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Femininity is a Rebellious Bird

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Sub seeks shelter from rain, gets what he, or she, wants.
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Author's note 1: This story takes some time to get going. I recommend reading the entire intro, but if you want to skip to the meat, the erotic part starts at "Just as I'm sitting down on the bed" and the actual sex starts at "needs no further instruction".

Author's note 2: Bonus points to anyone who connects the name of the story to the name of the character.


It's raining. Wait, how is it raining, it's noon in the desert, there's not a cloud in the sky. How could it be raining? Nevermind that-- I'm getting distracted. I need to make it to Girría, on my horse. Wait, horse? I'm on a couch, not a horse? What's happening? All at once reality crashes down on me, the distant mountains fall below the horizon, replaced with modern walls. The dirt below my feet dissolves into a floor rug. I'm not traversing Spain trying to find my father's killer. I'm just utterly engrossed in a book. The grandfather clock in the corner reads half past eight or so; I've been reading for about an hour. I look outside, through the droplet-soaked windows. I can just about see my vegetable garden, but nothing beyond that. It's raining harder than I've seen in weeks. I smile -- the worse it is outside, the cozier it is to be inside with a nice book. I consider putting the kettle on before going back to reading, but suddenly I hear another knock at the door. Another? I suppose the first knock must have been what originally broke my concentration- I didn't even process it.

When I open the door, I'm surprised to see Drew, a frequent plaything of mine. He's astonishingly wet. Clearly he's walked here in the rain; he's soaked to the bone. His flannel is dripping, his jeans are completely soaked. His long, curly hair is slicked to the sides of his head. Even the shirt under his jacket is uniformly drenched. His hands are clasped together in front of him, and he's shivering vigorously. His lips twitch into a smile as I open the door, but his eyes are tired and sheepish. He looks so vulnerable, so violable.

"Hi Miss," he says, his voice soft. "I'm sorry to just... show up like this. I was on a walk and then it started raining." He pauses, wets his lips. "I thought- maybe I could come in to warm up? See if it clears up soon?" His eyes are gentle, pleading. For shelter surely, but I can't help but wonder if there's more that he desires.

I purse my lips and consider his story. Drew only lives a few blocks away, so if he was close to my house, he's still not that far from his. I take a closer look at him -- utterly drenched. He must have been in the rain for a while. But then I look beyond him to the weather, it's absolutely pouring, I can hardly even see the street. He could have gotten this wet in ten seconds. I look back at Drew's, frail, shivering form, and I take note that his jacket is unbuttoned.

"Why isn't your shirt done up?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, my voice stern. Sterner than I meant, actually; I've caught myself a bit off guard. Best lean into it now. Drew's eyes grow a bit wide as he looks down.

"Oh, sorry Miss I forgot." Flustered, and his face already red from the cold, he starts doing up his flannel. "I was lost in thought and I guess I didn't realize it was raining until I was already wet, so I thought-"

"Did I tell you do it it up?" This time I mean to be stern. Between his helplessness and fluster, and the fact that he addressed me as Miss, he's stirred something within me. I intend to have some fun with him tonight. Drew immediately stops, mouth agape. He shakes his head and starts trying to speak, but I put up a finger to shush him. I continue: "Your clothes are soaking wet, we're going to dry them. Come in, I'll make tea."

"I- uh, um. Thank you Miss." He comes inside and closes the door behind himself. I go to the kitchen, put the kettle on, and retrieve two mugs from the cupboard. When I return to the living area, Drew is standing just inside the door, a clueless faun in a clearing. He would be simply adorable, were he not dripping water onto my welcome mat.

"What are you doing?" My stern, commanding tone now fully intentional. "I said we're going to dry your clothes and get you warmed up. We can't do that while you're in them. Strip." I feel myself start to smirk and try to hide that, at least for now. Drew hesitates, so I walk over to him, cup his chin in my hand. "You come to my door, unannounced, a damsel in distress, asking for my hospitality." I bring my face very close to his, and feel his breath quickening. "Being a kind and magnanimous Mistress, I allow you into my home to warm up. Now you insult me by not following directions?" I then gently slap his cheek -- not nearly enough to hurt, but enough to remind him of his place. "Your clothes are going into the dryer. Strip."

He gasps and squeaks as I slap him, then bites his lip at my command."Yes Miss" he says, as he sheds his flannel and hangs it on my coat rack.

I take a few steps back to lean against an armchair. "Good boy." He winces as he pulls up his shirt, probably because it's so cold. I take a moment to admire his chest and belly -- slim and hairless. Not especially well-defined, almost androgynous, just what I'd like to sink my teeth into. While his face is covered, I take the opportunity to bite my lip. He hangs his shirt and knit beanie on top of the coat rack. He goes to undo his pants, and then seems to hesitate again.

"Off with them" I say, snapping twice. "It's not like it's anything I haven't seen before." With this, I give a wry grin.

"Well, you say that..." Drew says as he slowly undoes his pants. Pulling them down, I notice his underwear. At first I thought he was wearing skimpy briefs, but upon closer attention, he's wearing panties. Black, with a pink floral design. My eyes grow a bit wide with surprise and I step forward to investigate.

"My my my, what have we here?" I sit on the arm of the couch and run my nails up and down Drew's thighs, toward the panties, and feel him shiver. I slip my finger just underneath the bottom to pull it forward and snap it back. He yelps in surprise. "Care to explain yourself, my sweet?"

Drew is silent, blushes beet red while I continue caressing his legs, which appear to also be newly shaved. "What's the matter? Cat got your-- oh!" As I run my fingers along the front of his panties, I feel something hard, perhaps plastic. "What is this?" I look at him expectantly, he's brought his hand to his mouth and is biting his finger. His face is scarlet.

"Achmstmchsh," he mumbles unintelligibly. I don't view this as an acceptable answer. I wrap my fingers around this unknown implement through the panties, and bring my face but a centimeter in front of his.

"You're going to be a good boy for me and tell me first why you're wearing panties, and second what this," I tap my nails over the hard object "is doing inside them, okay my sweet?" At this I kiss his forehead gently.

Once again, I notice him wince slightly at "good boy," and let out a small moan when I kiss him. "I- I'm wearing panties... because..."

I pull his panties to the ground in one fell swoop and smile mischieviously. "Well, you were wearing panties because..." I trail off, smiling with an innocent malice.

"...because I... I want..." I see him grow tense.

"You want what?" I wrap my hand around the back of his neck bring his face even closer to mine. He whispers something that I can't hear. I move my face just in front of his ear and whisper as quietly and sultrily as I can "Be a good boy and let it out."

"I don't want to be your good boy." Drew's voice is quick and sudden, his tone much firmer than before. It's as though words had to come out all at once, without hesitation. He brings his hands to his mouth immediately, as though he's done something wrong by speaking.

At this, first I frown in confusion, but then I start to put the pieces together and smile wide. "What would you like to be instead, my darling?" I hear a whisper in response, but can't quite make it out. I bring my hand to Drew's chin. "Speak up darling, I can't hear you."

"I want to be your good girl." Another whisper, slightly louder, and only barely loud enough for me to hear it, but I nevertheless feel it light a fire in my stomach. Tonight, Drew and I are going to have fun.

"Mmmmm.... I'm going to need you to do better than that, my darling. Say it out loud, like you mean it.

"Please Miss, I want to be your good girl." Her voice is still quiet, but at least it's no longer a whisper. I deem this acceptable, at least for now.

I whisper to her in return: "Oh you want to be my good girl do you?" I pull my head back to watch her nod at me. I look down at where her panties used to be and see a chastity cage. Grinning even wider, I tap it with my fingers. "Well that answers part one. But what's this here?"

"A cage." Her voice is at a whisper. Not a meek one, but not confident enough for my liking.

"Darling," I say in my most patronizing tone, "if you want to be my good girl, you're going to need to be forthright with me." I tap the cage a few times with my nails. "Tell me what this is and why you're wearing it."

Drew takes a deep breath. "It's a cage that I put on my-" she bites her lip, "on my clit because I don't want to have a- a dick right now."

"Mmmmmm what a good girl you're being, answering my questions." I bring my hands to her hips, and begin to scratch her buttocks. "With this cage on, you're not going to be able to play with your clit, are you?" She shakes her head. I spread her open "But what about this pussy of yours, hm?" I release my hands, let her butt jiggle. "Is that fair game?

"Yes Miss." Her voice is softer in tone than earlier, she's taking to the "good girl" role like a hand to a glove. I can't wait to ravage her.

"Yes Miss what?" I pull her ass apart further, to expose and emphasize her pussy.

Through a moan, she responds "Yes Miss I still want to play with my pussy." I see her eyes sparkle slightly as she describes her anatomy in such overtly feminine terms. I sense an opportunity to push this envelope a bit further.

Frowning, I ask "Do you want to play with your pussy? Is that all?" She looks confused. "Or do you also want me to play with your pussy?"

I slap her ass hard and then step back. She gasps, then moans into a slight giggle. I hear that the kettle has boiled, so I decide to move onto the next step. "You're going to take those clothes and throw them in the dryer, give them a low-heat cycle. Then you're going to go to my bedroom. Hanging at the foot of my bed is my nightie. You're going to grab that nightie, then head to the bathroom to clean out your pussy. Now- do you have a girly name you want to use?"

Drew shakes her head. "No Miss."

"Would you like one? Or should I use your old name?"

She suddenly smiles ear to ear and nods vigorously "Yes Miss." I raise my eyebrows inquisitively, so she clarifies. "Uh, new name please, Miss."

"Then so it shall be. Once your pussy is ready, you're going to put on my nightie and turn to the mirror. Look yourself up and down and take in just what a pretty, sweet girl you are. Repeat to yourself «I'm Mistress's pretty submissive girl.» You're going to do that ten times, then you're going to come to my bedroom. I'll have more instructions waiting for you there. Do you understand?"

My gorgeous little submissive nods and immediately grabs her clothes. "Yes Miss." She scurries off to the laundry room before I can even say "good girl." I chuckle to myself and head to the kitchen to pour some tea. As I let the water cool off slightly in the mugs, I open the cupboard and reach for my standard Earl Grey. But as I remove it, I notice another box of tea behind it. Thé noir à l'érable- special maple-flavored tea I'd gotten on a ski trip to Whistler. A special tea for a special night, I think to myself as I plop a bag into each mug. The maple essence in each bag wafts up with the steam, immediately bringing me back to the lodge, warming up with tea around the fireplace after a long day on the slopes, while the snow howled just outside. I turn to the window, see that it's raining even harder than it was earlier. Yes, this was the perfect tea to pick tonight. Carrying the mugs from the kitchen to the bedroom, I pass by the bathroom where my sweet girl is practicing her lines.

"I'm Mistress's submissive pr- no. I'm Mistress's pretty subm- no that doesn't sound right. I'm Mist-cough." She's trying so hard, rehearsing her lines to make sure they're right. "I'm Mistress's pretty submissive girl." A pause, then frustrated "No, Mistress said I need to believe it." Oh sweet girl, it's like she's rehearsing a vocal solo for the opera or something. She's doing such a good job, I'll be sure to reward her later. I make it to my bedroom, set the mugs of tea on the nightstand, and start to undress- but I remove just my pants and panties for now. I'm still dressed all comfy for a day of lounging, so I don't want to take off more than I have to just yet.

Just as I'm sitting down on the bed, my sweet, cute girl walks into the room sheepishly. Her long, wavy hair frames her face like a painting, the slight strawberry blonde tones complementing the pink nightie perfectly. It's flowy enough that I can't quite make out her delicate frame, but with each step I can see an imprint of the cage around her clit through the front. I smile wide at her, eyes surely glittering with lust, and spread my legs.

I don't need to tell her to get down on her knees before me, or to close her eyes and kiss my pussy. I made it clear when we first started playing together that this was expected in every scene. It's our way of ritualizing her submission to me, like kissing a ring. This time though, she kisses me for a bit longer than usual, and she pushes her face deeper than normal. I smile and take a deep breath -- I take this to mean she intends to submit even harder than usual. My girl leans back, still on her knees, but now sitting on her feet. I feel a rich tightness in my chest -- she looks like a delicate flower that I want to pull apart petal by petal until she's utterly broken. But that's not for today. Today is gentle. I'll torture her later. She looks up at me with wide, adorable eyes, lips still glossed by my pussy.

"Good girl." I say in my most caring tone. I reach for the tea on the nightstand and hand her a mug. "Drink."

She accepts the mug in both hands and takes a sip. "Thank you Mistress."

I lean back slightly, still making sure to tower over my girl. "You're welcome, princess. I heard you practicing your lines in the bathroom." She blushes and sips her tea. I continue, "I'd like to hear it."

She holds the tea to her face for a while, then puts it down. Quietly, but confidently, she says "I'm Mistress's pretty submissive girl." She looks up at me with doe eyes and it takes everything in my power not to shove her face back into my pussy immediately.

I angle my head cockily. "Who's your mistress?"

"You." Her response is immediate and nonchalant.

I lean forward. "Then tell me again whose you are."

"Yours, Mistress."

"My what?"

"I'm your pretty submissive girl." At this, I notice her legs twitch. I'd bet the cage around her clit is feeling incredibly tight right now.

"That's right." I cup my hand under her chin. "You're my pretty submissive girl." I move my hand down slightly, stroking her neck. "Tell me again."

"I'm your pretty submissive girl."

"Again, with more passion."

"I'm your pretty submissive girl!" Her practice has paid off -- I can feel her conviction -- she really made sure to rehearse until she believed it, until there was no doubt in her mind that she is, in fact, my gorgeous, ravishing, submissive girly toy. I think again to walking by the bathroom, and suddenly her name comes to me.

"Good girl, Aria." Her eyes widen at her new name. "Yes, Aria, that's you. I heard you practicing your lines in the bathroom, like an opera singer, rehearsing for an aria. You really wanted to do a good job for me, didn't you Aria?" She blushes, looks down, and nods. I deem this insufficient, grab her face and point it back up at me. More sternly, I repeat "Did you want to do a good job for me, Aria?"

"Yes Mistress." She is visibly shaken.

"Then tell me. Tell me who you are, and who you belong to."

She looks at me with wide eyes. "I'm your pretty submissive girl, Aria. I'm your toy. I'm yours to play with as you see fit." She smiles and bites her lip. This, I deem sufficient.

"Good girl Aria." I smile, relax, and release her head. She immediately takes another sip of her tea, and I notice her hands trembling slightly. "Now that we all know our place, let's set some expectations. Do you have any limits as Aria that you didn't before?"

She nods. "Kind of. I'd rather you not play with my clit."

"Of course, of course." I move my foot underneath her nightie. "Can I admire her though?" At Aria's nod, I lift the nightie to examine the cage. It's hot pink, no surprise, and kind of a webbed design. On the sides, I see a black strap, which seems to run around her back, holding the cage in place. "Oh she's adorable" I say, mesmerized.

Aria blushes again. "Well, it's ok if you play with- her, but please don't unlock the cage."

I look at her playfully. "Oh I wouldn't dream of unlocking you Aria, don't you worry your pretty little head." Given permission to play with her clit though, I push it around a bit with my feet. It's held in place rather tightly, she must really not want to get hard. "Anything else?"

Aria shakes her head. "Nothing else new, but the usual limits still apply." I nod; she and I have played together several times before, so I already have a sense of her limits. No threats outside the bedroom, no shit or vomit (except as an accidental by-product of gagging), no slurs. "Except..." I widen my eyes as she looks off thoughtfully. "Could you... make a point of talking about me... like a girl?"

I turn my head in mild confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

Aria blushes and bites her lip. "Like... my clit, and my pussy, and my- titties." She drinks some more tea to collect herself. "It helps me feel extra girly."

I smirk mischievously. "What about your titties and your pussy and your clit makes you feel extra girly, princess?"

Aria blushes "When you talk about them." She hides her face in her tea again, surely she must be almost out with all that she's drinking.

"And would you like me to play with them as well?" I push her clit around with my feet some more, to Aria's gasps."

"Yes Mistress, I want you to play with my pussy and my titties." I smirk; she's learned quickly that I want her to be direct. I like that.

"Well we can certainly make that happen, Aria." I lean back, resting my weight on my hands now, spreading my legs a bit to expose my pussy, as well as my cleavage. I catch Aria sneaking a look at each. "And would you like to cum?"

Aria's eyes flutter a bit in confusion. She smiles, biting her tongue. I continue: "Because girls don't always cum, you know. I think you might need to learn how to enjoy sex without an orgasm." I see several waves of emotion dance across her face. "I know we've done denial play before, but this is different. With that, I would tease you and tease you and tease you, get you ever so close to cumming, and then stop, to deny you release. Isn't that right, princess?"

"Yes Mistress." I can see her shifting her weight from side to side, remembering the exquisite torture that I've put her through.

I put on a more matter-of-fact face and tone. "This is different. Orgasm denial is still about orgasm, is it not?" I lean forward, leaving my legs spread. "Tonight is about other kinds of pleasure." I cup her chin in my hand and run my thumb up and down. "So let me be very clear. I have no intention of making you cum tonight." She inhales sharply- I continue. "I will play with you, I will tease you, I will caress you. I will push you around." I place my thumb in Aria's mouth and hold it open. "I will slap you and spank you. I will pinch your titties, choke you, and fuck your pussy until you scream." I can feel Aria's breathing quicken and deepen, and I both see and feel her begin to drool, her eyes wide open. "It's your job, as my good girl, to relax, and enjoy precisely the pleasure I give you. It's not foreplay, it's not anticipation. I'm not teasing you to foreshadow something greater, I'm teasing you because you're my toy and that's how I want to play with you. That is exactly what you're getting. Just me, your mistress, playing with her toy. Do you understand?"

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