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Fred and Martha Spouse Swappers

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Husband and wife have a spouse swapping party.
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My wife Martha was 30 and I was 32 years old at the time we became involved with the spouse swapping lifestyle. We are an upper middle class couple who live in a well to do suburb of a major metropolitan city. Both Martha and I were raised in upper middle class homes. I have a well-paid management position with a medium sized company in the city.

My wife tells me that she and others consider me to be a handsome guy and she has said, "Honey, I admire you for being a very gentle and very easy going gentleman who is willing to be of help to those who need and / or who have asked for your help." My wife has told me, "That is why I was attracted to you and why I agreed to marry you in the first place, Dear." Of course, there are a few other considerations that were involved in our decision to get married, too.

Martha is a stay at home wife and homemaker and we have no children although, she still has kept that idea in her mind since we have been married. Certainly, over time her urge to have babies will overwhelm the both of us and that will ultimately happen. She is active in our community and is involved in community organizations. Martha is a very beautiful young woman with a gorgeous face, a great hour glass shape and beautiful shoulder length light brown hair that sweetly curls around and frames her face. Martha's figure is second to none with her slim, not skinny, 5 Ft.-6 in. tall 130 pound body and her trim 36C-24-36 hour glass frame. She also has a vivacious warm and engaging personality. Martha is a really charming young woman who is the light of my life and she has been a huge addition to this lifestyle for us and we love each other very much.

She and I had been married for about five years and in that early stage of our marriage we had become involved with the spouse swapping life style. Our original concerns were that the spouse swapping activities would ruin and / or detract from our marriage. However, we have found out that it did not detrimentally affect our marriage and in fact we feel that it has been strengthened it by our new found life style. We have found that after one of the spouse swapping parties we have participated in, our desire for one another has been heightened and strengthened. We just can't wait to get home to satisfy each other again in our own marriage bed. And, holy shit, do we love to really enjoy each other when we get back to our home after one of the spouse swapping parties.

At our first spouse swapping party, Martha was very nervous and apprehensive about what we were about to get ourselves involved in. Our host and hostess had taken the time to talk with us and helped us resolve and allay our fears of what was happening and about to happen. In fact, I was later paired with our hostess and Martha was paired with our host. That resulted in a very pleasant evening for the both of us including our hosts. Martha and I both agreed that we had a really good time and we both wanted to continue participating in these spouse swapping activities in the future. In short, we both had become addicted to the spouse swapping life style

After we had attended several spouse swapping dinner parties we decided to host a spouse swapping dinner party at our very spacious and luxurious suburban home. Martha and I planned to have the dinner party catered which included the appetizer, the main meal, the desert and the before and after dinner drinks of several different wines along with some hard spirits for those who chose to have cocktails.

We invited five couples, four of whom we had met previously and knew from previous spouse swapping parties and with whom we were well acquainted. Those couples were well acquainted with the casual protocol of these parties. The fifth couple was Jack and Jackie who was a couple we had met at our local health club where Martha and I both work out. We had previously invited Jack and Jackie to our home for dinner as they seemed to be a very nice couple and they had a lot in common with us. In our conversations during our dinner engagement we raised the idea of spouse swapping and we offered to invite them to our next party.

Jack seemed to be in favor of attending the party but, Jackie seemed to be somewhat hesitant as many women naturally are inclined to be in that kind of a setting. She told Jack, "I'm nervous, Jack, at the thought of each of us having sexual relations with someone other than each other." Martha and I planned to talk to Jack and Jackie in a similar manner to that which our first host and hostess had talked with us. They had calmed our fears and made us feel very much at ease with regard to the swapping activities. I suppose that is it not uncommon for first time swapping couples to have reservations about what they are about to engage in.

We hoped to calm them and help allay any fears that they may have about the spouse swapping activity if they accepted our invitation. Besides, Martha thought that Jack was hot and she really liked him and wanted to be with him. Martha had said, "I would not have a problem with inviting him inside me, Fred." Similarly, I really thought that Jackie was a very beautiful and alluring young woman and I said "I would love to have her in my bed for at least for one night or more, Martha." We both smiled knowingly at each other and I said to her, "Well, we'll just have to see what happens, Honey."

In the invitation that we sent to each of the couples we as the host and hostess we listed the several simple ground rules. The host and hostess would provide several condoms on the dresser in each bedroom for their individual use as required by the swapping couple. A tube of K-Y jelly would be provided on each dresser for their use, as well, if needed. All swapping couples would be in complete agreement with each other and their respective spouses to form a swapping couple.

All expressions of intimacy such as kissing and sexual touching would be reserved to the bedrooms. All clothing removal would take place in the swapping couple's chosen bedroom. All sexual touching and fondling shall be done after the couple has retired to their chosen bedroom. Each participant in a swapping couple shall have the liberty to back out at any time up to the point of the initiation of intimacy. One suggestion for the women was if they chose not to undress in front to the man they chose to pair with that they should bring along a baby doll or other loose fitting pajama top and change into that before their correspondent enters their chosen bedroom.

Jack and Jackie arrive at the party.

Before leaving their home Jack and Jackie had agreed with each other that they totally loved one another and this swap would not affect their marriage. They agreed that they would only pair off with another couple if he received the final Ok from Jackie. If she chose not to participate in the spouse swapping that was Ok and they would take their leave of their host's home at that time and they would return to their own home.

When Jack and Jackie arrived at our home Jackie was as nervous as a cat. They were the fourth couple to arrive and we greeted them warmly and introduced them to the other couples at the party who were already seated in our spacious living room. Martha and I told them, "Fred and I are very happy to have you all in our home tonight to attend our party. We each have done everything that we could to make our guests feel at home and at feel ease this evening. We hope that everyone thoroughly enjoys themselves and has a very pleasant evening. We continued, "If there is anything that any of you want or need please don't hesitate to ask one or the other of us and we will try to accommodate your request if at all possible."

We told our guests, "We are waiting one the last couple to arrive and they are expected to arrive presently. It will be 30 to 45 minutes before dinner will be served and this time has been reserved as an introductory time for each of us to get to know one another." I had put some relaxing music on the sound system to help our guests get into a relaxed mood. We found that the soft music helped facilitate interaction and conversation between our guests. Martha and I had provided several different varieties of wine and spirits for all those who would like to have a glass of wine or a cocktail if they preferred.

Everyone in the party was offered a glass of wine or the spirits of their choice from the several varieties we had on hand. They all enjoyed their before dinner glass of wine or spirits while they got comfortable, relaxed, talked and got to know one another. The last couple arrived and after the introductions, Martha and I informed them that dinner was to be served presently. After that, we all went into the dining room where we all very much enjoyed our fine meal and our cordial and friendly dinner conversation.

Jack and Jackie make the swap.

After our dinner, we all retired to the living room for the after dinner drinks of our choice and for more conversation and relaxation. About an hour after dinner Jack and Jackie noticed that all the other couples had started to pair off between themselves and leave for their chosen bedroom but, they chose to remain seated. Martha and I moved over and sat across from Jack and Jackie and entered a discussion with them about whether they still wanted to participate in the night's swapping activities. Jack and Jackie both tentatively said, "We both still want to participate in the swap but we are still somewhat apprehensive about it."

I suggested that Jackie pair off with me and Martha offered to pair off with Jack. Jack replied, "I'm willing to accept your offer, Martha, but, it depends on Jackie's final acceptance of your individual offers." Jack and I looked at Jackie and she said, "I'm hesitant but, I'm agreeable to making the swap." With that I got up and gently took Jackie's slightly trembling hand and led her to one of the bedrooms as I could feel the nervousness in her trembling hand. As Jackie and I left the living room Jackie looked back nervously over her shoulder at Jack and he gave her a reassuring nod and a wide smile. Martha took Jack's hand and led him to our master bedroom.

Fred makes love with Jackie.

When Jackie and I reached our bedroom we sat on the edge of the bed and I calmly and gently put my arm around her shoulders gently pulling her tightly to me. I began to softly talk to her to help calm her and reassure her. I said, "Jackie I think that you are a very beautiful young woman and I'll certainly not do anything with you or to you that you object to or you do not feel comfortable doing with me." She quietly responded, "Thank you, Fred that is so reassuring and it makes me feel better and your reassurance makes me feel much more comfortable. That already makes me more comfortable about what we may yet have in store for tonight."

I also told her, "I'll let you know before we start to do anything that I want for us to do." I could tell that Jackie was still a little nervous and apprehensive about being in a bedroom and about to be undressed by a man who was not her husband. Then I told her, "Any time you want us to stop what we are doing all you have to do is say stop." That appeared to give Jackie some more reassurance and helped relax her and to calm her nerves even more.

Then I began to slowly and carefully remove her clothes with only her bra and panties remaining on and she expressed no outward objections. I let her remove my clothes until only my briefs were remaining. Jackie could see with no uncertainty that I already had a huge hard on under my briefs. I put my arms around her, kissing her sweetly and held her tightly to help calm her further, reassure her and put her more at ease.

When I put my arms around her and held her she laid her head on my chest and kind of melted into my arms. Then I whispered in her, "You are so very pretty and shapely and you make man really want to make soft gentle love with you, Jackie." I then began to kiss her and fondle her breasts through her bra and kiss her breast swells above her bra. Jackie seemed to become a little more nervous with me kissing and fondling her beautiful, soft breasts.

Then I asked her, "May I remove your bra, Sweetheart?" and she consented nodding her head. I gently reached behind her and unclasped her bra freeing her beautiful, natural titties which I thought were likely 36C. I fondled her soft titties, kissed each one of her titties and sucked each one of her hard, pink nipples as she softly cooed her approval back to me. As I did that she began to respond to my advances and kissed me back indicating to me that she was warming up to me and the idea of participating in the swapping style. She was becoming more relaxed and she appeared to like what we were doing so far.

I very gently laid her down on the bed on her back and with her help I removed her panties revealing her beautiful femininity. Good God, was she a really gorgeous young woman? I quickly remarked, "You are even more beautiful than I thought, Jackie." Then I asked her, "May I kiss you between your legs, Sweetie?" and she only nodded her acceptance probably because she felt like she could not speak to me since her heart was racing and it felt like it was in her throat. Jackie was so excited at that and she nervously agreed to my request. Then I kissed her on top of her very neatly trimmed light brown bush and I gently spread her legs to kiss the length of the cleft of her outer pussy lips.

I heard her softly moan and gasp as I kissed her sweet, moist pussy. Then I spread her outer pussy lips and licked and sucked on her inner lips from the bottom of her pussy up to her clitoris. I circled her clitoris several times with the tip of my tongue and I began to vigorously suck on her clitoris. Jackie began to moan more loudly as she trembled and squirmed raising her hips beneath me. She got even more animated as I kissed and sucked on her clitoris when she moaned rather loudly and she quickly reached her orgasm desperately gasping for her breath.

I moved up over her and kissed her and asked her, "Are you ready for me to enter your warm, moist vagina, Baby?" Jackie nodded and whispered, "Yes", as she was barely able to speak and she was still gasping for her breath. I asked her, "Do we need to use contraceptive protection?" Jackie quickly whispered, "Yes, we do". I immediately grabbed a condom package off of the dresser and started to put it on but, she interrupted me to help me put it on my large, hard dick. She clearly wanted to take my penis in her hand to see it, feel it and know what she was about to receive deep inside her sweet love flower as well as knowing for certain that I had actually put the condom on my dick.

Reaching down between her thighs I felt of her secret treasure to see how wet she was and found that with all of her excitement she was somewhat wet but I felt that we needed a little more lubrication. I reached over to the dresser for the tube of K-Y jelly and applied some to the inner petals her pussy and some to my hard member over the condom. I then asked her, "Do you normally have an orgasm during intercourse, Honey?" and Jackie responded to me, "Yes, I do and I am looking forward to having a an orgasm here with you tonight, Fred." I then asked her "My only request is that you tell me when you are about to reach your orgasm, please, Honey?" Jackie quickly responded "Ok, Fred I'll tell you just before I'm about to get there."

With that I put the head of my hard dick inside her inner pussy lips at the opening to her pussy and I slowly began to enter her very tight sweetness. I got part way inside her and stopped momentarily to let her hot moist pussy adjust to the size of my hard dick. I slowly continued on until I reached my full penetration while watching the expression on her face the entire time. With the help of the extra lubrication even though she was very tight I was able to insert my dick in her to achieve full penetration without any discomfort for either her or for me. I certainly didn't want to cause her any pain because of the lack of lubrication between us. I didn't want her to have any pain and spoil her pleasure this evening and maybe dissuade her from ever participating in swapping parties again. Hell I'd like to fuck her again if I could.

Jackie had a slight smile on her face and showed no indication of distress. So I began to thrust in and out of her slowly, at first, and then faster and more forcefully. As I watched her face I could see that she had an expression of pleasure and she was breathing heavily and moaning softly. Then I slid my hands beneath her beautiful, shapely legs at her knees, put my hands on her upper thighs and lifted them and her hips into the air off of the bedsheet. That allowed me to obtain maximum penetration and to give maximum pleasure to her during our love making.

With my arms under her legs and my hands on top of her thighs I was able to reach up to and roll each of her nipples with my index fingers and my thumbs. As I thrust into her very warm, wet pussy I slowly increased the rate and forcefulness of my thrusting and very soon she was moaning loudly and yelled that she was going to climax. Her loud moaning made me increase my efforts to bring both of us to our orgasms. I just wish that I did not have to wear this condom as I wanted her to feel my hot cum shooting deep into her sweet, hot pussy. I also wanted to feel her velvety, wet pussy against my bare dick without the condom.

Within moments, Jackie moaned very loudly that she was having her orgasm and my own orgasm followed just shortly thereafter. After our orgasms I leaned down over her with my still hard dick deep inside her hot, moist pussy. I kissed her tenderly and passionately and whispered softly in her ear, "Jackie, you were terrific and I'm pretty sure that you have enjoyed this as much as I have." I then laid down beside her, took her into my arms, holding her soft titties tightly to my chest, kissing her passionately as she was still gasping for her breath just like I was. Jackie breathlessly whispered back to me, "Fred, you made my head spin and you had my heart in my throat when you made me cum, Honey."

I also told her, "I really loved bringing you to your orgasm and shooting my hot cum inside the condom inside your sweet pussy, Darling." Then I said, "I really hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did, Honey." Breathlessly, Jackie replied, "I really loved it and I'm really happy to have a good, gentle and ardent lover like you and I would love to have you inside me again like this. I am looking forward to attending your next party and want to have you as a partner as you are so gentle, caring and loving, Fred."

Martha makes love with Jack.

When Martha took Jack to her bedroom neither one of them was as hesitant as Jackie had been. They wrapped their arms around each other and began to passionately kissed one another. Jack quickly reached up to her beautiful, full titties and began to fondle them through her blouse and her bra. She in turn reached down to feel his hard dick through his trousers. Jack remarked, "You have full, firm titties, Martha, and I am ready to kiss each one of them and suck on each oner of your hard nipples, too, Sweetie." Martha just shivered a little at his remark and exclaimed, "You have a huge, hard dick, Jack, and I am really ready to have such a hard tool inside of my warm, wet pussy."

They quickly removed each other's clothes down to her bra and panties remaining on her and his briefs still on him. Jack reached behind her and carefully unclasped her bra freeing her beautiful, voluptuous titties. He quickly said, "Your soft titties are so gorgeous, Martha, and I'm really going to enjoy kissing and sucking on your hard nipples." as he started to kiss each one and suck on each of her hard, pink nipples. He cupped each of her titties with his hands and kissed each one and sucked on each of her hard nipples again. Martha's breath was beginning to quicken with him kissing her soft titties and sucking vigorously on her each of her nipples.

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