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Feminist Becomes My Cock-sucking GF

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Using feminist rhetoric to make a Women's Libber suck cock.
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Editor's Note: this submission contains fictional characters using racial, ethnic, gender- or orientation-based slurs.

This story is about how a man used feminist rhetoric to change an ardent crusader of women's rights into an acceptable, sexy girlfriend. And fell for her in the process.


"I'm not going to suck your dick anymore."

Two young lovers were in the back of a pickup truck under the stars making out on a warm summer's night. Sawyer had managed to get Willa's shirt and bra off, and he was groping her breasts as he sucked on her hard, pink nipples.

Willa had a pretty face, long brown hair, and a thick body. She was built sturdy with big tits, wide hips, and a substantial ass. She was Sawyer's type by necessity. He was a big dude, 6' 4" and 260 pounds. With his weight and strength, a smaller woman would be injured during sex.

"Babe, why be that way?" Sawyer asked. "I really care about you."

The twenty-one-year-old plumber's assistant gave Willa his best smile as he lied to her. He lied again when he said, "Tonight, I was going to suggest we take our relationship to the next level and be exclusive."

"I'd like that," she said, "but I won't change my mind."

The shirtless young man asked, "You've been giving me blowjobs, great blowjobs, for weeks. Honestly, you looked like you were into it."

She sighed and said, "I was. It isn't you or anything you've done. Your dick isn't so big that I have trouble getting it in my mouth like my ex, Jason. He was a real jerk. He'd fuck my face and push my head down on his penis until I gagged. You don't do those things."

Sawyer cringed when he learned the last dude she was with had a bigger dick. Willa saw the distressed look on his face, smiled sheepishly, and

said, "Sorry. TMI."

She gently stroked his face and said, "We can still have sex."

"That's good to hear. Why all of a sudden have you changed your tune about BJ's?"

The big breasted nineteen-year-old said, "I've been talking with Summer. She's in college and..."

Sawyer rolled his eyes and said, "Hold on. Why are you listening to her? For one, she's only at the community college, and two, she's a wacko. What's she studying? Feminist propaganda?"

"She's in the women's studies program."

"That's a waste of time and money! What kind of job is she going to get with that degree? You'll be making more money than she is cutting hair at the salon."

Willa ignored him and said, "Summer says that sucking cock is demeaning to women. How can it be empowering for me when I'm literally on my knees servicing you? And tell me if I'm wrong, but in porn videos, rap songs, and real-life don't men say things like 'choke on this bitch' and 'I'll make you gag'?"

"Well." Sawyer wasn't able to muster an argument.

"I love you, Sawyer," Willa said, "Please respect my boundaries. No anal and no more blowjobs."

"But we still can have sex?"


"Then get naked, darling!"

The pair stripped and fucked. Willa quickly got wet from Sawyer's mouth on her breasts and his fingers in her vagina. The big man slammed his cock into her. He pounded her built-for-vigorous-sex frame, and they both climaxed.


At that same time, a pair of couples were at another secluded, make-out spot utilized by young people who still lived with their parents. Penelope and Peter were lying naked on a blanket smooching. Mike and Mia were nude doing some heavy petting on a blanket on the other side of the lake.

Mike caressed Mia's slim, sleek body and her firm, small breasts. She squeezed and tugged on his erection.

Peter embraced and kissed Penelope passionately. He released her and repositioned his body so his head even with her crotch. He lay on his side and had her do likewise, so they faced each other. She lifted her upper thigh and let Peter licked her pussy, but she didn't touch his dick.

Both men pleasured their girlfriends with the expectation that they would perform oral sex on them. When it didn't happen, they asked their girlfriend why they weren't sucking their cocks. The women said that giving head was no longer something they were comfortable doing.

They told their boyfriends the same tale Willa had told Sawyer. Due to a conversation with Summer, they were no longer giving blowjobs. They assured their boyfriend that they loved them and would have sex with them, but that activity was off the table.

They did have sex that night. Hot, sweaty, orgasmic sex, but no blowjobs.

^^^The following night^^^

Sawyer, Peter, and Mike were at a bar playing pool. The three high school buddies were joined by a friend Mike had met at college, Hunter. The men formed teams and played pool while they drank beer.

Peter, an HVAC technician, said, "Damn it, Sawyer! We lost another game to these college assholes. Focus!"

"Sorry, I can't concentrate," the big man said. "You know I'm dating Willa. She said the strangest thing to me last night. She likes me and is happy to have sex with me, but there will be no more blowjobs."

"Really? Mia said the same thing to me," Mike said. He laughed and playfully added, "Is this some kind of women's liberation movement?"

"Maybe," Peter said. "Penelope told me that Summer Melnick told her to stop giving head because it's demeaning to women."

"Willa said Summer convinced her to stop giving me head!" Sawyer exclaimed.

"Wow," Mike said. "Summer takes a few women's studies courses, and that crazy bitch ruins our sex lives."

"Sounds like you have an agent provocateur in your midst," Hunter said and laughed.

"A real buttinski!" Peter agreed.

"Yeah," Sawyer said. "She's always sticking her nose into places it doesn't belong. She was that way in high school. She always had a cause like 'Save the whale' and 'Don't wear fur'. She's for anything green, pro-environment, or pro-woman."

"Is she one of those holier-than-thou people who parade around with an 'I'm better than you because I care,' attitude?" Hunter asked.

"Exactly," Mike answered.

"I hate sanctimonious people," Hunter said. "I have an idea as to how we can give this self-righteous girl her comeuppance and get your girlfriends to give you BJ's again. Interested?"

"Hell, yes," the other yelled in unison.

"Here's what I need you to do," Hunter said. "This weekend you, me, and your girlfriends are going camping. Get them to invite Summer. I believe she'll come if they tell her it's a 'Get-back-to-nature', 'Earth Day', 'Girl-Power' event where we will count endangered birds."

"That's the kind of crazy shit that appeals to her," Sawyer said and laughed.

"Good," Hunter responded. "I'm going to pretend to be a woke guy who is a feminist and a tree-hugging, environmental wacko. Follow my lead, and we will hoist her on her own petard and get your girlfriends back on the dick-sucking bandwagon!"

^^^Friday night^^^

The eight young men and women met around five o'clock. Seven of them were old friends who had known each other for years, having attended the same high school. Penelope and Willa had known each other even longer as they had been friends since the first grade.

Mike introduced Hunter to everyone. The new guy said hello and appeared to be affable and harmless. He looked like your average frat boy with his stylish haircut, Polo shirt, Chino shorts, and boat shoes.

Hunter quietly studied Summer. She looked the part of an activist, someone too busy fixing the problems of the world to wear makeup, dress stylishly or do more than pile her mass of blond hair on top of her head.

She didn't complete the stereotype; she wasn't ugly, mannish, or flat-chested. She had a nice bosom and was pretty in a girl-next-door way. Two things about her stood out: her piercing blue eyes and the pink, block lettering on her white tee-shirt that read 'THIS IS WHAT A FEMINIST LOOKS LIKE!'.

They piled their gear into the beds of the two extended-cab pickup trucks that would take them camping. The couples sat together, and since Hunter and Summer were unattached, they ended up sitting beside each other on the back seats of one of the trucks.

Hunter was surprised by Summer. Sawyer had described her as a boring, annoying, bossy, know-it-all who droned on and on about injustice, inequality, the oppression of women, and the environment. He found her witty, interesting, and knowledgeable. She wasn't one of those ill-informed activists who lie, exaggerate, or say crazy stuff to support their positions.

An hour later, they were setting up five tents, and getting a fire started while drinking beer. When Summer exited her one-person, pop-up tent, Sawyer asked, "Hey Summer, I'm grilling. What do you want, a burger or a sausage?"

"Eww! I don't eat meat. I'm a vegetarian. I bought granola."

"I'm a vegan too," Hunter lied. "Summer, I'd be glad to share. I was about to grill the ingredients to make sweet potato fajitas." The blond gave her a disarming boyish grin.

"Sure. Thanks."

"I have plenty," Hunter announced in a loud voice. "If anyone else wants to try an eco-friendly, sustainable, healthy alternative to the heart attack on a plate Sawyer is serving, see me."

Mike and the other women were willing to try it. Peter and Sawyer dined exclusively on the fat-laden, meat products, and they washed them down with plenty of beer.

While everyone was eating dinner, Hunter said, "Tomorrow, we are taking part in a nationwide bird survey that monitors the status and trends in bird populations. Grab a booklet. They are stacked outside my tent. The best time to see birds is at dawn, so we will get an early start."

Sawyer and Peter got up to get another beer. Hunter met them by the cooler and said, "I need your help. I want to impress and show Summer that I'm a woke guy. Attack her. and I'll defend her and her cause."

"Okay," Sawyer said. "What should I say?"

"She's proudly wearing a tee-shirt announcing she's a feminist," Hunter said. "Sawyer, snarl at her and ask her this..." He whispered the line.

"Peter you can say something like this..."

The guys rejoined the group sitting around the fire. Sawyer waited for a lull in the conversation and then angrily said, "Summer, what's the deal? Your tee-shirt says you're a feminist, but you're wearing a bra. What self-respecting feminist follows the dictate of our hideous, omniscient, patriarchal society and cages her breasts in a bra?"

Summer was taken aback. Her eyebrows rose, her eyes widened, and her head snapped back.

Peter landed his blow while she was stunned. He said, "Yeah. You're missing a chance to give the middle finger to a society that says women should be prim, proper, pretty, and under control at all times."

"What I wear or don't wear is no concern of yours, you troglodytes!"

"Guys, please stop picking on Summer," Hunter said. "She, and all women, are victims of men's relentless pursuit to control, brainwash, and sexualizing women. In the 1500s, men convinced women that corsets were indispensable. They got them to strap on tight bodices that altered their natural form. Imagine how uncomfortable they were and how they limited a woman's ability to move or just to breathe.

"Women are no longer forced by society's expectations to wear a corset, but they are expected to wear bras, which I'm told are not fun. They don't fit. The straps cut into your shoulders, They can compress your rib cage. They chafe your skin. You can get jabbed by a stray piece of wire.

"After centuries of brainwashing, is it any wonder that women have succumbed and wear bras? It's hard to buck the trend and fight 'the man'."

"But isn't that what feminism is all about?" Sawyer asked, and then he snickered.

"Yes. It's a daily struggle and feminists speak out and act out to demand equality and autonomy," Hunter sermonized. "Of course, big-breasted women like Willa are given a pass. She needs to wear a bra to prevent back and neck pains."

Mia giggled and said, "I hate bras. Luckily, my boobs are so small I don't need one, and I rarely wear one."

While Mia was talking, Summer reached under her shirt, unsnapped her bra, and pulled her arms out of the straps. She dragged her bra out an armhole, waved it about, and shouted, "Are you happy now? I'm braless!"

"It's hard," Hunter lamented, "but I think we need to confront ourselves every day and ask 'Am I living the things I say I believe in'." He failed at not sounding patronizing.

Everyone stared at Summer. The attention caused her breathing to quicken, and she got a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She glanced down at her chests, and yes, she had erect nipples. Her hard, pointy nipples denting the soft cotton fabric of her top.

Penelope stood and performed the same bra-removal technique Summer had used.. She raised her bra over her head, and said, "I'm a feminist. I believe in equal rights and the empowerment of women. I reject the pressure to conform to some idealized view of beauty. To men who say my jiggly boobs are a distraction or make them uncomfortable, I say 'Get over it!' I decide what I wear, and I choose comfort!"

"Yeah! You go, girl," Mia said.

"Ah. Um," Willa stammered. "I believe the same things, but I'll injure myself if I go braless." The other women reassured her that she was a good person, and that, for her, wearing a bra was necessary and okay.

The conversation returned to their usual topics. They roasted marshmallows, made S'mores, and consumed the camping treat along with more beer.

The couples said goodnight and went to their tents. Hunter and Summer heard sighs, moans, and groans. It was obvious that their friends were having sex.

Hunter added another log to the fire. He said, "I was told that you are very involved in a lot of great causes, especially women's issues, so I was surprised that you wore a bra."

"I put one on today without a thought," she replied and raised an arm to her chest to hide her nipples. "You're right. We should live our values every day."

"It's hard," he said. He leaned toward her, placed his hand lightly on her wrist, and guided her arm down. "Nipples and breasts are a natural part of everybody's body but have been deemed inappropriate on women. By covering up, you're buying into that idea. You can be a powerful warrior in this fight against injustice and inequality by rejecting body shaming."

He stood, smiled, and added, "Besides, you don't need a bra. You have fine, firm breasts. Good night." He turned and walked to his tent.

Summer was momentarily speechless. Then, she called out to him, "Did you just hit on me?"

He stopped, turned to her, and said, "Yes. I find you intriguing, and I think you're a beautiful person on the inside and the outside."

He went into his tent, leaving a stunned young woman sitting by the fire pondering his words.

^^^Saturday morning^^^

Mike, Mia, Hunter, and Summer were the only ones to rise at dawn for the early morning survey. They had coffee and went out in teams to see the birds.

Hunter noticed the bouncing movement of soft flesh under Summer's tee-shirt. He smiled and said nothing as they walked the woods and searched by the shoreline for two hours.

When they returned to camp, the others were awake. Hunter asked, "Who's ready for breakfast?"

"Another vegan meal?" Mike teased.

"Yes. I was going to make Johnny Appleseed oatmeal. Summer, would you cut some apples into thin slices? I'll get the oatmeal going. I think you'll like it. It's not bland and boring. It's made with cinnamon, maple syrup, nutmeg, and cloves. It's a good source of protein because I dump a medley of seeds into it."

"Sounds yummy," Mia said. "Summer, I'll give you a hand."

While the young women sliced the apples, Mia said, "I see the girls are free today. I'm not wearing a bra either, but since my breasts are small I doubt anyone will notice. Hunter's good-looking, smart, and concerned about the planet and equal rights. Not many guys tick that many boxes. Any interest on your part?"

"Maybe," she said. Her face turned red. She added, "I'm not going braless to attract his attention. I'm doing it for me. Aren't you sick and tired of all the rules and expectations put on us because we're women? Be pretty. Be nice. Dress appropriately. Etc."

"Yeah." Mia grabbed some of the apple slivers and took them to the pot where Hunter was adding ingredients. He said, "Brilliant. Toss 'em in."

Sawyer had gone into the woods to piss. He returned to camp. He stopped beside Summer, stole a piece of apple, and a peek down her tank top. She noticed, grimaced, and stood to deny him a downblouse view of her breasts.

"Hee-hee," he tittered. "You're looking perky this morning," he said as he stared at her hard nipples, which were noticeable underneath her cotton shirt.

"Pig!" she spat out.

Hunter came over and confronted Sawyer. He got in his face and said, "Women have nipples and breasts. Get over it!"

The big man huffed and walked away.

"Thank you, but I don't need a man to fight my battles," Summer said in a tone that showed she was annoyed.

"I can't stand to see a man behave that way toward a woman," Hunter said. "Maybe it's in my genes. You've heard of the famous Bra Burning women's rights protest at the Miss America pageant in 1968? It kicked off the women's movement and led to the founding of the National Organization of Women."

Summer nodded.

"My grandmother was there," Hunter said. "The women set up a container they called TheFreedom Trash Can. They threw in objects of oppression: a mop, a Playboy magazine, lipsticks, and high heels. My grandmother took her bra off and chucked it in. She never wore one for the rest of her life."

He adopted a serious demeanor and added, "I grew up in a household of women. It was my mother, three sisters, and me. I was taught to respect women as equals. I was educated to never call a woman crazy and not to joke about periods by saying things like 'She must be on the rag' or "It's her time of the month'. When a woman is disrespected, I see red."


After eating breakfast, everyone agreed that they should go to the small beach by the lake for some fun in the sun.

"We need to change into our suits," Penelope said.

"And fix our hair," Willa added.

Peter chuckled and said, "We'll head on down and see you when we see you."

The boys went to their tents, changed into their swimming attire, and headed off. Peter and Mike carried a cooler filled with beer. As they walked, Hunter spoke, "The goal this morning is to get their tops off. We will use the lastest feminist campaign against them, `Free the Nipple'."

"I've heard of that!" Peter said. "It's the damnedest thing. Women want to be able to walk around in public topless."

"They can show me their titties anytime," Sawyer said and laughed.

Hunter chortled and said, "They aren't looking for permission to flash us. They are upset that men can be shirtless, but they can't. For them, it's a matter of equal rights and who has the power to determine what women can and can't do. Wear and not wear.

"Here's my plan. It's a bright sunny day. Sawyer, you say something like, 'Man, it's hot' and take your shirt off, and then say, 'Oh, yeah. That's better'."

"Maybe we should play football," Mike suggested. "We run around, get all hot and sweaty, and we all take our shirts off."

"Fine," Hunter said. "If one of the girls says something about how we can take our shirt off when you're hot and they can't, you all shout 'Free the nipple!'. We'll shame them into taking their tops off because that's what good feminists would do. If they don't say the right words, I'll bring the subject up. Got it?"

The others nodded.

The women came to the beach. Summer pulled off her cover-up and exposed her bikini-clad body.

Sawyer let loose a loud wolf-whistle and said in a snarky manner, "How do you square being a feminist with wearing a sexy bikini?"

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