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Fever Ch. 06

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Lorenz wraps up story; revenge on Nell's attacker.
4.3k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 06/06/2011
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Sorry this has taken so long to complete, but I've been distracted by a willing lady my age. Funny how that activity always seems to get in the way of other creative work.

As usual, comments are welcome, and if signed, will be acknowledged. Enjoy. Jb7

(from somewhere in South Central Illinois)

Bitsy was just closing the dishwasher when the doorbell rang. "Ron, can you get that?" she called to her husband. When there was no answer, she mouthed a vulgarity to herself, questioning both Ron's cleanliness and parentage, and hurried to the door. At the same time she opened the door, she turned on the porch light, revealing a small crowd of five men and one woman waiting to be let in.

"Hey, Nell; Lorenz? I thought you were out on the road with that show of yours. I hadn't heard you were back in town already. Who's with you?"

Lorenz answered her, "Good evening, Bitsy. These are some colleagues of mine. We need to talk to Ron, if he's at home."

"He damn well better still be home. C'mon in. I'll see if I can roust him out for you. How are you all enjoying the great weather we're having this week?"

"It has been great, Bits," replied Nell. "How are things going at the restaurant?"

"Slow, but this time of year..." she replied. "Ron, you got company!" she called upstairs.

Upstairs, in the bathroom, Ron Gorwinike jumped when he heard his wife call him. He carefully slid his foreskin back over the third of his glans he had exposed with a lot of pain. Three days ago, Sunday, at daybreak, he had awoken on the floor of the motel room where he had assaulted Nell, naked and alone.

He remembered opening the door and letting Jim and Butch into the room, then approaching Nell lying on the bed. When he came to, there had been a small pool of blood on the floor under his dick head, and his prick was still so sore he could barely touch it.

Even worse was the pain when he dressed. With his jockeys on, the pressure was unbearable. Without them, the friction of his pants or boxers rubbing on the head of his dick was just as bad if not worse. When he drove home that day, the only way he could drive was to unzip and pull his dick out through his fly. Thank god it was early Sunday morning and there wasn't any traffic. He drove super cautiously, not wanting to attract any police attention.

During that drive, the swelling and trauma to his corona resulted in extra blood flow to his penis, adding weight and girth. All that weight and girth was resting on the metal zipper teeth of his jeans; resting and rubbing, wearing away tiny pieces of skin, creating an irritation and an abrasion. By the time he got to his driveway, it was oozing blood.

He had been able to sneak in the house without disturbing his wife. Since then, he had been able to hide the damage from her, but the slowness in healing was beginning to worry him.

"Who in hell would be calling this time of night? It's nearly eight o'clock. Could be Jim or Butch; neither of them seem to have any sense of time when it comes to dropping in." He carefully tucked himself into his pants and zipped them up. "Be right down," he called.

Lorenz paused and had a drink of the beer which had appeared at his side earlier. He thought for several seconds, then continued. "I'm not proud of what I did that night, and truthfully, I may have made a mistake. It went on that night, the next day and into the evening. "Bitsy was worn out and sore. Ron was in pain, both physical and psychological.

"I had increased her sensitivity to pleasure, and increased her ability to withstand pain. Besides that, I had altered her response to pleasure so that when she climaxed, she screamed as if she were in pain. When she was feeling pleasure, beginning to come, she responded by pushing her partner away and yelling "No! No! No!" Whenever she yelled no, Ron experienced a stabbing, squeezing pain in his scrotum; when she came and screamed, it felt as if his rectum was being penetrated by something the size of a beer can, which then disappeared until her next scream so he never got used to the sensation."

Lorenz smiled grimly. "The four members of the troupe who were with me began to use Bitsy after I went round robin on her."

"Round Robin?" asked Erica.

"Mouth, vagina, anus, mouth," replied Lorenz. "However, when the first one finished with her anus, there was already someone using her mouth, so he moved to Ron and forced him to clean a very dirty member. That became part of their routine for the rest of the session. I put a block on the son of a bitch so he couldn't bite anyone in response to his pain.

"I gave Bitsy the power to sustain the erections of Jim and Butch so they could have sex with her, as long as Ron was there to watch them. They each had two nights alone with her, and then they both attended to her two nights a week. Once a month, their wives and lovers of the moment came along. After what I can only assume were massive fuckfests, Ron cleaned them all up.

"That went on for eighteen years. A few weeks after Nell was assaulted, I arranged for my disappearance, and went to live on the farm so I could monitor Ron's progress. I hadn't given him any choice about raising the child, whom they called Sonny.

"It appeared that Ron had taken an interest in the boy. They spent quite a lot of time together after Sonny entered school. I should have monitored them more closely. He became a bully; and worse, it was psychological bullying in addition to physical bullying. He was a large child, as Kirk can tell you. Around adults and authorities, teachers, etc, he was polite and seemingly obedient and helpful. Away from them, he was everything but. Except sexually.

"Ron was able to instill a contemptuous attitude toward women in the lad, which combined with his tendency to manipulate and bully weaker individuals, eventually led to the transgressions which necessitated Kirk's intercession.

"Nell chanced upon what I believe was his first attempt. She was running along a track in the park in the town and heard a young woman's shout cut off. When she investigated, she found Sonny and the woman struggling. When she tried to intercede, Sonny blasted her with the same energy bolt he tried to use on Kirk and Erica. Because Nell was not expecting anything, she was caught unawares and rendered unconscious.

"Sonny must have thought she was dead because he fled the area and ran to Center City where he obtained a job with one of the colleges tending the golf course. Using his mental powers, he talked his supervisor into letting him move into a little used shed on the grounds until he found a place to live. As we discovered, it became his base of operations.

"We discovered his mentalist powers are minimal, but, in the wrong hands, dangerous. He had the power of occlusion, the power to confuse the targeted individual. In him it ranged from the minimal expression he used to trap his victims to the mind blast with which he assaulted Nell. It can be fatal.

"He also either was born with, or developed the ability to hypnotize, which he used to terrorize his victims, and program them for future subjugation, either by himself or by his ally, his father, Ron.

"His father learned about the assault on Nell and guessed where his son would go. He followed him, and when he located Sonny, essentially coached him in his assaults and post assault programming. I learned it was his plan to locate the girls after Sonny prepared them, and using the post hypnotic programming, prostitute them. Needless to say, that won't be happening; both Ron and Sonny have been 'neutralized,' permanently."

Kirk spoke up. "Besides taking care of Ron and Sonny, we located the girls who had been assaulted and, after explaining what had happened to them, either deprogrammed them, or changed the programming according to their wishes. Two of the four decided to keep the enhanced sensitivity, but wanted their triggers under their own control.

"The other two asked that, as much as possible, we return them to their pre-assault condition. With the exception of totally erasing the memory, and, in one case, restoring some tissue, we did that.

"I did some brief, intensive therapy with the four girls, both individual and group, to help them deal with the rape. With the mutual support they can provide each other, they should all be okay."

Meg broke in, "How is Nell handling this, Lorenz?"

"She has recovered from Sonny's physical assault on her, and recognizes she had no role in his actions after that. She has been questioning whether or not she should have abandoned him to Ron and Bitsy to raise. She acknowledges she was not the one to raise him, but thinks he might have turned out differently if she had been a presence in his life."

Tiffany spoke, "You said Ron and Sonny were neutralized. What does that mean?"

Kirk answered, "They were given a psychic prefrontal lobotomy."

"A psychic lobotomy?"

"That's right."

"Are you going to tell us any more than that?"

"Do we really need to?" Tiffany and Mary shook their heads, looking at each other, then at Kirk. He looked at Lorenz. "How long will you and Eva be staying?"

"I need to go to NYC for a week or so. I have to be there Tuesday, the fourth. Erica can come with me and I will arrange her entrance into Princeton while we are there. I assume Eva can stay with you until I return."

"Of course. Will you be traveling conventionally? A four hour drive will put you in the heart of Manhattan. Given security these days, and the cab ride, it takes almost as long to go by plane.

"What ever you decide, you're welcome to stay here until you leave. We can shuffle bedrooms and double up as needed to make everyone comfortable."

Tiffany laughed. "Vanilla boy, you leave that to the women folk. We been arranging your accommodations for over a year, and we'll keep on arranging them as long as you behave. Now, Lorenz, Eva, Erica, and you, Kirk, have you had supper? Does anyone need something to eat or drink?"

Both Erica and Eva nodded, chorusing, "I could eat a bit of something." They looked at each other and laughed. Lorenz nodded and requested a bourbon and soda; Kirk asked for a beer.

While Tiffany and Mary saw to the eats, Lorenz chatted with Meg, filling in details he had glossed over in his recounting of his life. Kirk was talking with Erica and Eva, getting to know the young women. Tiffany brought in the drinks the visitors had requested and told Lorenz he would be sleeping in her room. "Why, thank you, Tiffany," he replied, "but I don't want to put you out of your room. I can sleep here on the sofa."

"Nobody said you'd be putting me out of my room. Just that you'd be spending the night there."

Lorenz grinned. "Thank you. I look forward to..."

"'Nuff said, Vanilla man. No need to advertise; I can get noisy."

Kirk was aware of the interchange and felt a pang of jealousy, then laughed at himself. He and Tiffany had been close since she had appeared at his office, and had produced a son, a result of their mating when he had awakened from a coma caused by the late emergence of his powers. He realized he had no claim on her or her affections. If she chose to share her body with someone else, it was her body and her right.

He felt a hand on his knee, then another one on the other knee. He turned to look at the two young women sitting on either side of him and saw a pair of dazzling smiles and four smouldering eyes. Across the room, Mary was asking, "Tiff, is your bed big enough for three? If not, mine is."

Meg interjected, "Or, Lorenz, if you just want to get some rest..."

"Thank you, Megan. I think tonight, that might be a good idea. These old bones need a bit of a rest after all our bouncing around. Tiffany, Mary, may I join you tomorrow night?"

"Anytime you want," said Tiffany with a grin. "Well, Mary, I guess it's just us girls tonight. It looks like Kirk has himself a couple of handfuls."

"Could be worse, Tiff. We might have got stuck with his boss."

Kirk laughed and put his arm around the two women sitting at his side. He slid his hands down their sides until each had a handful of cheek. With a grin, he said, "As long as you folks are all set then, we'll see you in the morning. Lorenz, knowing Mom, don't bet on getting a lot of rest tonight. Even with less than a month until her delivery date, she'll look for a way to..."

"Kirk!" exclaimed Meg. "Quiet! Some secrets..."

"'Nuff said, Mom. Good night all." With that he levitated Erica and Eva and carried them upstairs as they giggled over the ride. As they entered his bedroom, all of their clothing disappeared, eliciting more giggles.

"You should have seen what he did to me the first day we met," said Erica, looking at Eva. "He teleported us back to my apartment, then stripped me and wrapped me up in a sheet so I couldn't move, not even to use the loo."

"You didn't?"

"It wasn't quite like that, and I took care of her toilet needs before we got down to business." He began to use his telekinetic skills to manipulate their clits, without warning them.

"What..." started Erica.

"How..." said Eva at the same time.

"Shhh," hushed Kirk, moving the two girls together so their legs interlaced, quims together. He moved his right hand so his thumb was in Eva's pussy; his middle finger, in Erica; his forefinger, between them, in position to caress their clits at the same time. He took control of their sensual centers and made it feel like their vaginal shafts were full. Slowly, he began to stimulate their clitoral hoods, coaxing the little pleasure buds to erect and emerge.

As the women's arousal increased, he moved them closer together, increasing the pressure on their buds. They embraced and hungrily locked lips, tongues wrangling with passion in the joined space. Kirk added the sensation of their shafts expanding, as if the prick inside them was growing. Moans of pleasure and lust filled the room.

As they built toward their mutual climax, Kirk added anal stimulation to the mix they were experiencing. Both felt as if both apertures were being stretched to their maximum while the stimulation from his finger was whipping back and forth on increasingly sensitive bundles of nerves. Only the fact that Kirk had silenced their voices kept the resulting orgasms from being heard across the street.

He lowered them to his bed and withdrew his hand. The two women separated, lying on their backs, breathing heavily. Kirk joined them on the bed, moving between Erica's legs. "Not yet, Kirk; I need to recover a bit." He looked to Eva.

"Me, too. You damn near wore me out. Lie down between us and relax a minute. Just let your mind go."

He did as she suggested. Lying there with his eyes closed, he felt Eva shift on the bed. He felt a warm moistness engulf his cock; then tiny flicks of sensation began to cover the head of his manhood. Then he felt Erica move and a similar warmth enveloped, first, one of his balls, then the other.

The little flicks started moving down his shaft and turned to lip nips, and, as they approached his pubes, tiny bites which continued as they traveled back up the shaft, finally softly caressing his glans with the mini bites. He groaned as he felt the familiar tickle in the back of his thighs. "Eva, I'm gonna come," he muttered.

"That's fine, Kirk," he heard her say into his ear, as he exploded into the air, understanding at that moment that she had mentally stimulated him, the mental equivalent of a hand job. He had not even been aware of her in his mind, the first time anyone had been there since his first mating with his mother when he got home from the hospital.

He felt his bed mates shift again. He opened his eyes and saw them moving; Erica, to lick up his spend from his stomach; Eva, to straddle his hips, taking his member into her lady. "Did you enjoy that, brother?" She lowered herself onto his shaft. "Mmm, nice; as nice as our father's. Not quite as long, but thicker."

She began to move slowly up and down. "Nngh! No, don't move; let me do it alone for a little bit, until I get used to your size. I need to get a sense of how deep I can go.

"You just relax. Let us women do the work. You and Lorenz have been busy saving our asses; let us reward you. Tonight, we can pleasure your sexual appetite; tomorrow, we'll take care of your belly. Right, Erica?"

"Sounds good to me, providing you leave some life in that rod you're riding. If you don't, you'll be cooking alone," she grinned. Eva grinned back.

"Don't worry. If he's like his father, he'll be able to keep it up all night. Some of the stories my Mom and Gramma told me about him...I could hardly wait until my eighteenth birthday.

"I scanned the other women to see what Kirk was like and would like. I could hardly keep from blushing," she laughed.

"Okay, Kirk; I'm ready to ride. Fuck me, now." She lay down on his chest, her legs gripping his hips. He levitated them, then turned them over and returned to the bed where he did as she instructed.

He began to move inside Eva, long, slow strokes to start. He became aware of her presence in his perception centers as she linked to his touch, vision, smell and taste centers. He also sensed the presence of another woman as they were completed. He looked at Erica, her face a portrait of aroused puzzlement as she became aware of the links made in her brain.

His strokes became shorter, faster, harder. Erica began to make sounds, "uh uh uh oh oh uh unh unh ohhh yes oh yes god ohmigod yes oh uhn ah ah ah yes don't stop harder un ah oh unh un hu nh oh god oh god oh god." He saw her go rigid as she hit the precipice of orgasm. A second later she collapsed; her hips thrusting into the air.

He felt Eva's shaft walls grip him as she followed Erica over the precipice and came with her. An instant later, he was aware of the roiling in his balls and the sudden release of pressure as his sperm made their way down their path into Eva to search out her gametes and create a new life. When his spasms had finished, he collapsed on her chest, breathing heavily.

"My god, that was intense," he gasped out.

"Ain't that the effing truth," replied Erica. "What in hell did you do, Eva?"

"While Lorenz was away taking care of Sonny, my Mom and Gramma and I were fooling around a bit, just girl stuff, you know? I heard Mom in my head telling me to keep quiet, then I felt the connections being made. When she started to pleasure Gram, I could feel everything she was doing. I tried to hook up with Gran. She felt it and guided me to the proper areas, not knowing I was connected to Mom.

"When they came, god, it was like a shower room we squirted so much. And every time one of us laughed for the next few minutes, we all came again. It took us nearly half an hour to calm down. I can't wait to try it on Lorenz."

Kirk grinned. "As curious as I am, I'll wait for you two to tell me about it. First, tell me how you do it. I want to try it with the other women. Could I hook us all up?"

"I don't see why not. You just..."

Saturday, the first of September, Kirk drove Lorenz and Erica to the airport in Syracuse. They would be flying into Kennedy Airport just around the dinner hour. Lorenz had arranged to stay with old members of his troupe, controlling their shock at his Lazarus-like recovery. His appointment with the Federal agents had been pushed back several days. He planned to use the time to get Erica admitted and settled.

Kirk felt uneasy. "You're sure you've got everything you need? Someone's meeting you at Kennedy? You've got the appointment for Erica? Call when you get there, and whenever you have news. That goes for you, too, Lorenz. Keep us posted, even if nothing's happening. Something doesn't feel right. I haven't felt this unsettled since just before I heard you scream," he said, looking at the young woman.


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