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Friends, Sexcapades and Love Affairs Ch. 05

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Adrian bites more than he can chew.
8.1k words

Part 6 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/26/2020
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Chapter Five - Shadows Of The Past

Adrian smiled as he picked up. "Your Majesty, always on time."

He stretched on the bed, lazily, touching his chest. Edward's voice was sex, even when they talked about mundane stuff. What was he thinking? They never talked about mundane stuff.

"Why shouldn't I be? I've sent something to your address. It is a suit, and I hope it fits you to a tee. It should arrive by tomorrow."

"Something wrong with my fashion sense?" Adrian asked right away.

"Not at all, and you look good in anything. It's just that I want you to make an entrance when I take you to our private club this Saturday."

"I can barely wait to see how rich perverts party," Adrian said and laughed.

"What a naughty boy," Edward said in a low, measured voice that was giving Adrian goosebumps. "I adore these little bouts of rebellion; they really add to the anticipation of me breaking you in."

Adrian turned on his belly, his half-hard cock rubbing against the coverlet. He didn't care for being dominated, but Edward's voice and promises were doing wonders to his cock and arousal ever since he had met the man. "What if you never break me in?"

"That would be a premiere. I would admit defeat, of course."

"Hmm, sounds good. What's the prize, though?"

"Besides my admittance that I failed?"

"Yeah. That sounds sweet, too, though."

"What would you like?"

Adrian pondered for a bit. "I'll think about it. It has to be something that goes against your grain."

"Absolutely. I wouldn't have it any other way."

There was a small break in the conversation. Adrian waited. Edward had a way of messing with him that only made him excited about what would follow.

"You're silent," Edward pointed out.

"As you are," Adrian said in reply.

"So why aren't we saying our goodbyes so that we can see about our evening?"

"Why, indeed." Adrian chuckled. "Are you sure about this? About me?"

"Are you getting cold feet, Adrian?"

"Not at all. I'm just teasing you. You'll lose, you know? Wait, is there a time constraint? How long do I have to resist to your futile attempts to fuck me?"

"Ah, I like this. You're practical. Well, I suppose we should put all the terms down. How about six months?"

"Wow. That would be the longest relationship I've ever been in," Adrian commented. "You're making me sign my freedom over to you."

"I'll make it worth your while," Edward replied politely. "So, I guess we're at that point where we should play along with a cliché, right?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Adrian said, still pushing his cock lazily against the bed, giving it just a little bit of rub.

"What are you wearing?" Edward's voice was half seductive silk and half spicy irony.

Adrian loved how he was learning to read the man. "Absolutely nothing. And I'm rubbing my dick against my sheets, imagining how it would be to have you under me."

"I hope those sheets are nothing close to a resemblance to my person."

"They're not. It's frustrating, really. I wish you could skip whatever it is you need to do tonight and come around."

"You still think I'm your booty call."

"Call it whatever you like. I need you here."

"Will you go back on your word and abandon me on Saturday if I don't relent?"

"No. A word's a word. I gave it, so I won't take it back. But it would be so nice to feel you."

Adrian waited, pretending he wasn't keeping his breath, not quite so, for Edward to reply.

"It might turn into a lesson. You might not appreciate it as much."

Adrian made a silent sign of victory, his fist closed. "Oh, if it's your ass, I think I will appreciate it very much."

"Are you looking forward to your training, then?"

"Have it your way. As long as I'm satisfied, you can run your mouth all you want. Your sexy mouth," Adrian added shortly.

"I don't usually comply with such requests. You're barely trying, Adrian."

"That must be my charm." Adrian grinned, knowing well the other couldn't see that. "Admit it, Edward. I'm intriguing you. I challenge you, and you let me get away with stuff because no one ever did that to you."

"You flatter yourself and reduce my experience and expertise to nothing. I have been challenged before."

"Maybe you didn't like the guy. Maybe you like me," Adrian explained right away.

"That must be." The amusement in Edward's voice was easy to guess.

"Then let's cut this convo short. I'm not one for phone sex when I can have the real deal."

"All right then. I will be with you shortly."

"And then I'll be in you," Adrian joked and snickered.

"So crude," Edward remarked, but he laughed, too.

His Majesty could pretend all he wanted. Adrian was sure no one ever told this guy 'no', whatever his pretensions were. Now, that he was challenged, he must have drawn some kinky excitement from saying 'yes' to whatever Adrian was asking.


Adrian had no qualms with answering the door completely naked. Edward watched him, giving him a short look and then entered. "What if there was someone else at the door?"

"I would have just told them that I was expecting my booty call."

"You have an answer to everything," Edward commented. "So, do I gather that you want us to go straight to business?"

Adrian leaned against the door, which he had closed quickly after Edward was inside. Despite his bravado, he wasn't that in the mood to shock his neighbors. "Actually, since you caved in and you're here, I'll let you lead in exchange."

Edward smiled. He was standing, not two feet away, detached, hair perfectly combed, his hands in his pockets. "Then that's something to look forward to. Let's move on to the sofa, shall we?"

Adrian plopped himself down on the couch next to Edward, who elegantly sat down, crossing his legs. His hands were linked together, resting on top of one knee, and appeared to lose himself in thought for a second. Then he suddenly turned toward Adrian. "Why are you a bad kisser?"

Adrian snorted. "I'm not a bad kisser. What are you saying? It's just that I don't see why some people consider it so important. I'd rather have sex."

"I enjoy kissing. I believe it is a simulation of penetration that allows those involved to set up some ground rules. If someone insists on being the dominant -"

Adrian grabbed Edward by the back of his head and kissed him hard. "You had me at 'I enjoy'."

"And I thought you said you'd let me be in charge," Edward replied. He touched his hair for a brief second, somewhat seemingly self-conscious.

"Did I?" Adrian grinned and leaned into Edward's shoulder, batting his eyelashes.

Edward laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "All right, then. On your knees, Adrian."

"Ah, damn," Adrian mock-complained, but obeyed, and placed himself on his knees, right in front of his guest.

Edward touched his cheeks gently and used his thumbs to tease the corners of his mouth. "Let's see it, then."

Adrian closed his eyes as Edward's lips touched his, feather-like. Everyone who knew him would laugh his ass off. He was a straightforward kind of guy. He liked having his dick sucked and fucking nice asses. Not ever was he for indulging in such a dull thing as foreplay. Yet, right now, he was making an exception to the rule, and it was more than half pleasant.

Edward used more than just his lips to kiss him. From time to time, he moved away just very little, and let one thumb brush against Adrian's bottom lip, over and over, the firmer touch making small eddies of pleasure course through his body.

"Open, just a smidge," Edward demanded, and Adrian allowed one naked thumb to squeeze through and caress his tongue.

Then, a hungry tongue followed, and Adrian let one tiny moan escape. Edward broke the kiss and watched him through half-hooded eyes. Adrian blinked a few times. "You really want to seduce me?"

"It's part of the play," Edward replied.

"Then you should up the ante. Your kisses are good, but it's your ass I'm yearning for."

Edward allowed a small, thin smile to curl his lips. "Are you trying to tell me you don't like it? I heard you quite distinctively."

"That was just something in my throat," Adrian lied. "And it's good; I'm not saying it's not good."

Edward touched the tip of his nose. "You're not a very good liar. How you managed to fool so many men, it's beyond me."

"It's simple. I always tell the truth. I tell them that I want them to suck my dick, and when I tell them not to call, it's the truth, too."

"Yet, you give them your number."

"How do you know that?"

"A lucky guess."

"They ask for it. I tell them I won't bother to answer. But you know, it would be too cruel to refuse such a simple request."

"Too cruel," Edward echoed his words. "What you do is even crueler."

Adrian sighed. "Did you perch yourself up on the sofa and got me on my knees so that you can have the moral high ground?"

"Far from me to do such a thing. Your cruelty in such affairs of the heart satisfies me. It's also what I look in a partner since I do not chase fleeting emotions and attachments."

"Really? I thought you wanted to bring me down, to make me fall for you so that you can be the winner."

"You have it all backward, Adrian. That is the goal of the game, the finality of it, but not what I want. What I want is to find another person that can function outside the conventions of so-called relationships with the ultimate purpose of enjoying nothing but pure pleasure."

"Sometimes, you're making my head hurt. But I'm all for pleasure, and zero attachments."

"We'll see," Edward said with a small, enigmatic smile. "After all, I will spare nothing. But enough about such tedious matters. We are both here to have fun, aren't we?"

"Yeah," Adrian admitted. "Are you done with your kissing lesson, then?"

"For the moment. Right now, I need you to suck my cock."

"Wow, really?"

"It's the least you can do to help me get a bit of arousal before heading to the main course," Edward justified his request right away. "Are you going to deny me this pleasure?"

"I suppose not," Adrian said, feeling a tad disoriented by Edward's shift in behavior. He appeared entirely compliant, but it was surely a smokescreen seeing how a blunt request like that could leave his lips without one drop of hesitation.

He focused on freeing Edward's cock from his suit pants and then gave the head a little lick. Edward was only half-hard, and Adrian felt a bit annoyed at that. Even with all the talking, he could sense his cock, hard as a rock.

Damn, that was, again, something he didn't do. Any second now, he would be scolded for not doing a good job. But it was all for a reasonable purpose, seeing how, after that, Edward would finally put his ass up.

He caught the hardening cock in his fist and gave it a long rub. Usually, he didn't enjoy going down on guys, but, right now, the novelty of the situation was doing something to him. Adrian licked and licked the head and sucked it into his mouth.

A hand in his hair began caressing him. "I've heard of your reticence to suck off your sex partners. I do not blame you. Someone with your reticence against being dominated in any way -"

"Are we talking or having sex?" Adrian pulled the cock out of his mouth with a smack and threw Edward a rightfully annoyed look.

Edward laughed softly. "I stand corrected. I will shut up now."

"Good. 'Cause it's hard work down here, you know?"

"Don't I know it? But I know well, I'm not by far as endowed as you."

"Big enough, though," Adrian replied, trying to quench the little swell of pride in his chest upon hearing his manhood praised like that, especially by comparison.

Edward exhaled, and he appeared content, as Adrian returned to his business. Why didn't he like sucking cock? He wondered as he moved both his mouth and hand up and down Edward's cock. It was more like he didn't want being taken for a fool than actually disliking it.

In Edward's case, not only he enjoyed it, he actually found a new sort of delight. The hand in his hair was a reward, and he also discovered Edward's scent to be just as he liked it best, a bit of the light side, obviously because of the man's impeccable hygiene, but also pleasant and subtle, with a hint of growing desire.

Now he was going faster and faster at it. The long elegant fingers in his hair flexed and squeezed. "That is most exquisite, Adrian," Edward's raspy voice said, "but being so determined about it would deprive me of experiencing other pleasures at their full height."

Of course. And Adrian didn't want Edward to come from a blowjob, either. He just moved away, and Edward caught him and kissed him deeply. It was, indeed, exquisite, to find his hunger being matched by the other's if the way Edward's tongue swirled inside his mouth was any indication.

"Just let me get the rubber and the lube," Adrian said as he reluctantly let go of the kiss.

"Do that," Edward said, and his voice was soft and his eyes a bit moist.

Adrian hurried, almost stubbing one toe into the furniture on his way. "Fuck," he whispered under his breath.

"Should I kiss it to make it all better?"

Even when mocking, Edward's voice was dipped in sex. Adrian just threw him a pointed look. "Joke more. I won't forgive your ass. Just look at this thing." He half-turned and slapped his cock in passing.

Edward licked his lips. "I am looking."

Adrian just shook his head. "Then get ready for a pounding. Ass up when I come back, or I might just ruin that pretty suit."

Edward laughed instead of a reply, but he began pulling at his tie. Adrian would have loved to stay and watch, but he needed to get the condoms.

When he got back from the bedroom, Edward was completely naked and kneeling on the sofa, with his ass jutting out. "Was this what you had in mind when you gave that order?"

"You're pretty close."

Adrian moved to stand behind Edward. He moved his fingers through the tight buttocks, enjoying the little playful squeeze Edward gave.

"Just one thing," Edward said.

Adrian looked a bit surprised at the tie Edward handed to him. "Are we getting into all that Fifty Shades cliché kind of thing? Do you want me to blindfold you?"

"Not really. I need you to put it over your eyes. Missing one sense does heighten the others. At least there was one thing that movie got right."

"But I want to look at you."

"You'll see me with your mind. That's my only request."

"Actually, you also asked me to suck you off. This is your second request."

"Touché," Edward admitted. "Will you indulge me? Later, I'll ask you what you saw."

Adrian grumbled as he took the tie and put it over his eyes, tying it at the back. "Great. Now how am I going to put lube on you?"

"Don't worry about that. I'll do it. I will guide you, Adrian."

Was Edward talking that way all the time? Because if he were, all his patients must have boners at the most absurd of times.

"What do you mean, tell you what I saw?" Adrian asked, enjoying the small touches on his cock, the condom being rolled down, the tiny squeeze of his balls, the two kisses planted one on each. Edward must have turned to do all that.

"I want us to have a connection. No, not a relationship, but a real connection as two people enjoying pleasure, as real as it can be."

"I could lie."

"Of course, you could. The question is: will you?"

Adrian said nothing. His cock was guided slowly toward a tight entrance. He didn't move, unsure of whether he could truly gauge his partner's discomfort if he pushed literally blindly inside.

Edward clearly knew his thing. He knew when to stop and when to go, and Adrian groaned in pleasure as his cock was finally entirely sheathed inside.

"I didn't say you couldn't touch me," Edward said. "I want you to learn me with your hands."

Adrian grabbed one hip and used his free hand to draw a line across Edward's spine. His fingers curled around one shoulder, massaging it for a brief moment, only to move along and follow the line of the back of Edward's neck.

Small gasps and moans encouraged him. Lost in his exploration, he remained still.

"Now I believe it's my turn to protest. Are you fucking or doing something else?"

Again, that small ironic dip of the tongue which Adrian had come to enjoy, for some kinky masochistic reason. One move of the hips, and he got in deeper. A loud hitched breath from Edward was enough to tell him he was on the right way.

"For pleasure," he found himself saying as he leaned over and searched with his lips for a patch of skin to land on.

Edward's nape was tasty as he sank his teeth into it, like a wild animal holding down its prey. There would be no one else Adrian would think of while doing this.

He bucked his hips, and Edward pulled him in, squeezed him, and then rejected him, but only for a second. They were fighting a bit, smashing and crashing into one another, but one had to be on top, and Adrian relished the sensation, the knowledge of being that one.

Nothing was dull, despite not seeing anything through the silky fabric. His hearing caught on Edward's cock slapping rhythmically against his lower belly. That poor thing had to be in either hell or heaven. Frustrating, that was for sure.

Funny thing not being able to supply the visuals to heighten his pleasure. It wasn't like he had never closed his eyes when fucking or getting sucked by some random dude. Still, this didn't feel random at all.

His arousal was soaring, his cock, trapped in that high heat, getting closer and closer. The pleasure, so high, and Adrian's mind wondered, if only for a fraction of a second, to a time long before, something that came round and round to haunt him, not wanting to let go of him.

The same thing he thought of when fucking other guys. No, he wouldn't think of that. He wouldn't think of getting back, of getting even, at least not this time.

Didn't you know that it wouldn't last?

"Ah, fuck," Adrian groaned. He grabbed Edward's hips hard and squeezed his eyes shut, regardless of the futility of the gesture. But for one second there, the texture of the skin beneath his fingers, the smell in the room, what he couldn't see, took him back and he was done for.

He withdrew, breathing hard, pulling the tie away from his eyes, and the condom from his cock, in a run for the bathroom, not wanting Edward to look at him and guess.

He threw some water in his face and then went back into the room. Edward was already getting dressed. Adrian glanced guiltily as Edward's still hard cock was pushed back into the pants.

"You thought of someone else," Edward said, and there were no inflections in his voice, nothing there, not hurt, not mockery, nothing.

Adrian said nothing. He just stood there, staring down, like a kid caught doing something wrong.

"It's all right. I'd rather have everything out in the open," Edward said.

Adrian continued to remain silent. Edward passed by him, maybe with the intention to touch him, but Adrian moved out of the way.

"Goodbye, Adrian."

Edward didn't ask for an explanation. Adrian felt relieved, but for a second. "Wait," he called after Edward, but the door was already closed.

"Fuck this shit," Adrian said and dropped on the sofa.

His body was still coming down from the earlier release. But he felt like crap. And why the hell was that? It wasn't like he was in love with Edward and cheating on him or something.

Then why did he feel so guilty?


Jared stared at the caller ID, a bit surprised. He wasn't sure if he should get it or not. It had been four days and seven hours since he had last talked to Chris. Well, if he didn't answer, he would never know what Chris had to say.

"Hi," he said, and then cleared his throat, self-conscious of how unsure he sounded.

"How am I doing with the three-day rule?" Chris asked directly, and his voice appeared a bit impatient.

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