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Fortieth Birthday Surprise

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My wife is delayed, but I'm entertained by the ranger.
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The business was finally going well enough to be left in the care of the staff. It had been a hard slog for three years but my wife Katrina and I finally had the chance to spend some time together doing the things we enjoyed.

There hadn't been much time for long leisurely sex and no real time for exercise except for fitness sessions at the gym. I hated the gym, although Katrina seemed to have made a few friends.

So, in early Spring, to celebrate my 40th birthday, we decided to go hiking in the Garnet Lakes Wilderness. If you haven't been, then I should tell you it's one of the truly great experiences of the Pacific Northwest. Hidden in an obscure corner of the Olympic National Park, it's a truly magical hike. Kate had promised to give me a time I would never forget.

The normal way it's done is as a three to five day trip, either East-West or West-East. We planned to take seven, going East-West, allowing for ascents of some of the side peaks along the way, and a luxurious break at the newly refurbished Rainbow Falls Lodge half way.

We'd promised each other that we'd make up for all the intimate time we'd lost but I knew it was for real when she showed me some of the extras she planned to take along. Besides the normal hiking gear she had a couple of skimpy bikinis, enough exotic underwear for a Victoria's Secret catalogue, and her two favourite dildos.

One of the many things I love about my wife is that she's multi-orgasmic. Sometimes I can caress her in the morning while she's sleeping and ever so gently slide a finger or two inside her and then slowly bring her to climax with her cunt walls spasming around my fingers. She always says this is her favourite way to wake up, and makes her horny as hell. She'll either roll over and jump on me and ride me till I come or she'll roll over on to her hands and knees and offer herself to me doggy style. Either way, she'll soon be into another orgasm while she pumps my balls dry, and then, while I take my shower, she'll bring herself off again with one of her toys. She's a bit of a show-off, so she'll often wait until I am just coming back into the room before she comes,

We both had last minute things to do before we could get away, so I left her doing the final packing while I went to get the cars filled up and ready. The plan was that I would take my car to the far end of the trip and leave it there and then hitch a ride back to the trailhead, sign us in for our wilderness permits, hike on up to the first lake, and set up camp. Katrina would follow as soon as she could, either that evening or the following morning.

The day turned out to be glorious. It took me about three hours to get to the far end and park the car. I went into the ranger station to let them know it was there and to ask if they knew of anyone going back to the trailhead at the other end. The ranger behind the desk was a very attractive woman who looked about 25. Looking around to make sure no-one was listening, she said

"I'm going that way myself in a Forest Service truck. I'm not supposed to give lifts to civilians, but if you're on the roadside half a mile down the road in 15 minutes, I'll take you."

"Thanks" I said, "That'll help me a lot."

She was as good as her word, and so half an hour later I was sitting in the front of the truck heading down the road.

"My name's Debbie".

"Pleased to meet you, Debbie, and thanks for the ride. I'm Paul."

"You planning to do the Lakes Trail?"

"Yes, my wife Katrina and I have finally managed to take some time off together; we've been meaning to do this for years. What's it like at the moment?"

"Beautiful. I was up there a couple of days ago. The snow's been gone about three weeks and most of the side trails are open. The flowers are all starting to show in the meadows, and there's plenty of deer and marmot."

"Any bears to worry about?"

"There's been a couple of reports, but we haven't had any problems for years. Just follow the usual drills with food, and stay still if you see any, and give them time to move on."

"OK, thanks." We lapsed into silence for a few seconds. I was finally starting to feel relaxed. I didn't have the hassle of having to hitch a ride along the back roads now Debbie had picked me up. I looked across at her. She really was a very good-looking woman. Probably part Latina I thought. Petite, long dark hair tied back in a ponytail, big dark eyes, tanned olive skin and a fit body with finely-muscled arms and legs shown all shown off well by the ranger uniform of forest green short-sleeved shirt and shorts.

She caught me looking at her. "Being a ranger must keep you fit. Have you been working here long?"

"It helps. The outdoor work is the best part of the job, but I'm only part-time and this is my second year. I usually work a week-on week-off shift and there's no work at all in the winter. When I'm off I live in town so I get the best of both worlds."

"What's the worst part of the job?"

"Well, the bureaucracy and paperwork's a pain, but I guess that's the same everywhere and I can live with it. No, what's worst is that the rangers are having to become more and more like police, and that leaves less and less time for conservation, management and customer care."

"Why do you say like police?"

"It's been happening for a while. The last few years there've been more incidents with criminal behaviour at campgrounds and on the trail, and assaults on staff, so from this year we are all trained and armed."

"Are you armed?"

"Yes. We have to carry at least a handgun all the time when we're away from base. I prefer to keep mine in my backpack most of the time." "And have you been trained to use it?"

"Yes, we all had to attend an intensive two week course in firearms, restraint techniques, and arrest procedures." She smiled at me. "So I'm armed and dangerous."

Her flirting made me feel good. "So you're telling me I wouldn't want to meet you on a dark night somewhere?"

"That would depend. If you weren't married, and you weren't a criminal, then you might enjoy it." She flashed me another dazzling smile.

The conversation was getting a bit more personal than I had anticipated and my imagination was beginning to work. I wondered what it would be like to meet Debbie on a dark night, and, like any man, my dick began to stiffen in my shorts. I shifted in my seat, and tried to make things a bit more comfortable. Debbie looked over at me and then looked down at my crotch.

"Are you OK?" she asked, pretending a wide-eyed innocence, but burst into laughter a second later. "You men are all the same. You only think of one thing."

"It takes one to know one. You wouldn't have noticed if you weren't thinking the same thing too." "And looking," I added.

"Anyway," I continued, "It's all your fault. You make a boring ranger's uniform look like a fashion outfit, and you talk about restraint techniques and being dangerous. And you can't say you didn't know what you were doing."

"That's evolution for you. It's natural. Only species with a desire to breed survive. Blame Darwin."

"Just so as you know, "I said, "I'm happily married and don't cheat on my wife."

"And I don't mess around with married men," she answered, "unless their wives agree."

I tried to hide my surprise. "Do you have much experience of that?"

"Some. I've had relationships with men and women and couples. I like myself, I like my body and I like sex, but I don't like dishonesty and deception."

"But you're not offended that I get turned on by you..."

"I'd be offended if you weren't."

"It's a lot more than just the way you look... I know it's a cliché that men are only visual, but there's a lot more to it than that."

"Like what?"

"Like you're full of energy. Like, you have a lovely smile. Like, you're caring and imaginative, so I would imagine sex with you would be exciting."

"Isn't sex always exciting?"

"Yes and no. Sometimes it's relaxing, sometimes it's tender, sometimes it's comforting."

"Does your wife know you get turned on by other women?"

"Yes, because I tell her everything. But she also knows that I am committed to her."

"And you think having sex with someone else would break that commitment?"


"What if it was OK with her?"

I was having trouble keeping up with the conversation. "It wouldn't be."

"So, would she object to you enjoying a meal cooked by another woman, or does she mind you going out with your male friends?"

"No, but that's different."

"So, imagine your wife was here with us now -- what's her name?"


"So, imagine Katrina was here now, and she said it was fine by her if we wanted to have sex. What would your first reaction be?"

"I think I'd be surprised. I'd be happy she trusted me enough. I might wonder if it was because she really wanted to have sex outside the relationship. I would worry that she might change her mind later and hate me for it. Then I'd worry that it would lead to you and me falling in love and then hurting her or each other."

"That's quite a reaction -- you've obviously thought about it. So, could you ever see yourself having sex with another person not outside marriage, but as part of marriage?"

"Well, if you put it that way I suppose hypothetically yes, but practically I don't ever see it happening."

We drove on in silence for a while. "What do you do in the winter?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Study. I'm doing a Masters in Clinical Psychology."

"That figures."

She smiled. "My dissertation is on modern morals so I get to ask strangers all sorts of probing questions."

"I've noticed." And so our chat and flirting continued for the couple of hours it took us to get near to the ranger station where we were to start the hike.

Debbie pulled the truck over. "You'd better get out here. I'll be in trouble if my boss sees you in the truck."

I climbed down and picked up my pack. "Thanks for the ride."

"Don't mention it. Thanks for the company. Just remember, if I see you at the ranger station, pretend we've never met."


"And Paul -- just in case you were wondering -- if your wife said it was OK, I would want to have sex with you." And with that and a flash of her smile, she drove away, leaving me once again aroused, imagining what she would look like under that uniform.

I got to the ranger station about 20 minutes later. Debbie was there, now looking much more formal with her name badge which read "Debbie Parks -- Assistant Ranger" and her handgun in its holster on her hip.

Sat in the back of the office was an older woman -- early 50s I would guess - wearing a similar uniform except that this one had some kind of gold markings that I took to be indicators of rank. Sure enough her name badge read "Elizabeth Mcilvaigh -- Superintendent".

"Good afternoon," I began, "I've come to collect a pre-booked wilderness permit in the name of Jones. My wife will collect hers when she gets here and meet me later."

"Certainly sir," Debbie came forward with her best professional smile and a sparkle in her eyes, "Let me find them for you."

"Here they are. Do you know when your wife will be arriving?"

"I'm not sure. She's hoping it will be today, but tomorrow morning at the latest. Can I do the paperwork for her as well, and leave the permit for her to collect?"

"That should be OK sir, I'll leave a note for the other rangers. What are your plans until she arrives?"

"I'll go on up to the campsite at Sapphire Lake, make camp and wait for her there."

Debbie gave me the various forms to fill in giving our names, next of kin, outline plans, and equipment carried and was just about to give me my permit when the superintendent called her over. "Ranger Parks -- a word please."

Debbie excused herself and went over. I waited while they whispered together for a few minutes, with several glances in my direction, before Debbie came back with the superintendent.

Mr Jones, may I introduce Parks Superintendent Elizabeth McIlvaigh. She has pointed out to me that as you are planning to hike into the wilderness area alone, you are required to satisfy the parks staff that you are appropriately equipped for solo hiking and she has decided, under the authority given to her by the National Parks Regulations 1992, to carry out a review of your experience and an inspection of your equipment with a view to determining whether to grant you a solo permit."

I hadn't counted on this, but I could see what had happened. The Parks Service try to dissuade crackpot individuals from hiking solo into the wilderness and one way they do this is by a series of spot checks. Because we had planned that there would be two of us on the trip, I had forgotten that technically I might be regarded as a solo hiker for the first night. I wasn't worried though as I had done plenty of legitimate solo trips before.

The superintendent started by asking me to outline my experience. I gave her a summary of previous trips in this park and others, and was shocked when she said "Mr Jones -- you haven't undertaken any trips longer than 24 hours for over two years -- I hardly think that what you have done is relevant. Let me see what you are carrying."

She couldn't fault me there. As I unpacked I showed her that had the ten essentials recommended in all the literature plus lots of additional good equipment -- everything to keep me warm, dry, fed, and watered plus illumination, signalling, first aid and repair -- all environmentally friendly and compact.

Unfortunately for me, Katrina had done the final packing for me. Out of my pack came the bikinis, the sexy thongs, a pair of crotchless panties, a sheer baby doll nighty, and two dildos. I suppose she had put them in as a tease and a promise but they were obviously giving the wrong message to the superintendent.

"Mr Jones," she began, in a voice like that of a stern headmistress lecturing a particularly naughty pupil, "this is not appropriate equipment for the wilderness. The wilderness is a dangerous environment, and not to be treated trivially."

"Ma'am," I realised that she could ban us completely and then our trip would be over before it started; "Ma'am, it's not what it seems. I am an experienced and responsible hiker -- this is just a joke by my wife. I have all the safety equipment and we both do know what we're doing."

"I'm not so sure, " she said, "But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I'll let you go but I'll have you supervised by one of my rangers for the first 24 hours. If I hear that you have behaved properly, then you can continue. Otherwise, if my staff so decide, you'll come straight back here -- understood?

"Yes ma'am." Most of the rangers were sensible enough, so having one tag along for the first day, while it might cramp our style a little, didn't seem too much of a hardship.

"Ranger Parks: you're the only one I can spare at the moment. I'll handle the office. Get your gear together. You can accompany Mr Jones and his wife for the next 24 hours. If you are in any doubt as to their competence or safety, escort them back here. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Mr Jones?"

"Yes Ma'am."

So Debbie and I set off at about 4.30 pm, still maintaining the pretence that we didn't know each other at all, each equipped for several days solo hiking. Once we had covered the first half mile and were sure that we were not being observed, Debbie could contain herself no longer, and exploded with laughter.

"Old Lizzie wasn't very impressed by the contents of your pack, was she? That's the closest I've ever seen her to being at a complete loss for words."

"Yes, I thought we would be banned from the park for life."

"I think she wanted to, but she couldn't find anything in the regulations, so she didn't. She's got a reputation for being as hard as nails, but always fair and always completely by the book. She wanted to find something missing in you emergency pack, but when she couldn't she felt she couldn't stop you going."

"So she sent you along to make sure we behave."

"Yes, that's about right."

"And how will you enjoy playing gooseberry for 24 hours?"

"Oh, I'm sure I'll think of something to keep myself amused, even if it's only research for my studies."

She said this with such a serious and deadpan expression that I almost believed her, but then I caught one of those dazzling smiles again, and wondered what she had in mind.

We reached the campground at about 7.30 and I found a perfect camp spot next to the lake, set up the tent, gathered some firewood, filtered a few litres of water, and, as night fell, got a small fire going. It was a semi-wilderness site, with a fire pit and standard picnic table cemented into the ground. I had invited Debbie to pitch her tent next to ours, but she said she didn't want to intrude and if Katrina arrived we would want some privacy, so she set up her own camp just the other side of a small clump of trees about 100 yards away.

By 9 pm it had been dark for an hour and it seemed obvious that Katrina wouldn't make it until the following day so I crawled into the sleeping bag and was soon fast asleep.

I woke at first light the next morning to find a glorious blue sky, and the surface of the lake covered by a delicate mist that lay just on the surface. It seemed much too nice to lie in bed, so after washing and shaving I set off for a walk along the shore of the lake, heading in the opposite direction from Debbie's tent.

I must have gone about half a mile when I came across a perfect sandy beach sloping down into the crystal clear water. The sun was just starting to feel warm on my skin and I could see a small rocky island with a couple of trees growing on it about 50 yards offshore.

Almost without thinking, I decided to swim out and have a look. I didn't want to deal with wet clothes for the rest of the trip, and as there was no-one around, I just left my clothes under a bush a short distance from the water's edge.

The water felt wonderful. A little cold at first, it certainly shrivelled up my dick and balls, but I could tell that it wasn't dangerously cold. The swim to the island took less than five minutes, and when I got there I found a marvellous flat rock, already warmed by the sun, where I could lie out and look at the mountains reflected in the lake and absorb the warmth of the sun.

I figure it must have been about 8:30 when I jumped back in the water to swim the short stretch back to the bay where I had left my clothes. The water seemed warmer and I was already planning to bring Kate back to the island when she arrived for some good lovemaking in the sunshine.

My dick was already hardening in anticipation as I went to retrieve my clothes. They weren't there. My first reaction was that I was looking in the wrong place, but after double checking and looking under every bush around, I realised for certain that they were gone. An animal? Surely not, not so neatly removed. It must be human intervention. Perhaps Kate had arrived early and was playing a practical joke, or perhaps this was part of Debbie's "research". From the previous conversations, her research certainly seemed interesting, and my dick raised itself in anticipation, as if looking round to see what was happening. Whatever the explanation, staying where I was wouldn't do any good, so I set off back for the tent, thinking I could find some other clothes.

Halfway back to the tent, as I came round a blind corner they were waiting for me. Not Katrina and not Debbie, but the superintendent Lizzie McIlvaigh and another woman, also in ranger uniform, who I hadn't seen before. Thirty feet apart, they both had their guns drawn and pointing at me.

"Hands up!" The superintendent's tone left no doubt that she meant to be obeyed. I took them from where they had instinctively gone to hide my now rapidly-shrinking dick and raised them above my head.

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