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Freshman Week Ch. 01: Move-In Day

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Sister and brother help get each other through move-in day.
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Move in day is never easy for the freshman at Canterbury University. While most of the on-campus student living facilities are fairly modern and up-to-date, the freshman dorms are virtual relics. The buildings are taller than they are long, have too few elevators to accommodate their large student populations, and the staircases are barely wide enough for two people to pass each other. For anyone living above the first floor, moving a life's worth of clothing, food, and amenities can be a nightmare.

For all these reasons, Tiffany was glad she had recruited her big brother to help with the process.

Even for an eighteen year old girl, Tiffany was small. On top of being barely five feet, she was also a mere ninety-five pounds. It was not uncommon for people at a distance to mistake her for a younger girl. Up close though, Tiffany was quite attractive. Her breasts were still slight, but she did have womanly hips and dressed to accentuate her features. Her light red hair also worked to draw people to staring her into her striking green eyes.

If Tiffany had had to move in by herself, she most likely could have accomplished most of the task, given enough trips. However moving objects such as the television set and desk would have been far beyond her. Fortunately she had her brother Glenn.

Where Tiffany was slight, her older brother was massive. The twenty-four year old weighed in at six-and-a-half feet and two hundred and twenty-five pounds of solid muscle. His highschool and college years had both been spent on wrestling, and his accomplishments had not gone to waste as he had moved on to work as a personal trainer.

While at face value the siblings couldn't have possibly been more different, Tiffany held a deep respect for her brother and his commitment to physical fitness, a commitment she had sought to honor in her own way.

On the third floor of the freshman quarters, in suite 318, Glenn dropped the desk to the floor. The man groaned, trying to make sure his sister couldn't hear. "Will this do, T?"

"Oh yeah, that's fine," Tiffany said. "I'm going to get everything adjusted later anyway. The important thing for today was just getting it all up here."

Just the memory of how herculean such a simple task had become made Glenn start to sweat. All around the room were backpacks full of clothing, housing necessities, school supplies he had carried, many three or four at a time. Here and there in the midst of them were larger items which had required individual attention. His muscle began to sing as he recalled the horrible climbs he had made when the elevators were claimed and he just could not wait.

While Glenn worked hard to deny it, the strain he'd put on his body the last eight years was starting to catch up with him. Injuries and strains which would have once amounted to nuisances were gradually becoming something worse. He tried not to think what havoc that could cause in his professional life, but gradually it was becoming clear. He would need professional help, and soon.

"Well, looks like we got all of it," said Tiffany, "And none too soon. I feel like we just got here, but the sun's already going down."

"Which I guess is my cue to scram," said Glenn. "Don't need your big brother here cramping your style on the very first night at college."

"What? No," said Tiffany. Glenn felt her hands grab his arm. He looked down. He'd seen that look before, the puppy dog eyes and mix of adoration and admiration that always got him to do as she asked. What he noticed in that moment though was how she no longer seemed childish. In her crop top and almost-too-short skirt, his sister looked like a woman.

"Somehow I don't think your roommate will take too well to you have a boy over on the first night of school."

"No, it's fine. I got a text from Rebecca earlier and she won't even be here till Sunday. Stay the night. It's the least I can offer after you did most of the unpacking. You have to be tired anyway."

Glenn thought it over. He did feel immensely tired. Driving home might be dangerous. Reluctantly, he agreed.

"Yay!" exclaimed his sister. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face into his chest. "It'll be like a sleepover."

Tired as they were, the two went on getting ready for bed. Tiffany took the first turn to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face, Glenn took the second. When he got back to the dorm room, it was dark. Expecting his sister to already be in bed, he rounded the corner to the bedroom.

But Tiffany was not yet in bed. Instead, Glenn found her standing beside it. Her skirt was removed revealing yellow panties. The white crop top was pulled up so that the girl could reach the strap on her light blue bra. Not noticing her brother, Tiffany quickly unsnapped and removed it.

Glenn hastily turned. "Sorry! I didn't mean to see that."

Tiffany jumped when she heard, letting out a high squeak. When she realized it was only her brother, she laughed and placed her crop top back over her body. "It's cool! Didn't mean to scare you Glenn, just getting ready for bed."

"You didn't scare me. I just didn't want to invade your privacy. I should have knocked."

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "You're my brother. How many times have you seen me in a swimsuit over the years? Seeing me in my bed clothes is hardly worse than that."

Unwillingly, Glenn's eyes returned to her. Her hands rested on her hips, drawing the eye back to her panties. And even though her breasts were slight, somehow they looked very different without a bra under her shirt. It was hard to tell in this lighting, but did her nipples seem to point? It wasn't that cold in here...

He forced himself to look her in the eyes. "Yeah, whatever. I guess it's not a big deal. Let's just go to bed."

The girl went to her bed soon after, and Glenn could swear she was unconscious before her head hit the pillow. He was jealous. It was high school the last time he slept that well. For a moment he watched, to see if she was really asleep. The blanket rose and fell slowly with her breathing. After a minute, Tiffany rolled and kicked a bit, removing the blanket from part of her lower region and exposing her left leg up to the thigh.

Smiling, Glenn replaced the blanket and covered her up. Lucky kid. He hoped his sister would never experience the issues he had with sleep, or with his body in general.

Assured his sister was slumbering, Glenn got changed. Being a simple man, he removed his shirt and pants to sleep in his boxers. Since this was a two-person room, he had his own mattress to sleep on, and Tiff had provided a second set of sheets and blankets he could use for the night.

Glenn laid himself down, hoping maybe the exhaustion from the day would hit him all at once, sending him into a deep slumber. Instead, as soon as he tried to rest, every ache and knot in his body seemed to turn up to full blast. No matter what side Glenn rested on, he was laying on something painful. He turned and twisted, but no position provided relief. If this would be like most nights, he would eventually succumb to exhaustion and fade from consciousness. He hoped it would come soon...

Tiffany woke to groans and moans. Her first, semi-conscious thought was that her roommate better not be having guys spend the night already. The second reminded her that it was actually her brother in the room with her. Those two thoughts at the same time were unsettling. Tiffany sat up to investigate.

Rather than anything deviant, what she saw was her brother, rolling and twisting, clearly in pain. At first, she felt embarrassed. Her brother had always been big and strong. She relied on him. Seeing him weak like this felt like a betrayal on her part. Maybe she should go back to sleep, pretend like she hadn't seen anything?

This option did not last long in her mind. How often had Glenn volunteered to help with a matter she could not handle on her own? How much time and energy had he sacrificed for her? Now he needed help, she couldn't just turn her back on him.

Tiffany pulled off her sheets and got out of bed. "Glenn? Are you okay?"

Glenn stopped rolling and looked toward her. "Oh. I didn't meant to wake you. Go back to bed, I'll quiet down."

"You're hurting," she said. She walked across the room to his bed and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Is it because of all the stuff you moved for me?"

"No, not really. Don't worry about it sis. It's like this every night."

"Every night?" Tiffany was aghast. "Have you told anyone?"

"Who's to tell? It's my problem." said Glenn. "I've dealt with worse. I can handle this too."

Tiffany sighed. "Sorry, I can't let you do this alone." She grabbed his blanket and pulled it off of him, exposing him in his boxers.

"What the heck, T?"

"You're getting a massage, okay? Maybe that will help you sleep."

Like Glenn had spent years physically training and getting strong, Tiffany had pursued physicality in her own way. While she was not officially licensed, though she hoped to be someday, she was very well trained. And for once she'd get to put her skills to good use.

"No, you really don't-"

"Glenn? Shut up and let me get to work." Tiffany cracked her knuckles. "Now, is there any specific place it hurts? An area that feels especially tight?"

Glenn contemplated the question. "Honestly, it kind of hurts everywhere. Always does."

Tiffany nodded. "Alright then. I'll just have to get all of you and undo every knot. Now take off your boxers."

Glenn blinked. "Excuse me?"

"Take them off. Get naked. I can't give you a real massage otherwise."

Her brother, usually so confident, sputtered trying to come up with a coherent response. "Now, Tiffany, that isn't- I mean- you can't just see me- you know..."

The girl rolled her eyes. "Do I need to take them off?"

"No, no, that's okay." Without further argument, Glenn stood up, making sure to face away from his sister. He pulled off his boxers and promptly laid down in bed, facedown. Hopefully in the dark she wouldn't see his flushed face.

Tiffany really didn't have much of a reaction to her sibling's nudity. Being a massage amateur, nudity wasn't a huge deal for her. She'd seen plenty of assess. What did strike her was that, in this cramped dorm room, it was going to be hard for her to get a good angle to massage her brother. The bed was pressed into the room's corner, meaning she didn't have a very good angle on her brother's other side or his shoulder. After giving it a moment's thought, Tiffany hopped onto the bed and threw one leg over her sibling's waist, straddling him. This was the best angle she was likely to find in a room like this.

Glenn tilted his head to the side so he could see his sister through his peripheral vision. "Uh, T, what are you doing?"

"Just finding a way I could reach your shoulders okay? If you weren't so broad and tall, we wouldn't have this problem. Maybe do a few less sit-ups?" Tiffany teased. "Now lie still."

Glenn did as he was told and closed his eyes as Tiffany leaned forward to reach his shoulders. His sister was good at what she did, and almost as soon as she started he could feel some of the tension leave his body. But even as he tried to focus on the pleasant sensations produced by her hands, he couldn't help but also notice her panties that rubbed against his lower back as she moved, and how he could feel the tips of her breasts through her thin sleepwear any time she leaned forward to reach his neck and shoulder. Much as he wanted to deny it, those were sensations of a different variety.

For the next half hour Tiffany worked on his upper body. Both were quiet, except for the pleased groans which occasionally emanated from the brother and the short orders that the sister occasionally gave him.

After completing his lower back, Tiffany had to move from her original perch so she could tend to his buttocks and legs. She slid down from his waist to lower edge of the bed, then leaned forward to begin again. Despite her efforts to be a professional, the young woman couldn't help but take notice of that fact that, between her brother's legs, his penis could be perceived in shadow. The room was dark, but she could make it out. As an aspiring therapist, of course Tiffany had seen penises before. But even so, and even in such dismal lighting, she was forced to admit that Glenn's seemed prominent.

Tiffany shook her head, hoping to jostle loose the unwelcome thoughts. Not only were such considerations un-sisterly, they were unprofessional. Tiffany focused her efforts on the legs and did her utmost not to think of a pink elephant.

When she had completed the legs, Tiffany spoke, "Alright Glenn, time to turn over."

Glenn, how had been half in a daze before, immediately came to. "What did you say?"

"I said turn over. We're only half done."

"No way," he said. "You can't see me like that. It's obviously inappropriate."

"You said you hurt all over, right?" said Tiffany. "Well I want to help. And if I'm going to do that, I need to loosen all of your muscles. You're already naked.

"And besides, I'm your sister. If you can't count on me to help, who can you?"

Glenn inhaled deeply, and whisper under his breath, "Jesus Christ." He closed his eyes tight and, without a word, flipped over. "Okay sis. You win. G-go ahead, I guess."

Tiffany just stared at him for a moment. She had known her brother was muscular. She'd seen him shirtless on plenty an occasion. However she had never seen him naked. Her brother's full form seemed complete, in some way, like a mystery you knew all the answers to. His body was a road map of veins and muscles. He looked more like a boy she'd see in a magazine than the guy she'd known in real life.

Of course while this was startling, it was not the major revelation. The revelation would be the full erection he was sporting.

Glenn's penis wasn't astonishing, but it was proportionate to the rest of his body. And it was standing at full mast. Tiffany couldn't help but wonder, Did he have that while I was sitting on him? Did I cause that?

But still, she had a job to do. And just like when he was on his back she had to be able to reach both sides of his upper abdomen, comfortably and equally. She tried to work the problem many different way, but ultimately there was still only really solution: Glenn's waist.

Like before, Tiffany through one leg over his waist and assumed a seated position, but this time she had to ensure she didn't wind up on top of her brother's dick in the process. She positioned herself to be just above it, but upon sitting down found it brushing against the back of her panties. Glenn made a slight sound and his sister rapidly scooted forward.

"Sorry bro," she said.

He did not respond.

Glenn had decided, in his embarrassment at this whole predicament that now would be an excellent time to play dead. His sister could claim that his being naked and hard in front of her wasn't a big deal, but the best thing he could do for his dignity was pretend to be asleep and have plausible deniability if this was ever brought up in the future.

Tiffany was used to patients falling asleep during therapy and decided to go ahead with the massage. Once again she had to lean forward to reach his upper chest (and once again she cursed her mother's genes for making her so short). In elongating herself, the girl realized that her ass was making contact with his penis.

Whatever, if I keep stressing over it this is going to take forever, she thought. He's asleep anyway.

As Tiffany set about working on his shoulders from the front, vibrations traveled through her body causing her ass to jostle Glenn's dick further. Her brother almost stopped breathing, trying to prevent another groan. She really better ease up soon, or else I'm going to wind up pulling muscles I didn't know I had.

Once again Tiffany worked her way down his body, releasing tension everywhere she found it. From his shoulders, his arms, his chest, and his abs.

Once all of those were done, she paused.

Am I done? Is that... all I need to do?

Tiffany turned and considered her brother's lower half. His legs were fine, there isn't much to those you can only get from the front. She'd already done his feet also. But then there was the pelvis. Normally that was an area she would get... but it was so close to...

Tiff took a breath and looked at his penis. She had been able to feel it pressing into her panties through most of the time she worked on his upper half and, sure enough, it had been expanding. If it had been at full mast before, now it was positively inflamed. She bit her lip. Hadn't she said she would loosen all of his muscles? Wasn't that her duty, as a therapist... and as a loving sister?

"Hey Glenn, are you awake?"

"Hmm? Yeah. Wassup?" he said with a yawn, trying to fake a groggy voice.

"Well, I'm nearly done, but... Well I've hit a bit of a hard place. I don't want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, but do you mind if I, uh, help you out? It'll help us get done quicker and it looks like maybe you need it."

Glenn opened his eyes and blinked at her. In the low lighting, he could just barely make out a hesitant look on her face. This had almost no impact on his decision.

While he'd done his best to remain calm, he had been massively overstimulated over the course of the last hour. A pretty girl had been rubbing against him for all of it and he felt like he was about to burst. Rational thoughts had all but fled his mind.

Much as he thought he might regret it later, Glenn answered, "You're the expert sis. Do what you think you should do."

Tiffany nodded. "Alright then." She remained in her seated position, but turned around to face the phallus directly and then scooted up from Glenn's waist to just below his belly button.

While this is not information that Glenn would have, Tiffany was far from sexually experienced. She was not a virgin, but had only had sex twice with her ex-boyfriend. Both times through conventional, vaginal means. Hand jobs were a novel idea to her.

Tiffany looked at her hands for a second. Did they need lubrication? Should she spit on them? Go run them under a sink? After a moment's consideration she decided just to go for it. She wrapped both hands around her brother's penis and slowly began a different sort of massage.

What tempo should she be going at? Was this too fast or too slow? Tiff's mind worked a mile a minute even as her eyes were simply transfixed on the organ before her. With the constant stimuli, it had expanded even more. She didn't realize that could happen.

As she considered the situation at hand, a new mental image suddenly came to mind: Her brother's cock erupting, ruining her top and even maybe her panties. Crap, how had she not considered that before? She couldn't have that.

Cautiously, Tiffany glanced over her shoulder at her brother's face. His eyes were still closed, but he couldn't feign being asleep anymore. With her current sitting position, she could feel his lungs rapidly inflating and deflating, lifting her ass and pussy with each cycle. It was not an unwelcome sensation.

For a second she had doubts about stripping entirely in front of her brother, but then she was struck by how hypocritical that would be.

Glenn felt Tiffany remove her hands from his dick and gently lift off him. He immediately opened his eyes. "Oh, uh, are you done?" he asked.

Tiffany smiled. "Don't worry now, I'll finish up. I just realized I hadn't taken all of the necessary precautions. Here." With no more warning, Tiffany reached down and scooped off her crop top. Glen's jaw dropped.

His sister's boobs might have been small, but they were certainly there. Slightly bigger than baseballs, they wiggled when they pulled free from the shirt's tight fabric. Even in the dark, her pale skin seemed luminous and vibrant. Breathtaking.


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