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Financial Seduction Ch. 01

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Sadistic angel or a wealthy man with needs?
8.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/25/2006
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The raucous sound of the telephone drew me from my absorption in a new mystery novel. I tend to literally become part of a good novel and any interruption can put a scowl on my face.

"Yes?" I said, obviously not ecstatic at the interference.

There was a silence on the other end of the conversation; a silence that gave me time to wipe the scowl off my face and put on a new demeanor.

"I'm sorry," I began again, "this is Mr. Clark, can I help you?"

"I don't know," a soft, feminine and probably quite young voice replied. "My friend Lynn told me to call you."

Them mention of Lynn's name was enough to change the scowl to a delighted smile. "Ah yes, I do recall her mentioning that someone might call. You must be Lexi."

"Yes, that's right." she replied, her voice a bit firmer now that we had a common ground. "She said you might be able to help me."

"It's possible, Lexi," I replied, "but I'd have to talk to you in person to know for sure."

Her voice once again seemed to quake a bit. "I know, she told me."

"What did she tell you about me?" I wondered, although I knew the answer already.

"She said you helped people like me but not everyone. I'd have to convince you that I really needed the help and explain why I needed it. She said that you may be a bit eccentric but that you are really a nice guy that cares about the people you help."

"That's true," I agreed. "When can you come by the house so we can talk?"

"Uh, I don't get off work till five or a little after and I don't get a day off except Sunday." she replied.

"I'm free this evening, Lexi, if you wish, or I'm free Friday evening. I'm afraid that I have plans for the weekend."

"I'll come by tomorrow right after work if that's all right."

"Of course," I agreed. "I'll expect you some time after five-thirty."

"All right," she agreed, "and thank you."

"Don't thank me yet, Lexi. Wait until we come to some kind of an agreement."

When the dial tone was heard, I dialed Lynn's cell phone."

"Did she call you?" she asked.

"Yes, and thank you, Lynn. Is there anything I should know about her you haven't already told me?"

"I don't think so. I know you will go slow with her and treat her with respect. That's the only reason I gave her your phone number."

"I know, sweetheart and I appreciate your confidence. Are we still on for Saturday?"

"Of course. My week wouldn't be complete without our Saturdays. Can I expect a surprise?"

"Perhaps," I replied, smiling. "You'll have to wait and see."

We talked for a few more minutes and I promised her a detailed report of my first meeting with her friend.

I made sure that the ambience was warm and welcoming Friday night, with soft music, dimmed lighting in the living room, and a supply of cold beverages in the refrigerator of the wet bar and my usual well stocked wine chiller.

She showed up promptly at five-forty-five, looking very unsure of herself, wearing a dark blue skirt and soft white sweater that clung to her full young body invitingly. Her long auburn hair was worn down and flowed softly over her shoulders, framing a somewhat pale complexion on a face that reflected the extreme stress that her mind was putting her through. Not knowing what to expect or if I was a threat or not had her very tense and nervous. Though somewhat overweight, I didn't see her that way, only as someone who had the potential to become a wonderful, passionate lover. Her hips were full, but not wide, her breasts full, but not pendulous. She reminded me a great deal of a similar young woman of a few years previous that was one of the most passionate women I'd ever found once I developed her into the woman knew she could be.

"Come in Lexi," I said, holding the door open. "I'm Roger Clarke, and I don't bite, at least not usually. I talked to Lynn and told her we were meeting tonight."

"Oh, ok," she mumbled, as she stepped into the house and stopped, not sure whether she was going to go any further than just inside the door.

"Let's go into the den where be more comfortable as we talk."

She allowed me to usher her into the den, a very inviting room with oversized furniture, thick carpet on the floor, a home theater system with a big screen plasma television, and flowers in several locations.

"Please," I said, indicating a pair of very comfortable recliners across from each other, a low glass topped table between them, on which I had placed a bowl holding chocolates, and vanilla coated mints. "Can I offer you something to drink?" I offered. "White wine, or a soft drink, or some iced tea perhaps?"

"A cola would be nice," she decided.

'You haven't eaten anything yet, Lexi, could I offer you some cheese and fruit?"

"Yes, thank you, my stomach is a bit unstable right now."

"It's just nerves, Lexi. Relax, you're not in any danger here and I don't make it a habit of forcing myself on the women in my life. How about you telling me what your problem is while I fix us a snack."

"It's embarrassing to talk about it," she said. "My husband, Chad, says that someone stole some money from his locker at work. I don't believe they did but he's told me that before so it's no surprise. I don't know if he gambles or spends that much at the bar or what but I'm constantly trying to find a way to pay the bills."

"What is it this time?" I asked.

I got a disconnect notice on the electric and we were already on a probationary status so they turn us off if the bill is more than 45 days past due. They're turning it off on Tuesday and I just can't come up with the money this time."

"How much is it?"

"160 dollars. 260 if they disconnect and reconnect it."

"Does your husband work?"

"Yes, but he only gets six and a half an hour and they cut his hours, or at least he says they did."

"So you're paying most of the bills then?"

"Almost all of them. I make pretty good money working where Lynn used to work but it's just never enough."

"That's why I helped Lynn get out of there." I advised her.

"I know. She told me about that. You're a good friend."

"It goes a lot further than that, but that's not the issue here. The first thing we have to do is get your electric bill paid. How are the other bills?"

"Late, but I'm getting them paid. He gives me grocery money and rent money, or at least part of it, but we need to find a better place to live and it's just out of the question. No one would rent to us with our credit rating."

"Why don't you leave him, Lexi? It sounds like you'd be better off if you weren't paying the bills for both of you."

"I don't make enough to pay the rent along with everything else. It sounds cold, but it's true. I have to have his pittance to make it at all."

I placed a platter of cheese, fruit, crackers, and cream cheese on the table and she started eating, trying hard to conceal how hungry she was. I returned to sit where I was, knowing that in squirming around on the recliner, her short skirt had ridden up on her smooth, creamy thighs and a hint of white panties was apparent.

We talked for about an hour about her situation, her financial mess, and it really was as bad as she said, and her family background.

"My family won't even talk to me any more because they feel like all I need them for is more money and it's been that way for awhile so I don't really blame them. I keep telling them it will get better but it's a lie and they all know it. My sister and brother are really successful but I don't exist in their world. Mom and dad aren't wealthy, but they aren't hurting either. They just got tired of pretending they had any hopes or dreams for me."

I sat for a few minutes, watching her nibble at the food that was still on her plate and sip at the wine that was doing a good job of loosening her tongue. "Lexi, I can help you, and I'm willing to do that, but there are some conditions that you may find offensive or intrusive. You might want to discuss this with Lynn and have her tell you about my quirks and requirements. I'll give you the money for your electric bill tonight so that is no longer a problem."

"She wouldn't tell me much," she replied, "just that I had to trust you and believe in you."

"That's true," I replied, "and the trust must be complete. That doesn't sound like much but it isn't as simple as it sounds. You have to be prepared to do whatever I tell you without argument. That doesn't mean you can't ask questions, only that the outcome must be the same in the end. If, at any point, you decide I'm asking too much or demanding too much of you, you can leave, and our relationship will end without bitterness or bad feelings on my part. Does that make sense to you?"

She was squirming around in the chair even more now and the white panties were easily seen. With my knowledge of panties, I decided that she was wearing either hi thigh cut panties or brief bikinis. "What kind of things do you demand of me?"

"We'll discuss that as time goes on IF you decide to work with me to change your life. Think about it, talk about it with Lynn, whatever you want to do, but before I can give you any more money, we have to be in agreement on my conditions."

"Can't you give me some idea of what you demand?" she asked.

"Yes, if you really think you are willing to trust me."

"I have to, Mr. Clarke. I don't have a choice."

"You always have choices, Lexi. Always! You just have to be sure the choices you make are going to benefit you and that you can live with your choices."

"All right," she said. "I'll try, Mr. Clarke."

"First of all, my name is Roger, not Mr. Clarke. We have to be comfortable with each other and I'm not comfortable being called Mr. Clarke."

"All right, Roger."

"Stand up, Lexi," I ordered. She pushed the table away from her and stood slowly. "Now go over to stand by the television." She walked over and turned to face me. "Are you sure about this now, Lexi?" She shrugged her shoulders but finally muttered a hesitant yes. "Remove your clothing, Lexi," I ordered.

"What?" she asked, amazed at the order.

"Remove your clothing," I repeated. "All of it, and place it on the chair next to you."

"I didn't realize..." she began.

"I know that, Lexi, but listen to what I'm saying. I'm going to repeat it one more time. You must be able to trust me completely and do exactly what I tell you to. If you choose not to do it, you may leave and I will still pay your electric bill. I will not touch you tonight and I will not come over to where you are. I just want you to remove all of your clothing right now."

Her hands were shaking as she slowly began to strip and I slowly began to get hard. When she got down to her bra and panties, I had her stop and stand with her legs slightly spread and her arms away from her sides.

"Turn slowly for me, Lexi," I requested. If I got much harder than I was right now I'd have to have it treated in the emergency room. She turned slowly and I was absorbed in the study of her young body, with small, but very firm breasts, and an ass that was rock solid and high, with the most beautiful swell to it.

"Now the bra and panties," I ordered. I could see the stress in her movements but this was a necessary step if I were to achieve my goals. Now she stood there, completely naked and absolutely beautiful. I knew that I had to possess that body at some point but it would take time and patience or I'd lose the chance.

"Turn your back to me, Lexi," I ordered. When she had done so, I gave her an order that I knew would test her willingness to cooperate. "Bend over, please."

"Oh god, this is so embarrassing," she mumbled, but she did as ordered.

"Now reach back and grasp both cheeks of your ass and spread them apart, please."

"Oh my god," she said, loud enough to be heard plainly, but she did as I said and I got a good look at her very young pussy, pink and inviting, and the puckered button of anus, just as pink and beautiful as could be. It was all I could do to keep from throwing her to the floor and taking her right then.

"You may dress now, Lexi," I said, unwillingly, and not without a great deal of regret. When she was dressed, I had her sit down again. "That is the type of thing you must be prepared to accept, Lexi. I didn't touch you, and I didn't threaten you. I never lie, and I never do anything without your knowledge. I will not physically damage or emotionally abuse you at any time. Now, I want you to take your money, pay your bill and take some time to think about this. I can help you, just as I helped Lynn, but you absolutely MUST give me your complete trust."

"I can't cheat on Chad," she replied.

"That is a subject for discussion later," I said. "I want you to call me the next time you need some money if you want to proceed but be sure, Lexi, be very sure. I am prepared to slowly guide you through some financial steps to guarantee you a better, happier life but not without benefit to both of us. I will tell you this, right now. You have to decide what roll, if any, Chad will play in your life when you no longer need his financial help."

I went over and lifted her to her feet. "Thank you for trusting me, Lexi. I will never abuse your trust. Now go home and get some rest. Don't worry about anything and don't think about our possible relationship, if it should come to pass. Right now, you have to get some sleep and eat better. You need to think about yourself more and stop letting the problems get to you. There is help for you...more than you could possibly know." I hugged her tightly, the warmth of her breasts pressing into my chest. I know for a fact that she felt the hardness in my slacks but she didn't give any indication that she had.

When she was gone, I turned off all the lights, stripped naked, and lay back on the couch to get relief from the pressures of desires gone wild, then fell asleep right there with my cock in my hand..

I didn't hear from her for almost three weeks but I knew it was inevitable, I just had to be patient. When she finally did call, I could tell she had been crying by the soft hiccups that she couldn't stop. She was being hurt and hurt bad and she had no where else to turn. I had the edge, but I knew from past experiences that I'd need to go slow... very slow to accomplish my goals for this woman.

"Take your time," I advised, as she tried to talk and cry at the same time. "Tell me what happened."

"He spent the money for my car payment and they just repossessed my car. Oh god, how am I going to get to work now?"

"How could he do that?"

"I left it in my purse, in an envelope, while I went to take a shower. While I was gone, he took it and left."

"Who repossessed the car?" I asked.

"The finance company, Radway Auto Sales uses."

"Are you at home?" I asked.

"Yes," she sobbed, "I have no way to get anywhere else."

"What is the nearest intersection to your home?" I asked.

"Wood and Galvin," she replied.

"I'll be there in about twenty minutes," I replied. "I'll pick you up on the corner and we'll go to this place and see what I can do."

Twenty minutes later, I saw her standing on the corner in white shorts that showed off her long legs wonderfully, and a halter top that enhanced rather than conceal. When she got in the car, she leaned in and I got a good look at those breasts I remembered all too well. She told me where the dealer was and when we got there, she pointed out her car in the back of the lot. It was a beat up old Chrysler New Yorker that had seen its better days a long time ago.

I went in and introduced myself to the owner and asked for the name of his attorney. His head shot up and he immediately became much more cooperative. I asked him how much she owed and he said she owed six hundred sixty five dollars and two hundred twenty five was past due. I peeled off a hundred dollars and handed it to him.

"You're price is ridiculously high but that's fine because we don't want the car anyway. I do, however, want a paid in full receipt and you can keep your car. Just be sure her credit reflects payment in advance of the due date."

"Yeah, I know what you're saying, but..."

"But nothing. You give us what we want and you keep your junk to sell to some other sucker, or you can talk to my legal department. Your choice, but you'd better make it now because my next call will be to an editorial friend of mine that loves to expose frauds like you. The publicity should help you see your way clear to make this right.

He couldn't take care of the paperwork fast enough but as we walked out to clean out her car, she could only wonder how that helped her.

"It clears your credit record of bad payment history, it gets rid of a piece of junk that was going to cost you more in maintenance than the cost of the car, and it allows us to go elsewhere for a better deal."

It didn't take long to find her a four year old Ford Taurus with very low mileage. Some no-nonsense negotiation got her a great deal and in short order, we were on our way to my insurance agent, then the bureau of motor vehicles to get it titled. It all happened so fast she was in a spin.

"Good God Roger," she finally complained, "How do you expect me to pay you back for all this?"

"We'll discuss that Friday night. Be there by six and I'll have dinner ready. What will you tell Chad?"

"Chad will be at the bar and too drunk to care by that time." she replied.

She drove off, a happy woman, and I drove off, a very satisfied man with an erection that was growing by the second.

Friday night, I had steaks on the grill along with some grilled vegetables and a salad. We ate on the patio without discussing the cost she was to pay until everything was cleaned up and taken care of.

I motioned for her to come stand close to me, which she slowly did. "You have the choice whether to proceed or not," I stated. Should you choose not to, the cost of the car and the insurance and plates will be made into a contract which you will have to pay off at the same payments you were making to the bad guys. It will take a long time but you'll be able to make them. Our arrangement will end right now and we will part as friends. It is time for you to make a commitment one way or the other."

She tilted her head back and took a deep breath. "You know the answer Roger."

"I need to hear you say it, Lexi," I persisted. "Do you place yourself in my hands? Do you agree to trust me in everything I say or do?"

"Yes," she stammered.

"Your body is now mine, Lexi. Do you agree to that?"

"Oh god," she blubbered as tears slipped down her cheeks. "Yes," she said, "I agree to be your prostitute."

"NO!" I yelled. "You are not now nor will you ever be a prostitute to me or anyone else...EVER!"

She jumped back in fear at my anger.

"You are free to walk out this door at any time, Lexi, and you financial liability will be as we discussed. I do NOT own you and I am not paying you for sex. I do ask for sexual control of your body with your permission as a way of rewarding me for my investment and the investments to come. Do you understand? I will at all times respect you and your body and never, ever, refer to you in a demeaning way."

"I'm sorry," she sobbed.

I took her in my arms and held her until she stopped crying. "Listen to me, Lexi. I want you to get something to drink and sit down. We'll talk more then."

She got a drink and sat down across from me. "Lexi, I know this is difficult for you and I apologize for losing my temper. It is important to me that you know that you are never to prostitute yourself to me or anyone else. You owe me a lot of money, that is true. I will help you by lending you that money, interest free, at the same payment you were making. That's the whole deal.

Now, I am a very sexual person and while it's true that I could pay a woman for sex whenever I want it, that is not what I want. I don't want a pro. I want real, genuine women who I can convince to allow me my whims and wishes. The women I desire do not desire a man of my age except as a source of support. I will not support another person, no matter how sexy they are. So, I express my gratitude the only way I know how to the women that make my dreams and fantasies real. In addition, as a way to show you what life can be for you, I will help you start a new life. If, at any time, you feel I've gone too far, or the demands are too great, you call it quits."

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