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Forced to be Feminine

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Forced feminisation by a domme.
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Chapter one


J was up early, I could hear him moving around obviously looking for his case, he certainly wouldn't find it as I has managed whilst his attention was diverted to drop it off the side of the boat, it meant the only clothes he had were the ones he stood up in plus a couple of shirts and sweater, both in his hold-all.

I waited for a while before going downstairs, I sympathized with him and reassured him that the case must be at the airport telling him we'd be able to collect it later in the day.

We had breakfast, then I called the airport knowing full well there was no case there, when I shared this information with him he was obviously really worried, I suggested we waited a couple of days to give the airline a chance to track it down, if that failed we could use the internet to order replacement clothes, the insurance would pay for them

Little did he know that today was the start of his feminisation, I felt a shiver of anticipation at the enjoyment I was going to experience becoming his Domme, the start was easy, he had enough clothes but obviously no clean underwear, I said that I had some in his size and returned with a pair of black satin french knickers, I had deliberately chosen these because of the beautiful lustre from the rich satin, he obviously protested but as I said no one was going to see them and he was being stupid

When he came back having changed his underwear I felt a moment of triumph, the first hurdle had been overcome, there was no obvious change in his appearance but I could somehow sense that the caress of the satin was frightening him, the fact that he was enjoying being an unexpected pleasure, I made no mention of them during the day and we caught up with a mountain of paperwork


Once again an early start, today I provided a pair of ivory satin knickers, he didn't protest this time which I felt was a step forward, it was the first moment he became submissive and was the start of his new role in life, I gave him the task of moving boxes of files, I deliberately had made some of these much heavier, he spent the whole day working and I could see by the end of it he was rubbing his back which was obviously hurting from these unusual exertions, I suggested that he should have a soak in a hot bath and go to bed early, that should I reassured him relieve the back pain


It was back to the black satin knickers for him, again no hint of protest, his back was obviously still very painful, now for the next stage of his transformation, I suggested that he needed some support for his back and went off and fetched a black satin corset, when he saw it he thanked me but said there was no way he would wear it, I feigned upset and disappointment, I was only trying to help, he would only have to wear for a couple of days at worst, no one would know, it would sort out his back problem and I felt that he was being really ungrateful

After a while he gave in, the corset was an under-bust one and as I laced it tighter had the effect of lifting his chest to form small breasts, he was very embarrassed by this, I could tell by the fact that he kept his arms folded over his chest, at intervals over the next hour I tightened the laces reassuring him that it would help his back

I noticed that the corset changed the way he walked slightly, even with his loose fitting jeans and shirt he somehow looked more feminine, I wanted now to speed up his transformation, the thought of him en femme and in bondage was exciting, my new submissive was appearing slowly before my eyes, I knew however that I would have to proceed slowly to make sure I trapped him


His back was little better so once again I laced him into the corset, making sure it was tighter than the previous day, he didn't argue about the corset or the knickers however when I produced a pair of opaque stockings he refused point blank to wear them, I pointed out his stupidity, firstly he had been wearing the same socks since he had arrived and they needed washing, secondly the corset had suspenders attached and he might as well use them, my arguments failed to convince him and I turned on my tears, I sobbed that I was trying to help him and that he was being ungrateful, I stormed out the room. I waited what appeared an age before he followed me holding the stockings, he apologized and asked for my help to put them on, I did just that making sure the suspenders were as taut as possible to heighten the sensation of wearing stockings.

I could sense during that day how confused his emotions were by the experiences of wearing this ever increasingly feminine clothing


A day off from work, I suggested we went to the pub for lunch, the jeans he had been wearing all week were by now filthy and the pair in his hold-all were pretty tatty, I offered to lend him a pair of jeans but explained they were a size too small, it would mean that he would have to wear 'his' corset, I enjoyed putting real emphasis on the 'his', he agreed readily as he was keen to get out of the house for a while, he didn't even protest about the stockings, now for the next part of his transformation I thought.

I produced a cream silk blouse, I had chosen deliberately something very plain so as not to alarm him, I told him that it would be hidden under his shirt and that it would be better than wearing a dirty shirt, he hesitated for a long time and I thought I had gone too far, eventually he agreed, we had an enjoyable evening made even more so for me as I could sense his discomfort in feeling very feminine in a public place

It was dark when we left, I had left the roof down on the car and before we got into it put on a Kelly style silk headscarf, I told him to look in the glove box where there was an identical scarf, I suggested that he might like to wear it as it was going to be pretty chilly on the drive home, it seemed an eternity before he picked it up, I helped him with the double knot at the nape of his neck making sure I smoothed the silk over his head as I did so, he really did now start to look more feminine, I also insisted he kept it on until we got into the house, another step forward in my plan


A day of rest for him, I allowed him to slob around in his old male clothes, thinking as I did so that this would be the last time he would escape from femininity

Chapter two

The second week begins


No protest today, he was obviously becoming more compliant and he even asked me to help with his corset, I had switched the jeans I had lent him for a pair with a smaller waist size, this of course meant tightening his corset even more, his waist further reduced gave him a lovely figure and of course the tightness enhanced his 'breasts' more, he was still embarrassed by these and went to great lengths to keep them hidden, this being very difficult as he had to spend a great deal of time clipping his stockings to his suspenders, he didn't notice that his corset now had six suspenders, this making the task more difficult.

He was so eager to hide his new feminine assets that he was in a hurry to get the blouse on, I had chosen a really beautiful one in rich dark blue satin with long very full sleeves gathered at the wrists with long three button cuffs, the tiny pearl buttons were really fiddly to do up and he had to ask for help with them, another tiny piece of submission, as we were working at home all day I persuaded him to leave off his sweater, this of course had the advantage of showing off his blouse to full effect, I couldn't wait to complete his feminisation but realised that I needed to be very careful not to frighten him too much, I however set myself a target to have him in a skirt by the end of the week


He dressed in the same clothes as the previous day and we worked through the morning, at lunchtime the doorbell rang and I saw him rush to put his sweater on to hide his blouse, I was expecting this interruption as I had invited two of the girls from head office to work with us for the rest of the week, I could see his eyes widen as he took in the fact they were dressed practically identically to him the only differences being their high heeled boots and the silk scarves they wore 'ascot' style around their necks, I was certain that he noticed these were the same as the one he had worn as a headscarf on the drive back from the pub, I introduced him to the girls and left them chatting as I went to change before rejoining them wearing the identical outfit.

We worked through the morning, it was by now getting warm in the house, in the main due to the fact I had turned up the heating, he was clearly getting hot in his sweater, and the girls of course were just wearing blouses

I surreptitiously turned the heating up again, he was by now red in the face, the girls suggested he took off his sweater, he refused and they then took matters into their own hands by ganging up on him and physically removing it, he was very embarrassed as his blouse was revealed in all its feminine glory, the girls said nothing appearing to accept it as completely normal for a male to be wearing a satin blouse and very tight jeans accentuating a slim waist, the only complaint they made was the fact he was not wearing the corporate scarf, they thought that all employees had to wear one! I explained to him that they were in fact correct, normally male staff would wear a corporate tie but as we had none available would he mind wearing a scarf? It would at least keep the girls happy, after what seemed an age he agreed, it was amazing how just the addition of the scarf accentuated his feminine appearance

At the end of the working day we all decided to go to the pub, he immediately reached to untie his neck-scarf, the girls protested volubly and after a while he agreed to keep it on, he started looking for his sweater (which I by now had hidden!), I handed him a jacket saying that we had to get going, he put it on and we hustled him out to the car, it was only once he was in it that he realised that it didn't conceal his blouse and that it buttoned on the wrong side and was cut in a tailored way to accentuate his corseted waist, his discomfort was made even worse when we all put on Kelly style headscarves and insisted he did the same, telling him we would let him remove it before we went into the pub, we had a great evening part of the pleasure for me was the fact we had taken him even further down the road of femininity.

On the drive back to the house the girls insisted he wore his headscarf again and they made him wear it back at the house for the rest of the evening, I could sense he was desperate to escape from its silken caress partly due to embarrassment and also due to the fact he was probably fighting against enjoying wearing it.

When he went up to his room at the end of the evening I followed him up the stairs, apart from his deck shoes he looked totally feminine from behind, I helped him unlace his corset before handing him a full length lace trimmed black silk nightdress with a matching gown, I explained that I needed him to wear the nightdress as he had a habit of getting up during the night and wandering down to the kitchen in his underwear, that had been Ok when there were only two of us in the house but now we had guests wouldn't be acceptable, he was to sleep in the nightdress so that he wouldn't forget to put it on if he got up, he would simply slip the gown over it if he needed to leave his room, he was too tired to argue and I loved the thought as I closed the door of his room that there would be no escape from the touch of silk for him, he would now have spent a 24 hour period largely en femme.


We all had breakfast together in our nightdresses, we insisted he joined us, he looked lovely but I knew how much better he would look once I had completed his transformation

I told him we had to visit two clients on the mainland, these meetings were as soon as our flight landed, once we had done that we could go shopping for some male clothing for him (this was of course a blatant lie on my part, the shopping would be of an entirely different nature!), I had laid out his clothing for the trip on the bed, it consisted of his feminine jacket, his normal corset, stockings and knickers, a cream satin blouse, his corporate silk scarf, a satin gaff, a pair of soft woolen trousers with a side zip and a pair of low heeled loafer style shoes, I explained the point of the gaff, the trousers were tight fitting and because of the side zip would make his male parts very obvious, the gaff would hide these, he was so eager to escape from his captivity in silk and satin that he agreed to wear all of the clothes, I made sure that his corset was even tighter than before, it would heighten all of his other sensations for the whole day.

As he walked downstairs I could see that the heels despite being low made him walk less like a male, another step forward, I handed him his 'briefcase' which was in fact a large handbag with a silk scarf tied to the strap, I carried an identical one and had a use for the scarves planned for later in the day!

I had set up the two meetings, they were both with friends of mine, both with domme tendencies, I told him his role was purely to take notes, at the first meeting I introduced him as my secretary which he clearly found embarrassing, I also apparently inadvertently used the word she rather than he to describe him, saying 'she'll be taking notes'. I deliberately made mistakes in my presentation which he corrected.

Once the meeting was over and we were alone in the office I vented my fury on him telling him that he was only there to take notes and not to contradict me, at the next meeting there would be no possibility of this as I would be taking the precaution of gagging him, his eyes widened he could not believe what he was hearing.

I produced a small black silk scarf from my handbag, he refused totally to be gagged, I reminded him that he was dressed in female clothes, had no money on him and no ID, and if he refused I would just walk away and leave him, he was left with no choice. I forced the black scarf into his mouth then took the scarf from the strap of his handbag, I folded that into a strip and tied it tightly between his lips forcing the first scarf deeper into his mouth, I then took the scarf from the strap of my handbag which I had liberally sprayed with perfume, I folded it into a triangle and tied it over the lower half of his face bringing the two ends around to the front and tying them tightly in a double knot beneath his chin

This scarf has three benefits, it hid the fact he was gagged, the tight silk moved in and out with every breath heightening the feel of it against his skin and the perfume filled his nostrils with every breath

We went to the next meeting, I could sense he was experiencing mixed emotions, he desperately wanted to remove the gag but my threat to leave him dressed as he was prevented this and secondly he was probably enjoying the feeling of restriction which would have been a real concern to him

My friend at the second meeting played her role perfectly, she even commented how much she liked the scarf mask my secretary was wearing, we both during this meeting at all times used the words 'she' and 'her' to describe him.

Once the meeting was over I could sense his relief, he reached up to remove his gag but I insisted he kept it on until we arrived at the shops, at last I could see him thinking I'm going to escape from this nightmare

That was clearly not going to be the case!

We arrived at the shop owned by another friend of mine, it had a plain exterior that gave away none of the secrets that lay within, in the foyer I asked him to put his hands behind his back, before he realised what I was doing I swiftly handcuffed them, he was now completely helpless.

'Now for some shopping' I said, he shook his head trying to loosen his gag and at the same time was trying to wriggle out of his handcuffs, both were much too tight for that, I led him through the door and his eyes widened with amazement.

There was rack upon rack of skirts, blouses, dresses and gowns, one area at the end had a range of bondage equipment and crops and whips, there was obviously no male clothing anywhere and it was obviously dawning on him what might be his fate

Kate who owned the store joined us, her first suggestion was that we got rid of his silly shoes, these were the low heeled ones he had worn all day, I could see a brief flash of relief in his eyes thinking that he might be returning to his normal male shoes, I sat him down. Kate took advantage of his helpless state to remove his gag; he was surprised when she immediately replaced it, tying it tighter than ever.

I had found a black satin hood on the bondage shelves, it was made with double satin so was thick enough to exclude all light from the wearer and at the same time meant the wearer had the slippery satin against their skin, I pulled the hood tight over his head, he struggling and kicking out all the time, there was to be no escape for him so I then pinched his nostrils shut, I knew this would make it virtually impossible for him to breathe as the combination of the gag and hood meant the alternative of breathing through his mouth was not available, a shudder of excitement passed through me, it was the feeling of having total control over him that I was enjoying so much.

He immediately became still and I released his nostrils, all resistance had gone from him, he allowed Kate to remove his shoes and replace them with a pair of with 4 inch heels, these had the advantage of being lockable meaning there was no way he could remove them.

We helped him to his feet and made him walk, he was very unsteady initially but I saw an immediate change in his gait, his shorter steps really began to make him look more feminine

The next stage was to provide him with full breasts, I got him to sit down again, unbuttoned his blouse and placed a pair of breast forms on his chest, these had a new adhesive which prevented any removal for 24 hours, I re-buttoned his blouse which was now tight enough to make the nipples really prominent against the satin of his blouse.

I led him next to the whipping stool forcing him to kneel on it, Kate and I were quick enough in releasing his handcuffs and then attaching his wrists to the straps on the side of the stool, our speedy work gave him no time to resist, we then attached his ankles to the stool, he was now totally helpless with his bottom raised slightly

This was too much temptation for me, I selected a riding crop from the selection and began to beat him, I could still just hear his cries for mercy through his hood and gag, those cries merely making me beat him more, I was feeling quite aroused by the scenario

After a while I stopped taking time to caress his hood and blouse, ensuring the satin rubbed into every pore of his skin, I stopped and could sense him relax, I waited a couple of minutes before starting the beating again.

I repeated this process of pleasure and pain for around an hour before leaving him to his own devices, Kate returned before I did and removed his hood but left him gagged, when I came back and sat in front of him, I could see the puzzlement in his eyes, obviously he was thinking 'what have I done to deserve this?'

I explained that the punishment had been due to his insolence in speaking out of turn at our first meeting, he was from this moment to be my full time slave and as such would assume a feminine role within my household, the last two weeks had been preparing him for his new life, from this moment on he would be become a she and would be known by a female name, his look of terror showed how much he struggled to comprehend this and he tried desperately to speak through his gag. I wanted that fear to stay with him and I quickly replaced his hood and left him for the night.


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