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First Time Fears Overcome


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But the table had another function. One end of it could be lowered down at an angle to the floor, an anglel which could be adjusted to suit the user, and it had a central slit in it. Thus, the table could also be used for heavy duty fucking in the rear entry position. The fuckee bent over the table and allowed his cock and balls to pass through the slit. In this way, he could prostrate himself completely for his partner without getting his crown jewels battered to bits by his partner's pounding. The fucker could then pound his partner's arse with impunity. It was a means of having the hardest back entry fuck, with the maximum comfort for both participants.

It was into this 'games room' that the three young studs Serge, Sven and Liam entered to prepare themselves for Chris's surprise. A few minutes later, Serge shouted out to Chris that he should come in and enjoy the climax of his birthday party, which was to be what?

Well the three young guys were each flat on their backs with their feet on the edge of the table, and their legs spread to give perfect access to their anuses. So when Chris entered the room, he was confronted with three beautiful butts, just waiting to be fucked. And, he, of course, was to be the proud performer in this little theatrical piece, which Serge had conceived of as a grand finale to round of Chris's birthday.

"Get to it, Chris." cried Serge. "It's all for you; fuck all three butts sequentially, with a very happy birthday wish from all of us."

Chris surveyed the scene with some surprise and said "Well guys, I guess you have you have arranged a mini-fuckathon especially for me, but I have to tell you that I am not going to go along with it, at least not the way you have it set up at the moment. You see, I want you all to share in my birthday, so if we do this little act, it's going to be together. We're all going to fuck each other and we are all going to be fucked by all three others."

"So, here's the deal. I'll happily shaft each of you in turn so that you all get a taste of my birthday cock, which has been specially prepared by Serge and believe me, is really something special. Then I will lie down and Liam will get up and fuck the three of us. Then he will lie down again and Sven will fuck all three of us and then he will retake is place as a supplicant and Serge will end the whole scene by fucking all three of us as a finale. I want Serge to perform last, because, he like me has been preparing his cock for my birthday for ten days now and believe me, the difference is just going to blow you two young studs away. You'll never have experienced anything like it. So, we'll each have fucked three times and been fucked three times. Is it a deal?"

"How can we refuse." laughed Sven with a glance at Liam who nodded his approval. This was getting better and better by the minute.

So, Chris began his 'sequential' fuck and in spite of his earlier exertions with Serge alone, manage without any difficulty to give each stud a really great pounding, with each supplicant reaching orgasm simultaneously with Chris, who exploded his wad each time into his friends. So each of the three guys received a dose of Chris's super thick birthday cum up his arse. They were all, Serge included, in seventh heaven.

And on it went until the whole sequence was finished. Both Sven and Liam it must be said were really professional copulators, and Chris and Serge really enjoyed giving them access to their own holes. It was always a pleasure to be reamed by to two well equipped muscular young studs. Chris remarked later, when all four guys were sitting around and having a drink recovering from their efforts, and make no mistake it had been a tremendous effort to remain hard for so long and to climax and shoot cum so many times in a relatively brief space of time, that variety was the spice of life and even though he and Serge adored each other and fucked on a regular basis, they had both enjoyed shafting and being shafted by Sven and Liam.

So now all four guys went into the six man shower with which the apartment was equipped, cleaned themselves up and dressed to go out to eat.


Serge had reserved a table at a very good restaurant near the gym and as it was Chris's special day, champagne flowed like water, the food was excellent and all four guys had a great time; it really was a special occasion. The talk turned to the activities at the gym and Serge observed that there were several younger guys who turned up there regularly, but who were clearly not integrated into the general ethos of what a naked gym offered.

"You know." said Serge. "There are several young guys, who come regularly to the gym, whom I think, in spite of the totally relaxed sexual environment in which they find themselves, surrounded by muscles and some super-looking cocks, are still virgins. I can think immediately of three young guys, possibly eighteen years old or so, who, I am sure, have never ever had sex and feel totally lost; they are all virgins. They are surrounded by opportunities but are just too timid to take them; at least, that is the way I see it."

Chris took up the thread of what might best be called 'first time fear'. "You know." he said. "It may be hard for you guys who know me now to believe, but I was once exactly like one of these timid guys that Serge had just told us about. I left boarding school at eighteen a virgin and it was only, thanks to my father, if you can believe it, that I was released from the chains of my first time fears. He got two guys, whom you have recently met, Simon and Sebastian, to take me off to his condominium in Florida for a week and the pair of them got me over all my fears the very first day we were there, by what I have to say was shock therapy. They lay me on a table and one after the other fucked my virgin hole really hard. Let me tell you, it was a revelation for me, after which I could never understand why I had been so scared of sex. So, Simon and Sebastian were my introduction to gay sex and from that day on I have never looked back. I am forever in their debt for taking my virginity. Life has been wonderful for me ever since that first time, which I shall never, ever forget."

There was a slight lull in the conversation whilst the guys digested what they had just heard, then Sven said. "Listen, guys, do you think that we could put on a sort of 'teach-in' course for timid young guys, a practical workshop, a 'hands-on' or better perhaps and more realistically put, a 'cock-in' occasion, where we we could help such guys get over that fear of first time sex. It must be horrible for a young guy, who knows he is gay, but cannot fulfil himself sexually, just because of a hang -up. I know I would be a happy to participate as a monitor or demonstrator at such a workshop. How about you Liam; what do you think?"

"Sound a great idea to me, but would there be enough demand?"

Chris had listened in silence to all this and then said. "Listen guys, I'm all for it; if we can give these young guys a helping hand to get them started on a decent sex life, then why not; let's try it; let's just suck it and see. Look here is what I suggest. The gym will advertise on its notice board and web site, that it will conduct a teach-in workshop for timid gays, to get them over their first-time fears. We'll charge $100 for the course, which will last a full day and which will include live demonstrations - I guess, Sven and Liam, you are game for that- and then will go on to get the participants to experiment among themselves. My guess is that once they have felt a decent sized cock up their butts, they will be sold on the whole business and will want to try out everything themselves. I know it was like that with me in Florida; I lost my virginity to Simon and Sebastian in the in the morning and that same day, in the afternoon, we were all on a nude all-male beach and I had already found myself a buddy to fuck; since then, I am happy to say, I have never looked back."

"Before we jump in at the deep end." said Serge. "What exactly are we going to offer these guys? I think we need to know exactly what we are intending to do to get these young guys over their first fear of sex with another man. And another thing, at what age group are we aiming? I've seen guys between eighteen and, say, about twenty-two or three years old in the gym who are obviously lost and could benefit from some hands-on help with their non-existent sex lives, but we have to be careful that we do not target what the law considers minors, as we might land ourselves in a shitload of trouble; nor, might I add, do we want older guys who are what I would call died-in-the-wool-stick-in-the-muds, who are always going to take the plunge and then inevitably, at the last moment, find the water too cold."

"And then there is the question of how big can a work-shop of this type be. Remember we have to have a structured program, a sort of teach-in schedule; it is not the same as the free form sex we all practice in the gym with our clients on an ad hoc basis; it has to be a structured program as we have a defined objective and, in my view, we have to limit the number of participants, let's say, off the cuff, to a maximum of twenty guys in all, for we shall, not be able to manage more than that at any one time, given that we ourselves will probably have to fuck each and every one of them at least once."

"Tell you what." said Chris. "I still think it's a great idea, but Serge is right; we don't want to jump in sight unseen, so why not let me think about it for a few days and I'll try to come up with a written plan, which you can all then criticize and modify, so that we end up with something that will fly; I don't want a lead balloon! Let me do it, for things designed by a committee tend to finish up looking like things designed by a committee; they bomb! So, come on if you are all finished here, let's go back to the apartment and have one last round of fucking to finish off my birthday celebrations with a bang."

And that is exactly what they did. As Serge had said, his strict training regime leading up to tonight had paid off handsomely and he and Chris were able to give the other two guys a monumental final fuck before they all finally left. Later in bed together, Chris let Serge give him one last thrust before they both fell asleep.


A few days later, Chris came up with his plan for the Timid Gay Workshop project. The main elements of the program were as follows:-

Participants aged 18 - 23

Maximum number of participant 20

Chris, Serge, Sven and Liam plus one other NBA to be the demonstrators of the program.

Sven and Liam would begin by making the first live demonstration of gay sex, in both common positions; rear entry and mission. Each guy would demonstrate one position, so that the young gay supplicants would see Sven fuck Liam and then Liam fuck Sven.

Chris, Serge, Sven and Liam plus the fifth NBA would then systematically relieve the supplicants of their anal virginity in groups of five at a time, Thus the five demonstrators would each fuck four of the young supplicants.

Break for lunch.

Each of the young supplicants would then exercise his own cock for the first time, thereby losing their final vestige of virginity, on one of the five demonstrators. Thus each supplicant would have a chance to fuck one of the demonstrators and for the first time experience the indescribable pleasure of a gay anal sex orgasm.

Everyone would then go down to the main gym and the young supplicants would have the chance to fraternize with the whomever was there at the time and to meet the other NBAs. Thus they would gain a good idea of what RingBoys Gym could offer and see how easy it was to have sex with different guys.

Serge, Sven and Liam read this proposal and Serge then said."My god, Chris you make it all sound so horribly clinical; sex is supposed to be a pleasurable pastime and not a surgical operation!"

"It might seem like that on paper, but we need to have a clear program otherwise it will turn into a fiasco. When we actually are on the job, it will be more relaxed. But we need to follow some planned schedule of actions; remember, assuming this idea flies, we will have twenty young studs who are very, very nervous and have never had a cock anywhere near their butts before, so this initial demonstration is critical. My thoughts are that both of you, Sven and Liam, are such superb looking guys with magnificent man-meat, that as soon as you strip off, the young supplicants will start to be aroused. Come on, guys, who the hell wouldn't be? One look at the pair of you and any red-blooded stud would find it hard to control his cock; and that guys, is not flattery, but fact!"

Sven and Liam laughed.

"So, this initial demonstration of just what anal sex involves is very important and the supplicants have to see that there is nothing to be afraid of; it is the fear of taking another guy's cock up their own arses that holds them back, which is why, after they have seen professionals fucking, I think that each guy should then surrender his virginity to one of us. They will have seen how experts handle things and it will be easier for us to deal with this tricky problem than to move straight to sex among the supplicants themselves; at least, that is what I think. Also, come on guys, from our point of view, there is something really appealing about knowing that your cock is going where no other cock as ever been; it's really nice to fuck a young stud with a nice tight hole and to know that at at same time you are doing him a great favour! His life will never be the same again."

"Once that initial fear is overcome and they have all experienced the pleasure of another guy's meat inside them, I think the rest will be simple. But I can but repeat that, in my view, the biggest hurdle to success is getting them to lose their anal virginity: that critical first time when another guy stretches their sphincters with his cock and gives them their first fuck. Once we have crossed that bridge, I reckon the rest will just follow, exactly as it did with me in Florida with Simon and Sebastian as I told you at my birthday party."

So, after a little discussion they all agreed that this was how they should proceed and an advert. was posted on the notice board in the gym itself and on the web-site. The program was offered strictly to young men between 18 and 23 year of age and explained that this was a practical hands-on approach to overcome the fear of the first sexual experience for a young gay. It made clear that in addition to live demonstrations, the participant would also be required to take part in the practical part of the program. It finally said, "If you sign up for this day's program, you will leave your virginity behind. You have been warned - this is definitely not for observers!"

They did not have long to wait to see whether the program would fly, for the twenty places were all sold out in two days and there was soon a long waiting list.

"I just knew it was a good idea." said Sven. "I can hardly wait for the day."

Of course, all four guys were really looking forward to the event, for when do four super young studs such as we have here, get the chance to exercise their meat on twenty virgin sphincters? It really was a dream scenario come true for them, for none of them had the slightest embarrassment at the thought of stripping off in front of these timid young lads and taking their anal virginity in a really good butt fuck. OK, the program was designed to help the young guys over their timidity and set them on the right road to happy active sex lives, but if there was pleasure in it for the demonstrators, well, all to the good!

"So far, so good." said Chris. "All we now have to do now is to deliver!"

"No problem." said Sven and Liam together, for both guys just loved exhibiting their sexual prowess and, to be fair both Chris and Serge were not afraid to act in public. So they had to choose the fifth assistant to make up the complement of five. They all agreed on a young NBA, called Brent Smallwood, who was, like the other four, a very muscular stud with a magnificent cock, which he handled with great skill in his work as an NBA. In fact, Brett had been voted 'cock of the month' for the past three months by the clients of the gym.

"So where exactly are we going to conduct this 'workshop'" asked Serge. "I don't think we should expose this guys to the normal gym, where everyone is stark naked; it could put them off sex forever. So, I wonder if we could not use one of the spare rooms in our apartments for the introductory phase, so that the guys don't feel they have been thrown in at the deep end without a life jacket. The when we have got them over the first hurdle of yielding their anuses to our tender ministrations, we could move downstairs the normal gym and let them see how life in a naked body-building gym really is."

It should be said here, that Chris, the owner of the gym together with Serge, his partner, occupied a massive apartment of some 6000 square feet directly above the gym. Chris owned the entire building as well as the gym business itself, so space was not a problem. So, Chris had enough equipment, tables and chairs etc. move up from the gym into one large vacant room, which was now set up as the venue for the workshop.

Chris then explained to his team how he thought they should proceed. His idea was that the five of them, fully dressed should receive the twenty participants in the designated room, they all being fully clothed.

"I don't think that it is a good idea to have ever one standing around naked right from the start, but rather we should come to it gradually as the young guys start to relax, for let's be realistic these lads are all timid and basically afraid of sex, although they would really like to dip their oars in, which is of course why they are here. I will then make some introductory remarks, after which, Sven and Liam will strip off in front of everyone and demonstrate just how easy it is to fuck butt and what a delightful pastime it is. Then we can attempt to get the participants to strip off so that we five guys can start reaming their holes, which is the hardest part of the whole deal; I can tell you now, that for many of them, taking a foreign cock up their anuses will be potentially as traumatic as jumping off a high cliff. So our job is to ensure that as each stud takes a cock up his arse for the first time, thereby surrendering his anal virginity, he emerges happy from the experience. So, guys, I know that we are each looking forward to fucking four virgin holes, but bear in mind that we are trying to help these guys find themselves in the gay world so that they can each develop a happy sex life as a result of our efforts. So, please, guys, enjoy yourselves fucking virgin butt, what gay guy would not, but bear in mind that our own personal enjoyment is secondary and is not, I repeat, not, the purpose of the exercise."

"So, as I said in my original plan, we should aim to treat each guy to two good anal fucks, one from back entry and then one in the mission position. Of course, we'll all change partners so that each participant has the pleasure - and I hope that it will be a pleasure for him - of feeling two different cocks up his arse. After that, I think we will stop for lunch before starting on the next phase where I hope that we can get the participants to fuck some butt themselves."

"My aim is to send them away satisfied so that they need no longer fear either of having their own butts fucked or fucking butt themselves. If we can achieve that, then I think we will be able to say that the program was a success. Just let me add, that what I have just set out is more or less what Simon and Sebastian put me through in Florida, for which I have, ever since, been eternally grateful; it was that experience which set me on the right track to a truly terrific sex life. What happens after that is in the lap of the gods, as the saying has it, but I hope that the participants will all move down to the gym and have some fun together and, possibly, with some of the other NBAs, who I know are already curious to see now things will pan out. So, we'll play that part by ear on the day."

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