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Fledgling Pt. 01

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My body is whatever my Master wills it to be.
12k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/17/2019
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Part 1 of 2

It's dark...

It's silent...

I'm alone...

No, wait...I'm not alone. Something is waiting for me. I have to get to it. It has a magnetism I can't resist. I push and push and...

My eyes open and the room I'm in fades into focus.

I'm on a bed. How did I get here? Where am I? As I sit up, I try to think back to the last thing I remember. I can't place anything. What's going on?

Suddenly I notice him. A man who looks to be in his thirties is sitting on the bed I'm in. Why do I feel like I know him? Have I seen him before?

He turns to face me and I see that his left eye is covered by a black patch. His other eye is a faded blue that sparkles with anticipation and something else I can't identify. He gives me a warm smile that doesn't comfort me very much. I still don't know what's happening.

"You've awakened, pet," he tells me. "Your life has begun."

What is he talking about? I examine my surroundings, seeing what looks like a large master bedroom. The only other person is him. I'm unclothed, though I feel no self-consciousness being bare in front of my Master. Try as I might, I can't place—


That word flowed through my thoughts so naturally I didn't even notice it at first. It was like it was simply who he was. I look at him again. Have I really never met him before?

I look at the man (Master, my subconscious assures) and find him to be somewhat imposing. His body is strong and he appears to be moderately tall. He has fair skin and pale blond hair that's tied up messily. His hands are rough and calloused. Most of all, he exudes authority. His presence is doing something strange to me. I want to please him. I want to obey him.

"That's only natural, my fledgling. You were created to serve me." His deep voice seems to soak into the core of my being.

He's still not making any sense, and it vaguely occurs to me that it's as if he can hear my thoughts. I run my hand through my short hair. Suddenly I realize that I had no inkling that my hair was short.

Immediately, one question after another assaults my brain.

What color is my hair? What color are my eyes? What does my face look like?

I...I can't answer any of that.

Panic overtakes me. I feel like I'm drowning. How tall am I? How old am I? Where am I from? There's nothing, not even the most basic facts in my brain!

Wait...what's my name? I...I don't even know my own name. No, it's more than that! I don't even have the base instinct of knowing my gender! Tears start to pour down my cheeks. I don't know anything! I'm no one! I'm nothing!

I'm ripped out of my breakdown by my Master's voice. "That's not true. You're mine." He wraps his arms around me and I instinctively lean into his embrace.

"It's okay, my pet," he croons. "Your Master is here. I've got you. You're safe."

Against all odds, hearing him calms me. His words ring true. I don't know anything, but somehow I agree that I belong to him. What's going on? What's wrong with me?

"There is nothing wrong with you, fledgling," he reassures me. "Your awakening is exactly as it should be."

Again, he had responded directly to my thoughts.

"They're not your thoughts, little one. Everything about you belongs to me. You need to understand that."

My eyes widen. He can hear what's inside my head!

I scramble away. All the fear about my amnesia is turning into fear of this man. What has he done to me?

"I created you, pet. You came out perfectly. You're just having trouble adjusting to your mindset."

I'm trembling. I know it's true. The only fact, the only thing I know in the world is that he is my Master. He created me and he owns me. How did he do this? What kind of monster is he?

He grins mischievously, though the situation makes it read as evil.

"I'm your Master. That's all you need to know for the time being."

He moves closer, and as scared as I am, I don't try to escape. Master reaches out his hand and cups my cheek.

"My meek little fledgling. So frightened. I want to help you. I want to answer your questions and ease your worries." He strokes my bottom lip with his thumb.

"Let me show you what you are, pet."

He holds my hand and leads me off the bed. My instincts make me follow my Master. He stops me in front of a full length mirror and I get my first opportunity to examine myself.

I am very small and perfectly androgynous. I have soft features, a flat chest, and mild curves. I know only from my sex that I'm female. I look closer. I appear to be rather young and likely east Asian in heritage. Okay, this is good. I can start to put together who I actually am.

"Now, now, little one. That's the wrong way to think entirely. I created you as my pet. You don't decide who you are. I do."

I look at his eye in the mirror and it glimmers knowingly.

"You're not a human. You're something new I imagined up that I call a fledgling. You're the perfect servant, an object with the sole purpose of pleasing me. You don't have an appearance. You just look how you do now because I decided that you should look this way when you're newly born, but I can mold your body into whatever I want."

He smirks again. "If the situation arises that I need protection, I could make you an unstoppable beast of a man."

My reflection in the mirror begins growing. No, I'm growing! The transformation is silent and painless. In no more than a couple seconds, I change into a new body entirely. My skin darkens to a deep African tone. Powerful muscles ripple to life under my skin. I sprout a penis like that of a breeding bull. I'm strong and huge, at least a head taller than Master.

He grins even wider before continuing.

"If I want you to give me sexual release, I could make you a perfect goddess of a woman."

I shrink down to a few centimeters shorter than my Master. I become a female with ample breasts and round buttocks. My skin and face shape is now Latin. I have long hair that's glossy and espresso brown. My body is so beautiful it doesn't even look real.

I see lust cloud his eye for a moment, as if he's imagining all the possibilities to explore at a later time. "If I ever need a doppelganger, I would make you my exact duplicate."

My body changes until it becomes his. Every wrinkle, every freckle is a perfect match. It was quite a bizarre image in the mirror. He is standing there, and another one of him is at his side, naked as Adam. My hair is loose and I have both eyes uncovered, but the biggest contrast is in our expressions. He's smiling, confident, and in control. I look horrified, defeated, and powerless.

Master runs his fingers through my hair. "Do you believe me now, fledgling? You have no identity. You have no appearance. All you are, and all you'll ever be, is mine."

He changes me back to the androgynous female body I had at the beginning. He gets behind me and put his hands on my shoulders, his chin above my head.

"You'll have a happy existence serving me, my pet, but that cannot start until you acknowledge what your purpose is. I'm going to allow you to speak. I want you to search within yourself and tell me the truth of your own accord. Look in my eye and say what you are."

I hadn't said a word yet, I guess I never felt the need to, but now it's like an invisible lock on my mouth is released. I look in the mirror, seeing a face so foreign and temporary looking back at me. I see the person's cheeks redden in shame. Tears well up in that face's eyes. I know what Master wants me to say, and there is no indication that saying it would be difficult, but I don't want to. I look down, wanting to disappear.

"LOOK AT YOUR MASTER!" he roars. It's like he wrenches my head up with his words.

He speaks again, now gentle. "Now, little one, look in your Master's eye and tell him what you are."

Like before, I feel serenity when I hear his voice. I want to do what he says. Those feelings aren't fully mine, but they're all I have. My Master's expression is stern, but caring. I see no cruelty in it. Tears flood my eyes and pour down my face.


He looks at me, so loving and patient.

I feel my last stronghold of resistance break. Through my tears and sobbing, I say what I know in my heart to be true.

"I'm your f-fledgling," I whimper. "I exist to s-serve you, my M-Master."

He gently kisses the crown of my head.

"Very good, pet. I know that had to be difficult. Your Master is so proud of you." I hear sincerity in his voice that makes me smile wanly. He turns my body around so he can hug me. I feel like my being is dissolving into his. He pets my hair. I relax into him until something occurs to me.

"What's on your mind, fledgling?" he asks. It still unnerves me how not even my thoughts are safe from him.

"It's not like I'll be listening all the time, pet. Right now, I want you to say what you're thinking."

I nod and find my voice again.

"What...what name have you given me, Master?"

He laughs a little. "You're still thinking like a human, little one. You're the only one of your kind in the world, so you don't need any form of identification. You're just my fledgling."

I can see his logic, though I'm not too happy about it. "Okay," I sniffle.

After a moment I ask something else.

"Um...what is your name, Master?"

He pushes me away to arm's length and gives me a strict look.

"My name is Fauntleroy, Leroy to my friends. You, however, will always call me Master. Is that clear?"

I nod.

"Say it," he commands.

"You're Master."

He ruffles my hair and gives me a kiss on the forehead before hugging me again. Instinctually, I can tell that the invisible gag is back on my mouth and I will not be able to speak until it's removed again.

Somehow, I hear his voice in my head.

Words cannot express how good it feels to finally have you in my arms, pet.

He can speak in my mind? That seems like an unnecessary display of power. He can already read my thoughts and force my silence. Isn't that enough?

You were designed to be the perfect servant, fledgling. The perfect servant does not speak out of turn and listens to its Master whether it wants to or not. The perfect servant doesn't need verbal orders to know what Master needs of it.

"However," he continues aloud, "I am a human and communicate as a human does. I probably won't need to send signals like that very often. What I want to be clear is that I decide whether or not I can hear you and I decide whether or not you can hear me. An object like you doesn't need to worry about such things."

I nod, the amount of power Master has over me sinking in.

"Now, my fledgling," he says, "It's time for you to make my dinner."

He walks out of the bedroom and I can't help but follow. We're in a large house, and I see what looks like a summer evening outside. What's odd is that there are so many mirrors, at least one on every wall.

"They're so you can see your body changing," he explains over his shoulder. "The more often you're reminded of my power over you, the better."

The house is quite large. My Master must be very rich. Does he really live here all by himself?

"Not anymore, I don't. I just got a new pet." It's like I can hear his smirk.

We get to the kitchen and Master changes my body. I can see in a mirror that I'm a woman around his age with curly brown hair.

"Now, fledgling, make me pasta primavera like the obedient little housewife I want you to be."

I raise an eyebrow. He wants me to cook? I don't know how to cook. I don't know anything!

"You can cook," he sighs, as if talking to a child. "You think I forgot about these things? You're built to follow my orders. Just let your body guide you."

I'm confused, but try to do what he asks. Letting my instincts take over, I find myself putting on an apron and walking to the pantry, getting ingredients and supplies. It feels like I'm doing something I've done a hundred times.

"It's something I've done before," he explains. "If I know how to do something, so will you if I give the order."

I chop vegetables and cook pasta for the next half hour or so until he has a plate of food and a glass of wine in front of him. After I hang up my apron it occurs to me that I had only made one serving. I look at Master in askance.

"You don't need to eat, pet. In fact..." I shrink and see in a nearby mirror that he has turned me into a small boy of around 20. "Be a good little pup and sit at your Master's feet."

What? It's not enough that I made dinner, I have to demean myself further?

"Yes. Now come here." His voice is full of so much authority that I have to obey. It's like my body is pushed down to my hands and knees. Feeling like a puppet, I crawl to my Master.

He grabs my chin and forces me to look up at him.

"I shouldn't have to do that. A good puppy doesn't hesitate. It doesn't think; it just obeys."

Fear creeps into me again.

"Show your Master that you're sorry, pup. Be creative and you'll avoid punishment."

He starts eating and I'm forced to digest what he had said. I have no idea what punishment would entail, but he has utter control over me. He can do whatever he wants.

I can't speak, but I need to apologize somehow. He wants me to be a good puppy. I have to obey.

I crawl over and start rubbing my cheek against Master's leg. I nuzzle him for a few minutes, letting out the tiniest little whimpers of contentment. Gently, I pepper his legs with kisses. It doesn't feel like enough.

Now under the table, I get down to his feet. I start to remove his shoes, and when he doesn't object I pull them off with his socks. I kiss and nuzzle his bare feet, my nostrils filled with only his musk. I massage them, trying my best to make him feel good. I've lost track of how long I had been doing this when I hear his voice.

"Come out, pet."

After I crawl out from under the table, I notice that his plate and glass is empty.

"Oh, they've been empty for a while. I just didn't want to tell you to stop servicing me."

I glance at a clock and see that I had been degrading myself for almost an hour.

"Clean up and do the dishes, fledgling," he commands before standing up and walking away.

I put my body into autopilot again and I start doing what he asked. Since I don't have to focus, I can think freely.

I feel both a hatred and a fear concerning my Master. He sees me as an object, a slave to do his bidding. I can't resist him, and that horrifies me. Is this my lot in life, being nothing but a pet to some evil man? Why am I not more angry about this? I should be screaming, I should be running away, but I feel no desire to. He must have programmed me to not want to leave. What kind of life is this? I have no freedom, no free will, no identity, with no one who loves me, or even cares about me. I'm just a plaything.

The moment I was done with the dishes, I hear his voice in my mind.

Come here, fledgling.

Once again I let my body guide me and walk in what feels like the right direction. As I do, Master changes me into an attractive African woman, small and curvy. I find him on a couch.

"Please sit on my lap, little one."

That's odd. I'm pretty sure he hasn't said please when talking to me before.

Curiously I sit on his leg and he wraps me in his arms.

"I was listening to what you were thinking about me back there."

My blood turns to ice. I messed up. He's going to punish me for my insolence!

"No," he says firmly. "I don't want to punish you for your thoughts. I want to apologize."

I blink a few times, certain I had heard him incorrectly.

"You're not mistaken, pet." He caresses my face. "I've been tactless, so busy celebrating my creation of you that I discounted your feelings."

He pulls away so that he can look me square in the eye.

"I did create you to serve me, and I expect you to obey, but that's not all of it. I want, need you to know how much I love you."

He kisses me on the lips.

"I love you so much. I love you more than anyone. I love you more than I could ever love myself. I feel like your Master, lover, friend, parent. For so long creating you has been my purpose. Now that you're in my life, my precious little fledgling, I'll protect and love you no matter what."

He hugs me tightly. "I apologize from the bottom of my heart that I did or said things that made you question that. You're my most prized possession. I love you to the ends of the earth. My new priority in life is taking care of you."

He sighs and holds me a little tighter.

"I can't make you love me, not that I'd want to even if I could. You can hate me all you want, I deserve it. I'll just keep loving you and hope that one day you'll find it in your heart to love me back. I'm new at having a fledgling, so I'm unsure of how to do this. Please bear with me."

I'm shocked. He adjusts us so we're face to face and I feel the gag go away. He wants me to talk to him.

I'm kind of at a loss for words. I think for a moment, and if he is listening he doesn't indicate it. When I speak I feel like it's only me talking.

"I think I've assumed too much, too. Thank you for telling me that, and I promise to keep that in mind."

He kisses me on the lips again. Now the kiss is less affectionate and more passionate. He runs his hands around my naked body. He purrs in my ear.

"Let me tell you another thing I had in mind when I made you, pet. I've spent countless nights alone. I want a sexual partner. Now, with you, I can be true to one lover and still choose from any person I want. I love men, women, all God's people. I know it's selfish, but I want it all. I want to please all kinds of partners."

He slides back so he can bring his kisses down my neck, which makes pleasure shoot into me. He latches onto a nipple and takes his time sucking it, wanting it to feel good for me. I have no idea if he made me to feel this way, or what.

I made you sensitive to me, he admits in my mind. Me and nobody else. But I still want to give it everything I got.

After nursing and nibbling for a few minutes, he makes his way down to my sex, now wet and ready for him. He works me with his mouth, listening to my thoughts and adjusting to give me the most pleasure possible.

For the next ten minutes I feel like I'm flying.

You're mine, he tells me. All mine. I'm the only one who can do this to you.

After that thought, he puts his teeth on my clitoris and ever so gently bites down.

I feel like I just got hit by a tidal wave. Orgasm wracks my body so hard and for so long I fear I'm passing out, but eventually the euphoria fades.

I look at Master and see him with a fair amount of my nectar on him. His erection is tenting his pants. By instinct I reach for it, but he stops me.

"Not today, my beautiful pet. Today I just wanted to make up for how I've treated you."

He kisses me before he looks at a clock.

"The two of us need to get ready for sleep."

Sleep? I suppose I do feel tired.

"I should probably bathe first. The great thing about you is that no matter what happens, all I need to do is make you someone else—"

My body changes into a male.

"—and you're as pure as the driven snow."

He kisses my lips again before standing up.

"Still, I'm a human who needs to take a shower. Retire to our room, fledgling. I'll be there when I'm done."

I nod and he leaves.

For a moment, I sit there, taking in all that has happened today. So many emotions, so many experiences, and my life has just begun.

As I walk to the room I was born in I see that Master has made me a south Asian man, in his twenties from the look of it. I have a toned body, of average height and with little hair. Just today, I've been so many people. The only constant has been my Master. I suppose that that's how life as a fledgling is supposed to be.

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