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Financial Seduction Ch. 03

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Lexi is forced to chart a new future.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/25/2006
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If you haven't read the first two parts, this won't make much sense to you. Thank you to the wonderful readers who have given me the incentive to write. I hope you enjoy this piece.

Lexi's Future Begins

When Lexi awakened after sleeping for several hours, I told her it was far too late for her to return to her home. I expected vehement objections but she surrendered only because, as she said, if she returned home at that hour, she would have to face a drunken Chad and it just wasn't worth it.

I poured some wine and told her to sit across from me. I reached out and took her hands in mine, hoping that she would look up me, which she did.

"Lexi, it's time we took steps to remove Chad from your life. He has become a financial liability I choose not to assume, and a physical and emotional drain on your life that you simply can't accept. He is like an anchor around your ankles, holding you to the bottom of life's ladder. He has to go.

"What do you want from me, Roger? Am I to just order him out of the house with nowhere to go and no clear way to survive?"

"That is exactly what you are to do, Lexi. I'm not going to discuss it with you further. Just take care of it. Get it done and get it done quickly. We will make plans for the rest of your life once he is gone."

"I'll try."

"No, Lexi, you will not try. You will do as I tell you if you want my continued assistance in rebuilding your life."

"The lease on the house is in his name."

"Fine. Let him keep the house, but you will no longer be paying rent or the utilities. You legally own half of the furniture, but you won't need much to leave him. You will tell him, however, that you are taking all of the furniture and accessories. He can live at the bar, since that seems to be where he chooses to stay anyway."

"Roger, I..."

"Enough, Lexi...Enough. You do not want to upset me any more tonight. You may sleep with me tonight or you may use the guest room across the hall. In either case, I will not force myself on you any more at this time."

"I'll stay with you, but I'm not sleepy now. I've already slept for hours"

"You will find milk and an assortment of snacks in the kitchen. You will find that my library is extensive, should you choose to read for a time. If you choose to watch television, keep the sound low, for I will be asleep before you return. The lights are all on automatic so they will come on when you enter a room and off when you leave. You will find some clothing in the closet to the left of the bed that I took the liberty of purchasing for you. I believe you will find my tastes to your satisfaction. I will wake you when breakfast is ready in the morning. Good night Lexi. Do not wake me when you return to bed."

"Good night, Roger."

As I lay in bed, I envisioned the time when she would be totally mine, as Lynn already was. I don't control Lynn, and I never have, but I don't have to. Should I require her for anything, she would be there, including extremely passionate sex.

She came to breakfast in the morning, freshly bathed and ready for work. Even in the relatively bland attire she chooses to wear to work in, my desire for her was almost overwhelming. She sat eating her eggs Benedict without enthusiasm or comment, answering my questions tersely.

"I am not without patience, Lexi, but do not try what I have. Make your decisions and do what you must do. You cannot move on as long as he is dragging you backword. Whatever happens, we will do what must be done. My only concern is your future. Chad has no future other than what lies at the bottom of a bottle of beer. There is no room for you in his life and no room for him in yours. I must leave now, but I will be in touch. Enjoy your day."

I kissed her tenderly, but firmly, a kiss that was not returned with any feeling whatsoever. Her mind was too busy elsewhere and I had given her challenges I was not at all sure she was capable of handling at this stage in her life. In either case, I was prepared to do what had to be done.

Wednesday night, I called to see what she had accomplished. She told me that Chad had not been home other than to sleep on the couch Monday night, too drunk to converse with.

"So you have accomplished nothing then?" I asked.

"I've written him two letters. He took them, but I don't know if he read them or not. I told him he has to be out by this weekend or he'll be on his own."

"An admirable attempt, Lexi, but you and I both know he has no intentions of changing anything at all. Be at my house immediately after work. I will explain things to you in a way I'm sure you will understand. Oh, and Lexi, that is not a suggestion. You will be there, no later than five."

I gave her no opportunity to reply, and I turned my phone off immediately after ending the call.

She was there, promptly at five, as expected. The note on the door repeated the instructions from our last session, only this time, she would be walking, completely naked, around the house, through the yard and over the bridge in bright sunlight. There was no evening sky to shield her any more.

When she got to the building I delightfully call my rec room, she rang the bell over and over, but I made her stand there at least fifteen minutes, stark naked, before I unlocked the door.

"Come with me, Lexi," I ordered. I led her into the middle of the main room, which has a huge open area, with no furniture within ten or twelve feet in either direction. I had already placed what I needed on wheeled cart which was covered with a sheet.

"Put your hands behind your back, Lexi."

"Roger, I..."

That was all she managed to say before I roughly took her hands and forced them behind her back, where I secured them with padded cuffs, which were in turn, secured to a belt that I placed around her waist.

"Must I gag you?" I asked. She shook her head, but her eyes were full of fear and trepidation.

"Lie down, Lexi."

She responded quickly, lying on her stomach on the carpeted floor. I secured her feet to a long spreader bar, forcing her legs open almost to the a point beyond her ability to tolerate it. I then forced her feet up and over her back, lifting her knees off the floor, and then securing the whole thing to the belt around her waist. Now, she was trussed up, face down, with only the part of her body from the shoulders to her hips on the floor. I bent down, lifted her head by her hair and kissed her before I secured a ball gag in her mouth.

"Lexi, you continue to refuse to do what I say and all the time you hesitate, you are enabling him to further humiliate you. Now, you find yourself in a very uncomfortable position don't you?"

She looked at me and nodded.

"Since you seem to enjoy humiliation, you should be thrilled to learn that everything I've done to you and everything that happens now, is being videotaped for use later on my website. The viewers will love watching you, I assure you." She tried to speak but couldn't.

"the point of this humiliation, discomfort, and I'm sure a little bit of pain, is to teach you, my darling that you have to learn to stand on your own two feet. To that end, I leave you now, Lexi. I leave you to give you the freedom to find your way to free yourself and stand on your own two feet..

She fought wildly to scream without success and I shook my head.

"It is possible for you to free yourself, Lexi. None of the cuffs require a key to open them. It's a simple catch that holds you in a prison of your own making. It is for you to use your intelligence to find a way out of your dilemma. When you are completely free, standing on your own two feet, you can use the phone on the bar to call the number I've left for you. When I get that call, I will return. Don't worry about staining the carpet with your urine or feces. It is well protected from stains no matter what the source. You will simply have to wallow in your own wastes. It is important that you do not panic You will never free yourself unless you can evaluate your position, consider the options and make intelligent choices. Take your time. I will be quite busy while you free yourself but I will be waiting for your call."

She was hysterical when I left her there, but I was sure that she would soon settle down and discover the steps to get free. The cameras above her would clearly show me her mental and physical condition and the pace of her progress.

I'm not a hard nosed, uncaring man and I have to admit that the struggles she went through, the sobs that wracked her body, and the tears that poured down her face, were very hard on me, but until she learned to think for herself, Chad would win no matter what I did. In the end, he was doomed to failure, but he could make it much more difficult unless I was able to convince him that his future had nothing to do with Lexi.

I kept a careful eye and ear on her while I made the necessary phone calls, I was just beginning to worry about her mental health, when I saw that she almost had one of the catches open on the belt, which would allow her locate and release the other latches.

When it became obvious that she would soon be free, I prepared a tray of food and wine, which I would take to her when she called. She was pacing the floor, fire in her eyes, when I returned after watching her struggle for more than two hours.


I let her rant and rave for a few seconds, then told her to relax.

"FUCK YOU! That's it, Roger, you've gone too fucking far this time. I'm done...FINISHED!"

"Sit down, Lexi," I ordered. Of course, she didn't but I didn't expect her to. "Sit down now, Lexi."

"FUCK YOU TWICE!" Get your god-damned contract ready so I can sign it and get the fuck away from you."

"Sit down now, Lexi, and I mean right now.!"

When she continued screaming hysterically, I slapped her hard, right across the right side of her face. She reeled back, but tried to take a swing at me so I slapped her even harder on the left side of her face.

She came at me swinging so this time I slapped both breasts hard and when she dropped her hands to protect her breasts, I grabbed her hair and forced her into a chair. Without letting go of her hair, I held her down , staying out of the range of her flailing hands and arms.

"Stop it right now, Lexi, or I will restrain you for so long you'll forget where you are."

She stopped screaming, but I remained out of reach until she finally stopped fighting me.

"That's better. I brought you some food and wine. When you have settled down, we will talk...calmly and logically."

After about an hour of sullen silence, I led her to a bar stool and pulled one up opposite of her.

"Chad is no longer a part of your life," I announced.

"What? What are you saying Roger?"

"Chad is gone from your life, Lexi. Now, it's time for you to move on, to set your path and establish your goals.

"What have you done, Roger?. If you hurt him..."

:I assure you, he is alive and well, and sobering up. He has been convinced that his future depends on releasing you from the marriage, and leaving you alone to start a new life. The people that discussed this with him are very persuasive, I assure you, but they are non-violet unless it becomes necessary to protect themselves or Chad from serious harm. You will remain here until Sunday afternoon, at which time you can return home, with some of my staff to assist you in cleaning up your home. During that time, we well lay out your life paths, set realistic goals and plans regarding your residence, your employment, and other facets of your future.

"I wish him well," she said. "I don't hate him but I don't love him or like him any more."

"I wish him well also," I said, "but his future is very cloudy if he doesn't follow the advice of the people that spoke to him. There is a lot of help available for Chad but there is no help unless he is ready to see where he is headed and asks for it."

Your job now is to focus on yourself. Your life is about to go through some major changes and you must be prepared to accept and trust what must be. Do you understand?"

She mumbled a response which I could just barely hear. "I can't hear you Lexi. Loud and clear, do you understand?"

"Yes, damn you," she yelled

I went to her and took her in my arms, kissing her hair as I held her. "Come Lexi, let's go."

"Where, Roger? Is it time for more of your games? I'm tired, Roger. You've helped me a lot and I appreciate it, but I'm tired, and I hurt."

"Trust, Lexi. Always remember that trust comes first."

I led her into my master bath and sat her on the vanity chair while I ran hot water in the tub and added lotions and oils. I then stripped off my clothes and lifted her to her feet, steadying her as she eased into the oversized, extra deep tub. She slid down to rest her head on the cushioned area at the foot, with her eyes closed.

I lit the candles on the vanity, dimmed the lights and crawled in behind her, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Just relax, Lexi, and let me show you another side of me that the people I trust know. Let me show you how I can be when you do as I say without hesitation or denial."

With a small, round bath sponge in my hands, I began to bathe her, tenderly, slowly and sensuously. She tensed slightly when I went between her legs, but when I tenderly and lovingly bathed her there, she relaxed. I put the sponges aside and began caressing her whole body. When I once again reached between her legs, she opened them to my fingers as I opened her up, found her clit, and began slowly stroking her there. Her arms went around me head as her back arched for her first orgasm, and again for her second. When I pushed my hand under her, she lifted her hips, allowing my fingers to explore her and moaning in pleasure as my fingers penetrated her there.

I made love to her for three hours without taking anything for myself, but I was rewarded by being brought to climax two times before she lifted herself and took me in her hand to guide my cock into her in our first mating. Chad was truly out of her life now.

She went to work the next morning, but returned after going to her home to pick up some of her things. There was no sign of Chad or his belongings.

That night, after dinner, she went upstairs while I tended to a business matter in my office. Two hours later, she joined me in the library for drinks wearing a very short burgundy gown I'd bought her. She came to me and opened the gown to show me that she was wearing nothing under it. The sweet fragrance of freshly scrubbed female wafted over me and I reacted predictably. I placed her on the thick rug in front of the fireplace and lowered myself between her legs to feast on her through innumerable orgasms. She arose and took my hand. I was confused at first, but then she led me to the oversized leather sofa, where she dropped her gown and laid herself over the arm of the sofa. Lying on the back of the sofa was my favorite crop. She couldn't have said nor done anything that expressed her trust any more. I took my time building a nice rosy tone on her ass cheeks and a much lighter glow on her legs and thighs and then I took her to my bed and worshipped her body the rest of the night.

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