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First Halloween

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I spice up 1st Halloween party. My bf gets me a costume.
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It was autumn in Oceanview, and Halloween was coming. I knew about Halloween from when my family stayed in Hawaii for a year or two. Kids are supposed to dress up in costumes, and go door to door trick or treating. In small towns in Japan like where we lived, people didn't usually celebrate Halloween in that way, but in big city Tokyo in the Roppongi district, I'd sometimes see people dressed up. After I moved to Oceanview in southern California to go to university, I'd see the decorations in stores, and sometimes people dressed up as witches and vampires and such. I thought it looked cool, but I don't think I did anything for Halloween the first year or two I lived here.

In Oceanview U. on campus, there were posters up all over the place for Halloween parties. My boyfriend Ryosuke suggested we go check some out. Ryosuke is a handsome guy, tanned, tallish, funny. He frosts the tips of his hair, wears sunglasses, has a big friendly smile. He isn't a big dancer, but he was curious I guess to see what kinds of costumes people would wear. He likes meeting new people and kicking back and having a good time. I was curious too. I don't think I'd ever been to a real Halloween party before.

Our university's Japanese Student Union was co-hosting a Halloween party at Leo's, a bar downtown. The poster said they were giving out prizes for the scariest and the sexiest costume. Ryosuke kept joking that I should go for the sexiest costume, but at that point, I wasn't really thinking about entering. I have to say that when I'm fully dressed, I'm not really one of those girls who stands out, who everyone turns to look at when they walk in. I'm more of a girl next door type, bashful, shy, a bit skittish in new situations. I have canines, a flat nose, a clear complexion, shiny long black hair which I tie back or do up in a ponytail or a bun. Some people say I'm cute. Ryosuke says it was the way my eyes twinkle when I'm happy that first got his attention. I kind of like being able to blend in, to fade into the background, and only catch a guy's eye when I want to. I end up getting more of a reaction that way when I do want to turn some heads.

I did ask my friends what they were planning to wear. My best friend Satomi was going as a witch. Satomi has an even milkier complexion than mine, more white than pink. She loves to do this surprised look—"ohmigod!"—even when she is not really surprised.

Ryosuke's cousin, Asuna had bought a pair of devil's horns to put on her head. Asuna looks a bit like an elven princess with these big sparkly eyes, straight black hair. Her ears aren't pointy, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were. She's got a cute little button nose too.

Yuko, a sexy teaching assistant who had once worked as a cosplay model, was going all out. She's tall with long flowing hair, and fairly heavy make-up, more of a tart than an ingenue. She showed me a picture of her costume, this really cute pirate wench look. It was a shoulder-less mini-dress with a frilly white collar and a light blue sash wrapped around her waist. It looked cool.

I started shopping around for a costume of my own. Downtown, I found this retro shop which sells things like black lights and glow-in-the-dark wall hangings. In the back, they had kung fu suits, pajamas and Asian attire. The clerk, a Chinese American man in his twenties, came back to see if I had any questions. What caught my eye most was this beautiful red Chinese mini-dress, a qipao I guess it's called. The embroidery was gorgeous with pussy willows floating on a pond. The red material shone like silk, and it had a slit running up up each hip! It looked like something a dragon lady would wear in one of those old time movies—sexy, exotic, dangerous.

I tried it on in the change booth, and checked myself in the mirror. It looked good, long enough at the front, but the hem was so short you could see my panties at the back, the curve where my butt cheeks swerve out. I showed my outfit to the clerk, and he just said I looked great. I checked some of the other dresses they had, but I ended up buying the qipao anyway. I could wear a coat over it, and bring something else to change into if it didn't work out.

Ryosuke was in a funny mood the night of the party. I thought maybe he would perk up once he saw my dress. He did look mildly pleased when I took off my coat, but there were a whole bunch of other girls there in sexy outfits. My friend Yuuki was dressed up as a nurse in a uniform that showed off her bare shoulders. She's a cute girl too, but her dyed blonde hair and spray-on tan is probably something I wouldn't do. I like a more natural look. This other girl was dressed as a cheerleader and another as a burlesque stripper with a garter on her thigh. One of the cutest girls was dressed in a frilly white shoulder-less blouse with a Swiss Alps apron dress over top and a kerchief in her hair.

Tired of watching Ryosuke ogle these other girls, I went off to the washroom to see if I could spice up my own outfit somehow. I checked myself out in the mirror. I looked sexy I think, my breasts pushing hard on the top part. The qipao hugged the curve of my hips further down with some thigh showing at the slits. I turned around, and checked out my backside in the mirror.

Maybe my panties are the problem. They were cute enough, a thick white stretch cotton with a bow at the front, but they had these seams at the back between my legs. I wouldn't normally consider this, but what with all the girls dressed up so sexy, I began to wonder if maybe I could get away with taking off my panties for a bit. I know Ryosuke likes it when I do this. It does feel pretty naughty even if people can't see. I'd have to figure out a way of showing Ryosuke my bare bottom without tipping other people off. I practiced in the mirror a bit, straightening my back to either hide or show off my derriere. Once I thought I had it down, I slid off my panties, and hid them away in my purse. It felt kind of invigorating to be free of them.

I took another peek in the mirror. I had no tan lines at the time. My bottom was all pink, fit, compact, appealing to people who like that kind of thing.

When I came back out, the cool air nipped at my pussy getting me all excited. My whole body started tingling. The feeling was really starting to get my juices flowing.

I felt anxious though with so many people buzzing around. I inched forward, finally getting up enough nerve to come out all the way to the pool table, trying to catch Ryosuke's eye. He was stuck talking with some guy. I kind of wanted to turn around, and show him what a naughty girl I was being, get him interested, but the problem was there were all these other horny guys around me, already staring at my bare thighs. I was glad they liked my outfit, but I hadn't really planned on showing them my delicate hiney.

This one guy Margas came up to me. I didn't know him so well, but I'd seen him around. He's fairly clean cut and well dressed and everything, but he also seems to be quite the ladies man, hitting on practically every girl in the place. I think he is Afghani or something, but very Americanized.

"Hey, Emi, nice costume!" he yelled over the music.

"Thanks," I nodded. I was vaguely hoping that Ryosuke would get jealous seeing Margas hit on me, but in my vulnerable state with my dress kind of billowing up, I shouldn't get too involved. I eventually ran away to the table where Satomi and Asuna were standing. I couldn't really sit down without flashing my pussy, so I stood there, trying to calm my frazzled nerves. It was so hard though to be a good girl with my hello kitty tingling away. I don't know what it was, but I was really starting to get embarrassed and horny. I was probably blushing something fierce.

Satomi gave me a strange look. Margas was still eyeing me, but I don't think he'd realized I was pantiless. He seemed pretty drunk. He came over, and tried to hit on me some more, but I didn't respond, so eventually, he headed off to hit on some other girl.

Once Margas left, I slid around to the back of the girl's table against the wall. I was trying to find a place where Ryosuke would be able to see me, but Margas or whoever wouldn't. I maneuvered back and forth, looking for a break in the crowd, trying to find exactly the right angle. It was hard to tell for sure, but when I thought I'd found it, I started to experiment, test the waters. I'd lean forward just a bit, pulling up my dress, till people could probably see my bare butt cheeks. It was so exciting!

It looked like Ryosuke might come over, but he was still talking to that guy. Whenever he looked over this way, I'd try to time it right, and give him a little peek at my bare derriere. I was kind of worried other people would notice first. Satomi nudged me to sit down. I don't think she'd realized I was commando, but anyway, she's always razzing me about something or other.

There weren't any chairs, but I awkwardly climbed up onto this high black leather bar stool. The leather felt so weird on my bare butt cheeks. I balanced somewhat precariously, as I tried to fix my dress, to keep my pussy from showing. Ryosuke was just over there, but still wasn't coming over.

I was beginning to feel a bit frustrated. Here I'd gone to all this trouble, taking a terrible chance, wandering around the bar free muff in this too short dress with god knows who all watching. I glanced around. There was this one cute guy sitting at the bar over in Ryosuke's direction. He was a bit rough around the edges, unshaven with a beat up leather jacket, but he was kind of attractive in an outdoorsy way. I guess I kind of smiled. He saw that I was looking at him, and he seemed surprised, pleased even. He didn't make eye contact, but he did start smiling too, noticing I'd been checking him out.

I didn't dare go over, and talk to him, but encouraged at having caught his attention, I began to take more risks. Resting my heels on the rungs of my bar stool, I kind of stood up, and reached out to get some nuts, pulling my dress up, letting him see my bare bottom. I tried to make this seem as innocent as possible, not looking directly at him, just glancing over out of the corner of my eye, but in my giddiness, I may have overdone it. I ended up leaning so far forward that I could feel the hem of my dress float up almost to the level of my slender waist. I glanced back at him over my shoulder, and indeed, he looked pretty shocked, amazed to see my cute little behind perched up in the air in all its glory.

I placed one hand on the table to steady myself, but actually, I didn't know what I should do. It was risky standing here bent over, ass in the air with so many people around. My admirer didn't seem to mind though. He looked delighted actually. Ryosuke was still busy. Satomi had turned her attention to Asuna who was jabbering away about some guy. Margas did glance over this way, but I don't think he could see my tush from this angle. I sat back down, but my heart was still beating away, all aflutter at the horrible chance I'd just taken.

Mr. Nice Guy was rubbing his neck, the sexual tension getting to him, but he kept glancing over at me now evidently anxious to see more. Feeling a bit vulnerable perched up on this stool, I slid down to the floor, and came around to the front side of the table, keeping my back to him, but standing right here where he (and Ryosuke) could see me. I made a big show of pulling the hem of my dress down to cover up my bottom, but I'm sure the guy could guess what I was planning. I'd keep an eye out for when the coast was clear, and then casually raise my arms, pulling up my dress, giving this guy a peek at my booty. I wasn't sure how much he could see, but it felt like the hem had gotten pulled up pretty high. He raised his eyebrows, surprised at my cheek. This was fun and all teasing him, but the person I really wanted to notice was Ryosuke.

Starting to lose patience, I peered around checking all the other girls in their costumes. Yuuki's shoulders looked gorgeous in her nurse uniform. Yuko's ample breasts were almost spilling out of her pirate wench costume. Really when you think about it, my costume isn't all that extreme, is it? All the girls are dressed pretty sexy tonight, and everyone seemed fine with that. Halloween is that kind of night.

With all these thoughts running through my head, I raised my arms again, even higher this time, just kind of enjoying the feeling of the air on my exposed derriere. Someone had just come in, so there was quite the breeze blowing, but I was just kind of focused on the sensations nibbling away at my pleasure zone, getting me all heated up. I peered back at Mr. Nice Guy, and he seemed even more worked up now, really enjoying getting a peek at my behind.

Ryosuke did finally clue in. I guess I must have looked quite the sight standing here with my ass stuck out, getting my jollies. Some guy at a table was pointing me out to his friend. Ryosuke, worried, gestured for me to cover up, but at first I just stood there, blinking coyly, pretended like I didn't know my bottom was showing.

"Who me?" I mouthed pointing at my nose. I knew full well they could see my backside, but I was so excited by then. I reached up, stretching my arms even higher. The guys from the front door were coming closer, and Ryosuke was having a fit, but I was kind of enjoying teasing him after all he'd put me through. However, even Mr. Nice Guy was warning me now that these guys who'd just came in were trouble. I waited as long as I dared, and then as these guys approached, I lowered my arms, and covered back up. I fixed my hem as they walked up to our table.

"Hey, Missy. Cute get up! What is this? Some kind of party?" this big guy with a handle bar mustache said to me. I just looked up at him, eyes wide, but Ryosuke finally came over to rescue me.

"Yeah, Halloween," he told them.

"Wowee! Some fine looking frails here," he said, probably meaning me. I smiled, but Ryosuke motioned that I should go get back dressed, and cleared a path. I bowed my apologies, and then did as he requested, scooting away to safety. More aware now that my hiney was showing, I tried to push the hem down as best I could as I made my way through the crowd. Lots of guys kind of turned to look. I made it to the washrooms, but someone was in the ladies' one. Margas wandered over again. He seemed tense, scrunching up his face, evidently trying to figure something out.

"What are you wearing?" he asked point-blank.

"Qipao," I answered not really explaining. He kept staring at me as if he'd guessed my secret, but the girl finally came out, and I made it inside the washroom before anything else happened. In a rush to get out of here, I washed up my nether regions, and pulled on my panties and coat. I apologized to Satomi and Asuna, and then got Ryosuke to take me home. He looked a bit exasperated, but eventually, I got him laughing. It was pretty funny!

Then, that Friday, Ryosuke and I headed up to Los Angeles for Kenta's Halloween party. Kenta was an old friend of Ryosuke's who'd already graduated, and moved to L.A. He looks like a normal guy, short scruffy hair, blank eyes, but he sometimes has this expression like he has a secret he is not telling you. He is kind of high strung, but seems to be doing well for himself. He had been kind to us, letting us stay at his condo. He was best friends with Futoshi, another Oceanview grad, a dancer who used to take us out places. Futoshi looks more rugged, more friendly I guess. It would be good to see them again. We used to be pretty close.

For the trip there, I just wore blue jeans and a blue button up halter, nothing special. At first, I thought I'd need a new costume, but Ryosuke told me that he had one for me. He wouldn't tell me what it was though. I was glad he'd got me one, but truth to tell, I was a bit worried about what it might be. He did have this sly grin on his face, so I knew it must be something strange.

Kenta took us out for a late lunch, but for some reason, Masayo and Mieko showed up, these two Japanese girls who used to go to Oceanview University with us. They are more boxy, broad shoulders, I'm tempted to say mannish, but I guess they are not that bad. They must have moved to L.A. around the same time as Kenta and Futoshi. Ryosuke knew Masayo and Mieko too, and they all started talking about old times, making all these in-jokes which I didn't understand.

Luckily, after lunch, Masayo and Mieko had other plans, so it was just Ryosuke and I who came back to Kenta's. In Kenta's condo, he knocked on one of the neighbor's doors. This guy named Warren answered, a Chinese American friend of Kenta's. He is very slender, pale, but smart I guess.

Warren invited us in, and his mom made us some tea. She seemed quite excited to see me for some reason. It seems that even though Warren had landed a good job in a local computer startup, he was terribly shy, and not too many girls came to visit. His mom was hoping I guess that I might be a special friend of his. I felt a bit awkward, but I guess I could see how she might misunderstand. Once we got Warren talking, he turned out to be a pretty nice guy. He knew a lot about movies, and recommended a few good ones that were out.

Around supper time, we headed back to Kenta's apartment, had supper, and then started getting ready. Kenta dressed up as an F1 race car driver in this bright orange jumpsuit carrying a racing helmet. I had to help Ryosuke put on his costume. He dressed up as Ryoma Sakamoto, one of the heroes of the Meiji Restoration. He brought the clothes with him—hakama (samurai pants), haori (coat) and a sword—but he needed my help to do his hair up in chonmage style (like sumo wrestlers wear). Once we were finished, he stood up, and showed us. He looked good, almost like the real Sakamoto. I thought it was so funny.

"So are you going to tell me what I get to go as?" I asked.

"I was thinking you could go as Eve."


"You know. Like in the bible: Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden." He opened his bag, and pulled out a bunch of props: an apple, a rubber snake, a fig leaf and a long wig for my head.

"But where's my costume?" I asked not quite understanding what he was suggesting.

"This is it," he said, pointing to the props.

"No, but I mean what do I wear for clothes?"

"Oh, yeah. I forgot." He pulled out a bottle that said 'spirit gum' on the label.

"What's that?" I asked.

"For getting the fig leaf to stay on."

Kenta broke out into a big smile.

"Oh, that's classic. You have to do it, Emi. You have to."

"What? What do you mean? You want me to go naked?"

"No, not naked. You use the fig leaf to cover your pubes. And you let the hair on your wig hang down to cover your tits. Here take off your clothes, and I'll show you."

This made no sense. Kenta was standing right here for heaven's sake.

"What about my... um..." I was so embarrassed I could barely finish. "What about my backside?"

"You've seen Eve, haven't you? She just went bare-assed. Here I've got a picture." He pulled one out of his bag. In the picture, she looked decent enough, but that was because it was some 17th century European painting.

"Oh come on, guys. You're not serious. Kenta will get a nosebleed again."

Kenta has seen me naked a few times, like the night we played strip poker. He does tend to get overexcited.

"Don't mind me," Kenta said. "I think it's a great idea. If anyone can pull it off, you can, Emi."

I didn't know what to say. Ryosuke kept insisting I try it. I've done some crazy things before, but this seemed way over the top. I couldn't just wander around naked in front of Masayo, Mieko and Kenta's other friends. Soon, we heard the doorbell ring, and Kenta went out to hand out the treats he had bought.

"What else could I go as? Maybe I could make a toga with Kenta's sheets."


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