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Feminine Intuition Pt. 03

Story Info
Gina feels desire again.
4.6k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 07/08/2023
Created 04/14/2023
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Chapter Three

After two more days of hard going, it seems an impossible task. That evening, after her usual call to her children still made her miss them terribly, but happy that they were enjoying their time with their grandparents and seemed more comfortable now. The room was scattered with files and paperwork and the two of them had been sifting through anything that might help work out what Ricky could have possibly meant by 50 camels.

"Perhaps it means nothing!" Joff had said and Gina had begun to believe him. She had even resorted to randomly searching the internet using Joff's laptop. She exited the search screen and looked at the screen saver.

"Joff, who's the little boy?" Gina asked.

Joff looked around from pouring her a glass of wine and handed the glass to her. " He's Sami. My son."

"Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't prying. He's on your screen saver."

Joff sat down and took the laptop. "It's okay. Sami is my nine-year-old boy. He lives with his mother in London. We were divorced and she's remarried now. They are very happy." Joff tried hard to make his tone light and offered her a smile.

"Was it this job?" Gina asked, more interested than she should be.

"Yes and no." Joff looked at Gina and half-smiled. "I was injured once in the army and then again while doing close protection detail, six years ago and she couldn't handle it. She wanted someone, who was nine to five and I wasn't him. I don't blame her. I wasn't what she needed. Sami thinks of me as a favourite uncle, who brings presents, they have my army pension and a good life insurance policy to ensure that Sami will be looked after."

"I'm sorry Joff." Gina leaned over and rubbed his shoulder.

"It's not your fault." Joff smiled. " So, what do you think about all this?" He watched Gina search through the internet and then look up at him.

"Well, all I have is a website that will calculate my worth in either goats, cows or camels. And that website wouldn't have existed in 2002!"

Joff smiled "Let's have a look at what you're worth?"

Gina was flattered by the attention, her hand drifted to Joff's arm and playfully slapped him, "Cheeky boy".

They logged onto the website; kamelcalculator.com and started to enter Gina's physical details for height, weight and hair colour. It was a welcome bit of fun for Gina, Joff typed in further details, then stopped short.

Gina looked at the screen. "Ah, boob size?" Joff looked uncomfortable but then smiled playfully.

"Type in what you think!" Gina said as a matter of fact. Unconsciously, Gina arched her back and gave her breasts a little extra help.

Joff typed in the box and scanned the next question. "Figure?" He asked.

"Slender" Gina stated. She placed her hands on her hips.

"Are you sure?" Joff joked. His eyes scrutinized her, and Gina felt the heaviness of his stare. She felt her cheeks warm through.

Gina stood up and placed her wine glass on the counter shelf. She put her hands on her hips and twirled round." What do you think?"

Joff typed in 'Athletic'.

"Eye colour?" Joff looked up, and proceeded to type; "Grey" and typed it in.

Gina stood and looked at Joff. She had learned to trust this man, she felt secure with him and her eyes drifted over his body, there was a growing attraction there. She felt a small nervous tingle, when she was close to him and wondered what he would feel like, without his shirt. His torso was taut and his dark features drew her attention. He was suffering a little five o'clock shadow on his face, but Gina liked his stubble, she enjoyed the darkness that framed his strong jawline. She wondered how he would feel as she kissed him.

Gina licked her lips, warm and tasted of the red wine.

"Well!" Joff announced, breaking Gina's reverie.

"Well, what?" Gina asked, with a crooked smile.

"You are worth...64 camels!" Joff laughed. His rich, deep resonant voice was relaxed and sounded sweet to Gina.

"Well, it must be inflation." Joff looked over at her. With her hair down and a bright infectious smile, Joff started to enjoy her company. He had started to think of her as someone other than his charge or a detail of protection. Gina walked around to sit next to Joff, he caught her scent, fresh but warm. He pointed to the screen.

"You see, I've inputted your description and your measurements. This is what you are worth. Joff looked over and couldn't help but, notice her bite her lip softly.

"What have you done?" Joff knew something was wrong with the fields he's inputted. Gina stood up and turned to reproach him.

"That's not my bust size!" Gina affected an outraged tone.

"I'm sorry." Joff smiled. "I guessed". Gina straightened and turned to him, she had consumed her customary two glasses of red wine and had elected to enjoy a third.

"These." Gina smoothed her hands lightly over her chest. Her hands, lightly, brushed over her pale blue blouse and smoothed over her slim hips in her form-fitting skirt. "These are 32b's not 32a's".

Joff laughed as he watched her flaunt herself in mock outrage. Gina, with hands on hips, felt a shiver of arousal as she played the fool before him.

"My deepest apologies...ma'am" Joff tugged his forelock, and affected a west-country accent " Thank you, ma'am."

Gina lightly struck his shoulder and felt his taut, firm pectoral muscles. Both were suddenly aware of the attraction, that they were experiencing. Gina's hand lingered a moment longer as she brushed his chest, his shirt fabric is smooth and warm from his body.

Joff felt her hand and gently, lifted it away. He had become business-like again. Gina also tried to shake off, what had just passed between them. His jaw stiffened as she fought off the desire to lean forward to kiss him.

Joff spoke first. "So inflation affects camels too?" His tone was light and playful but then he saw the desire in Gina's eyes.

Gina set down her half-filled glass walked around and pulled the laptop around and knelt and started to type into the search engine.

"What is it?" Joff asked. He was suddenly worried that he had said something to offend her. Her figure was tight in her well-cut jeans and her stocking feet.

Gina ignored him until she twisted the laptop screen, to share what she had searched for. The screen showed inflation rates, adjusted since 2002. Joff's forehead creased. "I don't get it!" Gina was self-effacing and smart.

"Don't you see?" Gina pointed to the screen. "The files said that my charming Afghan terrorist, had been studying economics and so what if he was doing some economics in this country before he caught the flight." Gina looked at Joff.

Joff still looked unmoved by Gina's revelation. It took a further hour of sorting through files and searching on the laptop until Gina had some real evidence to sway Joffrey's lack of understanding.

Gina showed sheets of paper from a dozen or more files and outlined her revelation. "Joff, just try and follow me through this." He looked and thought 'I will follow you anywhere. Even to your bed.'

Gina launched into a highly speculative theory. "Rahim Al Akram or Ricky, as I knew him had done two years at London University in economics and had spent some time in the mechanisms of banking. He was recruited and radicalised, but I don't think he was completely willing to sacrifice all his capitalist values. If, he was the 'bagman' for the Taliban, putting money in accounts to access. All he would need would be a bank that governments couldn't touch." Joff smiled. He was starting to get it.

"Okay, Miss Smarty pants, impress me further." Joff felt an ache, just a small one in the pit of his stomach. Gina was like an excited schoolgirl.

"If 'Ricky' had been given money to put in banks, he'd have to choose private banks and I'm sure that he would have chosen banks that the UK and the US couldn't touch. I think he would choose banks that were not far away." Gina smiled. She was saving her next nugget, to land with maximum effect.

"So, what banks do you think he would have chosen?" Jeff's mind was racing. "Somewhere close?" He stood up and paced the floor.

"Go on! Work it out Joff." Gina was provoking him, playing with him. She wanted to play.

"Well it can't be Iran or Iraq." Joff paced and rubbed the stubble on his chin, reminding himself that he had to shave closely in the morning." The other countries are close to Russia, but could they be accessed from the UK?" Joff looked at Gina.

Gina's eyes were brilliant with excitement, she was desperate to tell him but liked watching him pace and work to figure out what she thought she had discovered. They'd only been in each other's company a short while, but his dark looks and killer physique struck a chord with Gina and an ache. An ache that now, prompted her to stir like a teenager.

She'd not been with another man since Daniel, and she now felt that unmistakable pang of desire. She knew it would be impossible, but that made it more delicious. Joff was just being human to her, and his casual closeness was stimulating her. More than once, she noticed a dampness in her panties.

"Oh, my God!" Joff looked at Gina "Pakistan!". Gina clapped her hands together.

Gina smiled. "You got there in the end." Gina showed Joff the laptop screen, the scent of the day-old wisp of his cologne and his manliness made Gina stiffen and a feeling of wanting to be returned. "So, he deposits money in a bank outlet in London. He knows the bank will be converted to a private financial institution and so is less susceptible to government interference."

Joff edged a little closer and held Gina's fingers to the screen and flipped the laptop to tablet mode." What banks converted in 2002, about April time?" he traced her finger across the screen, drawing the pointer to the safari search icon.

Within minutes, a list of Pakistani banks appeared." Well, that's quite a list." Joff's voice stilted, in disappointment. Gina looked at him.

"You didn't think a name would just pop up, did you?" Gina looked into his eyes.

"Well...yes. I did rather hope it would." Joff turned to her, their eyes on each other.

"So, you could be rid of me?" Gina led him on. Her breath caught in her throat.

"No. So you'd be safe," Joff confessed.

"I'm safe with you. Aren't I?" Gina breathed, their lips impossibly close.

"No, not safe at all." Joff looked at Gina, a serious expression formed." Gina, you need to know that if. If someone wants to take you, it will happen. I am on my own, so the chances are slim that I can fend off more than one other attacker." Joffrey was serious.

Gina looked at him, feeling a tingle of fear.

"However, you have to remember to stay alive, no matter what occurs. They need you. They will keep you alive to help them. Torture is usually, ineffective when they need a brain to function. As we are looking at people involved with either Afghan or Pakistani nationals, I think Pakistan is the most likely suspect." Joffrey was very deliberate, trying to outline what Gina should do if something happened.

"Joff, you're frightening me." Gina looked into his eyes.

"Listen to me, when they let you talk to your children, they will let you, because they can threaten you, through them. I will be there, with them so you can talk directly to me. Let me know if it's cold or hot. That'll tell me if it's mountainous or not. I'll get to you. I have old military connections and I can into Pakistan if I need to. I speak the language and have some knowledge of the area."

"If you're not dead or injured." Gina interrupted. Her voice had a real concern.

"Killing me would be more trouble for anyone bent on getting you out of the country. I will stay alive. I will come to you."

Gina felt comforted by this certainty, then her memory sparked like a switch. "You know that's a quote from Last of the Mohicans;' Stay alive no matter what occurs'!"

"What? "Joff shook his head and his brow furrowed.

"You quoted...." Gina didn't finish her sentence. Joff leaned towards her and knew he wasn't going to stop. He felt her body, her warmth. Joff pulled her close and kissed her fully. His lips were soft and waited for Gina to respond. Their lips sealed perfectly, their arms wrapped around each other and with eyes closed, their two breaths became one. Gina felt his strength and her back arched to draw him in closer. Joff responded by leaning and holding her tightly. He stifled the desire to handle her too roughly and waited for her to be ready for him. Joff was slow and careful, using his tongue to probe Gina's mouth, enticing her to open for him. She did, she relaxed as his tongue lapped at hers and he sucked in her breath. His cheeks were stubbled, and Gina could feel the rough hair graze her chin, but it didn't matter. Despite the wine, their mouths were just wet enough to encourage each other.

Gina's heartbeat was fast as she used her tongue to caress his. Her hand brushed through his short black hair and he, in turn, brought his hand to hold her head. Gina pondered if Joff was breaking some bodyguard rule by this intimacy but shrugged it away. She would deal with any consequences tomorrow. Tonight, she would enjoy his attention and his body. She wasn't a callow teenager; this wasn't love but it was exactly what she needed. Just a heavy dose of lust. Gina pulled him close.

Joff broke the embrace, only to move the laptop to one side, onto the bedside table and Gina shuffled back into the middle of the bed. Gina, now acutely aware of the discomfort of her clothes and wanted to undress but Joff had other ideas. In an instant, his body returned to her and she gloried in his weight. Strange, she considered how wonderful, it was to feel a man's weight upon her again. His body was hot and tight and rubbed against her, as she was now laying down, greedily accepting his kisses. He didn't crush her, he was supporting himself on his forearms, but she felt his body subsume her. She welcomed him and opened her legs for him to bring his knee up. Joff brushed her body with his left hand and settled it on her neck and playfully, squeezed her throat as he kissed her again.

Gina swallowed and her mouth grew dry. The electricity of his touch had given her shivers of delight and felt his playful fingers on her, as he massaged the skin and flesh. She felt the strength in his fingers and the probing of his hungry tongue, as he flicked at her tongue. Gina relaxed against him and pulled him as close as she could and then felt him and his growing arousal. She moved her thigh to detect his growing erection. The unmistakable feeling of his stiffness against her pelvis was intensely exciting. Inwardly, Gina smiled. He wanted her and she wanted him. His hands roamed her body, his skin upon hers drove her mad with an unaccustomed wanting.

It had been too long. For both.

Joff accepted Gina's movements as permission to touch her further. His hands pulled at the shirt at her waist and it sprung free from her easily, exposing her flat stomach, His kisses on her flesh caused a shiver in her and stiffening for him. He wanted her now. Joff planted kisses on her belly and after each one, Gina groaned and smiled. She bucked, as it was both ticklish and very exciting.

She wanted him to go further. She wanted to sense his hands and she helped him with her bottoms, exposing her bra. Joff's hands snaked up to her bra's cups and rubbed them. Gina's nipples stiffened and she arched her back.

Joff slipped one hand to her back and unclipped the clasp.

Gina smiled, "One hand...I'm impressed," she murmured.

The dampness was now a pool of her juices. She wanted to see his body, to drink him in. She needed this night. Joff had completely abandoned any desire to pull away from her. In a heartbeat, he had decided that Gina would be safer here, with him and he knew he wouldn't let this opportunity pass. This beautiful woman, with strength, courage and passion, filled a great need within himself. Her entire body was assaulted by a flood of sensations. She rolled back and forth to grant him access to her body, she felt the spark on her skin and the wetness of his tongue as he licked her skin, savouring her.

She wanted him inside her, to feel herself being moved and handled and finally feel his mouth on her sex. She shivered and shuddered as her heartbeat raced further. For Joff, his hunger and need were overpowering him, his kisses were wetter and harder upon her now, His hands massaged her body as he moved her. He wanted to feel the sensuality of this woman. And he meant to enjoy every moment. His heart rate was accelerating, and his body was soon hot and his remaining clothes were to be discarded as soon as possible. In a moment, Joff pulled away and held out his hand to help her up. This wasn't a Hollywood movie, where clothes were removed gracefully and seamlessly. Real-world undressing was clumsy and needed time to achieve. Gina stood and began to undo her buttons and then pulled the blouse over her head, her loose bra shifted slightly, as her hand rose in the air. Joff admired her body, eager to kiss those breasts. Her skin now gooseflesh was a sight to behold,

Gina tossed the blouse aside and unzipped her skirt, she let it pool at her feet and watched Joff's shirt and trousers gather on the floor. Her naked breasts shifted and shook, enticing his mouth and fingers. His grey boxer shorts were in disarray as his penis, had tented the material and Gina noticed a livid stain, as his pre-cum had moistened the grey material. Similar dampness matched him, Her hips were snake-like and she moved to him. Joff had closed the distance between them and his arms gathered her to him. His mouth found her lips and then she brought up his hand to her left breast and began to lick at the nipple. Within moments, both nipples stiff and aching for more of his attention.

Joff savoured the textured fleshy nub, gently sucking at her nipple to make it stiffen even further. He repeated the treatment on her other nipple, while keeping her aroused with his thumb and forefinger, rolling it gently but insistently. Gina's head lolled back and exhilarated, by Joff's attention to her most sensitive body. Joff was a breast man and enjoyed kissing, licking and sucking her firm globes and Gina was thrilled. She arched her back and pushed her boobs into his mouth, her pussy was wet and getting wetter as Joff licked her. He was in no hurry, he was going to test this beautiful woman and see how much she could take.

He hadn't had sex with another woman, for many months, and now Gina excited him. He just continued to suck on her nipples, enjoying her evident enjoyment. He upped the ante, by sliding his hand down her flat stomach and wriggling his fingers into her panties. Gina gasped, but willed him to go further, without thinking, Gina rolled her hips and gave Joff an easier entry to her waistband. Joff sucked on her left nipple harder and Gina gasped out loud.

"Oh Joff, that's such fucking turn-on!" Gina gasped and smiled. He was so focused on her breasts, just as Gina wanted him to be. She had very sensitive breasts and could often orgasm, when she played with them, alone in her bed when she fingered herself. Joff reacted to her plea and moved position and rolled her onto himself, and pulled her to him, to re-connect with her globes. Gina allowed him to take control and she just let him, shows her what he could do. Joff's nose was filled with her scent, her feminine perfume and the growing smell of her arousal. He found himself, drawn to smell her sex and taste her. Gina's arousal was now approaching a frenzy and she needed to entice Joff to give her what she wanted. She would have to allow him, to use her in the way she wanted him to. She wanted Joff to fulfil her fantasy. And hope that he would be able to bring her what she needed. After their first mutual orgasms, Joff and Gina lay together, both panting and glistening with their perspiration. The air is wordless, but both are satisfied beyond recall. Gina could barely remember how good it felt to enjoy her senses and come down after love-making. Joff didn't disappoint.


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