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First Year After Ch. 04

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Sparks Fly with the Third Intern, And More.
11.9k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/18/2016
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Disclaimer: All sexual activities described here are between fictional characters over the age of 18. I hope you are enjoying this series.


May 27, 2013

As the rising sun lit the cottage's window shades around 6:30, I awoke Memorial Day morning peacefully, spooned up behind Mom, with Patti snug behind me, both of them still sleeping Heck, I didn't even have morning wood, no urge to pee, and could just luxuriate in the love I felt for these two amazing women I called my wives. Sure, that declaration was a private one, but in my heart, in my soul, this was the truth for me. I thought 'Maybe I should call them heart-wives, or soul-wives?' before I snuggled my head back into the pillow, and slipped back into sleep.


A couple of hours later, I was awoken again, by a cell phone ringing. I reached over Mom's head to the nightstand, and found the offending phone. It was Mom's. I almost answered it, before realizing that I couldn't explain being in Mom's bedroom at 8:30 in the morning, when everyone else expected me to be asleep in the other bedroom instead. So, I just set the phone in front of Mom, and let her answer it, staying silent behind her. I held my finger to my lips as Patti roused.

"H-Hello?" she asked. "Oh, hi, Dad. ... Oh, it's been a pretty good weekend, overall. Some sad, some fun. It's just hard saying goodbye to Tom over and over. ... Um, third scattering is in Maine, but I'm not sure when I'll get to it. Needs to be in summer, but we just depleted our vacation savings. ... Oh, the agenda today is pretty light. Everyone agreed on a 9 AM wakeup. ... No, Dad, you don't need to apologize, that was mostly for Dave and Marion, since they're not used to being up after midnight anymore. Anyway, we planned to pack up, check out of our cottages, then find a place for brunch, before making our way home. ... Oh, I guess we'll be back home around 4ish. Why? ... Yeah, that sounds great, Dad. We'll see you there."

She hung up and turned around to us and said, "We're invited to a Memorial Day BBQ this afternoon at my parents' house, whatever time we can arrive. Aunt Maria's going to be there, too. Feel up to it?"

"Yeah, fine with me. How about you, Patti?" I asked.

"My parents took Jody camping this weekend, so they're not going to be home until after 8 at the earliest, anyway. I already told them I was spending the night at your house. So, yeah, I'm up for a visit with your parents, Tina."


After quick showers and getting our stuff repacked in the car, we walked over to the cottage where my grandparents were staying, and they were bustling in and out. I called out, "Good morning, Aunt Toni!" as she came out carrying her suitcase.

"Good morning, Drew. How'd you sleep?" she asked.

"Snug as... 2 bugs in a rug," I answered, almost saying 3.

She noticed, stepped closer, kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "Careful, remember? You can't even -almost- slip." She followed that with hugs to Patti and Mom, before heading back into the cottage, and we followed.

"Good morning," I said to everyone else. "Anything we can do to help?"

Grandma smiled, said, "Good morning, honey. Umm, why don't you grab that pile of pillows? We brought our own from home."

Of course she did. "Sure. Patti, want to help me?" We grabbed the half-dozen pillows, in the same style pillowcases that I recognized from past sleepovers, and took them out to Grandpa's station wagon, and tucked them into a corner.

"Your grandma seems in a good mood, today," Patti said.

I nodded, saying "Maybe saying goodbye to Dad last night helped her. She wasn't very happy about not having a burial. That, or she's trying to get us to let our guard down."

"You make her sound devious," Patti said.

"Sweetie, that woman could teach a Master's course," I chuckled.

We started going back in, when everyone else came out, and Grandpa closed the door behind them. He said, "That's the last of it. Where's brunch?"

Mom said, "Well, there's the place we had breakfast yesterday, or I saw another place not far from the bridge off the island. But first, we need to drop off our keys. Although, if you give me yours and I get Tony's too, I can drop off all three sets at the rental office and meet you there."

Grandma said, "Let's go to yesterday's place. I liked their sausage patties."

Everyone agreed, but it looked like Tony and Mimi were still loading their car next door. We stopped them quickly to confirm our brunch destination, and said we'd be by shortly to help, since we couldn't leave until we had their key. Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Dave and Aunt Toni got in the station wagon, saying they'd go request our tables. Mom, Patti and I went over and helped with the last of the things they needed to pack into the SUV. It made me very grateful that my Mom and Patti are pretty low maintenance. They had both sufficed with a small bag apiece, while it seemed Mimi, Carrie and Angie had each filled a full-size suitcase in addition to small bags the same size as Mom's and Patti's, just for a 3-day weekend.

"Girl's gotta have choices," Carrie said, when I asked about it.

'Ought to make those choices -before- packing', I thought to myself, glad I only had to carry these bags a few feet to the SUV. Behind her, I saw Uncle Tony shrug. Obviously, he'd been through this more than once.

All packed up, Tony handed Mom their keys, and we made our way back to our car, stopped at the rental office and handed them in, then made our way to the restaurant. Of course, this meant we were last to arrive. To secure our tables, Uncle Dave and and Toni had taken one, Grandma and Grandpa another, and Tony's family was at the third. Mom chose to sit with Toni and Dave, leaving Patti and I to sit with Grandpa and Grandma.

Great. Let the twenty questions resume.

It actually wasn't that bad, innocuous questions about school, the wedding, and if Grandma was still suspicious, it wasn't coming out in the questions, except for one that stuck out to me.

"So where you you two intend to live, after you graduate? Surely, a married couple can't keep living with one of your parents," Grandma asked. That was exactly what we planned to do, but I realized before she finished that I couldn't give that answer.

Without pausing, I answered, "Well, if I had the money and the income, I'd happily buy one of the foreclosed houses on either side of Mom's, so we could stay close. One of them's for sale right now, in fact, and I doubt it still will be, when I have the money to do it."

Grandma nodded to that. I halfway expected to hear her offer to help with a down payment, money that I'm sure would come with strings attached, but she didn't. Maybe she was mellowing, trying not to interfere in everyone's life. Probably not, but I could hope.


Everyone said their goodbyes in the parking lot, a process a lot harder than you'd think. Finally, we all got into our three cars and headed for the highway.


About an hour into our I-45 drive back to Dallas, Mom turned to me, and asked, "Drew, did you mean what you said to Grandma about buying one of the houses next to us?"

"Heard that conversation, huh?" I said. "Mom, it was the best answer I could think of to her question about where we were going to live after college. I couldn't tell her the three of us are living as husband and wives, could I?"

"Of course not, honey," she said. "But I've been thinking about that answer, though. Why don't we? Buy them, I mean. Between you and I, we have enough liquid assets that we could almost buy both of them for cash, if the asking price on the one that's been for sale is any indication. Together we could buy one outright, then take out a small home equity loan against our house, and buy the second, as an investment, and still have rainy day funds."

Patti asked, "Why not take a mortgage out on one of the houses, instead of on yours?"

Mom answered, "Because I can deduct the mortgage interest on my primary residence, but not on a second, unless that property was set up as a rental property under an LLC. You two could deduct interest on whichever house you decide to declare as your primary, but right now you don't have the income for it to matter, and wouldn't qualify for a mortgage anyway."

"Would we really live in two houses? And why buy a third?" I asked.

"We'd need to live in two just enough to fool the neighbors and our families, sweetie, but I'd still expect us to eat and sleep together every night we can. We would buy the third as an investment, maybe keeping it empty for our outdoor privacy, at least until kids make that moot and we start having to get sneakier to keep even them from finding out about you and me being lovers. After we can't fuck outdoors any more, we would rent it out for the income, or just sell it, if the market rebounds."

I hadn't thought about kids, and how the secret could affect them. "Makes 'I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus' seem tame, right?"

Patti sighed behind us. "And here I thought that, inside the house, we wouldn't have to hide who we are."

Mom responded, "Honey, parents always wind up hiding most aspects of sexuality from their kids, because we don't think they're ready to see it or understand it, and for most the incest taboo is so strong that parents don't want their kids to even think of them that way. The three of us may have overcome that taboo, but we still have reasons to hide that from kids who won't understand not to say anything to adults who could make trouble for us. It would really be no different than Tom and I trying to be quiet so Drew wouldn't hear us making love."

I laughed. "That was the two of you trying to be quiet? Mom, half of my sexual education came from hearing you telling Dad what to do to you, and you sure weren't whispering in his ear!"

"And the other half?" Mom asked, blushing.

"From Patti, and you, in person, of course."


The barbecue at my Mom's parents was pretty mundane, good steaks and burgers, but nothing too momentous. It was good to see them, but no drama unfolded. Not like the weekend with my Dad's family.

When we got back from the barbeque, we noticed a 'SOLD' sign on the first house and another 'For Sale' sign was now up in front of the other. Neither had been there on Friday.

"Damn, so much for buying both of them," I said.

"It's still a good idea, though, and now we don't have to wait on a loan. Let's take action on this house, and we can deal with privacy issues another way," Mom said. We grabbed a flier from in front of the other house, saw that the asking price was $200k, $50k higher than the first had been, perhaps because that had sold so quickly, or for a price over asking. We'd never been inside this one, the previous owners not being very friendly, but both were the same floor plan, as most of the houses on the street were, despite exterior differences that hid the homogeneity.

We calculated that I should liquidate most of the portfolio I'd set up, starting with stocks that had lost money, to neutralize the tax effect of the ones that had gone up, and Mom would liquidate part of hers, and together that would give us about $230k in funds, in case we needed more than the asking price. We hoped to start at an offer of $180k, all cash. After furnishing the house, we could always reinvest what didn't get used. We logged onto the computer, submitted our sell orders for the morning, then went to bed.

As we were getting undressed, Patti asked, "What about me? You two are putting a lot of money into this, and I feel like I should chip in some. Except I don't have much saved up, my parents expect me to pay what I can earn at summer jobs for school, and they cover the rest."

"That's okay, hon," I said. "What's mine is ours, right? All three of us. So what if we came into this marriage of ours with unequal amounts of money? When you accepted us, you accepted that, too. We'll all work to make this family as successful as we can, and I have no doubts in your abilities to make money in the future. 30 years from now, it will all balance out, so I don't want you to feel guilty about not having as much right now. It's not like I earned this money, anyway. It's the money I got from my Dad's life insurance, and..." This was the first moment I realized I didn't feel guilty about it. "And I don't feel either guilty or greedy about that fact. He'd want me to use this money to benefit us, not just me."

Patti kissed me, and stroked my cock between us. "I know some other things you have to use to benefit all three of us..." she said.

Mom asked, "Do you want his tongue or his dick, first, Patti?" Mom asked.

"Such -hard- decisions," she joked. "I guess, tongue first."

I got onto my back, Patti settled her pussy down onto my lips, and Mom slid down onto my cock, and for one moment, flashing back to this being the position we were in the night Toni had caught us, I wondered how she was doing. There'd been so much emotion that night, that I hadn't paid attention to having her petite body against mine on the sand, but now my mind replayed that, briefly.

My attention went back to Patti, as I slid my tongue between her folds, licking up and down, stopping just short of her clit on each pass. "Drew, please," she cried. "Please, baby, I need it." I included her clit in my next pass, and she arched her back over me and moaned.

My mom was bouncing up and down on me, driving my cock crazy like she usually does. Tonight she threw in some extra Kegel squeezes, and actually made me cum before either of them did. I kept my erection, though, and continued thrusting into her. She actually clapped for me.

I put my focus back to Patti, delivering quick strokes against her clit from every angle I could think of. She cried out, "Oh fuck... fuck... Drew... there... faster... yes... yes... ohmy... ohmygod... yes... yes... YES... FUUUUU!" and she suddenly went silent as her pleasure slipped into orgasm, and I kept increasing my pressure and speed. Then suddenly, a high-pitched scream came out, like she'd been screaming at such a high pitch that only dogs could hear it, and it had finally dropped down enough that I could. "Oh, fuck... baby... the things you... do to me," she said, in between panting breaths. She climbed off, the same way she had two nights before, and I again flashed to Toni's face when she'd seen us.

Mom's hips were going crazy against me, grinding her clit into my pubis, and she started to cum, too, saying, "Almost, almost there, yes, yes, YESSSSS!" and her clenching muscles seemed stronger than ever, and pushed me over the edge again, as I shot yet more sperm into her.

"Damn, Mom, your muscles have been crazy tonight," I said, as she lowered herself onto my chest.

She giggled. "I did Kegels through the whole drive home. You like?"

"You made me cum twice in a row? You bet I do!"

Mom raised up off of me, and our juices poured out of her, covering my cock, balls and crotch. She and Patti cleaned me up with their tongues, and I was hard yet again by the time they finished.

For round two, Patti asked me to fuck her in the Splitting Bamboo position, the one I described before where I straddle one leg while the other is over my shoulder, while Tina sat on her face, and she could suck out the rest of my cum. Mom and I could lean toward each other and kiss, too. It was quickly becoming my favorite position with them.

This resulted in two more orgasms for each woman, as Mom could easily reach to rub Patti's clit as I stroked in and out. I came for my third time, and was finally wiped out. When I withdrew and let Patti's leg down, Mom converted to a 69, and they had one more orgasm each, before quitting so we could get to sleep.


May 28, 2013

Mom had a day off due to switching shifts with another nurse, so she was on the phone bright and early, calling the realtor handling the house next door, who apparently had also sold the first one, to arrange an individual tour, telling her we might be interested in a cash offer. There hadn't been an open house yet, due to the holiday weekend, so we'd be the first to see it.

The realtor, a woman named Carmen, showed up right after lunch, and took the three of us through the house. It was empty, with a few signs of wear, but not damaged, like she said the house on the other side of us had been, as those owners had gotten pissed off by the foreclosure and intentionally damaged parts of the house, and explained that the difference in the asking prices the bank had set were solely due to that. Otherwise, the two homes were the same basic three bedroom model as ours, minus the pool area, and Dad's conversion of one of the bedrooms into a home office. The previous owner had even left the washer and dryer in place, and they looked to be in good shape, so that would be a plus.

When Mom said that we had also been interested in possibly buying the other house as rental property, Carmen let us know that the buyers of that house were just investors looking to flip the property, fixing the damage, maybe making some other improvements, and then listing the house for sale at a profit. So the house would be back on the market fairly soon. But we knew the asking price wouldn't still be $150K.

We conferred briefly, agreed that we liked what we saw, then I nervously said to Carmen, "We'd like to make an offer of 180 thousand, cash."

"Let me call the bank, and see if they'll accept that." She stepped away with her cell phone, talked for about two minutes, then came back and said, "Congratulations, you have yourself a house. You'll need to make a ten thousand dollar deposit, and then answer when would you like to close?" as she shook each of our hands.

Clearly the bank now wanted these homes off of its balance sheet. I expected our first offer to get rejected. 'Was it really going to be this fast?' I thought.

"Does the deposit need to be in Drew or Patti's names, or can I make a check out from my account?" Mom asked.

"Your account is fine, although the IRS might consider it a gift, if you're not going to be an owner of the house, unless you either write the check to them and have them sign it over, or indicate that it's a loan."

Mom took out her checkbook to write the check, and said, "I'm actually loaning them half of the price before the closing, but would like to include recording of the promissory note and lien in the closing, so we don't need to amend the deed twice. We'll also need a house inspection. Is next Friday too soon?"

Patti said, "Drew and I start our internships next week, so we'll be working on Friday. Would that Saturday be okay?"

Mom nodded, and Carmen said, "Yes, I can arrange that. How about we say Saturday the 8th at 9 AM for now, and I'll let you know if that has to change? Meanwhile, there's some paperwork that needs to be filled in for the offer, and I also have some basic forms for a private mortgage, which is what that will be, out in my car."

Once she was gone, I asked Mom, "Why the lien?"

Mom's answer was, "Our options are either to have me be co-owner or to lend you the money, in which case, a lien is typically applied to the property, to protect the lender. I can't just give you the 90 thousand outright, for tax reasons. But I can gift 14 thousand to each of you each year, without tax effects. Leaving aside a budget for birthday and Christmas gifts, I can gift the remainder on December 31 of each year, you give it right back to me as a payment on the note, and in 4 years, you're paid off, I tell the county, and the lien is lifted. Plus, I'll be paying for the furnishings here, and this year's property taxes, treating those as gifts for this year, too, and keeping track of the rest so I know how much I can gift towards the debt at year's end. You'll put the rest of your stock money back into new investments."

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