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Fox and Guests Pt. 04F

Story Info
Suits & White Collar Crossover Porn Parody- Current TV.
10.9k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 21 of the 22 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/05/2013
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Jessica Pearson, the managing partner of Pearson and Spector just entered Harvey Spector's office, she stood there and Harvey looked up; "What's up Jessica, other than looking amazing!"

"Don't give me that crap Harvey, why is Special Agent Peter Burke of the FBI on my calendar for this afternoon? Its Christmas week and I don't need any unforeseen problems popping up before the end of the year!"

I have no idea Jessica, did you ask Louis? I heard of Peter Burke, he heads up the New York White collar division; it may have something to do with Louis and taxes!

"Impossible Harvey, Louis may be a snake, but he's as honest as the day is long. It better not have anything to do with Mike Ross and his situation!"

"Situation, what situation Jessica?"

"Don't give me that shit Harv, I want you in the meeting with me just to cover my ass."

"Mmmmm I'd sure love to cover your ass Jessica, now get out and buzz me when this Burke character gets here!"

Jessica left the office and she could feel Harvey's eyes on her tight slender body as she walked to her office. She was dress elegantly as always. She looked professional, but could also be a runway model at one of New York's leading fashion houses.

A few hours later while Harvey was going over one of his briefs, his intercom came alive, it was Donna; "Harvey, Jessica's on the line, she needs you in her office now, that FBI guy is here."

"Tell her I'll be there in a minute, just need to finish this last page of my brief!" He finished the brief and headed towards Jessica's office and looking through the glass walls, he saw both Jessica and Burke laughing, she motioned for him to go away and he caught her action and turned and walked over to Louis Litt's office; "Hey shithead, any idea why that Burke guy from the FBI is here to see Jessica?"

"Louis had a frown on his brow; "Nice to see you too Dickhead! No I have no idea, she asked me earlier if I knew him, I told her I heard of him and his crack division, but didn't know him personally! Now get the fuck out of my office so I can really do some good for this firm, not you like!"

Harvey gave him the finger as he walked out grumbling as he left. Louis and Harvey had a love-hate relationship, they both knew they were good, but disliked the other, but would back them up to the end of the world if needed.

An hour later Jessica came into Harvey's office and took a seat; "I had Donna buzz Louis and told him to get in here, I want to give you the low-down of my meeting with Peter Burke. Now before Louis gets in here I have to tell you Burke knows about Mike not being a lawyer. It seems Louis' girlfriend that Sheila Sazs came to him seeing he's in charge of the fraud division. He doesn't want to prosecute Mike, but he has to go and take the boards and if he passes, we can get him a license."

Why are you involving Louis, he'll want to burn Mike, what were you thinking Jessica?"

"Here is my plan, do you have anything on Louis we can use against him to flip him to help us out?"

"Well yes and no, it involves Rachel Zane though."

"What is it Harvey?"

"Last year when Rachel was trying to get into Harvard, Louis tried to persuade this Sheila Sazs woman to push her through and allow her into Harvard. I got him fucking the shit out of her at his place and then try to use that to get Rachel into Harvard. She resisted and he backed down, but I still have him trying to blackmail her into doing it."

"So why did you say yes and no?"

"Well if we used it on Louis, he could push back and make Rachel really look bad."

"Yeah it wouldn't look good for her, but I think we could bluff Louis to the point where he would fold and help us."

"So tell me Jessica, how does this all come together why is Burke willing to help us and how can we get this Sheila to back down?"

"We'll have to tell Louis about Mike first of all, then we need him to go along with us to back his girlfriend into a corner and she'll have to back down. Last but not least, we'll need to help Burke's wife with a sticky legal case. You and Louis will have to team up and get her off, for once we have an innocent client; we just have to prove it."

Louis walked into Harvey's office and Jessica went on to tell him all about Mike, he was furious that he was kept in the dark about this and wanted nothing to do with it.

"Louis the entire firm is libel for covering up for Mike, if it comes out, the firm will fold and you too will be out in the cold."

"I'm still not comfortable about covering this up, but I'll back the two of you. What do we need to do?"

"Okay Louis, here is what we know and what we need to do. Peter Burke is willing to drop the fraud case concerning Mike Ross if we get you girlfriend Sheila Sazs to withdraw the complaint. We also have to represent Elizabeth Burke in a case where she is being set-up as the fall guy. She's completely innocent and with the evidence Peter Burke has, it will be a cake-walk, he just can't present it seeing it would look like tampering."

Louis was fuming; "I can't do that to Sheila and how are we supposed to get her to back down?"

First of all Peter Burke works closely with a con on his leash, a Neil Caffrey, he's an expert on fraud and B & E. Neil Caffrey will plant the evidence in Sheila's files and pull out all of the damning evidence concerning Mike Ross. What we need to do here is have things get really, really wild and have her on tape doing inappropriate things and use it against her back off on Mike. What do you think? Do you think we can make it work?"

"How long do I have? I need to speak with Ross and Rachel, seeing she was involved with me trying to get her onto Harvard. I'm sure she'll be on board seeing we'll be helping Mike. What kind of info will this Neil plant in her files?"

He's already working on making up fake transcripts where it will show Sheila allowed several students a pass into Harvard Law School who were no way qualified to be in Harvard in the first place. He also has the folder to add to Sheila's file showing Mike Ross attended Harvard along with his grades and in nearly every case with professors who are either retired or moved on to another university. "

"Wow now wait a minute Jessica, I don't want to ruin the reputation of students at Harvard!"

She shook her head; "No, not to worry Louis, we gave Mr. Caffrey the name and profiles only of the students who didn't pass the grade and failed or who dropped out due to unsatisfactory grades, doesn't that make it easier Louis?"

"Yes, that makes it easier and acceptable. Okay so that solves the problem about the files and Mr. Ross, but how are we going to keep Sheila quiet, especially knowing she is the reason you two are in this dilemma."

Jessica had a sly smile on her face; "Like I briefly told you about earlier, I'm planning a New Year's Eve party here. It will be an intimate party with Burke and his wife, he'll bring along Mr. Caffrey and his close associate. Peter will also bring along another agent, a Diane Barrigan, he said she could sort of a look-out to make sure Sheila doesn't notice Mr. Caffrey leaving the party. From here will be the three of us, Donna, Rachel and Mike and of course you'll have to bring Sheila."

"I'll make sure the champagne and liquor is flowing freely and we'll need you to get Sheila good and drunk. We'll make sure we record her in a very, very compromising position and maybe two or three of them!"

"I'll get her here, but it's up to someone else to get her in a compromising situation. Now that we have that problem solved, what is the legal problem Burke's wife is experiencing?"

"He told me his wife has just taken a job as a consultant at a consultant at a gallery in DC. The problem is that a rival who wanted the job has been setting up Mrs. Burke for tax fraud and embezzlement from her business, Burke Premiere Events. She has all of the proof that she's innocent, but with Mr. Burke being touted for a big job in DC., there can't be any sign of tampering by him or his office, that is why we were contacted and he knows we'll make it all go away without making waves."

"Sounds pretty cut and dry, should I contact her and get the ball rolling?"

"You may want to touch base with her, but don't start on the case until the Mike mess is put behind us. We don't want to solve her problem before he takes care of ours."

"Give me her number and I'll contact her and set up an appointment."

"Just remember, both of you, we have to put aside all rivalry and make sure this goes off without a hitch!"

Louis called the Burke household and Elizabeth answered and agreed to meet with Louis later that day after she finished some of her errands. He was waiting on her stoop when she pulled up and hopping out ran up the stairs to greet him; "Mr. Litt, is it?"

"Yes and you must be the lovely Mrs. Burke."

"Please call me Liz, come on in, were you waiting long?"

"No Liz, I just arrived here a couple of minutes ago. You have a nice home here, it's a shame you'll be leaving to go to DC."

"I love it here, but I go where my husband's work takes him. I believe it's time for a change anyways. Please have a seat, would you like a drink?"

"Coffee or tea would be nice."

"I'll put on the water; I could go for a good cup of tea, crazy day today at the office." She came back in, her suit jacket was off and her white silky blouse had a couple of buttons undone and she had kicked off her heels. "Tea should be ready in a few, so tell me Mr. Litt, do you think we can make this all go away and at the same time keep it quiet?"

"First of all call me Louis. I already have a private detective looking into the woman who is creating all of these issues for you. If what you say is correct, our guy, we think can put enough pressure on her to withdraw the accusations and make all of this go away."

"Well Louis, that's fantastic, hold on a sec, I think the water is ready, milk or sugar with your tea?"

"No thanks Liz, straight up please!"

She came back in with a tray and two cups of tea and a plate of wafer cookies, he noticed yet another button on her blouse undone and her lacy black bra was winking at him. He shifted around on the sofa as he felt his cock stir slightly in his pants. He dismissed this, not wanting to blow the entire project, not even for a chance with this gorgeous brunette.

She handed him his tea, but this time she took a seat beside him rather than across from him like she had done earlier. They both sipped on their tea and talk more about her case. Elizabeth put her cooled cup on tea on the coffee table and when she sat back, she pressed her bare thigh against his leg and it startled Louis and he spilled the semi-warm tea on his suit pants. Liz jumped up; "Oh my, just hold on Louis, let me get a warm washcloth, we don't want that to stain!"

She rushed back into the room and began rubbing the wet spot, her hand slowly went a little higher and coming in contact with her stiffening cock, he jumped again and the entire cup of tea was spilled on his pants; "Oh my god Louis, now we can't have you walking around with your pants completely wet like that. Go into the bathroom and take them off. We have one-hour cleaners just around the corner; I'll call them and have them picked up!"

He wasn't comfortable with this, but after her repeated insistence, he relented and did as she had asked him to do. Opening the bathroom door he handed her his trousers and under shorts, they were soaked too.

"There should be a robe on the back of the bathroom door to slip into till your pants come back, put it on and come on out. We can finish our discussion on my case while we wait for your pants."

He came out, the robe was rather long seeing Peter was taller, but it barely closed seeing Louis was thicker around the waist and belly compared to Peter. He took a seat and once again Elizabeth took a seat beside him. They talked and talked and he took notes and as he put away his legal pad in his briefcase, the robe parted and his thick solid cock was winking back at Elizabeth's gaze.

"My, my Louis, looks like someone is trying to peak out and say hello!"

Louis looked down and in the typical Louis fashion was flustered to the point of turning red. He tugged at the bathroom only to make the robe part lower down and flop off his thighs.

Elizabeth's slim hand suddenly rested on his hairy, thick thigh and looking into his dark eyes with her dark blue eyes, she licked her lips and slowly slid her hand higher and higher up his thigh until the back of her hand grazed his now totally stiff cock. Reversing her hand she closed her fingers around his cock as it rested in her palm. Keeping her hand tightly around his cock, she kept her eyes locked on his; she bit down on her lower lip and began to pump her fist up and down on his cock.

Louis closed his eyes and fell back against the back of the sofa and let out a loud groan. His eyes shot open when he suddenly felt her hot, wet lips close around his cock and enter her mouth. All he could see was her long silky brown hair dancing around his hairy legs and the feel of her mouth and tongue whipping up and down and all around his cock. He surprised Elizabeth when he let out a loud grunt and suddenly began shooting his load down her throat.

Liz locked her lips tightly around his spurting cock and took every drop he could expel from his swollen nuts. When she felt his cock stop shooting, she licked the last drop from the thick head and slipping off his cock, she smacked her lips; "That was the cream I was looking for to add to my tea!" She picked up her cup of tea and poised over it, she allowed his cum to drool out of her mouth and mix with her cooled tea.

She ran her finger around her lips to remove the last drop from her lips, she swirled her finger in her tea and raising her cup to her lips she drank down the entire cup. "Mmmmm that was the best tea I tasted in quite a while!"

Just then the doorbell rang and she hurried to the door, her face was flushed when she answered the door and took the clothes from the delivery man. Turning to Louis; "Lucky you came early, seems the pants came back early too. Maybe next time, you'll last a little longer.

He took the pants from her and hurried to the bathroom. Upon opening the door, his pants looked as good as new. He looked down at the carpet when he spoke; "I'm sorry Liz, I normally don't lose control like that, but you are so beautiful and caught me off guard and I sort of came prematurely, I'm so terribly, terribly sorry!"

She giggled; "Don't give it a second thought Louis, maybe we can try round two at the New Year's Eve party at your firm, but you have to promise to last long enough for me to enjoy it a little bit longer next time!"

"I promise Liz, I better get going and set the wheels in motion to get this out from under you. Again I'm sorry and at the same time thank you, you were amazing and that mouth of yours, wow!"

Liz gave him a tiny peck on the cheek and opened the door for him to leave.

He left and once in his car, he placed his forehead on the steering wheel and let out a loud groan of embarrassment. He returned to the office and filled Jessica and Harvey in on the info about the case, he made sure to leave out the part about the blow-job. He contacted their detective and filled him in on the situation and told him it was a top priority to track down.

Jessica contacted Burke and filled him in on the progress with his wife's case and he told him the progress Caffrey made with the files set to be placed in Sheila's New York office. He had Jessica set up Sheila's superiors to do an accredited audit on her files right after the New Year.

Jessica was confident, everything was right on schedule as long as Caffrey planted the files and Louis could persuade Sheila to join him for the New Year's Eve party at their offices.

New Year's Eve was upon them and Donna had worked her ass off along with Rachel to get all of the catering set perfectly as Jessica and Harvey had requested. Donna made sure enough food and drinks were available before dismissing the crew. They didn't want to have any outsiders around to be able to testify in Sheila's behalf if she pressed the issue.

One by one and couple by couple began to arrive for the party and everyone was decked out in the best suits and gowns.

Peter Burke and Neil Caffrey were dressed in dark suits and slim dark ties. On Peter's arm was Elizabeth, she was dressed in a hunter green gown that was draped over her body. The neckline was a wide cowl; the material was draped there and down her back. The back was bare nearly down to her waist, it was evident she was braless, but the layer of material draped across her large chest hiding her fat nipples. Her long, dark brown hair was braided and rolled into a tight bun on top of her head. Two tentacles of hair hung down her cheeks. Her ankles were visible and a pair of strappy hunter green heels was on her dainty feet.

On Neil's arm was his date and partner in crime, Rebecca Lowe, a slim, gorgeous redhead with piercing green eyes. Her body was draped in a jet black flowing gown. It has a deep vee neck accenting her alabaster skin and her breasts were threatening to leap free. It ended a few inches below her knees and her feet were in matching black heels. Her legs looked amazing in silky black stockings. Her long deep red hair was a mass of curls and waves tumbling down to just below her breasts and halfway down her back. Between the two couples was Diane Barrigan, 5'8" dark skinned beauty. Although she was black, her heritage had to have some white blood in her; her milk chocolate skin was glowing in her ankle length white gown. Her small C cup breasts held up the gown, her shoulders, upper chest and back were bare and caught the attention of Jessica and the other partners at the firm. The dress flowed around her lower body and everyone was imaging what was under that gorgeous dress.

The partners and associates were already there and greeted the guests from the FBI. Harvey was in a black tuxedo, as was Mike Ross and Louis Litt. The women from the firm rivaled the women from the FBI. Jessica was wearing a teal satin gown down to her ankle. Two thin strips of material did little to hide her large D cupped breasts. A wide gold belt around her waist accented her tiny waist and gorgeous ass.

Donna rivaled Jessica in a high-necked skin tight white dress. A panel of see through material was covering her chest. It showcased her mammoth breasts and without that panel, they would have spilled out. When she turned, the back of the dress was non-existent showing bare skin nearly down to her tight ass. Her gorgeous ass swayed as she walked and her long flowing red hair danced about her figure down past her breasts.

Rachel Zane was on Mike's arm and she looked amazing. Her slim, tiny body, with the perfect curves smiled at all of the guests. Her mixed race parents made her look dark and sultry, she had most Caucasian features, but had a black woman's tight, compact bubble butt. Her dress was similar to Diane's, but in red. It was flowing down to her ankles and her entire upper body was bare. Her tight C sized breasts looked larger than they really were due to her petite size. Her dress had a slit down one thigh from hem, nearly all the way to her hip, as she moved part of her bare hip was visible and it was evident she was either naked beneath the dress or was wearing a tiny thong! Her long silky chocolate brown, nearly black hair was piled high atop her head.

The last female to arrive was Sheila Sazs, she hung onto Louis' arm and she looked seductive and sassy at the same time. She was wearing a deep purple halter dress. Her large breasts were trying desperately to sneak out of the halter top, the silky flowing material swished about her thighs. She was the only woman wearing a short dress. It ended at her knees and her legs were encased in dark purple stockings along with matching dark purple high heels. Her shoulder length medium blonde hair was pulled up in a tight bun and her dark rimmed glasses made her look even more desirable.

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