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Freshman Week Ch. 04.0: Dorm Life

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Young coed finds a way to deal with her unrequited crush.
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Chloe was not the kind of girl who identified as a tomboy. The term didn't make sense. She certainly wasn't a boy. So what if she had no girl friends, hadn't worn a dress since she was twelve, and avoided nail polish like the plague? It didn't make her any less female. But Chloe had learned long ago that, no matter how she thought of herself, to the rest of the world she was a tomboy. It simply wasn't a fight worth having.

So Chloe didn't mind eating breakfast in the Canterbury University dorm dining hall at eleven in the morning with her face devoid of makeup and her clothes as casual as she could get without campus security intervening.

She was eating her scrambled eggs when two boys took the seats on either side of her. "Good morning, Chloe," said the one on her left, William. Chloe gave him a polite smile but didn't return the greeting. William wasn't exactly a friend of hers, but he came with the group. Chloe knew that as soon as she was distracted he would be staring a hole through her chest. He was a mild annoyance, but she'd handled worse.

She turned to her right to look at the other boy. His messy hair, sleepless eyes, and blissful expression told a story. As did the open Tinder app on his phone. "Still pumping and dumping, asshole?"

The muscular, tank top clad freshman smirked without looking at her. "No idea what you're talking about, dyke."

Chloe rolled her eyes, but with a little smile. Nick was a fuck boy, but he was harmless so long as you knew who you were dealing with. He could be funny on occasion too. There was a vitriolic chemistry between them that she enjoyed. At the very least he wasn't as pervy as William.

Well, that's what she thought. In reality, Nick was just more subtle. She never noticed him eye fucking her when she was distracted with her phone or deep conversation. Nick knew better than to proposition the girl, but he appreciated her body.

And who could blame him? Even in her unkempt state, there was a certain allure to Chloe. Her hair was red, curly, and short, barely reaching past her ears. Her skin was about as tan as you could expect with a red head. The freckles on her face made her feel real in a way that the girls Nick pursued did not. It was easier to imagine her on a pitcher's mound than dancing at a kegger.

Chloe was tall for a girl, taller than Will actually, but her thin frame kept her from coming off as imposing. She was in good shape, but not muscular.

Nick could tell she'd dressed in a hurry this morning. It was the middle of October, so a hoodie was pretty necessary.Her jacket didn't have an especially low neckline, but the material wasn't very thick either. At the apex of her breasts, Nick could see the slight points of her twin nipples. She must not have been wearing a shirt or a bra underneath.

Nick felt something warm inside him. He knew she was never gonna be his kind of prey, but damn he loved a good tomboy.

The chair directly across from Chloe was pulled out as the final member of the group took his seat. "Hey guys."

Chloe's pulse beat faster. Anyone closely observing would have noted her nipples hardening into points. She frowned. Chloe hated the reactions her body had to him. "Morning, Sam. Glad to see you could make time for us."

Sam winced. "Yeah. Sorry for skipping out on the group study last night. Hannah wanted to Facetime and you know how she gets."

The eggs in Chloe's stomach did a barrel roll. She didn't like hearing that name.

While Chloe got along with Nick, Sam was the reason she had entrenched herself in this friend group. He was a nice enough looking guy. A little vanilla. He wasn't buff like Nick, but he was a runner. His omnipresent shorts showed off his strong leg muscles. He had nice abs too. (Chloe had gone swimming with him once.) His neatly combed blonde hair and pure white smile screamed "nice Christian boy," and that wasn't Chloe's type at all. Usually. She couldn't say specifically what about him attracted her. His earnestness, which she found rare among people her age? His kindness? The way she imagined he only smiled at her, and hoped he didn't smile at Hannah?

If she were less jaded, she might have considered it a form of true love.

Or maybe she just wanted to feel those muscular thighs up against hers. Either way, the feeling was damn persistent.

Chloe shrugged. "You don't need to make excuses to me. Just don't cry when you flunk out of Psychology fucking one-oh-one."

Chloe arched her back over the top of the chair, pretending to stretch. In reality, her efforts were to draw Sam's eyes to her chest, to make him see the way her nipples showed through its thin material. Chloe may not have been overly feminized, but she was very aware of her body and how it could make men feel. She was nothing if not strategic.

But when she looked, Sam was simply digging into a pile of pancakes. William was the one taking an eyeful.

With a scornful look at the nerd, Chloe returned to her natural position. "So what do you guys have planned today?"

"Class," said Nick. "Seeing if I can find someone to write this Anthro paper. Hitting the gym. Meeting some named "Cynthia" at the Gamma house tonight. The usual."

William tried to throw in whatever his plans were, but Chloe wasn't paying attention. "What about you, whiz kid?" she asked Sam.

But he wasn't paying attention. The young athlete was fixated on his phone. Chloe saw a specific look drift over his face. A smile. The smile. And she knew what he was looking at.

Sam realized he'd been asked something a second later. "What was that?"

Chloe found herself unable to speak. Nick filled in for her. "What are you doing today?"

Sam's eyes widened with evident glee. "Not much today really, but tomorrow night Hannah's coming to town. There's a movie at the mall. The new one, with Tom Cruise? She's a big fan so we're going to see it together.

"If any of you want to tag along, you're more than welcome. She's heard all about you guys. I'd love for you to meet her."

"I'd go, but I think that would interfere with our gym plans," said William.

"You're going to the gym?" asked Sam.

"Oh yeah. Nick volunteered to teach me how to lift, and I figured I could use a bit of extra muscle. Soon, you won't be the only one making the ladies drool." He shot Chloe a knowing looking from the corner of his eye. She wanted to strangle the brat. This wasn't the first time he'd referenced her crush in front of its recipient. Every time it made her wonder just how much Sam knew, and why he wasn't saying anything.

"What about you, Chloe?"

She stood up then, grabbing her tray and pushing away from the table. "Damn, I'm late for class. See you guys later."

Chloe dashed away, her stomach still upset and her mind threatening a headache.


Chloe spent the next four hours in class, crossing and uncrossing her legs under her desk. As part of her seductive ensemble that morning, she had neglected to wear panties under her shorts. She was coming to regret that decision. The extra stimulation was unbearable. Of course, this was mainly because she couldn't help thinking about Sam.

What had caused her to fall for Sam so deeply? Their meeting hadn't been overly special. Both of them had attended the same touring session as prospective students. Organically they turned into a pair. Chloe stuck by Sam due to his enthusiasm and knowledge about the campus. (His older brother had also gone to Canterbury U.) Sam stuck by Chloe due to her cutting sense of humor. She had found something about him attractive then, and her feelings only grew over time. Maybe a part of it had to do with the fact he was unobtainable.

But Sam wasn't the only reason for her desperately high libido. Chloe had been attending college for almost three months. In that time, she hadn't gotten off once. Her unrequited feelings for Sam precluded trying to date other people, and masturbation is a tricky thing to get away with when you have a roommate and communal showers.


Chloe's roommate looked up as the door opened. The girl was blonde, skinny and short, with breasts bigger than she knew what to do with. She had on a sports bra, something she had been too conservative to wear until very recently. It left her cleavage and stomach exposed. Chloe was almost entirely straight, but in her current condition this state of undress left her hormones growling.

"Hey Chloe," said Charlotte, "You okay?"

"Peachy. Can't you tell?"

"Um. You just look a little... Angry, I guess?"

"Trust me, you'll know when I'm angry." Chloe went to her closet and pulled out a towel and her shower kit. Fuck the communal showers. She had to get off before she jumped her innocent roommate. "Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

"Actually, yeah," said Char. "Sarah and I are going to this Halloween party next week. I don't know what your plans are like, but it would be great if you came! We could all coordinate costumes and stuff!"

"Well, it would be great if I came," said Chloe, "But I think I'll have to pass. The boys will want to do something, and I would hate to get in-between you and your new girlfriend."

Charlotte blushed. "She isn't my girlfriend, jerk!"

Chloe smiled as she closed the door behind her. Hard as things might be, at least she was less confused than that little girl.


Chloe disrobed in the shower, placing her clothes outside the range of the spray.

Whatever her public image might be, Chloe was an attractive girl. She was of above average height and fairly narrow, with a bit of extra fat on her breasts and butt. Like her face, her cleavage was dotted with freckles from years of outdoor activities. Although her tits had been small for the majority of her teens, Chloe had been secretly pleased to watch them rapidly develop into C-cups over the last year. There was something invigorating about feeling your boobs jiggle when you ran or hopped.

Before college, Chloe had only shaved her legs weekly, or for special occasions. Now she did it almost every day. She didn't want to put Sam off. But she refused to shave her crotch. She trimmed it and kept it manageable, but her pubic hair remained a vibrant crimson bush. Chloe liked how it reminded her of fire, and she figured that by the time a boy got that far he wouldn't want to stop.

Chleo turned the water up as hot as she could and stepped into the spray. There were eight stalls in the floor's shower. In the ones around her she could hear other girls talking, singing, or humming. The only thing separating her from them were thin tile walls and flimsy shower curtains. In the past months, that had been enough to keep her from touching herself. Well, it had been long enough.

Chloe hung her head under the shower's spray. She let the hot water run through her curly red hair, down her neck, and over her arms and legs. It heated her. Lubricated her. She thought of Sam.

Moving one finger through her short tangle of red hair, the girl found her clit. She sighed as she made content and began to slowly swirl around it. Taking two fingers from her other hand, she slowly began pressing into herself.

Chloe wasn't a virgin. She'd let a guy friend take her virginity after senior prom. They hadn't been serious in any way. She had only wanted to avoid going to college as a virgin and falling for the first Nick to bend her over. The effort had proved meaningless, but at least she didn't have to worry about popping anything.

Chloe took a ragged breath. She removed the hand from her clitoris and began to fondle her breasts, letting the other hand take on double duty. Chloe pinched her nipple and shivered despite the heat. She imagined there was someone else in the shower with her. That they were nibbling gently at her chest, a hand between her thighs, desperately-

Someone cleared their throat. "Excuse me?"

Chloe's eyes snapped open.

A girl was looking at her from the shower entrance. The intruder had pushed back the curtain and stuck their head in. "All of the stalls are taken right now. Would it bother you terribly if I shared yours?"

Chloe stared at the girl. She recognized the breach in privacy this was, and deep down she was really embarrassed. But her dad had been a Marine, and if she had learned anything from him it was to never back down or show weakness.

Chloe stopped masturbating, but didn't remove the hand from her snatch. "Sure, you can come in if you want."

"Thank you!" The girl stepped inside and closed the curtain behind her. She took off her towel and hung it beside Chloe's. Chloe took the opportunity to give her a look over.

The woman was at least as tall as Chloe and of Japanese descent. Her body was well toned and evenly tanned, with no sign of tan lines. Her breasts were large, possibly double-Ds. She had almost no pubic hair, only a scant black triangle.

The space shrunk between the two of them as the new girl entered the spray of water. At most there were two centimeters between their bodies. The new girl raised a hand toward Chloe. "My name's Rebecca."

With a smirk, Chloe removed the hand from her vagina and returned the handshake. "I'm Chloe. Welcome to my shower."

With introductions made, Rebecca began soaping up. Despite the chip on Chloe's shoulder, she didn't quite have it in her to masturbate in front of a strange woman. Instead, she propped one leg up against the wall, lathered it in shaving cream, and began running her razor over it. In their confined space, Rebecca was pinned in by the other girl's extended extremity and couldn't help but make contact with it every time she moved.

Rebecca cleared her throat. "So it seemed like you were having personal time when I showed up."


"It looked urgent. You know, you don't have to stop on my account."

"There's a reason you call it personal time."

Rebecca leaned forward to rub soap into her leg. As she did, an errant elbow brushed through Chloe's bush. The recipient gasped and shook from the stimulation, slightly cutting her leg with the razor in her hand.

Rebecca shot back up to a standing position. "Oh my god, I'm sorry!" She grabbed Chloe by the shoulders and helped the girl steady herself.

"I- not your fault. Really." Chloe couldn't help but notice how close the other girl was. Rebecca's breasts were pushing into hers. Chloe felt her sex pulse as her heart beat kicked up. She bit her lip and fought the urge to lean forward. Making a slight concession with her libido, Chloe did place one hand on Rebecca's ass, making it look as though she were still finding her balance. "I've had issues getting off lately."

"Issues that I haven't helped any," said Rebecca. Her suddenly bashful expression and the way her eyes flitted toward Chloe's hand made it clear she knew exactly what Chloe was thinking. Chloe withdrew her hand as if from a hot stove. "But maybe I could help."

Chloe raised an eyebrow.

"Not here, or right now. But you could come by my room sometime. I have a wide selection of assistive materials, more than any girl could need. I wouldn't mind loaning some out."

Chloe's eyebrow returned to its original place. "You mean toys."

"One word for them."

Chloe shook her head and lifted her legs back into a shaving position. "I've never needed them before."

"College is all about trying out new things. This one might be for you."

Chloe didn't respond and both girls lapsed into silence. They went back to their shower routines and washed and cleansed themselves. Rebecca finished first. She gathered her materials and wrapped herself in a towel.

But just before she left, she turned back to look at Chloe. "Room 318."


The next evening, Chloe found herself knocking on the door numbered 318. Her hair was still wet from the shower and she was in her pajamas: a large football jersey her dad had bought her and black shorts that barely covered more than her panties.

She had tried again in the showers, this time uninterrupted, but the whole time she hadn't been able to control her thoughts. She kept thinking Sam would feel better than this. This isn't enough. Maybe- maybe Rebecca's toys would be closer? She had been trying for half an hour when her consternation finally made her give up. So she'd hurriedly dressed and marched to Rebecca's room.

The door opened slightly and an unfamiliar girl peered through the crack. Chloe could barely see anything of her, except that she was surprisingly short and had blonde hair with red highlights. She almost seemed like a kid.

"Hello?" asked the smaller girl, looking Chloe over.

"Uh, hey. I'm here to talk to Rebecca."

"Is that you Chloe?" Someone behind the smaller girl pushed the door open. It was Rebecca, and Chloe was stunned to find that she was in the exact state of undress she had been in the shower, sans towel. Chloe was even more surprised to find the smaller girl, who was skinny and with almost no breasts at all, was also fully nude.

Chloe stammered. "A- am I interrupting something?"

Rebecca shook her head, laughing. "No no! We're just naturalists. We wear as little as we can get away with."

"Right, whatever. So about what you were offering before..."

"Of course! Come in come in!"

Rebecca grabbed Chloe by the wrist and yanked her inside. The smaller girl, whose face was starting to look very red, slammed the door shut.

Rebecca led Chloe to her closet and pushed the door open. Inside there was a smaller dresser. Rebecca pulled open the lowest drawer. It wasn't an especially deep drawer, but its surface area was filled with a wide assortment of scandalous objects. Tiffany and Chloe could only stare with dropped jaws.

"Like I said, I have everything you could want and more. Pick your poison."

"You never mentioned this to me," said the smaller girl.

Rebecca fixed her roommate with a small smile. "Let's be honest, Tiffany, you aren't ready for all of this just yet."

Judging by Tiffany's expression, Chloe reckoned that was an accurate assessment.

There was a lot to sort through. Vibes, dildos, belts, strap-ons. Chloe found that Rebecca was a woman of varied interests. Finally, she settled on one item.

"Oooh, that's a fun pick," Rebecca said, "I had some really fun times with that in high school. Don't worry though, it's been fully sanitized."

(Chloe found something about remark less than reassuring, but she chose to ignore for the good of the cause.)

The item was a long, purple dildo with a mild curve. At its base there was a protrusion meant to tickle the clitoris. With the flick of a switch further down the handle, this protrusion would vibrate at the frequency of a back massager. Not rapid, but stimulating. The dildos end was stylized to feature the telltale mushroom head of a circumcised penis.

Rebecca grabbed Chloe by the shoulders and began kneading them, as if she were a coach amping up a boxer before the final round. "No more showers for you, baby girl. We have ourselves a winner."


When Chloe returned to her room, she found the bedroom light was already off. Charlotte was in bed. Judging by the sports bra she still had on, Chloe assumed she had gotten back from a hard workout with Sarah and immediately collapsed before she could even change.

I should count myself lucky, Chloe thought. How many college students get a roommate that goes to bed before nine on a Friday night?

Chloe removed the dildo from the bag Rebecca had provided her. She considered her options. She could take the thing back to the showers, but then she would wind up being around more people. She could do it right here and now, but that would risk waking up Charlotte and being seen in a compromising position. Last, she could wait till her roommate was away. That Halloween party, perhaps. She would only need to wait another... two weeks?


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