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Four's a Crowd

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A massage from a neighbor has a happy ending. And more.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/23/2023
Created 08/18/2023
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My phone buzzed while I was finishing reading a report I had prepared for a meeting I had later in the week. Being retired didn't mean I stopped preparing or working, it just happened at my pace, not the other way around. I picked up the phone and answered without looking at the caller.

"Hello. This is Dave."

"Good, because that is who I am calling." A delicate voice came through, followed by a laugh. "I hope I am not interrupting you. Do you have time to talk?"

"For you, Li Sha, I always have time. You are never an interruption." I leaned back in my chair. The memory of dinner a few nights before entered my mind. "I thoroughly enjoyed our dinner the other night, perhaps we can do that again? Soon?"

"Oh, I enjoyed it as well, and 'yes' we should do that again. But I was calling about something else." Her tone turned focused.

"Certainly. What is on your mind? We can discuss on the phone or would you like to meet in person. I am at your service, Li Sha."

A lilt returned to her voice. "That is good to know. I think this call will be fine, but I was thinking of arranging a meeting and wanted to explain a little so you are aware of a few details. My cousin and uncle will be coming soon and I thought the four of us could meet. At my house, next to yours." There was a pause.

"Definitely. Say 'when' and I will be there. Is there anything I may bring? Do they have a favorite drink or food? Perhaps fruit?"

I was thinking this Wednesday would be good, and a fruit basket would be a lovely item. But what I wanted to discuss was more, shall we say, delicate. How would you feel about a massage? As part of our evening meeting. You would be the object of our attention, receiving the massage and more. Would you be interested in that?" A bit of nervousness seemed to enter her voice as she made the suggestion.

I paused, making sure I had heard what had been said. A question formed in my overheating brain. "Let me ask you the same question. Does this situation interest you? If it is something of interest to you, that you would enjoy, then absolutely. I don't shock easily, but might need a moment to process things. But one thing I do have is trust. Trust in you, Li Sha."

"The situation does indeed interest me! And my uncle and cousin. Most of all, I appreciate your trust and assure you it is well placed. This Wednesday will be a special day for all of us. Is 8:00 pm a good time for you?"

"Perfect. Should I reserve a 60 minute session? Any special preparation you might suggest?"

I asked, making a small joke.

"There will be no limit on the session, Dave. It will be as long as you wish. And 'come as you are'." I had the impression she was making an equally snarky comment in response.

"Alright then! I will see you on Wednesday at 8:00 P.M. I am very much looking forward to it, and to meeting your uncle and cousin." The call ended.

I had two days to think over the upcoming meeting. The idea of three men and one woman was intriguing, Also three related people and one not, not to mention three Asian and one Occidental. No matter how I tried to balance the numbers, they came out lopsided. I was certainly open to new experiences and this would definitely fit into that category. In the end, I remembered that I did, indeed, trust Li Sha. And knew I was in good hands. Yes, pun intended.

The two days flew by and it was Wednesday. Despite trying to maintain a calm demeanor, I found myself getting more excited the closer it got to evening. I had noticed the van with out of state plates had appeared in the driveway next door earlier that morning. In the afternoon, I showered and then I had a light dinner. My appetite for food wasn't nearly as good as another appetite and I felt somewhat like a kid on Christmas. I wasn't quite sure what Li Sha had in mind, but I figured she had something planned. It wouldn't be long.

I had set a reminder on my phone, not expecting to need it, but it surprised me when it went off. A good five minute warning. I looked over at the house and noticed a second vehicle in the drive, It appeared that they were all assembled, only the guest of honor was needed. I went to my bedroom to put on my clothes for the evening, not that I hoped to wear them for long. I had a fresh pair of underwear. I usually kept one pair from a new set as a 'just in case' item. Suitable for accidents or occasions such as this. I had a good shirt with no stains and a decent pair of khakis. Business casual, although this was much more pleasure than business. I was set.

I left my house and walked into the street strolling leisurely in the night air. I didn't want to appear anxious although my inner self was running down the street to get to the drive next door hollering 'Come on, damn it!'. I arrived and knocked lightly on the door.

The door opened and Li Sha greeted me in a red silk dress, the slits on the side went further up than I dared to look at a first glance. The fabric rustled slightly as she moved to the side to let me in. "Welcome! I am so pleased that we could have this evening on such short notice. Please come in and meet my uncle and cousin." She motioned to the front room where the massage table had been.

I entered the room and two Asian men stood and bowed slightly. Li Sha made the introductions "My uncle is Zi Gao, but we call him 'Joe'. My cousin Mok Gao or 'Moe' to our friends."

My extended hand was warmly grasped, first by Joe and then by Moe. Their grip and smiles seemed genuine and nothing short of enthusiastic.

"I will apologize for their limited English right now. We hope that they will improve over time, but for now, do not expect much. I can try to be the interpreter."

"No need for any apologies. Their English is much better than my Chinese. But their smiles are universal. It is a pleasure to meet them." I nodded in their direction which was replied with more nods. The vision of four bobbleheads in an earthquake came to mind, but I chose not to share the image.

We sat for a few moments and exchanged pleasantries, mostly compliments and weather and all funneled through our mutual interpreter, Li Sha. One of the two relatives would make a comment, sometimes with an English word followed by several Chinese words which she would relay to me. I would respond and she repeated the process in reverse.

Somewhat abruptly, Li Sha stood and made a statement to the two men in Chinese and pointed to the direction of the bathroom. They immediately rose and padded off in that direction. She turned to me with a wry smile. "I hope you are agreeable to a little sport I am having with my uncle and cousin. I should have asked you in advance, but the idea just presented itself to me. Would you care to play along?" The tilt of her head seemed to add emphasis.

Looking around the corner, I saw that the two others were in the bathroom with the door closed. "I'm certainly intrigued, and inclined to go along with the idea, but can you give me the gist of what the idea is?" I tried not to appear needy and continued with my biggest question. "And the massage is still happening, correct?"

"Oh the massage is still very much a part of the plan. I think you will be pleased with some extra details, perhaps 'Frank Sinatra' will even join us." A laugh and a wink finished her statement. "The first part of the plan is to have them repay you for your kindness and hard work. They will be your attendants for the preparation for the massage. It should teach them humility."

"I'm not entirely sure what that means, exactly, but I will play along. As long as it teaches humility and not humiliation. I have found that there is a difference, and often the humiliation will turn into resentment and I do not want a neighbor who resents me." I decided to make sure we were on the same page with our ideas. I would be happy to assist with a little fun at the two gentlemen's expense as long as it didn't go too far.

"A subtle distinction that is extremely important. No, I have made them think that they 'owed' something for your gracious actions. And they do. As do I. And do not worry. They will be richly rewarded for their service. It will be an active evening, to be sure. One that all of us will long remember. All you need to do is play along. If anything makes you uncomfortable or if you have questions, ask me. Now, time for your shower. Your attendants await."

"I showered before I came over, but I think I see where this is going. I will do my best." I rose and silently hoped my best was good enough. I headed for the bathroom where I heard water already running. A most interesting start to the evening.

The door opened to a steamy room, the shower pouring hot water into the surround which had the doors opened and a bench placed in the stream. Joe and Moe had shed their clothes and wore what could only be described as a loincloth that covered their crotch and little more. They motioned at my clothes and Moe began to 'help' with my shirt while I slid off my shoes and I undid my pants. In a moment, I became the least clothed man in the room. Joe, the uncle, motioned for me to take a seat on the bench. "Sit. Please."

The cousin remained on the outside of the shower door while the uncle joined me in the shower area. The wand for the shower was in his hand and he began to wave it across my body before picking up a sponge. Pouring some liquid soap into the sponge, he began to rub across my shoulders making a rich lather.

I felt my foot taken into two hands and placed into a pan of hot water. First one and then the other. I decided to just close my eyes and enjoy the hot water, the foamy soap and the attention being focused on my feet.

Besides being soaked, my feet were enjoying being rubbed, a pre-massage massage focused on my lower extremities. Along with the rubbing, soon a tool was applied and the nails were cleaned and I heard the 'snip' of a clippers removing the excess.

My scalp soon became a focus of attention. The shower head continued to cascade the steamy water onto my torso and I felt the uncle begin to apply his strong fingers to my hair and then to rubbing my head. Massaging and lightly scratching from the crown to the base and back. Followed by lathering up my hair and rinsing it with the wand.

Had there been a back to the bench, I probably would have leaned back and drifted off for a nap. The attention combined with the hot, but not too hot, waterfall seemed to have me in a near trancelike frame of mind.

My stupor was interrupted by a light knock on the door. Li Sha's voice entered the steamy room, "Are you nearly finished? The table and I are ready." A phrase in Chinese followed, which I figured was the same or similar announcement.

The two 'attendants' grasped my arms and helped me to my feet. Unnecessary, but a nice touch. While I held my arms out to the side, warm towels were applied to every part of my body. Not only my back and chest and legs, but each ass cheek and up and down my legs were dried completely. My feet tingled after the attention they had been given and I looked down to see a set of neatly trimmed nails. A rare sight, but a pleasing one.

Uncle Joe opened the door and Moe held my elbow as we moved out to the other rooms.. I was a little impressed by how confident I seemed. Normally I would probably be bent over trying to cover all parts of my body at once, but for a change, I walked completely upright (I almost said 'erect' - Freud would love that, right?) and strode ahead of my two loin cloth covered attendants.

"I see you have been well prepared" Li Sha stood by the massage table that had reappeared in the room. The lights were lower than before and there were candles throughout the room as well as soft music. "Please come lie down. Do you need a towel?" She motioned to the table then spoke a quiet command in Chinese that I assumed meant 'to your places' since the uncle and cousin moved off to the side and stood quietly.

"You set a wonderful mood, and I have been well prepared. My compliments to my two attendants" I nodded to the two men and received a smile and return of the nod. "And also to whomever trained them so well. I don't believe a towel is necessary. They dried me off and we are beyond a facade of modesty." I soaked in not only the ambiance of the room, but how the low light made the silk sheath dress that Li Sha wore shimmer and almost glow. "I must say that dress is exquisite, and you enhance it by wearing it. It fits you perfectly." I lay face down on the table, melting into the cushioned top.

I felt warmed oil drizzle onto my back. I wondered if this was how the turkey felt as it was put in the oven. First washed and dried, then drizzled with oil and seasoned. The thought brought a smile to my face, or was it the feeling of the oil?

"Thank you. I have an excellent seamstress. Her eye can immediately tell where a dart or tuck should be placed. Of course the precision of the fit does not allow for much to be worn beneath the dress. I doubt that you will mind that aspect. Now, I will begin the massage. Thank you for allowing me to regain my former skill. It is helpful to have such a readily available partner to practice with." Her hands spread the oil expertly across my back, making the skin soft and allowing the muscles to ease. Time suddenly had little meaning. My mind also eased and focused more on the sensations than on what needed to be done around the house or various other 'to do' lists. All that mattered was the sensation of Li Sha's hands manipulating each muscle.

From the back to the neck, down the arms and then up them. The back again and down the outside of each leg. Methodical and not rushed. I felt myself drifting off. Not losing consciousness or going to sleep, but my mind was relaxing as well as each muscle. The lower back finally received the firm attention it had waited for.

"Ah, this area seems to have collected the most tension. I can feel it and will work to loosen it." She pressed harder and used her fingers to send the knots off to wherever knotted muscles go.

"A question for you. Actually, two. When we get to my other side, will your uncle and cousin stay or leave? And I am assuming that they do not speak much English, so we can talk freely?" My words seemed somewhat muffled, speaking through the facial opening in the table.

"Good questions. I assumed they would stay. But if you wish them to not be here while I attend to certain areas, I can send them off. And you assume correctly. I have admonished them for not learning the language of this country, and thought perhaps this would encourage them. But we can talk very freely in front of my worthless uncle and the man who says he is my cousin, although I have my doubts as to who actually fathered him." Her voice raised a bit at the end.

I raised my head enough to see that the two men had not reacted at all to Li Sha. They saw me and smiled and nodded at me. I returned the gesture and came to my elbows. "I see what you did there. Clearly they did not understand a word. So, are you ready for me to flip? I am fine with them staying, but I wanted to make sure you were comfortable with them observing your, um, activity."

"Oh, I assure you, they are well aware of what I do. They enjoy watching, and I do not mind them being a part of it. In fact, I plan to reward their behavior with a hand job. I hope that doesn't shock you."

"Surprise me, yes, but I am not easily shocked. And what about you? What would give you some pleasure? I know this is good practice for you and you enjoy satisfying others, but what about Li Sha? Any fantasies or something you would find exciting? I think a session like this should be reciprocal. Honestly, I think watching you jack off the two others will be quite exciting, erotic even. So, if there is something that you would like, I am reasonably sure I can provide."

"You are too kind." Li Sha continued rubbing my shoulders while I arched my back. "There may be a couple of 'requests'. Let me know if any of these are of interest to you. First, there are times I enjoy dirty talk, you calling me names and using course descriptions of acts or parts." She giggled slightly and one hand instinctively covered her mouth. "I hope that isn't offensive to you. I definitely enjoyed your oral attention and that would be most welcome. And are you familiar with the term 'creampie'? I think not only would I enjoy that, but it would be exciting for my uncle and cousin. They can observe that, but will never be able to do that act. Yes, I think those would be amazing. Before you flip, want to try something? I think you might enjoy it."

"I am certainly open to trying something. What are you thinking? Does it involve your sweet pussy or other body parts?"

"Oh, you catch on quickly. I will be your whore tonight. Talk like you would to your rented girl, your slut. What I was thinking was a PM. The prostate massage. You can just lower your chest back down and raise your hips."

"I get it. You'll finger fuck my ass? We'll see how the audience reacts. I know your fingers are small, but be sure to use plenty of lube. And covered? Use a glove." It hadn't been too long since I had a prostate exam, and to be honest, the feeling wasn't all that unpleasant. It might be a nice prelude to the hand job I anticipated when I flipped. I put my face back in the hole and pulled my knees up a bit, raising my ass off the table. "How's that? Give you plenty of access?"

"Yes, that is perfect. Let me get my glove and the oil. I will go slowly and you tell me what you like."

I heard the rustle of the glove being put on and my cock began to stiffen. By being raised up, it was no longer pressed into the cushion and had the space to expand. "Trust me, you will know when I like...or don't like...something. I think this will get me hard for you. Looking forward to you tugging the little fellow. You ready to slip in my ass?"

"Yes, all set. Relax and let me take care of this."

I felt the warm oil on my ass and the feel of her hand as she spread the cheeks slightly. Her finger poised at the entrance and then slowly pressed in, sliding against the resisting muscle of my anus. I let out a bit of breath followed by "Oh yeah, slide it in. take me as I will be taking you soon. Can't wait to slide my cock inside you, Li Sha. Get me good and stiff for my first cum." She slid the finger in until it reached the last joint where it joined the hand. It began to circle, rotating around inside me. She pressed firmly at what I figured was my prostate which provided a warm sensation all along my cock which responded positively to the sensation.

The exploration continued and I felt Li Sha's other hand grasp the shaft of my dick just above my balls and squeeze gently. It began a slow stroke to the head and then back.

"Nice. Finger my ass and milk my cock like you are milking a cow. It might be interesting to feel how I cum from the inside as well as outside. What is it you like about a guy cumming? What's your favorite?"

"Oh, I like it all! I like how it squirts, the tensing and release of muscles throughout the whole person. Where else can you get such immediate feedback of how you are doing? I am not sure about feeling you cum from inside. I might need both hands for the full effect for the 'happy ending'." She continued to rotate her finger inside me and to slowly stroke my hardening cock.

"Spoken like a true cum slut. What is better for you? Seeing the spunk squirt out, tasting it or wearing it? Like having a facial or on your tits? Or having a load fill your cunt? Are you serious about having me cum in you? I am totally game for that. And being watched while I do it? Should be interesting." I had gotten so absorbed I had almost forgotten about our two observers. I hoped they were enjoying the show. I was definitely enjoying the activity. The sensation of her fingering me was unlike any other and was quite pleasant.

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