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First Year After Ch. 03

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Who Finds Out About Drew And Tina?
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Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/18/2016
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Disclaimer: All sexual activities are between fictional characters over the age of 18. I hope you enjoy.


February 17, 2013

A 6:30 alarm isn't much fun, after only getting to sleep at 2:00, but we had to shower and re-pack, and eat another basket of breakfast treats, minus the mimosas, before hitting the road at 8:00, in order to get back to the Sacramento airport by around noon-time, for 2PM flights back to Dallas, leaving us some slack in case of bad traffic or construction.

Our moods were light and joyful on the drive there, playing games to pass the time, and looking forward to our changed life taking root in Dallas. As we were driving along, I looked down at the watch that had originally been meant for my Dad, and said, "I guess that inscription fits us now, doesn't it, Mom?"

She giggled, and said, "I guess it does."

However, the moment we reached the airport, we had to start protecting our secret. The light touches, the sweet words, the loving looks, all had to be set aside and suppressed, so we could act as just mother and son again for the public. Even though I managed to not have an erection during the flight, the tension of avoiding it, of not touching my Mom as she sat right against me in our coach seats, her scent in my nose, of not being able to talk to her the way I wanted to, made me ache from head to toe for her.

On the drive home, my cock got harder, the closer and closer we got to home, waiting to be behind our doors and curtains, where nobody else could see me rip Mom's clothes off and sink myself into her flesh.

Actual arrival at home was, shall we say, less dramatic than that. Mom started unpacking, sorting out laundry piles, getting the mail and generally acting like she didn't want the same thing I did. My mood was getting sour, and finally Mom asked, "Drew, is something wrong?"

I shrugged, and said, "I... I... don't know. It just feels like the inn is so far away already. We hit the airport, and POOF, it was like it was over. I at least thought getting home would start to bring that back."

She gave me a sympathetic look, and said, "Dear husband, did you expect me to tear your clothes off the minute we got home?"

"Actually, I was fantasizing about tearing yours off," I said.

She laughed, gently. "Oh, sweetie. You're going to bed with me tonight, and I'm gonna try and rock your world tonight and any other chance I get. But life is life, and most of the time mundane shit like laundry and mail and bills and work have to come first, or they'd never get done. The inn, like any vacation, is an artificial environment on purpose. We can set our responsibilities aside for a little while, and focus on fun and sexy stuff. But we're home now, and those responsibilities are back. And we're going to take care of those first, and make love after them, plus I've got work tomorrow, and you still have school. I assume you have some school assignments that are due tomorrow?"

"Just one, and I got started on it before we left." I said.

"So, go finish it, then meet me in our bedroom. I'll get a load of laundry started while you're doing that, okay?"

"Okay, Mom." I reluctantly went upstairs to the desk in my room, and knocked out the rest of the assignment in about an hour and uploaded it to the professor. I undressed, leaving on just my boxers, and went to Mom and Dad's bedroom. That was still how I thought of it. I was going to need some time to think of it as 'our' bedroom, Tina's and mine. I had only slept in that bed once, when Mom had that nightmare about Dad, and done nothing more than sleep. That was about to change, big time. It was a good change, but still momentous. I was hard again before I reached the doorway.

Mom was kneeling on the bed, the covers already turned down, waiting for me, dressed only in a red nightie bunched up at her waist, one hand between her legs, stroking through her lips, getting ready for me. "Come fuck me, lover," she panted.

"You are so beautiful like that," I said, slipping my boxers off and, climbing onto the bed, taking my place behind her. My place. My woman. My wife. My mom. All melded into one. I slipped my cock head along her lips, lined up, and slid slowly into her. Silky, hot, squeezing and wanting every inch of me. I grabbed hold of her hips, and pulled her tight against me, then started to fuck her. Hard. Fast. Deep. She had asked to be fucked, and that's what I was giving her. Her hand was still between her legs, and was pressing against the underside of my cock as it went in and out, when it wasn't rubbing her clit.

"Damn, Drew, I'm going to cum, harder, harrr..." and she came, her spasms nearly setting off my own orgasm. She'd obviously been close to the edge before I even started. But after an afternoon of feeling frustrated, so was I. I pulled out a couple of inches, and quickly squeezed my base to stop myself, as her muscles fluttered around the rest of my shaft and head. When I'd backed away from the edge, I resumed fucking her, a little softer, a little slower, her moans gradually letting me know when she was getting close to another orgasm, and I returned to the hard fast pace again, pulling on her hips and slapping her into me, and soon we both came together, calling out each other's names.

"Wow," she sighed, as I lowered us to our left sides, still buried in her, still holding my erection. I paused about 30 seconds, and started thrusting again. "Again? Thank god... for... young... stamina. Oh, fuck! Fuck... me... Drew! Your prick... Ungh! feels... so good... baby!" I reached my arm around her, and took over stroking her clit, as I thrust my hips into her asscheeks over and over, aiming my cock at her g-spot as much as I could. She came once again, and I just picked up speed, moving my hand up to her breast, to avoid over stimulating her clitoris.

I kissed the back of her neck, and nibbled her earlobe, and whispered, "Cum for me, Tina. Come for your baby boy."

And she did again, crying out, "Oh, fuck, Drew, mommy's cumming again! Oh, oh, ungh!".

Then so did I, my cock sunk all the way into her, my balls and prostate pulsing my cum into her. I said, "I love you, Mom," and stopped moving, still inside her for a couple minutes, before my cock plopped free, finally soft.

"Sweet dreams, my love," she said, before sleep captured both of us.


February 22, 2013

Mom and I had gone to bed after dinner and a movie, and I was licking my way through her pussy, two fingers inside her rubbing her gspot, coaxing her towards her third orgasm, when she called out, "Oh, Tom! Yes, Tom, yes! Oh..." and suddenly pulled herself away, a look of horror mixed with embarrassment on her face.

She started to cry, then said, "Oh, Drew! I'm so sorry. It's just... sometimes you remind me so much of your Dad, and he's been on my mind a lot lately." Two days before had been the two-month mark since he'd died. Weird how you start constantly counting how much time has passed since an event like that. Two months, two days. Not only since our lives changed, but that they started changing in response to the event, and hadn't stopped.

I moved up the bed, to give her a reassuring kiss, and said, "Mom, it's alright. I'm not offended, not at all. It's not a big deal, really."

She shook her head. "No, I ought be be able to remember who I'm in bed with."

I gave her another kiss. "Mom, I was pretty much trying to render you incapable of conscious thought, y'know? Forgetting your own name would have meant I succeeded. So you mixing up Dad and me is not shocking. And if that's not enough, I want you to consider this. You and Dad were together for 25 years. That's about 9000 days and nights, so I expect you made love with him many thousands of times, maybe even 10,000 times or more, if you add all the days when you did it more than once. By contrast, you and I have -only- been lovers for a week. We're still only in double digits, not that I know the exact number or care. So I'm not at all surprised that your mind might associate the sensations you were feeling with 'Tom', instead of with 'Drew', and instinctively said his name."

"I guess," she said.

I kissed her again. "Mom, I don't expect you to forget Dad ever existed, just because we've decided to be together like this, not ever. You still love him, and always will, I get that. I don't see myself as his replacement, because I could never do that, and wouldn't want to try."

"You're sure the slip doesn't bother you?" she asked.

I shrugged and said, "Well, let's not have it happen every time, but as mistakes go, it's pretty minor. And face it, it's a bit flattering, to be compared favorably to him, even by accident. I must be doing something right, if my lovemaking is reminding you of him."

"Oh, Drew, I wasn't comparing." she said. "And you -were- making my brain melt. Even if I did compare, which Tom do I compare you to, anyway? The 19 year old when we first met, when he had all the stamina you do, but half the skill? Him at 21, the same age you are now, when we'd already been a couple for 2 years in college like you and Patti have been, and had easily had sex a thousand times by then? Him at 30 or even 40, before the first heart attack slowed our love life down? And how do I compare my own responses to you at age 44 to my responses to him when I was just 18? It's apples and oranges, no matter what. But baby, the only thing that matters to me is that we love each other, and express that love in a way we find pleasure in. And you do both of those really well."

"Mmmm, thank you. Now, where were we?" I said, as I started kissing my way down her neck, to pick up where I left off.


March 1, 2013

Probate finally closed, we transferred Dad's Mustang to my name, and we sold my Escort to Duke's sister Melody at a very fair price. Dad's book collection also became mine, and I spent a melancholy afternoon going through the first editions, in the living room bookcase where Dad had them displayed, remembering his joy all the times he'd shown off a new purchase. He was proud of the collection, and I was honored to have them. I knew it would be a few years before I had the income to add to the collection, but I planned to, at some point. I wasn't going to use the insurance money for that, though.

Mom and I did go shopping for a hot tub, and found a nice 6-person model that was on clearance, calling our pool contractor to install it to the side of our pool, and tie it into the existing electrical for the filter pumps and heater. This was the only big splurge purchase Mom had made with the life insurance money, after paying off the mortgage and some smaller debts. I hadn't made any, yet. We didn't really need anything new inside the house, our computers were recent, the cars were in great shape, so we were not itching to use the funds for vanity upgrades. The trip to California came from a vacation savings fund that Mom & Dad had always maintained, and it had enough to fund the trip to Galveston, too. Mom got the arrangements made for Memorial Day Weekend, finding three two-bedroom cottages on the beach, not in a row, but fairly close to each other. Mom, Patti and I would take one, Grandma Marion and Grandpa Dave would share another with Uncle Dave and Antonia, while Uncle Tony, Aunt Mimi and their daughters would take the third.

Between the insurance and the inheritance, I was feeling some guilt over benefitting from Dad's death. I suppose you could classify some of it as survivor's guilt. I knew in my head that the insurance money was just Dad taking precautions to provide for us in case he died, but my heart was conflicted by it, making me hesitant to spend any money from it.

The biggest piece of guilt came from the fact that his death had made possible my new relationship with Mom, my taking his place as her lover, even as her husband, unofficially. I had told my Mom that I didn't consider myself his replacement, but there were times I couldn't help feeling like I was, even if Mom didn't. I hoped she didn't, anyway. There was certainly no way a sexual relationship with her would have happened with him still alive.

I didn't know how to talk to Mom about that guilt without making it sound like I regretted being with her, which I definitely didn't, or was glad Dad had died, which was also not the case. It gave a sharp edge to the joy I felt being with Mom, having declared ourselves husband and wife.

I could talk to Patti about Tina, and did, although I kept our 'betrothal' a secret for now, looking to avoid jealousy until I asked Patti to marry me, to marry us, too. But she hadn't experienced the loss of a parent, thankfully, so could only help so much. I could talk to Duke about losing Dad, but not about gaining Mom. Hell, no. The guy already thought she was a MILF. He would be slapping me on the back, not helping me figure out how to ease my conscience.

You would think that between my conversations with the two of them, I could resolve what I was feeling, but it didn't work that way, and some feelings of guilt remained. And it's not like I could tell anyone else, either. I wasn't guilty about the incest, either, just about losing Dad being a prerequisite to loving Mom physically. Maybe that guilt would always be part of the relationship, because of how it formed. I counted that as a cost I was willing to bear, because being with Mom was totally worth it, however it had happened.

It took a couple of days for the water to warm, but we christened the hot tub soon after, Mom riding my cock, back towards me, as we let our hips do all the work, and I played with her breasts from behind, while she stroked her clit to several orgasms before I shot into her. We were lucky at the time to have no neighbors to either side of us, both houses having become property of the banks in the preceding years, and they weren't even trying to sell them or rent them out. We'd eventually need to think about privacy screens if we wanted to keep having sex in the hot tub or skinny-dip in the pool.


March 9, 2013

Our college let out for Spring Break on the 8th, and Patti drove back to her parents house, and came by our house the next day. Mom and I wanted to be ready for her, so we prepared a little party, just for the three of us. Steaks, shrimp, corn on the cob, potato salad and more. Forecast was for the low 70s. With the heater turned on a few days before, the pool was just warm enough for swimming, and the hot tub was ready.

Duke and Kenny were spending their Spring Breaks in Ft. Lauderdale, to chase wet tshirt contestants and try to get laid. I passed on joining them, letting them know that Patti and I would be spending as much time together as possible, and wished them luck.

Mom and I both spotted Patti's car pull up around 11 AM, and went out the front door to greet her. Patti threw open her car door, and ran straight for me, jumping into my arms, and wrapping her legs around my waist, covering my face with kisses, before finally pulling back to excitedly say, "I missed you, Drew. You too, Tina. When can we fuck!?"

Mom put her hand over Patti's shoulder, and said, "Careful, honey, we don't want the neighbors across the street to hear that. We've got a little barbeque planned, then we'll get together... but in private, okay?"

We grabbed Patti's overnight bag, and once inside and out of sight of the neighbors, Mom grabbed Patti and gave her a huge kiss, while pressing her leg between Patti's, to rub her thigh against Patti's groin. "Oh, god," Patti moaned, when they came up for air.

"That's a taste, of how much I want you again, my dear," Mom said. "But, first we eat. I think we're going to need the energy."

I went out and lit the grill, then put the marinated steaks on and foil-wrapped corn cobs on the rack over the steaks soon after, and skewered shrimp last. Mom poured wine for all of us, and we just chatted by the grill, while we were all thinking about what would come after. I was at least half-way hard the whole time. Patti loved the new hot tub, and hoped we'd have time to use it before she headed back to her parents' the next day, to spend at least one full day with them during break.

As I took the food off the grill, Mom brought the rest of our dishes out to the picnic table, along with another opened bottle of wine. We ate, joking with each other, enjoying the food and wine, yet feeling the sexual tension rising. Slowly but surely.

Just before we would need to start clearing the table, I got up and pulled three jewelry boxes out from under the table, where I'd hidden them, set them on the corner of the table and opened the first box. I had resolved my feelings enough to use some of Dad's insurance money to buy the jewelry, and imagined him smiling down on me. Inside the first box was a full bridal set, with a 2-carat princess-cut center stone on the engagement ring, on rose gold, with smaller diamonds along the outside. Two more thin bands, of yellow and white gold, also with diamonds along the outside, would be added to either side on our wedding day, to produce a three-toned ring, one color for each of us.

I dropped to one knee by Patti's left side, held the engagement ring in my right hand and took her left hand with my left. She turned sideways on the bench to face me and her right hand went to her mouth and her eyes were wide. I said, "I'm probably going to muck this up, so forgive me if I do. There's just not much advice available for asking two women to marry you at the same time. Patti Taylor, I love you, with my mind, heart and soul, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I also love Tina, my mom, just as much. I want the same life with her, even though it needs to remain a secret from the rest of the world. Will you, my love, marry us both, me in public, and Tina in private, and make us the happiest people on Earth?"

Patti reached her right hand across the table to Tina, who grasped it and said, "I love you, honey. I know we've only been together sexually once, but that day was amazing. It made me realize that I started loving you, started falling in love with you, from the first day Drew brought you over to introduce us. You've been amazing to be around as long as I've known you. Otherwise that afternoon would never have happened, no matter how turned on my body was. Will you be my wife, my lover, my life, together with Drew as our husband?"

Patti turned to look in my eyes, and whispered to me, "Yes," as a tear fell down her face. She turned to Mom again, and with a slightly louder voice, said, "Ohmygod, YES, I'll marry you both."

I slipped the engagement ring onto her finger, and kissed her softly. Mom came around the table, sat on the bench next to Patti and gave her another kiss, then looked at me and asked, "What are the other boxes, honey?"

I reached for the second box, and said, "This one is for you, Mom. I knew if I bought you an engagement ring, that you could never actually wear it in public. So I decided to get you something different that could still symbolize the union of the three of us, without it being suspicious to everyone else."

I opened her box, and inside was a pendant, with three linked diamond-topped hearts made of the same three colors of gold, on a rose gold chain. "This has the same three colors of gold as Patti's rings, white, yellow and rose, and together with the three hearts they also represent the three of us. If anyone asks, say the colors signify mind, heart and soul, and that I saw it at the same jeweler when I was picking out Patti's ring, and thought it would look great on you, all of which is true, and got it for you for your birthday, which isn't. This also lets you continue wearing Dad's rings, if you choose to."

"Oh, that's beautiful, baby," she said. "Thank you." She turned to Patti, to show her the pendant.

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