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Friday Fun Night

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Can Helen and Joe turn fantasy into reality?
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Helen removed her reading glasses and rubbed her eyes. She needed a break from the pages full of figures that she had been staring at for the past two hours. A cup of tea, then another hour should be long enough to get finished. It was Friday afternoon, and as she sat at her desk taking a well earned break, her thoughts drifted to the regular Friday Fun Night that she and her husband indulged in every week, without fail. He first suggested it a year or so ago, they'd had good sex several times a week, but after three years of marriage, it had become something of a routine, so he suggested that they spice things up by making Friday night a little bit 'special.'

It had worked well, they had both got a considerable thrill out of the kinky arousal that it had generated, over the last twelve months, they had slowly become a little more adventurous. Nothing wild or depraved, but revealing enough for them to have learned more about each other's desires and fantasies. Helen felt a twinge in her pussy as she thought about the direction events might take tonight. It would depend who won control, she gave a shiver, and her pussy tingled as she thought about how badly she wanted to be in charge tonight. Joe had won their little games, and had dominated proceedings for the past four weeks; she wanted to feel a sense of power and domination tonight.

She finished her tea and pressed on with the financial report for the next Governing Body meeting. She'd promised Lynn, the Principal, that it would be finished before the end of the day. Helen shared the admin office with four more women members of the admin support staff team. At twenty eight, she was the youngest, and she was also the most attractive. Today she looked smart and sexy in a crisp white blouse, and a navy blue, knee length pencil skirt, with high heeled black court shoes. The skirt fitted closely to the contours of her buttocks and thighs and, if she stretched or bent slightly, it revealed the clips of her four strap suspender belt.

Her husband, Joe, had persuaded her to wear stockings and suspenders as often as possible. After an initial reluctance because of the 'inconvenience,' she had taken to the sexy ensemble in a big way. She realised that Joe was always aroused by them and would be ready to show his appreciation whenever the mood took her. It made her feel sexy and desirable, and they were as popular now, in 1989, as they had ever been; since before tights had been invented. In fact, she quite enjoyed teasing the male staff and students. She knew that all eyes were on her swaying hips and thighs as she walked along the college corridors, or along the footpath from the car park. The footpath ran between two wings of the building, and she loved to catch men ogling her through the windows as she made her way to and from the main entrance.

Joe was a year younger than Helen, he was tall with a closely shaved head, and blue eyes that sent some of his female colleagues at the bank weak at the knees. He loved Friday nights, and never tired of coming up with ideas and scenarios to enliven sex with Helen. She was five foot six with long wavy brown hair, attractive brown eyes, nice legs and beautifully firm, slightly larger than average, breasts that hung like perfectly shaped tear drops.

Five o'clock arrived, most of the lecturers and students had long gone as Helen put her report on Lynn's desk.

"There just got it done in time, I had a problem with the new extension costs but I worked it out in the end."

"Great, thanks Helen, have a relaxing weekend, are you doing anything special?"

"No, just the usual, you know, tying hubby to the bed, that sort of thing."

Lynn laughed but she had no idea that Helen was not joking.

"Mmm, I must try it with Nigel sometime, at least I'd know where he was."

Helen gave a wry smile as she left the Principal's office, she knew that Lynn was fucking Jeremy Ford, the Chair of Governors, and had been for several months now, so the whereabouts of her husband might be useful information for her. She was an attractive woman of around forty years of age, with a shapely figure and very nice legs; Helen could easily see what had been the attraction for Jeremy.

Helen made her way out to the car and eased herself daintily into the driver's seat; showing her shapely legs and nicely curved buttocks as she did so. Her skirt rode up as she changed gear, and she smiled to herself about how Joe would have loved watching her stocking clad knees and thighs as she drove home. After pulling up on her driveway, turning off the ignition, gathering her hand bag and briefcase, she opened the driver's door and swung her high heeled right leg onto the ground. Her skirt hem stretched across the middle of her thighs and revealed a couple of inches of stocking top; she was slightly startled to hear a female voice close by.

"Very nice legs Helen," drawled the voice.

"Oh it's you Annette, where did you spring up from?"

"I'm just doing a leaflet drop for a new business that I've started."

"Oh right, what's that then," said Helen taking a leaflet from her neighbour.

"Lingerie, very well made classy lingerie, Anyway, how are you? I haven't seen you for a couple of weeks."

"I'm good thanks Annette, more to the point, how are you? Has that bastard Jock left you alone now?"

"He has thank goodness, I think calling the Police did the trick. We're communicating through solicitors now. We'll have to sell the house but I'll be ok financially, I've got a few irons in the fire, if this lingerie sales project takes off, I could do really well."

"Well I'm so pleased to hear that things are working out for you. You've been through the mill, are you pressing charges?"

"Yes, I've decided that he'll never get the chance to abuse me again, the bastard."

"Good for you."

"Anyway, if you're interested in some well made sexy underwear, just let me know. And thank you for all of your's and Joe's support when things got really rough."

"Don't mention it, it was the least we could do. Look, why don't you pop round next week and I'll have a look at what you've got, said Helen, waving the leaflet."

"Okay, I'd like that, when are you free?"

"Come round on Wednesday at about seven, Joe's out so we can have some girl time. Joe would only get over excited if we talked about sexy lingerie while he was around."

"You're a wise woman Helen, I'll look forward to it, maybe I'll excite you."

As Helen put the key in the front door and let herself in, she wondered whether Annette had really meant to say that, or was she referring to the lingerie being exciting?

Annette lived just five doors away and had been through a very nasty marriage breakdown. Her husband had been violent off and on for a long time, but on one particularly bad night, after Annette had decided she could no longer take it, she took refuge with Helen and Joe. She'd previously opened up to Helen about her marital problems, and had felt sufficiently supported to take a stand against her husband. Jock had hammered on Helen and Joe's front door, and demanded that Annette should return home. Joe had confronted him and told him that Annette had called the police and if he didn't fuck off now, he'd need an ambulance.


Helen opened a bottle of wine and put the usual Friday night ready meal in the oven. She stayed in her business attire because she knew she looked sexy and, after all, that was a basic requirement for a Friday night. Joe arrived a few minutes later with a smile on his face, they both felt turned on, foreplay always started the minute they got together on a Friday night. It was late September and it would be getting dark in an hour or so. Helen loved the dark autumn evenings, she lit the lounge and bedroom with candles. They gave a sensuous glow to proceedings and, together with a glass of wine or two, put her even more in the mood for sexual fantasy.

They ate, drank and shared small talk whilst eyeing each other up. When the meal was finished, Helen got the scrabble board out of the cupboard. Tonight it was scrabble, sometimes it would be a card game or, as had happened a couple of times, when one of them had worked late, and they were particularly horny and desperate, a roll of the dice. Whatever the type of contest, the rule was that the winner took control of proceedings for the rest of the evening, and the loser had to do their bidding.

At first, being in control meant simply calling the shots in bed, where the winner decided who was on top, and who would be on the receiving end of oral sex. It progressed to more erotic domination by the 'master' or 'mistress,' and eventually into mild bondage. Latterly, steamy fantasies had emerged, whispered into submissive ears, and the loser had been required to masturbate to a description of any sex act, with any member of the opposite sex that the winner chose for them. The real eroticism was in the foreplay, and the moment when the winner led the submissive from the lounge by a his cock, or with her hands tied behind her back, up to the bedroom.

Joe's fantasies had become particularly dirty of late, and they both sensed that they were on the cusp of a new level of eroticism. They had explored fantasies of fucking friends, work colleagues and acquaintances. Family members were off limits but only just, Joe fancied the hell out of Helen's younger sister, but wouldn't have dreamt of saying so. He also masturbated over fucking her fifty year old mother, she was a very sexy lady, and the thought of fucking her against a wall frequently gave him a hard on. But so far, when Joe had control for the evening, he hadn't quite been brave enough to introduce his long time favourite fantasy; Helen being fucked by another woman.

It was that image that filled his thoughts more often than any other when he came. He'd imagined her with scores of women that he, or they, were acquainted with, but he'd never had the nerve to broach the question with her. He was afraid that she might react badly and see him as perverted.

Joe won the game of scrabble by over eighty points. He made a big deal of the large winning margin, and asserted that it had put him in a very dominant position, where he felt able to push the boundaries of their fantasies to new extremes. Helen had been disappointed that she had lost so badly, but quickly accepted her submissive role, and became very aroused at Joe's intention to take their fantasies into unchartered territory. She felt a deep, depraved, lustful excitement as she wondered who she might be fucked by in Joe's fantasies tonight.

"How would my master like me to serve him?"

"Lean against the wall next to the sofa, lift the hem of your skirt, pull your panties down and put your fingers between your cunt lips, then stay absolutely still."

"Yes master."

Helen did as she was told in the most seductive yet submissive manner she could manage. Joe's cock became rock hard and bulged against the material of his suit trousers.

"Don't move your fingers, I will tell you if and when you can pleasure yourself."

With that, he picked up the daily newspaper and made a show of reading it for a good ten minutes. Helen's pussy was dripping, it was all she could do not to use her warm cunt juices as a lubricant for her fingers on her clitoris. She looked so fucking sexy in her stockings and heels with her skirt around her hips. Her breasts quivered and her nipples set hard. Eventually, Joe put down the newspaper and turned to look at her.

"Now you can masturbate slave."

Helen's craving cunt clenched as she started to fondle her vulva. She became so aroused so quickly, she thought Joe would let her come, but just as she reached the verge of an orgasm, Joe stood up and pulled her hands away from her pussy. Helen gave a groan of disappointment and looked crestfallen. Joe had her right where he wanted her.

Still wearing his business suit, he told Helen to move into the centre of the room and remove her blouse, skirt, bra and panties. She bowed her head as she did so, when she had finished, he lifted her chin with the fingers of his right hand and looked into her submissive eyes.

"I've never seen you surrender so quickly, you're broken and you're completely at my command, I can do whatever I want with you."

"Yes master."

Helen looked submissive, but magnificent in her stockings, suspenders and heels. Joe looked at her perfect breasts and almost surrendered to her; he regained his composure.

"Turn around while I bind your wrists together."

Joe secured her wrists with soft, bright red bondage rope, and tied a leather collar, with a chain attached, around her neck. He then led her out of the lounge and upstairs to the bedroom, and made her lie on her back on the bed. Helen, bound at the wrists, and being led upstairs by a collar and chain, was a very erotic sight, and a symbol of his crushing victory at the scrabble board.

He stripped completely, his large erect cock swaying with his movements. Then he lay on the bed on his left side, facing her, and demanded that she suck his cock. Helen inched her bound body down the bed, and expertly aroused him with her mouth. He wanted to prolong the foreplay, so he had to stop her before she managed to make him come. He repositioned her, and turned her so that she was lying half on top of him while he was on his back.

In this position, he opened her legs wide, and slid his hard cock into her wet cunt. Then he used his right hand to play with her pussy, while he prepared himself to whisper a fantasy into her right ear. She gave a loud sigh of arousal and turned her head so that he could plunge his tongue into her mouth. They kissed passionately as he slid his cock in and out of her with slow, measured strokes. She broke the kiss and murmured to him.

"Oh God Master, I'm so turned on, please make your fantasy the dirtiest, most depraved and erotic that has ever passed your lips."

They had shared a bottle of wine earlier with their meal, and had opened a second bottle, and drank at least half of it during the scrabble game. Joe suddenly knew, with a thrilling realisation, that his wife was feeling very uninhibited; it felt like an invitation to introduce something previously unthinkable, so he decided to fantasise about her being fucked by a woman.

"Imagine we've been invited to a house party, and the host has been eyeing you up all evening. You're dressed to kill, in a figure hugging red dress, and black stockings and heels. In the early hours, when most party goers are asleep, drunk or have gone home, he asks you if you'd like to see his billiard room. I'm in the half drunk and asleep category, and you've had just enough to feel uninhibited, flirtatious and turned on by his suggestion; because you know what he really wants, so you agree to go with him."

"You stroke his ego by making all the right noises about his billiard room as you lean seductively against the table. You know exactly what you're doing, with your backside up against the table and your hands placed either side of you, clutching the the edge in an open, available stance, you spread your legs slightly and your dress stretches taut across your thighs, revealing the outline of your suspender clips."

He notices, and murmurs approval as he approaches you, puts a warm palm on your thigh, presses it against your suspender fastener and kisses you. Then he lifts you onto the table and pushes you onto your back, while he reaches up your dress and removes your panties. You're on your back on the green baize, he pushes your dress up around your waist, and climbs on top of you, he almost comes at the glorious sight of your stocking tops and suspenders framing your pretty little pussy."

"He pulls out his cock and its not quite as hard as you'd like but you know he's also the worse for drink. He gets it inside you and starts to fuck you but you're feeling a little disappointed and your arousal starts to wane. Then the door opens and his gorgeous blonde wife walks into the room."

"Oh there you are," she says, "fucking the guests again I see."

"You're taken aback by her casual manner, then you're even more astonished when she calmly walks over to you both, pushes her left hand between your pelvises, and grips the base of his cock. You can feel her knuckles against your pussy lips."

This was the big risk, he'd never before even hinted at Helen enjoying the touch of another woman. He braced himself for her withdrawal from his erotic fantasy, but he needn't have worried. Not only did she not object, but she gave an unmistakable moan of lustful, arousal and appreciation, that signalled her intense pleasure at the direction that the scenario was taking; Joe knew that he had his wife on the sapphic hook of his dreams.

"She says that he's had a lot to drink, and will need all the help he can get. She cups his balls with her right hand and continues to squeeze and manipulate the base of his cock with her left hand; you can feel her knuckles pressing against your clitoris as she does so. You've never known such a deeply erotic surge of lust pulsing through your pussy."

"Oh fuck Joe, how did you know? please don't stop."

Joe registered the admission of her erotic interest in women, but continued without breaking stride.

"But he soon shoots his load into your cunt, and you're left high and dry. He gets up half drunk and half ashamed at his premature ejaculation, and he leaves the room, still doing up his trousers as he departs."

"You're still on your back, your dress is up around your waist, your legs are wide open and his sexy blonde wife looks you in the eye. You realise she hasn't removed her left hand, it's still resting on your pussy. There's a pause, the air filled with erotic possibilities as you each wonder what the other will do next."

"You've never felt so turned on by a woman, she's standing there, looking so fucking hot, in a tight dress and ferocious stilettos; with her fingers still touching your pussy. You give a slight nod of your head, she smiles seductively, and slowly strokes the middle finger of her left hand around your clit, then she pushes three fingers of her right hand inside you. She's masturbating you now, your back is beginning to arch, and your heels dig into the surface of the billiard table. She's still standing next to the table, slipping her fingers in and out of your cunt."

Joe became more and more aroused as Helen responded positively to his scenario of being masturbated by another woman. He was close to coming, so was she, in fact, she was more turned on than she could ever remember.

"Your eyes are still locked together as she finds your g-spot, and you come with a wild, juddering orgasm."

As he said this, Helen did exactly what he has just described. Joe's cock was still filling her cunt but, he also managed to squeeze a finger inside her, looking for her g-spot as he came hard. They lay together, breathless, and still highly aroused by Joe's fantasy. Joe knew that he must press her on what had just happened between them, he couldn't ignore it and let an opportunity for a new dimension to their sex lives slip away so easily. He gently massaged her still tingling pussy.

"So, you like the thought of being fucked by a woman?"

"Oh God yes, I always have, but I've never dared tell you in case you thought I was abnormal. Anyway, how did you know? You dirty bastard, you sneaked that one up on me didn't you."

"When you get so soundly thrashed at scrabble what do you expect? Anyway, it doesn't have to be just a fantasy."

"Whoa there, slow down, just because I enjoyed your fantasy it doesn't mean I'm going to shag every woman in sight. Anyway, just you wait until I get my turn to be in control; you'll be begging for mercy."

"Have you ever fantasised about having sex with a woman?"

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