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Forever Ladies Night in Lubbock

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A cabal of MILFs bed the visiting boy cubs.
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A cabal of MILFs own the visiting boy cubs

Everyone depicted here is over 18,


"He did not do that," Becky exclaims in reaction to Stacy's confession,

"What that stud do to you? You won't be able to cross your legs for a month."

"You don't have to believe me, so check this out," curtly retorts Stacy while flipping up her dress front to bare her panty-less inner thighs which display her expansively bruised peri-vulval region.

"Damn," says Becky, mixed with awe, jealousy and a drop of drool "that 'pretty boy' of yours sure can do some damage. Dang that's hot. You gotta lend him to me so I can show my slick dick how it's done."

"You get plenty yourself from Mr. 'Tall, dark and hung,'" pipes Carina, also with a hint of envy.

"You do, too! 'Miss stick our noses in YOUR big boy's tight ass' that YOU always brag about scratching to pieces," retorts Becky leaning her bulged eyes into her friend's face.

"Now, now, ladies, let's not squabble like hens and forget who we are - THE most desirable pieces of ass in the county ... and beyond ... indefinitely!" chides Stacy in mock Southern gentility.

"Always the MOTHER hen, huh 'Stace'?," chides the long raven haired Veronica before she appeases her with, "but you're right, we are the hottest ticket for a long way round."

Carina says, "So, we're agreed then. We ARE the bee's knees of Lubbock, USA., the only rightful place to recognize the superior divas we are," and the other ex's raise their Chambord laced Chablis, mimicking Carina's toast.

"Yaaahooo ..." and cheers are collectively screamed.

"I don't care about this," as Stacey points below, "maybe one of those three-letter college boys over there will just fuck me doggy."

None of the others are at all shocked by Stacy's statement, they're too interested to whom she is referring. As all four ladies turn to look they are met with excited grins and elbowing that the young man troupe is dismally trying to hide. A more senior member joins the three turks with a pitcher of foamy beer. He turns to look at what the trilogy of varsity b-ballers eyes are riveted, but by then the self-proclaimed Aristo-Cats have turned back into themselves.

"Not a bad pick," Carina says, "Not locals with those purple jackets."

"Ripe for the pickins', then. I might have to spill a drink on one, or two, heck! ALL of 'em," says Becky with scintillous eyes.

"'Beck!', you are sooo insatiable, isn't ONE good long cock enough?," Stacey relays in jest, receiving only an 'are you serious' look in return.

"When is it ever?," shoots back Veronica, laughing.

Stacey, "How true. Should we sack'em or make'em work for it?"

"I think I can answer for everyone," declares Carina, "they look too nubile to wait for them to get up the nerve, and I've had enough red to drink to just drag one into a lady's stall!"

Becky chuckles under her breath and says through laughing "THAT's been tried here with disastrous consequences. We almost got permanently 86'd last time we pulled that stunt. Besides, it smells worse than the men's room, it'd be a 'cock block' for sure."

"Yeah," Stacy sneers mischievously, "let's wait till they separate from the victorious group hug then single'em out, just like jackals on the prowl that scatter their prey."

"Divide and conquer, how Josephinian," so sayeth Waitress Jennie the Brain, as they so call her.

"I can see how that history PhD you're working on gets handy," Victoria smirks as she accepts the gratis decanter of house red from Jennie.

"I just wish some of these eggheads I school were her half as good as your hunting trophies," Jennie laments.

"Watch and learn little girl," says Stacey as she gets up and homes in on the tallest visiting collegiate, freshly isolated from the herd.

Jen watches in amazement while the rest of the 'Chix of Prey' individually dispatch themselves to follow the floozy blonde's lead. Jen quickens to the 80s singles CD 'jukebox', plugs it in with a kick in just the right spot, and out blares B52s 'Love Shack.' Jennie smiles to herself seeing the ladies hit the dance floor, each with a varsity in tow.

"Come on, baby, let's see your moves," Becky screams at the stockiest amongst them, i.e., Youngin' #2.

She always goes for the beef cakes first, and before long has his hands all over her ass. He gives her a little swat with a devilish grin. Becky, in turn, yields a yelp of surprise, but just for effect, as she adopts a 'spider and the fly' tactic.

Vicky decides to go for the coach who's sporting a determined demeanor. She's dealt quite successfully with the ones that mistakenly believe that they're the ones in charge.

She says to him "So. Did your boys come all this way just to whip ours?," Victoria suggestively asks "or was it because y'all thought you'd plunder some booty with your masculine charms?," as her eyebrows raise, insisting on a worthy answer.

"Yeah, we did," responds Coach Major Dad, nervously.

"Which one, booty or beating?," she inquired, a little less demanding this time. She doesn't want to frighten her prey to cause him to run away without having her meal, after all.

"Both, I suppose," he lightens up a bit, gaining confidence "so, what do y'all ladies like to do?"

"THIS lady doesn't want to be a lady, just drag you home and have my way with YOU," she boldly states, then drags a finger from his lips to his Adam's Apple while humming.

Feeling a sure score he says "what are we waiting for? You like to get beat, do you?," it's his turn to raise eyebrows in askance.

With that she grabs his hand and her purse and scurries both of them to her car out back while saying "ha!, it's ME that does the beating ... of YOUR meat!."

She loved being the aggressive demanding slut and had sensed his eagerness to play along at the mercy of her lead. She pressed the electronic unlock on her key. Her soccer mom van had already started and preheated when she opened the slider to the kiddie compartment. She held him way too close for his comfort level and subsumed his mouth with a possessive smack on the lips. Before he could take in a gulp of air from shock she invaded his mouth with her tongue, pushing it deep enough to cut access to any air supply that might be still available to him.

She continued her onslaught by shoving him backwards onto the velvet flocked air mattress within. He broke his fall by his elbows, then propped himself up with them, sporting a dumb as shit grin. She couldn't stand that look. Her remedial action was straddling his chest. She glared down below directly into his now startled eyes.

That's so much better she thought "Listen leader of the brats, I'm in charge here. Now strip me so I can cover that naughty mouth of yours with my pussy."

She maniacally grinned upon him with arms akimbo while he flustered in pushing her pantsuit bottom to below her knees. Immediately his eyes feasted upon her glistening shaved pussy topped by a dark Brillow pad. He stared in awe at her hovering twat's puckering want. He leans his head upwards to inhale her spiced womanly musk before meeting her lips with his.

Immediately he commenced lappage with his broad flattened tongue "Mmm hmmm," she gasps while still staring him down, she could never get enough connived conlinguis and holds her weakening balance by bracing her palms against the van's ceiling ...


Back inside the booming bass filled lounge Stace and Becks are putting on a mock lesbian rump thump dance for the remaining two lads. They're riveted to the display. Jennie joins them as the lead car in the undulating girl-train. The twin naïvetés are frozen in place until Jen breaks back to the bar. The Coug's saunter over to them with wine-bleary hunger in their measured gaits and sling their arms around the boys' necks.

Stacie "Hey boys, did you like our little girlie show? We did that just for YOU," to which the young gents could only respond with smiles and nods "come on, get on the floor with us," she adds.

Becky suavely interjects "Yeah, let's do it," and whispers "and maybe we'll let you'se get us on the floor."

"Okay," replies the stockier of the two with timidity as they follow the slinky swagger of the slatterns' shapely full body sweaters.

The pair of boys reluctantly sway to a slow dance to Arrowsmith's "Don't Want to Close My Eyes." It's the price of getting laid in the short time window they have in this unlikely dusty town turned university outpost. As they pair off the gals start groping for their quarter bouncing butts and reaching under their jackets to find that their abs are just as taut. Becky takes the bold next step and searches for her 'date's' package, delighted to find it even harder than his muscles.

She says to her friend in an exaggerated southern drawl "Stacie darling," twirling towards her but still held close to her evenings "meal" in a light grip "I believe my date has the hosts for me," fluttering her eyes like a belle of the ball "how 'bout yours?"

"Well lemme check for myself. Why yes, I do believe mine is also rather ... charged," playing along with southern charm "I just hate to LAY a perfectly good wood to waste. Let's take these here rightly gentlemen in the 'store' room and see if any further developments POP up.

"That's the best suggestion I have heard yet today. Gents ... ," the wanton women hook their respective arms through those of the young athletes and lead them on to the back.

Fascinated by the spectacle unfolding before her, Jennie just shakes her head and looks down at the bar counter she's wiping. Despite having watched the same scenario at least a dozen times in half as many months, she still gets a rise at the middle-aged adolescent regulars ...


Carina is way ahead of her peers in scoring her man, Mr. Youngin #3. In fact, she's already in the altogether, and the throes of passion. She's being ridden hard by the tallest and most lithe of the lot while sprawled out on the three-legged dusty pool table in storage. It makes a convenient upwards tilt on the opposite corner, thus brandishing her offering all the better for young eyes. She's lying on her back against the lint tinted felt with her legs held wide open and head at the break circle, lewdly exposing her upturned bushy auburn pussy. He's by now laying it on thick inside her sloshing slit. He's big enough to reach her most inner hotspots despite their comical positioning.

"Fuck my pussy! Drill it in deep! I've been dicked a thousand times and can take anything," she gathers her breath "not like those 'Princess and the Pea' prima donna college girls you have to fight your into. I am all MILF pussy, tits, ass and everything else. Now git to it and bash my cunt."

Carina furiously abrades her clit with her entire left hand while being pussy pummeled. On the cusp of her next peak she goes at it that much faster, her pink pearl rising for a lewd view. Then a tsunami of pussy punch rockets out of her and crashes onto his sweat glistened pecs like a seawall holding back the waves. Her waves of waning and waxing ecstasy are like remnant aftershocks from the 'O' storm.

"Damn, lady that's ... ," he didn't get to finish his sentence before finishing ... in her "Shit, I'm sorry, I couldn't ..."

Cut short again, she assured him "It's OK, I'm not fertile. I was also holding you inside me with my leg lock anyway," she giggles, showing her first sliver of modesty of the evening.

He looks up at the clock with panic on his face "Coach is gonna kill me for breaking curfew," he'll never complete that thought for she places a pointy finger on his quivering lips.

"Don't you worry about that, my boy wonder, the 'Divine Miss V' has strict orders to, oh what's the word, DETAIN him until the rest of us are done," she says waving a finger in the air before using it and her thumb to hold her chin in thought "let's just say that there probably will not be a practice till at least Tuesday."


Stace and Becks start stripping to the beat of the indistinguishable background music and pause when down to their 'racy-lacies.' The 'blonde bimbette' Stacie calls to the young men "Aren't you boys gonna do somethin' for us girls?," with about the worst Britney Spears baby doll impression ever.

"You're somethin' else, Stace, but that's why I love you," and Becky gives her a light peck on her friend's uber puckered lips."

Beck looks over to their male counterparts with a look of expectation and a quick nod to the floor signifying them to disrobe as well. The boys look at each other and grin. The ladies have their arms crossed over their chests waiting for the Chippendales to pony up and strip down. They comply but pause when down to undies, but then they shrug off their demur and boldly replace it with boyish bravado. The veteran gals hoot and holler when Team Beefcake does a naked do-si-do to a Garth song, their muscular backs and butts facing the women. Beck and Stace suddenly remove their fabric vestiges, silently confirm their plan, rush the men and tackle them to the floor.

"See? Told ya we were gonna get you onto the floor," chides Beckie, and both chicks take hold of a cock and insert them into their sopping canals "dang this one's built. It hurts so awesome."

Stacey retorts "Tellin' me! This one's stretching me to my limits, which isn't much cuz a this bruise. Fuck me doggie, baby," to which he's glad to oblige.

Stacey assumes all fours with her honey colored ass stuck in the air. Youngin #2 lines up with her pussy slit and glides his cock tip up and down to locate the right docking port, which he narrowly escapes missing. Stacey coos her satisfaction of his gentle treatment, that is, up until she wants it rough. She tucks her head below her crossed arms on the floor and further lifts her butt.

"Now go fast hunny and don't spare the horses," upon hearing that he immediately ramps to warp speed, practically propelling her along the vinyl floor with each atomic powered push "that's the way, I'll make a lover out of you yet."


Coach is in his own full gallop upon Vickie's doggie positioned vag as she's bending forward over the back of a second row seat. There's a deafening clap of flesh with each collision with her ample tush. He's grimacing from the pleasure, and the effort at holding back until she comes first.

"You like my balls wrecking your clit. My coach cock is pounding your Cougar pussy. Isn't it?," when he doesn't get a response (because she's too consumed from being on the verge of yet another shattering 'O') he tangles a fist full of hair between his fingers "You're so tight for an old bitch. I could ram my dick in you all night."

She retaliates against his restraining grip and insulting words by bucking her ass backwards into his crotch, thereby bending his hard and slick cock upwards and almost out "take that OLD man! How's it like being shown up by your 'kiddies'?"

"Shut your MILF pie before I fill it with my jizz."

"Bring it old man!"

"Ready or not, here I ... " he didn't get a chance to finish as he hit his peak and copiously housed down the top of her ass.


After some time Carrie, Becky, Stacey and Veronica exit their respective dens of iniquity and gather back at their original table. Waiting there are four filled shot glasses of Yeager and a large center placed ashtray. The naughty gals take their seats, all sporting 'just fucked' tousled hairdos. The tired old men and other regulars that covet the stools at the bar all turn to face the slutty sluts with smiles, hoots and hollers. Some even raise a silent toast in homage. The exhausted, yet sated, 'Bitches of Eastwick' are way too prissy to acknowledge their cheers, but are smiling as big as the sun on their insides from the acknowledgement of their devious deeds.

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