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Ferrofluid Slut

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She becomes a research lab's toy.
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The bills have been stacking up, and you need a new Car. Racking your brain for a solution to your short term money problems, you have been fruitlessly browsing the job ads in the newspaper, and on various job sites with no luck.

You are about to call it a night, but decide to check your email one last time; a solitary new message is in your inbox; it reads "leading edge technology product testers needed: $ 5,000.00 for suitable candidates; an address is listed below, together with a time.

Next morning you hop in a taxi and have it drive you to the address; a nondescript warehouse in The Mission District. A small sign on the door reads "Ferro-Dynamics, Inc."

You open the door and follow a long dimly lit passageway to a reception area, where a Woman dressed in clinical white looks up at you. "My name is Colette; I'm here for the job interview." She looks up at you, studying you carefully. Finally, she seems to come to a decision and hands you an application form. "You MUST fill in all questions truthfully," she says; "If you do not, then you will be excluded from participating in this experiment."

You sit down and start reading the questions. The first few seem normal; age, height, weight, gender, eye color, race, etc. You tick the boxes dutifully. You turn the page and start on the next questions.

"Sexual preference" is the first question. Slightly puzzled you check the box for Male. The next few questions seem very personal; "age at which you lost your virginity," "number of times per week you masturbate," "do you have any genital piercings," "can you come to full orgasm through penetration alone," "have you ever had anal sex," "can you achieve orgasm through anal sex alone."

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, you continue filling the form in, aware of the fact that you are blushing due to the nature of the overly-intimate questions. You notice that the Woman at reception is watching you carefully as you fill in the questionnaire.

Finally done, you walk over to her and hand the completed paperwork to her. She quickly scans your answers and nods a few times. "You may sit down Ms. Colette, someone will call your name shortly, and I want you to go through the door labeled "special candidate" please."

You sit for a while and look around you; everything in the room seems very high-tech. Huge 3D plasma screens show various technological documentaries, the lighting is bright, and the whole building is obviously designed by some European architect, with its angular and clinical simplicity.

"Ms. Colette. Ms. Colette, please proceed to your assigned door," the overhead paging system blares.

You get up and walk to the door.

Inside the room, there is a table, a comfortable looking brown leather armchair, an armoire with six drawers; a door that's partially open and leads to a small bathroom with a shower in it, and a huge glass window that goes from floor to ceiling.

Behind the glass sits a Man dressed in white Doctor's garb; tall, blond and carrying a clipboard, he is seated in front of what looks like a complex control panel with numerous lights and levers and at least half a dozen computers with wires sprouting from their rear panels. There are also at least a dozen large, complex-looking video cameras there, all trained on the room you are in.

Beside him, another Man, dressed in a very expensive looking suit seems to be there as an observer; at his side, a tall, statuesque brunette, extremely well dressed and also with a clipboard.

The brunette leans over the console and presses a red button; the overhead paging system blares yet again.

"Colette, I am Denise Adams, the chief research scientist at Ferro-Dynamics; I have your questionnaire here, and we were all impressed by how completely you filled it out, we think you will be an ideal candidate for our research into the newest Ferro-Technology, do you have any questions for us before we begin?"

You take a moment to think, but nothing springs to mind, so you quietly say "no."

"Good, then let me tell you what you are here for." "We have developed a new form of Ferrofluid that we think can be used for many uses including Military purposes, Space travel, and even to help the disabled regain their mobility."

"We are in the beginning phases of our tests, so we want as much feedback as possible from you; we will be hooking you up to some probes and sensors that require solid contact with your skin; this means that we will have to shave your body and coat your skin with a super-conductive gel, the gel will also help you get into our new Ferro-Suit; the suit is quite tight, so we recommend that you make sure it is fully comfortable before we begin; someone will be with you shortly to help you with the process of preparing yourself and getting into the suit."

The Woman turns away and starts to have an intense conversation with the two men, rapidly jabbing her finger at your questionnaire on her clipboard.

A minute or two later the door you entered through opens and two Women dressed like nurses come in.

"Colette, please remove your clothes and put them in one of the drawers in front of you, then please get up on the table." You do as asked and lie on the table.

Both Women position themselves on either side of you, and one of them takes a tube out of her pocket; she places it on the table beside you. Both Women then go to one of the drawers and pull out a set of examination gloves that they put on.

Back at your side, the first Woman unscrews the top of the tube and liberally coats her gloved hands with thick white cream from the tube; the other follows suit.

"We are going to cover your body with this cream; it will remove all traces of your body hair, so the probes and sensors can more effectively transmit and receive."

Their hands begin to knead and massage your skin. Starting at your neck and slowly working their way down to your toes, their hands and fingers cover every inch of you with the white substance, even your armpits, and your groin, even though you are neatly groomed down there and only have a small "landing strip." They pay special attention to that area, kneading, massaging and prodding as they coat your entire pudenda with the white substance.

When they finish your front, they turn you over and begin on your back; again they painstakingly cover every tiny piece of you. When they reach your lower back and legs, each Woman takes one of your legs and gently spreads them apart; further and further, until you are completely exposed. Their hands and fingers brush down the sensitive flesh, stopping briefly at your tight little anus to circle a few times, making especially sure they have applied enough cream, then your legs, calves, and feet.

"Ok, Colette, we need to leave you here for a couple of minutes, then we will be back to help you rinse off; after that, we will help you with the suit and the brain sensors.

"Brain sensors!!" you think to yourself, "No-one mentioned brain sensors." Oh well, the money's good, and I'm sure they know what they are doing."

They return and help you up from the table. Guiding you gently to the bathroom, one of them starts the shower, then tests the water with her fingers. When she is satisfied it is warm, they let you rinse yourself; you watch in amazement as the white cream washes off you, taking with it each and every hair on your body.

A towel is handed to you, and you dry yourself off. You cannot help but notice how your long, lithe body has a new sheen to it; the complete lack of hair means that your skin is exposed as never before, and the light reflects off it with brightness unaffected by refraction from the millions of tiny hairs that would usually be there.

Back at the table, the two Women have taken a latex suit out of one of the drawers in the armoire. It is red and almost supernaturally diaphanous and shiny. They lay the suit on the table and then approach you.

Out of her pocket, another tube appears in the Woman's hands.

"Ok, we are proceeding to the gel application phase, Colette. The Gel might make you tingle a little bit, as it super-conductive and we have found it tends to amplify your nerve impulses."

Both Women use the same technique as previously and coat your smooth body from head to toes with the gel.

As you stand there, you take note that Denise and the two Men behind the glass are focusing intently on the process you are going through. You see them scribbling notes furiously.

Finally, the Women are done. They slowly pick the suit off the table and help you insert first one, then your second leg into the suit; then with much effort, they pull the suit up, over the curve of your buttocks, then an arm and the second slide into the suit; a built-in hood is pulled

over your head, it covers your whole head and face, with only holes for your eyes, ears, and mouth.

They grasp a small zipper at the base of the suit that is in the back and pull it up until the whole suit encases you like a second skin. The suit is impossibly thin, the material almost like red condom latex; so thin that you can almost see through it when you stretch it. It has two layers, with the Ferrofluid between the layers.

You take a bit of time to writhe and twist inside the tight red sheath until you feel totally comfortable. It's warm and almost feels like you are in a body temperature pool or bath.

"Colette" the overhead speakers intone, "one final step and we shall begin."

The door to your room opens and a Man dressed in the same type of uniform the others wear enters. He is carrying something that looks like a red hood or hat; there is a tangle of wires leading out of the back of the headwear and a dark visor in front.

"This is one of our finest inventions. It monitors brain waves and converts them to computer code output data; it allows us to map what your brain is doing; we can see which areas of your brain are active, and which areas are stimulated by specific actions. There are a set of Virtual Reality goggles built into the visor, so we can project images for you to see and it also contains some high-resolution earphones."

The two Women help you on with the helmet, securing it with a strap under your chin.

Everything is completely dark for a moment, then you hear a "snap" as one of the Nurses connects the wires in the back of the helmet to an "umbilical cord" of wires under the table.

"Please lie back Colette.". "We are going to test the system for a minute or two to make sure it is functioning correctly, then we shall play a brief video for you that will educate you on what Ferrofluid is."

The two Women guide you to lie down on the table; they turn off the lights in the room and retreat.

Some humming, then the helmet's visor lights up; red, blue and green patterns dance before your eyes; a brief pause, then a voice.

"Ferrofluid is a suspension of microscopic metal particles in fluid; when an electrical current is applied to that fluid, the fluid can be made completely rigid, can be programmed to become any one of an infinite number of shapes, with an infinite number of textures."

As the voice speaks, a video shows a black viscous liquid in a container; the fluid suddenly leaps from the dish and forms a cone, then instantly changes shape into a star, then a bolus. The fluid snaps back into its inanimate form, then again through myriad shapes, each one more complex than the last; the shapes twirl and spin, grow and shrink, all the while flowing with no seeming regard for the laws of physics; beautiful yet somehow disturbing, as if it is something that should never have existed.

"Colette; lie back, relax, listen to my voice and watch the videos in front of you. We will be noting your reaction to the images you see and feeding the output to a computer. The computer will be controlling the suit, please make sure that you concentrate on ONLY the videos; do not let your mind wander, as this will dilute the results and may be dangerous."

The video feed changes. Images flash rapidly in front of your eyes. The visor before you is split down the center, on one side the stream of videos, on the other a camera that is trained on YOU from somewhere above. You see yourself lying there encased in your new, slick red skin.

It starts with random pictures of faces, then expands out to show the whole person. people of all shapes and sizes; Caucasian, Black, Asian; Men, Women; tall, short.

"This is a baseline Colette"; "We are measuring your general response."

5 minutes later the images slow, then stop.

"OK, we are now entering the test phase of this procedure; if you feel uncomfortable at any time, please let us know."

The dark room is making you sleepy, but you hold your eyes open.

New video streams into your helmet. Two lovers holding hands as they walk down the beach, a fit Man runs down a path, a beautiful Woman brushes her hair in front of a mirror.

The Ferro-suit begins to move; very subtly at first it pulses slowly, squeezing your legs and arms, then releasing, pulsing then releasing; like many hands massaging you. In your visor, you see yourself in the suit; ripples rushing across the red slickness of its surface like small waves in the sea.

More images. A handsome Man, maybe a gymnast in a Speedo swimming suit, diving into the ocean; a beautiful Woman with a flawless body wearing a tiny Brazilian bikini. Faster and faster the images flash before your eyes; more people, more images of perfect bodies.

Darkness as the visor shuts off the flashing images; a minute passes, then two; suddenly the visor re-activates; new images fill your vision, erotic, stimulating.

A huge, erect penis, throbbing; swollen veins, dribbling pre-cum; a Woman's lips reach forward to engulf it. Her hand pulls the foreskin down over the swollen purple head, her moist lips parting as she takes it into her mouth. A perfectly formed breast, a pierced nipple being teased by fingers; a close-up of an erect clitoris, wet, pink, hard; a pair of lips engulfs the swollen bud.

You are aroused; you start to think about the images you like best; you see them in your mind, played over again as the videos flash before you.

The suit changes its movements; it squeezes itself tighter around your breasts, forming them into perfect cones, tightening, then releasing them in a rhythmic pulsating fashion. In your visor, you see yourself, the suit. You see your breasts growing, being manipulated, your nipples hard and showing through the membrane of the suit, the outline of your ribs shows through the thin red latex.

In the video stream, a Woman dressed only in stockings and high heels, bends over presenting herself to another Woman with a huge red strap-on, jutting obscenely from her groin. A close-up; the huge, red-veined phallus slowly, deliciously penetrates the pink wet pussy; the lips bulging, stretching to accommodate the invader; you watch as the red strap-on thrusts deeper inside the wet welcoming lips; your mind reeling, you want to be her, to be fucked, filled, penetrated.

You feel the suit change; it stiffens around your legs and arms; your legs begin to move inexorably apart, your arms are drawn to your sides, held as if by strong hands. Your legs are spread still wider as the suit begins to control you.

Slightly panicked, you try to resist, but there is nothing you can do, your visor shows you what is happening; the camera above records the events as they unfold.

You watch as the suit begins to ripple and vibrate between your legs. Suddenly from the suit, a massive phallus is formed; an exact replica of the one you are watching being pumped into the Woman in the video in front of you. You feel something nudging your own pussy lips and stare at the vision in front of you in amazement as the suit pushes the phallus slowly inside you.

In the visor you can see every exquisite detail, as the camera zooms in on the phallus that the suit has created. The massive red head has parted your defenseless lips and is now pushing deeper inside you; you gasp as you feel its thickness; it slides into your tight wetness.

On the other side of the screen, the movie of the two lovers continues. The huge red cock is fully inside the Woman that is bent over; you can see her wetness as she is being fucked, her juices and lubrication coating the shaft of the huge red cock as it is thrust over, and over inside her.

What you see on screen between the two Women, is being replicated exactly by the suit; it thrusts in unison with the huge red cock that penetrates the Woman; you feel each powerful thrust as you simultaneously watch yourself and her, side-by-side in your visor; both of you being fucked slowly and deeply. She throws her head back in ecstasy; she wails and screams as she cums.

The video changes. The Women are replaced by a darker vision. A huge, muscled Man with the body of a Greek God appears. His face masked, but he is otherwise entirely naked. With fascinated eyes, you watch the streaming video; his cock is huge, the biggest you have ever seen. His body oiled, he walks forward; in front of him a bound Woman; blonde, curvy; she is kneeling, tied with ropes to a post. She cannot move her bonds are so tight. The Man approaches her, his massive cock starting to fill with blood; each step he takes is one step closer to the hapless Woman.

He is on her now; standing above her, looming over her, his powerful frame glistening, his cock fully erect. He grasps the huge member with his right hand and slowly pulls the tip of it across the trapped girl's lips and face. You see traces of wetness from her lips on the head of his cock. She is a supplicant, worshipful to his dominant Godlike presence.

Suddenly he grabs her by the hair and forces her head towards his cock; she tries to resist, but to no avail.

The suit stirs again. You watch the monitor and see a shape appear from the upper region of the suit, rearing up as if from nowhere; a perfectly formed replica of what you see on screen. It dances and throbs as if there were actual blood being pumped into it. The huge cock starts to move towards your own mouth. You desperately clench your jaw muscles to avoid the inevitable; the hood around your head and face suddenly changes, shifts; panicked, you realize that your eye and mouth holes are gone; you cannot breathe! You HAVE to open your mouth. As soon as you acquiesce, and open your beautiful lips, the suit parts and allows you to breathe. For a moment... and then the suit forces the huge red cock into your mouth.

It is so big that it stretches your lips wide. The big red cock slowly slides back and forth in your mouth; wet now with your saliva, it becomes more aggressive; images flash through your lust inflamed mind.

On screen, the girl has even more of the huge cock in her mouth now, accepting the invader, she actively thrusts her mouth onto it, sucking, licking, tonguing it. The Mans huge cock is almost all the way in her mouth; you can see the head making her throat bulge as she sucks its entire length into her willing mouth and throat; her pink, wet, lipsticked mouth obscenely stretched around the shaft.

The suit mirrors what you see in front of you. The huge red phallus moves deeper inside your mouth until it is at the entrance to your throat. then plunges downward!!

Trying to relax, you take its whole length; your senses on overload, gasping for breath, you feel the need to take it all. Your head and mouth move in synchronicity with the massive, thrusting red cock; you feel it stretching you, filling your throat as you fuck it with your lips and tongue.

The suit establishes a steady rhythm as it fucks your throat and mouth.

In front of you the muscled, masked Man suddenly pulls his cock out of the bound Girl's mouth; his muscles cord, every sinew in his body tenses; massive ropes of white-hot cum erupt from the tip of his cock. The Girl, almost with reverence, lifts her face to receive his seed, her eyes look up at him with worship.

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