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Fourth Year After Ch. 04

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News from Matt & Sophia and Amanda and Aaron's family.
7.5k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/02/2017
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Author's note: This is Chapter 4 of "Fourth Year After", the last book in my series that began with "First Year After". Then Second, Third, you get the picture. If you have not read the earlier books in the series, I recommend you do, so you'll know who the characters are, how they relate to each other, and how they got to where they are now.

As always, all sexual acts described here involve fictional characters over the age of 18.


April 17, 2016

In the morning, we returned to West to prepare breakfast, and the downstairs was vacant, so we crept upstairs and got our answer - Toni and Eden were naked and snuggling in bed, and the bedroom definitely smelled of sex.

"Good morning, you two," Mom teased as we stepped into the room. "Did you have a good night? Get any sleep at all?"

Eden blushed, but didn't hide, as Toni quickly pulled the covers over them. Eden said, "Best night of my life, Tina. My imagination was nothing compared to reality, y'know?"

Mom answered, "I do, sweetie. Everyone goes through that discovery the first time they have sex, sometimes it's less than they expect, sometimes more, but it's never exactly what you imagined it to be. Of course, first sex with a man is different, too."

"I figured as much," Eden said. "I'm just not sure I'm ready for that, yet." She was looking my way, then Henry's, as she said it.

Mom said, "Well, we're going to get breakfast started. Join us when you're ready."


We loaded everyone into the big Sprinter van, and took Eden on a tour of Dallas and Fort Worth for most of the day. Eden bonded with all four of our kids, explaining that she was the oldest of three kids the McGuires had adopted, and they also took in foster kids, so she was used to babysitting kids of all ages.

After the tour, we ordered a ton of Chinese food and ate in east, then watched a bunch of movies off of Netflix. Eden cuddled with Toni on the couch, and they were so cute together.

Eventually, Mom, Amber and I took the kids over to East, while Toni and Eden retreated to the guest room in West and Henry and Patti went to the master.


April 18, 2016

Most of us had to work, and Eden's flight home was at 7 o'clock, so Mom agreed that she would come home early to watch the kids so Toni could drive her to the airport. There were lots of tears and hugs as we bid Eden farewell that morning, knowing we wouldn't see her until June.


When Toni got back after dropping Eden off at the airport, we were holding dinner for her. She came straight to me, climbed into my lap on the couch and forcefully said, "Knock me up, Drew. I want a baby, and I want it to be yours."

"What brought this on?" I asked. "Eden?"

"I've said many times before that I put off having kids all these years so that I'd be free to let my sister into my life, whenever we could reunite. We've done that, at long last. When I told Eden about it, she told me in no uncertain terms to stop waiting. So, I don't have a reason not to have a baby, any more. We both want to see our family expanding, again. And since she can't get me pregnant, even if that were prudent, I have to turn to the one man in my life who's fertile."

"Are you still on birth control?" I asked.

"I just stopped taking the birth control pills Henry put me on, as part of the induced lactation protocol. You might be able to get me pregnant in two weeks, definitely by six. If you say no, you'll need to wear condoms, as I would continue the protocol, at least until I could find someone else to impregnate me. If you agree, I'll abandon the program, and nurse our child when it's born, next year. Please, Drew? I'm the only one of your wives without a child by you, intentional or not."

I blew out a breath, then said, "Six babies with four mothers. God help me, but yes, Toni, I'd be honored. Is Henry going to be listed as the father on the birth certificate, like Gavin? Or do we have to come up with an explanation for why he isn't the dad and I am?"

"Making Henry the legal father makes the most sense, given the public triads," she answered. "We certainly can't claim that I needed you to knock me up because he didn't have his vasectomy reversed."

Henry had been listening and said, "I'll actually get it reversed, sweetie, if you'd rather have my baby."

"And how would you explain that now, Henry?" Mom asked. "You've already said you had the reversal done. How do you explain getting it done a second time? I think Toni's right. Our story for Gavin is flimsy, but mostly holding together, except for those who have realized where his eye color comes from, which has only been my parents and Ginger. Having another baby who is supposed to be Gavin's half-brother but actually wouldn't be related at all would just make Gavin stand out more. I think this needs to be Drew's baby, rather than yours."


April 20, 2016

At dinner, Mom said, "I got a call from Maria while Henry and I were driving home. Some anti-homosexual bigots in Ginger's condo complex are having a fit about there being a gay wedding held at their community center, and they've lost the venue. I wanted to take a family vote about hosting the wedding here, at Center."

I asked, "Were you expecting any noes?"

"Not really. I just didn't want to speak for everyone without checking."


April 23, 2016

An email came from Matt:


Mom climbed into bed with Sophia and me last night and started making love to Sophia right in front of me. Neither one spoke a word, although there were plenty of moans. She didn't make any move towards me, but let me watch. God help me, I got hard as a rock and was afraid to even jerk off in front of her. I didn't touch her, but I wanted to do more than look.

After they both had an orgasm, Mom got up and went back to her bedroom, but the look she gave me as she left seemed to be a disappointed one, like she wanted me to do more than watch, too.

What should I do? How did you know? There's nobody else I can ask, for obvious reasons.


I thought for a few moments, and replied:


Are you expecting me to talk you out of it? I don't know that making love to your mother is the right thing or not, for either of you. I only know that it was right for me and mine, and still is.

You're wrong that there's nobody else you can ask. Talk to Sophia, get her opinion and advice. Her acceptance would be critical, and she knows your Mom a lot better than I do, obviously. They might already have talked about this and you were getting set up.

Together with Sophia, go talk to your mom, be open and honest. About what you're thinking and feeling, find out what she's thinking and feeling. You can't make a decision about this if you aren't on the same page first.

Yes, there's risk here. The legality, obviously. But it's still putting your heart on the line, if it turns out you want different things. Only the three of you can know if the payoff is worth it.

Things with my mom developed gradually. When she didn't want to sleep in the bed Dad died in, we shared mine for a week, which got us used to being close, I think. After that, an extra long hug here, a longer kiss there, and we started reacting as man and woman, not just son and mother. But it was Mom seeing Patti and I making love one night, and then she and Patti making love a couple weeks later and my joining in with Patti at the end that really made the rest seem inevitable.

Your journey and your mom's aren't entirely the same as mine and my mom's, but the connection between your mom and Sophia does make me think there is a possibility that Sophia is being used as a substitute for you.

Let me repeat. A possibility, not a certainty. You won't actually know unless you have the conversation that you've been avoiding for months.




April 24, 2016


Well, you were partly right and partly wrong.

I talked with Sophia, and she's okay with whatever happens. So, we sat down with Mom and talked things through. Yes, my mom feels the same attraction to me that I feel for her. Yes, she's partly using Sophia as a substitute for me.

But she also thinks it's wrong to do anything with me, because it's against the law.

So, while the air is clearer now, nothing's really going to change. She wants to be Sophia's lover, but not mine.

I never thought I'd be asking this, but how do I get her to change her mind?


I showed Patti the email chain, and asked, "Should we even get involved?"

Patti grinned. "I'd say we are already are. Carla first came onto Sophia because she found out about our foursome. And I doubt Matt would have been thinking as much of getting involved with her if he hadn't found out your secret. We have some responsibility here."

"So, what advice should I give him?"

"That's easy, honey," she said. "I think they're past any baby steps of hugging her more or stuff like that. Carla's admitted her attraction and been naked and sexual in front of him. He needs to do the same, fuck Sophia in front of his mother. Make her watch, too. Or even fuck Sophia while Sophia's eating Carla out. If that doesn't get her turned on enough to change her mind, nothing will. But it would still be an improvement over making Matt be just a voyeur or even a cuckold. Think back to when I first made love to Tina. You didn't touch her sexually after finding us, except for a naked hug and kiss afterwards, but it was a turning point for the two of you."

I wrote Matt back:


If changing your mom's mind is what you (and Sophia?) want, Patti suggested making love to Sophia in front of Carla, to make her watch, too. She'd have a hard time objecting to that, after making you watch the two of them. From there, suggest making love to Sophia while Sophia's making love to her, without direct contact between the two of you. That's basically what happened the time I walked in on Mom and Patti. I only touched Patti, but it pushed my relationship with Mom a lot further in the direction it went.

If you can progress to the point where the two of them are in a 69 and you're entering Sophia from behind, inches from Carla's face, and she still doesn't change her mind, you might just have to live with that.

In that case, consider that sharing Sophia with your mom would be comparable to sharing her with another man, where you wouldn't be directly intimate with him. If you think of your mom as your co-husband, you could still make it work as a triad relationship.

We love you,

Drew and Patti


April 27, 2017

My wives violated the rotation rules to allow Toni to be with me three straight nights during her first fertile cycle, first with Mom, then Patti and finally Amber.

All my sperm had to go into Toni's womb, though, so she was the only one I got to fuck those three nights. My other wives were there for moral support, and to induce more orgasms.


May 1, 2016

I hadn't heard from Matt for a week, when another email arrived.

What you and Patti suggested, worked. Mom was a little surprised when I asked to make love with Sophia in front of her, but she couldn't object, like you said. She wound up masturbating next to us, and actually moaned my name as she came.

A couple of nights later, she came back into our bedroom, began making out with Sophia, and I asked her if it would be okay if we both made love to Sophia at the same time, but without contact with each other.

She asked me, "We're just going to get closer and closer to that line, aren't we? Some night, one of us isn't going to be able to resist, and it will happen."

I said, "Maybe so. Even if it doesn't, I want us both to be able to make love to Sophia at the same time, and to act like a polyamorous triad, even if you and I are more like co-husbands to Sophia who don't... fuck each other."

"But you want to, don't you?"

"Yes, Mom. Very much."

"Then I say yes. We just need to not get caught."

So, we fucked. And it was sweet, and hot, and dirty, and I asked her to be my polywife the very next day. She said yes.

Thank you both.



May 12, 2016

Sandy called to say that she'd aced all of her exams, but decided she wanted to head to Minneapolis for a few weeks after Aaron's graduation, to spend time with Amanda and Aaron, before coming home to Dallas. She still had not announced any decision about whether she was going to join them in a triad, and I did not want to pressure her.


May 20, 2016

Toni ecstatically announced that she's pregnant! Her first fertility cycle, and we succeeded. I wished I could brag about it to everyone we knew, but this has to be Henry's child, to the public at least. We're holding off on telling most people until the first trimester is over.

Eden was thrilled when we called her with the news. For the four years between finding out that her biological parents were dead and why, until finding Toni, she felt like she was the last of her line. Now, her family was growing again.

That night, I dreamt of Eden asking me to get her pregnant, too, to keep the Kannady line going. She looked older, maybe in her mid twenties. I woke up knowing that, if she ever did ask, I would say yes.


June 3, 2016

Eden graduated from High School today. Toni flew to San Jose, California on Thursday morning, and would return on Sunday. To watch the kids, Patti took Thursday off, and Amber took Friday.

It really felt weird not having her at the house when I got home from work. I realized that this was would the longest we'd been apart since Mom, Henry, Patti and I went to Maine two years earlier.

It also made me remember that none of us had taken any significant vacation time in the past two years, either. With the move coming up, we probably wouldn't have time this summer, either.


June 6, 2016

My boss called me into his office. "Hey, Jack, what's up?"

Jack handed me some manila folders and said, "Drew, you're on track to become a team lead, so I'd like you to handle the orientation of the new interns for this summer. You've been through the internship program, so should have a good idea of how to get them settled and productive pretty quickly. It's Susan, Daniel and John. They're arriving at 11:00. Cubes have been assigned and laptops requisitioned. All the details are in the folders."

After quickly reviewing the folders, I greeted the three of them at 11:00. Susan preferred to be called Suzy, Daniel liked Danny and John was known as J.D., after his initials for John David. Suzy looked familiar, but I couldn't figure out why. I got them set up in their cubicles, and went to check on their laptops, and brought the three boxes back with me. All three had already set out some personal effects in their cubes. I gave Danny and J.D. their laptops, and went to Suzy's cube last.

On her cubicle's shelf was a framed photograph, with her being held by an African-American man in his 20s, standing next to an older white man, who was holding an African-American woman in her early 30s in the same manner. My eyes kept being pulled to the older man's face, and it clicked where I knew him from.

"Suzy, Jensen, right? Are you by any chance Steve Jensen's daughter, of Caplex Industries?"

"Yes! How did you know that?" she answered, sounding very surprised.

I pointed to the picture, then leaned against her cubicle's counter. "Your Dad and my Mom dated, for about a month, I guess, back in the fall of 2013, when I was in college. He was the first guy Mom went out with after my Dad died, and she invited your dad to Thanksgiving dinner that year. He said you and your sister were at your Mom's, so he didn't have anyone to have turkey with. He briefly showed us pictures of you and your sister, which I guess is why you looked a little familiar to me, but I definitely recognized your Dad in that picture. That's the only time I met him, though. They broke up not long after that."

"Your Mom's name is Tina, right? I was 18 then and in college, but Mandy was still under our parents' custody agreement, and that was Dad's year for Christmas and Mom's for Thanksgiving. What a small world. How's your mom doing now, in case Dad asks?" she asked.

"Married again, to the next guy she dated after your Dad," I chuckled. "She and Henry have a baby together, my little brother Gavin. And your Dad? From the picture, he's with someone new, too?"

Suzy picked up the picture, and said, "Sandra is Dad's fiancee. She was my college roommate for two years, and just graduated. I introduced her and Dad last summer, and they hit it off immediately. She's actually closer to Dad's age than mine and started college after getting out of the Army. And my fiancé is Nick, who is her younger brother, but graduated college before she started. He works at Caplex, too."

I grinned. "So, brother and sister, engaged to father and daughter? That must get confusing. Once you marry Nick and Sandra marries your Dad, you'd be your Dad's sister-in-law, wouldn't you?"

"Worse, once Sandra becomes my step-mother, Nick would be my uncle and I'd technically be my own aunt!" she laughed. "We don't worry about that, much. We're just two couples who are in love, Drew. Nick and Dad proposed to us side by side at New Year's Eve, and we plan to get married in a double-ceremony next year, after I graduate."

"Well, tell your dad Drew Barnes says 'Hi', and see if he remembers me. And let me know if you have any trouble setting up your laptop, okay? I'll be back to check on you guys in half an hour, regardless."


I got home, just in time for dinner, and everyone was around the table. Sandy had just gotten back from Minneapolis, and I gave her a big kiss and hug. Her belly looked huge on her, since I'd last seen her.

I said, "Hey, Mom? You remember Steve Jensen? Well, guess what? His daughter Suzy is one of our interns this year. I recognized Steve in a picture she had on her desk."

"Really?" Mom responded. "How's he's doing these days?"

"Engaged, to a woman in her 30s who was Suzy's roommate in college, and Suzy is engaged to the roommate's brother."

Sandy gasped, then asked, "Suzy Jensen, and the roommate's name is Sandra Adams and the brother is Nick?"

I looked at her in shock. "She didn't tell me Sandra and Nick's last name, but yeah. How the hell did you know that?"

"My roommate Amanda is Suzy's sister and Aaron is Sandra and Nick's youngest brother! We're coincidence magnets, I tell you!"

"What?" I sputtered.

She paused, before continuing. "There's more, but you might not be happy with me. When I got to Minneapolis after finals, to try and decide whether to move there with Aaron and Amanda, she revealed to me that the real reason she wanted us to live in Minneapolis is because she began an incestuous relationship with her mom Paula and aunt Nancy last summer, and now Aaron makes them four, and I would make them five, not three. Not only that, but her Dad Steve and sister Suzy, and Aaron's brother Nick and sister Sandra are actually a foursome living here in Dallas, with the engagements to the non-related partners as cover for the incestuous part of their relationships, a lot like you guys do with the two public triads."

"Did you reveal us to her?" I asked. I was feeling echoes of how Amber had told me about her Dad two years earlier, and could see Amber was reacting the same way.

"Yes. I know we're supposed to keep it a secret, but once she admitted her incest, I felt I could trust her with ours. Nick and Sandra, Steve and Suzy, Amanda and her mom Paula and aunt Nancy, have all been lovers over the past year, but are remaining two separate groups, one here, the other in Minneapolis. The only woman I just named that Aaron hasn't been intimate with yet is his own sister Sandra, but I think that's only been a question of opportunity, rather than a lack of interest. His brother and sister confessed their relationship to him right before he returned to school for his senior year. Last Thanksgiving at the house here in Dallas was apparently a near-orgy, with both groups there. He just didn't happen to make love to his sister."

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