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Freshman Week Ch. 02: Roommates

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Tiffany meets her liberated roommate.
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It was the night before classes, and Tiffany was stressing out. She had spent the last two hours reading the syllabi for her various courses. She was supposed to have already done the first section of reading? She hadn't even ordered her books!

Tiffany laid back in bed and groaned. Twisting her neck, she caught sight of her roommate's unoccupied bed. Not for the first time that weekend, her thoughts drifted back to her move-in day and how she and her brother had put that bed to use.

It was something that shouldn't have happened; something that would never happen again, they both agreed. But in troubling times, it was a sweet memory to hold on to.

The sound of a lock turning woke Tiffany from her reverie. The girl shot up with a guilty look as the door opened.

A woman with a backpack and a wheeled luggage case stepped through the door. She shut and locked it behind her, then looked at Tiff with a smile. "Oh, hi! You must be my roommate. I'm Rebecca."

Tiffany stood up and the two shook hands. "Tiffany. It's nice to meet you."

Tiffany couldn't help but examine her new living mate. She was an Asian woman of Japanese descent and a little on the tall side, maybe 5'5". She appeared to be about Tiffany's age (18), but unlike Tiffany, she looked the part. She was an adult height, she wore markedly adult clothes, and most prominently there were the breasts.

More than a few individuals (her ex-boyfriend, her friends, and her brother) had assured Tiffany she had a perfectly adequate bust. Sweet, even. Still she couldn't help but feel they were immature. Rebecca had no such problems. If Tiffany's rack was comparable to a pair of plums, Rebecca was more in the proximity of cantaloupes.

Tiffany felt a spike of jealousy, but immediately buried it. "So how way your drive?"

The pair made small talk as the new roommate unpacked and within a few hours they both retired for the evening. Rebecca was able to quickly drift off, thanks to her long drive. The other girl had a much longer night ahead of her. For hours Tiffany's brain was filled with academic dread, familial fantasy, and Asian boobs.


Whatever issues Tiffany Shook might have had with her body, you wouldn't have been able to guess them by looking at her. In her day-to-day life, the young woman's manner of dress was often down right provocative. Many of her classmates considered her a text book example of liberated feminine sexuality.

On her first day of classes, Ms. Shook dressed almost entirely in black. She sported a short sleeved shirt with a tasteful but conspicuous cleave window. Through the circular opening, the tops of her tits could be seen, advertising the fact she was not wearing a bra. Though they were on the small side, they were also plenty rounded and her luminescent skin caught the sunlight in a way that drew many an eye as she walked across the quad. To match her top was a black and white striped skirt, which was sized to fit the old maxim: Short enough to be interesting, but long enough to cover everything important. This left her radiant shaved legs exposed down to her short, black socks.

The only non-black article on her was a light red jacket. It still wasn't light enough for the lingering summer heat, so for most the day it remained either tied around her waist or stuffed in her backpack.

Despite the dogged nature of most collegiate men, Tiffany's audacious outfit was intimidating enough to give most of them pause. She made through the first half of her day, and the bulk of her classes, without being approached by anyone.

Then lunch came.

Having proceeded through the dining hall and filling her tray, Tiffany frowned at the overstuffed dining atrium. Every table was already occupied by one or more students, making it virtually impossible for her to eat alone. Should she select a random student to eat with? Try and find someone who had graduated from her high school? Or maybe just retreat entirely?

"Hey Tiffany, come sit with us!" a woman's voice said.

The voice had originated from a table near Tiffany. From Rebecca. Automatically Tiff started walking toward her roommate, but stopped as she caught sight of the rest of the table. Three of the other five seats belonged to other young beautiful women. Like Rebecca they dressed more conservatively, had beautifully tanned skin, and graciously mature breasts. They looked almost flawless. Another seat was taken by a tall, broad-shouldered young man. Perhaps the boyfriend of one of the pretty girls? Perhaps Rebecca's boyfriend?

Tiffany took a step back.

"Uh, sorry," she said. "I'm actually supposed to go meet someone for lunch. I'll catch you later, 'kay?"

Rebecca nodded and Tiffany fled without further conversation. The girl made her way outside and found an unoccupied bench to sit on with her tray. This would do just fine.

She had just started eating when a boy her age approached.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?"

Tiffany looked up. The kid had glasses and brown frizzy hair. He wore a beige hoodie and wrinkled jeans in weather that was too hot for either garment, in her opinion. Overall, he appeared unintimidating. Tiffany shrugged, which he took as permission to sit down.

The boy removed his backpack and took out a brown bag, from which soon emerged two ham sandwiches, some pretzels, and a bottled water. The two ate. Tiffany decided this was a good thing. At least this way, if Rebecca saw her, she wouldn't think Tiff was a liar.

"So I'm Will. This is my first year," he said.

Tiff nodded. "Mine too. I'm Tiffany."

"That's a good name," he said. She did not reply. "So how was your first day?"

"Stressful, I guess. Not use to the college grind."

Will laughed, for some reason. "Yeah, tell me about it. This place can be quite intimidating, especially when you're on your own. Say you gotta boyfriend?"

Tiff stopped chewing. She shot the boy a sideways glance, one he either did not catch or failed to interpret. "Nope."

"Yeah, me neither. Ugh, girlfriend, I mean I don't have a girlfriend. I'm straight." Will took a big bite of sandwich, which he chewed very slowly for a full minute before speaking again. "Being a single freshmen can be pretty overwhelming."

Tiffany shied in a dramatic fashion. "Tell me about it, right? I'm stressed by school, I get to be by myself all day, and if that wasn't enough I started my period this morning. Such a drag. I was almost late for class cause I had to stock up on tampons, my stomach feels like shit, I'm already queasy from all the school work I'm going to have to do, and my hormones make me just wanna reach out and murder somebody."

As Tiffany wrapped up her monologue, Will's face took on an interesting pallor. "Uh, totally. That sucks bro."

Will proceeded to eat his food without further efforts toward conversation.

The girl smirked.


Tiffany spent most of the transition from day to night holed up in the library. This was in part because she was already behind on her reading, and in part because she hoped to minimize the requisite social contact with her roommate, at least for now. But as the eleventh hour struck, the girl decided to pack up her things.

When she reached her freshman dorm a few minutes later, Tiffany was surprised to find it unoccupied. The light were on, but no one was home. Had she lucked into one of those roommates who spent the nights at the home of a best friend or significant other?

Tiffany was not the kind of a girl to look a gift horse in the mouth. She counted her lucky stars and got ready for bed.

First the girl discarded her skirt to reveal simple white panties. They were small and the material light, matching her frame and skin tone perfectly. Next she grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, revealing her supple breasts to the unoccupied apartment.

She had already selected an oversized grey t-shirt to wear to bed, but before the girl put it on she looked down upon her body, her boobs specifically. They rose and fell with her breathing. Tiffany lifted both of her hands to cup them. Neither was bigger than a handful. She couldn't remember them growing at all for the last two years, despite the promises of her mother, aunt, and health teacher. Tiffany tried to see if see could use her hands to make them wobble or bounce, like other girls did just by walking. But it was in vain. With such limited mass, they could not be expected to have a great range in motion.

Tiff sat down at the edge of her bed, still looking down at her chest. "How much longer am I supposed to wait on you, girls?"

The door opened without fanfare. In walked Rebecca. She was wrapped in a white towel, accentuating her tan skin, and wet brunette hair hung down around her shoulders, creating a provocative image. "Hey Tiff!"

Tiffany squeaked and spun around, covering her chest with her hands. "You could have knocked!"

"Oh, my B," said Rebecca. "Didn't know you came back yet." But she did not turn around. Instead the woman closed the door behind her and stalked over to her side of the room.

As she did so, Tiffany grabbed the grey t-shirt and threw it over her body, concealing her tits and abdomen.

Rebeca went to her closet and began pulling out clothing, her outfit for the following day. "So who were you seeing at lunch?"

"Just a... friend. Will," said Tiffany, still recovering.

Rebecca put the clothes down on her desk. "A friend from school?"

"No, not really. He's someone I met today."

"Wow. You make friends fast, don't you?" Rebecca unwrapped her towel. It fell to her feet.

Tiffany gaped.

Rebecca was evidently the sort of woman to frequent the gym. She wasn't bulky, like Glenn, but she was fit. Toned, in all the right places. Her posterior was very shapely, pleasantly rounded and prominent. As Tiffany stared, the woman turned to face her. Rebecca had less pubic hair than Tiffany, but what little was there was well trimmed into the shape of minute black triangle tucked between her legs. And her breasts. Rebecca's exposed breasts were everything her clothed-self had promised and more. They were large and firm, and Rebecca's tan skin gave them a healthy glow. She had no tan lines; Tiffany could only conclude that her roommate sunbathed in the buff.

Rebecca's hair was still wet. Water from it ran down her abdomen and legs. Tiffany could not help but witness as some of the moisture ran down her boobs before accumulating on the tips of her pink nipples, and slowly dripping to the ground.

"You okay, Tiff?" Rebecca asked, cocking her head.

"I uh... You're naked."

The woman looked down at her body, as though she had to verify Tiffany's claim. "Oh! Yeah, sorry I didn't say anything. I'm kind of a naturalist. When I get home at the end of a day I normally like to strip down. I sleep naked too. Is that going to bother you?"

Tiffany had to think. Before her was a perfect human specimen. Someone she could never measure up to. This would make the next year... difficult.

Tiffany shook her head. "No, you just surprised me. Carry on with whatever it is you do."

Rebecca smiled. "Great! Thank you for understanding. And if you ever feel like joining me, you can feel free to strip off as well."

"No, that's okay. I'm not interested," Said Tiff. "Think I'm going to hit the hay. Goodnight."

Tiffany pulled the covers over herself and rolled toward the wall. Rebecca pursed her lips. As soon as Tiff had told her it was fine, she'd stopped looking at her entirely. Not just avoiding her body, but her face as well. Something was still upsetting the girl...

But what?


The two coexisted for the remainder of the week. It was an uneasy peace, but a peace nonetheless. Tiffany learned Rebecca's schedule and always made sure that she was home first. By the time Rebecca arrived, took a shower, and stripped, Tiffany would already be in bed, eyes closed, facing the wall. But Tiffany did not fall asleep, not immediately. She would always be awake well past when her roommate got to bed, thinking about the goddess that shared their room, and comparing.

This pattern held, until Friday.

Tiffany arrived home later than usual that night due to the first meeting of a study group. The whole meeting she had hoped she would get home before her roommate. By the time she actually arrived, that hope had most dissipated. It was going to be close. Maybe, just maybe she'd have enough time to dive into bed, she'd even skip changing into pajamas-

She opened the door. Rebecca was already there and naked. The woman sat at her desk on her side of the room, a book in front of her. With the angle of the book, Tiffany could not see her chest, but she knew it was there. Tan, radiant, beautiful. Perfectly shaped and proportioned.

Rebecca looked up from her book and smiled. "Hey Tiffany! It feels like I haven't seen you awake in ages."

Tiffany nodded back. "Hey."

The girl went to her closet and picked out the shirt she would wear for bed. Facing away from her roommate, she kicked off her skirt, removed her shirt, unclipped her bra, and placed the new t-shirt over her body. She was about to climb into bed when-

"I wanted to ask you about something."

Tiffany stopped moving, but did not turn around. "About what?"

"I just want to know, what do you have against me? I haven't known you for long, but it almost feels like you hate me."

"I don't hate you."

"Is it the naked thing?" Rebecca stood up from her chair and gestured at her body. Tiffany looked out of the corner of her eye. She pursed her lips and looked away. "We live together. We're partners. If I'm doing something that bothers you, I need you to tell me. This doesn't work another way."

"I don't care that you're naked," Tiffany insisted, her voice taking on an edge she hadn't intended. "It's just-..."

"Just what? Tell me already. This has been bothering me all week."

Tiffany shied. She turned to face Rebecca, her eye examining the woman up and down. Every inch of her sun-kissed skin.

"It's just that, you're beautiful."

Rebecca didn't say anything. She didn't move to cover herself. She just looked at Tiffany's face, watching any subtle movements that might give something else away.

"You're beautiful, and I'm not."

Rebecca's eyebrows furrowed. She tilted her head slightly to the side. "What?"

"You heard me," said Tiffany. She was looking at the ground now. She could feel tears forming in the corners of her eyes and she had no way to stop them. "Most of the time, I don't like the way I look. Seeing your body, how beautiful you are, makes it harder."

Rebecca's face seemed to melt. "Aw, sweetie..." She thought for a second, then sat cross-legged on the floor. Rebecca patted the ground in front of her. "Come here. Sit."

Reluctantly Tiffany assumed the same position as her roommate, sitting a couple feet in front of her. Rebecca responded by scooting forward until their knees were touching. Tiffany's face felt hot. This beautiful, naked woman was so close to her. Tiffany could smell the shampoo she had used in her shower. When Rebecca exhaled, she could feel the breath on her face.

Rebecca placed a hand on Tiffany's knee. "Why do you feel that way about yourself, Tiffany? What is it you don't like?"

Rebecca's voice was kind, almost motherly. Of course it would be, a perfect voice to match a perfect body. Still, she was trying to help, and the least Tiffany could do was try and be honest. Tiffany shrugged. "I don't know. A bunch of things? I'm pale. I'm short, people mistake me for a kid sometimes. And I don't have boobs like yours. I barely have boobs at all."

Rebecca's hand had moved from resting on Tiffany's knee to rubbing her leg. "Has anyone ever seen you naked, Tiff?"

"A few people. There was my ex-boyfriend and my- another boy."

"And what did they say about your boobs? Did they say you looked like a child?"

"No. They, uh, they said they liked them."

Rebecca smiled. The hand she was using to rub her roommates leg had gradually increased its area of movement. She was almost rubbing her hip. "Have you ever spent much time naked Tiffany? Even on your own?"

"And see more of myself than I need to? No. No thanks. I only strip down when I need to: changing, showers, or sex."

"Maybe it would help you," said Rebecca. "Spending more time nude helped me realize that my sexuality belonged to me. It was a part of me no matter what, not determined by what other people see or how I compare to them."

Tiffany didn't say anything to that. She was too busy trying not to cry.

"Why don't you try now?" asked Rebecca. "Here with me."

Tiffany opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She looked Rebecca in the eyes. An emotion was exchanged between them.

Without any further input, Rebecca grabbed the hem of Tiffany's shirt and pulled upward. The girl didn't even fight her raising her arms and letting the article come loose.

Tiffany's arms jerked into place to cover herself, but Rebecca reached out and stopped them. "Uh-uh. None of that. Let me see."

Reluctantly, Tiff returned her arms to her side.

Rebecca marveled at Tiffany's exposed breasts. Yes, they were smaller than hers, but they were also equal and perky, with her shining white flesh creating an appealing contrast with her pure pink areolas.

"Tiffany, you are beautiful," Rebecca insisted.

"Shut up." Tiffany moved to stand up, but before she could Rebecca reached out and gently caressed her right breast. Tiffany froze.

"Look at you. Your skin is so pristine, full of life. You don't need a tan. You don't need bigger boobs." Her hand was placed against the outer curvature of Tiffany's right breast. Slowly, she allowed her thumb to brush against Tiffany's nipple. She heard the girl take a sharp breath.

"It breaks my heart to think that, for all these years, you never looked in the mirror to see how beautiful you are." Rebecca wrapped her entire hand around the boob and gave it a slight squeeze. She could feel Tiffany's warmth, her pointed nipped at the center of Rebecca's palm.

Rebecca smiled.

Tiffany watched in amazement as Rebecca lowered her head till it was just in front of Tiffany's left breast. The woman's tongue flicked outward and brushed against Tiffany's nipple. A shiver went down her spine. Rebecca looked up into Tiffany's eyes and delivered a playful smile. Then she opened her mouth and inserted the end of her roommate's breast.

Tiffany could only groan. She placed her hands on the back of Rebecca's head as the woman put her lips and tongue to good use. Tiffany had never felt so stimulated before. None of her lovers had so properly understood the female body. Meanwhile, Rebecca's hand was still caressing and massaging Tiffany's other breast.

After almost five minutes of this, Rebecca withdrew. Tiffany's face was flushed and her breathing labored. She was surprised that she hadn't finished amidst all that. Rebecca, for her part, was merely smiling and seemed quite pleased with herself.

"I'm not a very good actress, Tiffany," said Rebecca. "I wouldn't play with your body like this if I didn't find it..." She deliberated on her choice of words. "...delicious. You cannot convince me the boys you've been with haven't felt the same way."

Tiffany looked down and examined the carpet. "I-I-... Maybe?"

Rebecca shook her head. "No maybes about it." She looked down at her roommate's crotch. "You know, Tiffany, we aren't exactly equal here. I'm completely naked and you aren't." She gestured to her own exposed vagina. "Don't you think you should balance this out?"

Tiffany had her doubts, but she was in no state to argue. She stood up while Rebecca remained seated. Cautiously, she took held her panties by the sides and began to lower them.

From the floor, Rebecca had the perfect view as Tiffany's underwear slipped off. She watched entranced as Tiffany's patch of short, blond fuzz came into view, her vagina just passed it. Her pubic hair was not as neatly trimmed and combed as Rebecca's, but it was radiant and remarkably true to her.


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