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Flame Trees Ch. 02a

Story Info
Love and romance between a man, his sister and his mother.
16.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 08/31/2021
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A/N - Hello, Literotica. I'm back with another tale. And I have one question for you...

Is it fair to call this the long-awaited sequel to 'Flame Trees'?

I wrote 'Flame Trees' with absolutely no intention of writing a follow-up. My own opinion as the author was that I didn't think it needed one as you, the reader, can make up your own minds about what happens when the first chapter ended.

But I've seen enough demand in the comments that people wanted to see what happened next. However, as the comments were so equally split about if the mother should be involved or not, I'm actually writing two versions of a second chapter to satisfy both sides of the argument. One will have the mother involved; the other won't involve her.

Usual caveats. All editing and reviewing done by the author with Microsoft Word. Spelling is usually spot on. Australian / British English. Definitely the occasional typo. Grammar can be ropey at times, but it's been a long time since I sat in a classroom. All mistakes owned up to by the author. Please remember this is only fantasy and I'm an amateur.

Comments and feedback appreciated as always.


My sister had given me one hell of a dilemma and I knew it wasn't going to be an easy decision to make. I love my sister. I was in love with my sister. But I also loved my mother, and if I looked deep into my heart, I knew my feelings for her were not only those of a son after all that had happened between the three of us in the past few days.

But memories of what happened with Hayley still burned bright in my mind. That gave me pause. She'd been cheating on me for most of our relationship. Amy had given me the green light to pursuing something with our mother. Hell, she'd insinuated that even she might be open minded enough to experiment with our mother at the same time. Sure, my mind thought of possibilities that the three of us could end up together, but I had a bad feeling it would end in heartache for one if not all of us.

I knew I had to do some research, not about incestuous relationships. There are no rules to those anyway. Since starting up my relationship with Amy, I'd been online to read erotic stories, finding plenty of sons and brothers who would end up sharing the love with their siblings, mother, aunts and cousins.

Returning home that night with the words of my sister still ringing in my ears, she greeted me with a passionate kiss, moulding her body against mine. She smiled as my hands made their way to her firm arse. "Miss me, baby?" she whispered before kissing me again, and the smile on her face broadened when she felt my erection. "Is that for me, big brother?" she teased.

"It will be later, little sister," I whispered into her ear, feeling her shudder as my hot breath caressed her skin.

"I can't wait," she whispered back, "I miss you every day."

Walking through the house after dumping my stuff, I found Mum in the kitchen preparing dinner for the three of us. She either didn't hear me approach or was wondering what I'd do, but when I came up behind her, sliding one hand over her stomach with another hand caressing one of her breasts, she leaned back, and I knew she was smiling.

"Now that's not how a son should be greeting his mother," she stated softly, "Mostly because his hand should be down my panties..."

"So, I'm guessing that you're completely on board with the idea?"

"Amy and I talked about her idea." She stopped cutting vegetable to lean back against me, ensuring her head was against my shoulder. "I don't want to interfere, sweetheart. I really don't. But I can't deny an attraction... I love watching my children make love, but there's a part of me that wants to involve myself too."

Amy cuddled into both of us, resting her head against my back. "This is nice, all three of us together," she said, "Is he still hard, Mum?"

"He is poking me right now."

"Blame your daughter, Mum. That first kiss was a scorcher!"

Releasing my mother, she turned around and kissed my cheek, but the gaze into my eyes spoke of nothing but her love for me as her son. Caressing my cheek, she told me to go relax after a hard day at work, Amy taking my hand and leading me outside to sit on the veranda. Ensuring I was sat down, she returned a couple of minutes later with a beer for me and a glass of wine for herself, curling her legs underneath her.

We remained sitting in silence until Mum called that dinner was ready. We hoovered down her food, complimenting our mother as always for her excellent cooking. We sat together on the couch in the living room once we'd cleaned up, me in the middle with my sister to one side, my mother to the other, both cuddling into me.

Mum was the first to get up and leave, kissing both of us before disappearing. "She won't push things," Amy told me once we were in bed ourselves, "She will leave any decision to both of us."

"I really don't know, Amy. I'm still dealing with the divorce in a way. I try not to think about it, but it's in the background. Then there's you, Amy. I'm in love with you and I don't want to ruin what we have."

She cuddled me so tightly... And then I felt her shake as she cried. "You won't ruin a thing," she sobbed into my chest, "But the decision is yours. I just don't want Mum to be alone the rest of her life. And who better to show her all the love in the world than her son, and occasionally her daughter. I think it can work, but I will understand completely if you think it won't."

"Maybe I should sort out that part of my life before I decide? I need a completely clear mind."

She leaned back, turning my head to see her smiling. "I know you love us both, Mark. I understand this isn't easy with what's going on elsewhere. And I know Mum won't put any pressure on either of us. The ball is in our court, so to speak."

Waking up the next morning with a smile on my face, as my sister was never going to sleep without her brother making love to her, Mum was in the kitchen, standing by the sink, gazing out over the backyard. Wearing a robe, I stood behind her and reached around to undo the tie, pulling it apart to expose her body.

"Mum," I whispered, as I ran my fingers over her soft skin, "You know I love you so much..."

"I know," she replied softly, leaning back against me, turning her head to kiss my cheek, "But I know this is so difficult for you too."

"You're beautiful, Mum. You're my sister just with a couple of decades of experience."

"And I could use that experience when I'm riding your big cock."

Chuckling together, I turned my head to leave a soft kiss on her lips. "And I bet I'd love every second, Mum, particularly if my sister is there with us."

"She'd have her pussy on your face, and I'd love to see my little girl orgasm, knowing it was her brother pleasing her so much."

Pausing a moment, I finally asked, "Have you been reading too?"

"I found a site that had so many incest stories. A lot of them were awful, but there were a lot written by amateurs who had real talent. Some relationships were just between a brother and sister, or a mother and son. But there were plenty that had a man involved with his mother and his sister. I thought they were incredibly erotic."

"I've done reading too, about incestuous relationships between siblings, but also between mother's and sons. Part of me wants to be intimate with you, Mum. And I mean that hand on heart. The idea of you being underneath me as I slowly sink my cock inside you..."

Mum turned around and clutched me tightly, and before I knew it, she was sobbing against my chest. "I need to confess something, Mark," she whispered, "And Amy should hear it too."

Leaving Mum to tie her robe back up, I gently woke up Amy, greeted by a warm smile, pointing at her lips without a word. After a long kiss, making her smile even more, I told her Mum needed to share something and I had a feeling it was going to be something big. And, if I was guessing correctly, something to do with me.

Sliding out of bed, she gave me a moment to take in her naked body. She loved posing for me. She loved being naked with me. And it helped I thought she was so beautiful. After putting on her robe, she followed me out to the kitchen, Mum waiting for us at the table with a coffee for each of us and a piece of cake.

That told me it was serious. The fact she was still crying had me hugging her tightly against, feeling her fingers almost dig into my back as she started to sob again.

"Mummy," Amy whispered, hearing her upset at seeing our mother in floods of tears.

"Just a release," Mum finally said softly, "I've repressed a lot of feelings that are now bursting forth."

When Mum calmed down, I moved my chair, so I was closer to her and held her hand. Amy moved closer to the other side, resting her head against Mum's upper arm. Mum remained quiet for a couple of minutes, clearly collecting her thoughts, before she took a deep breath.

"I'm about to admit something I've never told anyone, but it mostly affects you, Mark. And if it affects you, it will now affect your sister. The truth of the matter is that I never liked Hayley, Mark. She always rubbed me the wrong way. I never knew she was out there cheating on you, but there was just something about her. You were so in love with her, though, that I knew I couldn't intervene. As I said, I didn't want to interfere, and I knew me saying anything about your girlfriend at the time wouldn't have helped. I know we've spoken about the divorce from your father. The honest truth is we hadn't been in love for a long time. And... I know he was in love with someone else."

"We know, Mum. Dad admitted it to us," Amy said. Mum glanced at me, and I nodded my agreement. Though I still loved my father, it did put a strain on our relationship. Whether he actually cheated physically or not didn't matter. It still sounded like an emotional affair, and he admitted to having fallen out of love with our mother years before, the pair only staying until we were both old enough.

"Your father wasn't the only one," Mum whispered, "I was falling in love with someone else. I'd been in love with him all his life. I saw him grow into such a fine young man, the sort of men any mother would be proud of. I knew he was going to do such great things. But I knew, if I acted on my feelings, it could ruin his life. It was one of the reasons I chose to leave. Remaining near him, keeping all my feelings buried, would have simply been too difficult." Mum turned to look at Amy. "I know exactly how you felt, Amy."

"I've been in love with him all my life too," Amy said with a smile.

"You should have told me, Mum," I said.

"What would I have said, Mark? 'Mark, I'm your mother, but I would also love to be your girlfriend. I'd love nothing more than for you to take me to bed and absolutely fuck the life out of me every single night. I will do anything you want. All I want is to be with my son for the rest of my life'. There's only one way that conversation would have gone. You would have cut me out of your life."

"I don't know about that, Mum. Probably would have been weirded out at the time. And I definitely wouldn't have told Hayley."

"What do you think now though?"

"Amy?" I had to ask.

"I totally understand how our mother feels, Mark. And now that I know the truth, it makes me feel even better about what we've spoken about, how I would be more than willing to share you with our mother. I'm not saying we'd have constant threesomes, and that the three of us would sleep together, but our mother needs to be loved..."

"I feel so guilty about how I feel. First it was the fact you were with Hayley. I'm not going to say I'm happy to be proven right, as I hate seeing my son hurt so badly, but my mother's intuition was right regarding her. Now I'm finding myself in a similar situation, the difference being that it's my own daughter who I might hurt, and that's the last thing I want." Mum turned to gaze into my eyes. "But I can't hold back my feelings any longer, Mark. I love you as far more than just a son. I want to give you my heart, my body, my soul. I want to feel you above me as you slide that wonderful cock of yours deep into my pussy, and I want to feel you orgasm and fill me with your cream. I would welcome you home every night with a blowjob by the front door, something I'm sure your sister would help with."

"God yes!" she exclaimed.

"I'd make myself available to you whenever you wanted, Mark. My mouth. My pussy. And my arse. I never gave your father or anyone else my arse. It's still a virgin hole, but I'd love my son to have it. A lot of people wonder why, but it's still a taboo, even today. But most important is that Amy will be your first wife in the end. I'd be your..."

"Equal first wife," Amy stated, cuddling our mother, "We would all be equal if the relationship comes to fruition."

"I know I'm dumping a hell of a lot on you right now, Mark, and I'm sorry about that. I really am. And I'm not expecting an answer today, tomorrow or next week. You have things in your personal life that need sorting. You need to focus on your sister, talk to her, recognise the positives and negatives about accepting me into your relationship."

"Would you like to experiment with me, Mum?" Amy asked softly.

"More than anything, Amy. If we're going to do this, it will be all three of us. Would you like to return the favour?"

"I've never really thought about being with a woman, but the idea of licking pussy doesn't turn me off. I've watched lesbian porn... I mean the amateur stuff, not the shit they make for men."

Mum turned back to me. "I'm not expecting..."

I cut her off by leaning forward and kissing her, the sort of kiss I'd usually share with my sister. My mother whimpered as I pulled her close. When I finally pulled back, nothing would have wiped the smile off her face. "I need to think, Mum, but I love you too," I said softly.

"Take all the time you need, sweetie. And if you make the decision to not pursue this, I'll understand."

"Mum, it's going to hurt you and..."

She kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly. "This is on me, sweetie. Don't make any decision you're not comfortable with. Your sister understands completely how I feel. Any decision taken is entirely yours and we will support it either way."

It was weird being affectionate with my sister after that with our mother in the house. We didn't stop having sex every night, and my sister still woke me up most mornings with a fantastic blowjob, but our mother did stop coming into our bedroom to watch, aware it would be too difficult for her to watch her children making love.

But there were still moments I showed my mother how much I loved her. Though my sister always woke me up with a blowjob, she'd remain in bed as I needed to shower, eat breakfast and get ready for work far earlier. But Mum was always up and about having always been an early riser. Occasionally, I gave into at least some temptation. If she was wearing her robe, I undo the tie and allow my hands to caress her body. She'd lean back and smile as my hands would fondle her breasts. A couple of time, she ended up on the table practically naked, pressing her pussy into my covered bulge as there was no change of not getting an erection when her robe fell away, revealing her naked body.

"Oh baby," she'd coo as her arms and legs wrapped around me, "I don't mind you teasing me like this. I go back to bed once you're gone and masturbate something silly."

"Don't want to hurt you, Mum."

"You're not. Even this is more than enough. I know you tell Amy each and every time. She'd ready to tell you to just get it over with and fuck me!" Glancing down, I noticed she'd given her pussy a proper groom. Noticing my eyes, she whispered, "I know young men like their women well groomed. If my boy is going to lick my pussy, I want to be nice and smooth for him."

Life continued like this for a couple of months. Mum never pushed for more and seemed to just love any attention I'd give her. I knew I was pushing the boundaries, but Amy was present most of the time and simply urged us both on to do more. I knew she was doing her own research and would often whisper into my ear that she loved hearing from our mother what we were doing. But she wasn't pushing me too hard either.

The best reason to live in Grafton was that no-one really knew who we were. Mum had reconnected with old friends, but from the moment we'd arrived, she hadn't introduced us as her children. I had a feeling she knew Amy's feelings about me before I did. That meant I could date my sister openly without having to worry about a thing.

Work kept me busy, and I found myself travelling up and down the coast for work, but my business grew quickly, hiring a new person every couple of months as I did my best to keep up with demand. In addition to her own work, my sister helped with my accounts at the same time. I was good with figures but things like tax just left me confused.

It's amazing how months can just pass by in the blink of an eye. My sister and I were blissfully happy. Our sex life was fantastic. We spent most of our spare time together. And while the relationship with our mother didn't progress past teasing, fondling, and admittedly a lot of kissing, I couldn't remember seeing her happier. Although I knew she wanted for more than I was willing to give her at the moment, it didn't mean I wasn't always affectionate with her, and most nights ended with Mum and my sister snuggling into me as we relaxed either on the couch inside or on the veranda.

Then a spanner was thrown into the works in the form of my soon to be ex-wife. I'd left my lawyer to sort everything out back in Sydney and I had no intention of every really returning unless my sister and I agreed on seeing our father. But as we'd only heard from him a couple of times since we'd departed, it was obvious he'd moved on to focus on his new family. And being completely honest, neither myself mor my sister was particularly bothered.

"She's fighting the application, Mark," he explained, "She's demanding counselling in an attempt to salvage the marriage. She's trying to convince the judge that your relationship can be saved, and you know what it can be like. Even after being married for as long as you have been, the judge can order mandatory counselling if they believe it's worthwhile."

"Surely me not even being there would suggest I have no interest?"

"I'm doing what I can to fight it as counselling is usually only ordered if the marriage starts to collapse within the first couple of years. She's got a good lawyer though. No doubt aware it's bullshit, but the judge is sympathetic to the person not wanting a divorce. And, in the end, the judge is allowed to order counselling."

"I'm not returning to Sydney. If she's so desperate to apparently save this sham of a marriage, she can come north."

"I'll keep you in the loop, Mark, but this isn't going to be the cakewalk you thought it would be."

Amy immediately knew something was wrong as I returned home from work that same day as frustrated as I'd ever been. The moment I replied to one of her innocent questions rather abruptly, she took my hand and led me to the couch, forcing me to sit down before she straddled my chest.

"Tell me," She whispered, "I know it's Hayley. She's the only one that makes you this angry."

Sighing, I cuddled her and apologised first. She hugged me back, assured me that she understood why I was mad, but didn't like me being short with her. That just made me feel guilty, whispering how much I loved my little sister. Tickling her to make her laugh, we ended up sharing a very long, passionate kiss, before she pulled back. "Spill, Mark," she said, "You'll feel better. Want Mum?" Nodding, she slid off my lap, returning with our mother. "Mum, get naked, straddle your son's lap."

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