thrust up off the mattress and her breasts as they rose and fell with her steady but labored breathing. He imagined what it would be like to slide his hands along her perfect thighs and rub her moist, soft pussy.

He felt himself falling – falling into that beautiful bound body – and instantly was no longer in control. He could see, as if from outside of himself, that he was moving furniture in front of the door to prevent anyone from entering. Some part of his mind remembered the back door and then he was pulling the nearby refrigerator in front of it as easily as if it was coat rack. Everything was hazy as he walked back to her bedroom door.


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