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Friends, Sexcapades and Love Affairs Ch. 11

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Jared discovers some hurtful truths.
7.6k words

Part 12 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/26/2020
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Chapter Eleven -- Hurtful Truths

Adrian traced invisible lines on Edward's hand, profiting of the fact that it laid flat between them, like an invitation. Edward smiled as he stole a glance at him, but one of his fingers began tapping, so Adrian placed his entire hand on top to stop it. "You can't be nervous," he said matter-of-factly. "These are your people, right?"

In the backseat of his luxury car, in his luxury clothes, spelling privilege, and money from head to toe, Edward Hastings was nervous. Adrian couldn't quite believe it, but it didn't take a psychic to realize that a lot went through Edward's mind at the moment.

"You don't have to do this if you don't like it," Adrian added, seeing how Edward remained silent, lost, most probably, in his own head.

A short laugh was the answer. "There's nothing I like more in the world." The voice inflections were a tad harsh, and, for a second, there was a glint of something foreign in Edward's beautiful eyes. From smooth green, they turned to cut emerald, and Adrian looked engrossed at the transformation. Edward was, undoubtedly, a man with layers and shadows, too.

"All right. If you say so. What am I supposed to do, again?"

"Be polite. Tend to me and only me. Refuse any invitation, even if it may sound harmless. These are not ordinary people."

"Am I joining the Freemasonry or something? Now I get why you wanted me to wear better clothes," Adrian joked. "I would appreciate knowing about it in advance."

Edward laughed, but it wasn't his free laugh from before when they had been at the house. "Nothing of the kind. But rich people, Adrian, are in the position of enjoying freedoms like no other. That means they mostly believe that they have a right to treat others like objects or pawns for their little games. I believe you have the mental strength to resist. Others have failed before."

"Damn. The plot thickens. All I have to do is to stay true to you, right?"

Edward confirmed with a small grunt as he kicked off some invisible lint from his suit jacket.

"Then, it's the easiest thing I've ever done."

Edward stared at him for a long second.

"What?" Adrian asked.

"I was expecting a follow-up to such serious words."

Adrian laughed. "You won't get a confession out of me so easily, Your Majesty." He relaxed and stretched like he was already bored out of his wits. "I'm a tough one, and I'll show it to you."

"Counting on it, Adrian." Edward leaned in and placed a small kiss on the corner of his mouth.

Adrian cursed inwardly for not catching the move so that he could enjoy kissing Edward thoroughly.

"We're almost there," Edward said, straightening back into his place and looking ahead like he was expecting to go to war.

The moment was lost. But there would be plenty of other moments, and right now, Adrian didn't mind. Edward had given him some heavenly head just earlier so he couldn't complain. Whatever Edward thought was so important about this stupid sex club, he would forget about in due time. Adrian had a plan to make Edward spill out ill-timed confessions. And, when that happened, he would have the man all to himself to do as he pleased.

"Man, are we in Monaco?" Adrian whistled as he looked at the rows of expensive vehicles that had to be all limited editions or something. No, limited couldn't cover what he was seeing. Exclusive sounded more like a term that fit the fleet of cars already parked in front of what seemed to be an old, but majestic building. "Are they really okay with having sex at the museum? It doesn't sound that kinky to me. More like creepy."

Edward smiled. "I love your sense of humor, Adrian, but let's just keep it to ourselves. And, of course, it's not a museum."

"Right. It's more like a crypt for vampires. Wait, is that why you're so sexy? Are you secretly a vampire?"

"If you haven't noticed, I have no trouble walking in the sun."

"You're a hotshot vampire and a doctor on top of everything. In all your thousands of years of existence, you might have found a cure to that."

Edward shook his head. "I'll take that as a compliment. Hopefully, I'm not as pale as those creatures of the night."

Adrian caressed his lover's cheek briefly. "Maybe you could use more time in the sun."

"Well, it's already evening, so let's plan such an outing for a different time. Now, let's face the music."

"As you say, boss. Your wish is my command."

The chauffeur came to hold the door for them, and Adrian somehow expected to be welcomed by the harsh lights of cameras when he climbed out of the car. Luckily, there was no such thing, and there was no red carpet, either, which was, again, something he had expected.

The impressive marble staircase that took the guests inside the belly of the beast was just the beginning. Adrian leaned and whispered into Edward's ear, "Am I supposed to act impressed? Because I am, and trying to keep a straight face might make my muscles hurt."

"It's your first time. All is forgiven."

"All right, then. Wow."

"Duly noted."

Adrian noticed the somewhat rigid stance of Edward's body but didn't comment on it. Before getting to know the guy better, he had thought him to be a cold fish. It was all right. Edward could be as much of a cold fish as he wanted with anyone but him.

It was a bit childish of him, but when the back of Edward's hand brushed by his, it took him some effort not to grab it so that they could walk inside holding hands.

At the entrance, he allowed Edward to walk in front of him, but he kept one possessive hand on the small of his back. Already, Edward was greeting all kinds of nobodies, and Adrian felt instantly territorial.

Everyone seemed rich, dressed nicely, and by how they greeted Edward back, they might have had more than friendly interest. Something in their eyes told Adrian Edward was a prize, whether he knew it or not. Lingering stares were aimed at him, as well, but he focused on Edward, not wanting to gawk like a child taken to see the circus for the first time. Also, he wasn't entirely sure he could control a teeth-showing snarl if he looked too hard around.

The place had a vibe, and it wasn't a pleasant one, Adrian could tell. It wasn't creepy, or a museum, or a crypt, but it was cold. It might have had something to do with those tall granite walls. The interior was lit a giorno by impressive candelabras and chandeliers that appeared to take up more real estate than it was physically possible. The light came out of everywhere, and yet it still felt like there was something inside sucking it in.

It could be the heavy burgundy curtains draping the large windows, but Adrian doubted that. The place was supposed to give the illusion of warmth, but it performed poorly. Around them, people have already started to mingle, and Adrian allowed himself a few looks around.

There were clearly at least a dozen people who looked striking and as they had just descended from the covers of fashion magazines. Adrian noticed a man in his late fifties who was quite clearly showing his age, touching the ass of a twenty-something who laughed and threw his head back, for the instant delight of his handler.

He shrugged. So rich people came here to flaunt their young and beautiful lovers. Was that the only thing he was to Edward? He could playfully ask, but that was a question for later. For now, he needed to act like he wasn't that impressed at all by the lavishness of the place or the behavior of the guests.

"And who is this handsome fellow you've brought with you tonight, Edward?" A man in his thirties, just expensively dressed as the whole lot, approached them.

His angular features made him unique, and Adrian supposed that some would consider him handsome, but, instinctively, he felt put off. Maybe the man used too much hair product because it shone a dark blue in the bright lights.

The way he held his lips as he talked was presumably pleasant, and it could be a method to sweeten the poisonous words spewed if Adrian's intuition was correct. Everything about him was too studied, to the point of looking fake. Probably, even his icy blue eyes were contacts, not real.

"William," Edward greeted the stranger politely. "This is my companion, Adrian."

William offered a meek hand, and Adrian took it, stopping right in time from grimacing at the sensation that he held something wooden and at least partially dead in his hand.

"I was hoping to see you tonight alone for a change. It has been a while since that pretty thing you used to bring along -- what was his name? Raphael something? --"

"Ralph," Edward corrected the other promptly. "His name wasn't that exotic."

"But the things he did with his tongue surely were," William replied, his full lips stretching into a strange smile.

Edward made a small grimace. Adrian frowned. Hadn't Edward said something about how he didn't allow his lovers to service anyone with their mouths? Apparently, a pretty thing called Ralph had broken that rule.

"I found him boring," Edward said. "And I supposed you did, too, since I haven't noticed you bringing him around, either."

"Oh, Edward," William placed one hand on Edward's arm, holding on to it like he was about to fall and needed the support, "don't tell me you're still mad about that. Here, at The Awakening, it's all about awakening one's true nature."

"In Ralph's case, his true nature was that of a whore," Edward said in a light tone.

William seemed taken aback by Edward's words. "I had no idea you used such words."

"One learns," Edward replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

Adrian didn't suppress a smirk as they left William there, staring after them, like a child after the ice cream truck. At the last moment, William's eyes shifted from Edward's back to Adrian, and his expression hardened. Adrian showed a bit of teeth and quirked an eyebrow. Whatcha gonna do, punk?

William pursed his lips and set his chin high as he turned on his heels.

"Adrian?" Edward's call made him turn, too.

"Who's the creep?" Adrian whispered.

"William? He's not a creep."

"So you say. He stole your last boyfriend and fucked his mouth or something."

Edward cleared his throat discreetly. "Let's not talk so freely here."

"I'm whispering so low I can barely hear myself. This party sucks already."

Edward stopped and faced him. A smile never leaving his lips, he fixed Adrian's tie. "Then, please forgive me. I will make it up to you."


"I always keep my word, Adrian."

Adrian caught Edward's arm before they would start walking again. "You know, the rule you told me to play by? It goes for you, too. No fooling around."

Edward patted his cheek. "No need to worry. I'm a very selective man, and my tastes are not easy to match by what's on offer."

"Some dudes around here look like frigging supermodels."

"I'm not interested in them," Edward replied. "I'm only interested in you. Better?"


Edward freed his arm but only so that he could wrap it around Adrian's. "William is a poor, tortured soul. So that you know."

"He's in love with you," Adrian said.

"Hmm," Edward offered in reply.

"You know it."

"And there's nothing I can do about it."

"You know, you sound a little cruel right now."

"Do I? I'm only fair."

Adrian shrugged. Edward was right, after all. If it was not reciprocal, it wasn't, and that was all there was to it. "Has he been in love with you for long?"

"I don't know exactly. It could be years. But he will only be a friend. What? Do you feel threatened already?"

"Already? Hey, is this secretly your fan club? I swear, everywhere I look, people look at us like they want to fuck you. What am I talking about? They're eye-fucking you, for real."

"You're mistaken, Adrian. Everyone you see here has secrets and hidden agendas. When someone looks at you like they want to fuck you, it's one of two things: they really want to have sex with you, or they want to screw you over. I belong to the second category — you, to the first. And make no mistake. I bet most of the looks you noticed were aimed at you, not me."

"What a fucking clusterfuck," Adrian murmured under his breath. "Why are we here, again?"

"Because it's fun," Edward replied with a small shrug.

The way Edward hanged on Adrian's arm, he was close and warm. Adrian felt a sudden urge to embrace him, kiss him, and drag him out of there. "If you say so."

"Edward!" Another man smartly dressed, shouted from across the room.

He was in his thirties, tall and lean, and the feline grace of his walk put him Adrian on guard right away. His face was smoothly shaved, and Adrian could swear his eyebrows must have been manscaped. His most striking feature was his platinum blond hair that looked almost white. In contrast, his eyes were dark, and they appeared almost unnatural on his pale face, but dangerously appealing nonetheless. He was followed closely by another man, a slightly older one, shorter, and plain-looking. However, there was something dignified in how the second man held himself that made Adrian pay attention to him more.

"Ben!" Edward let go of Adrian's arm so that he could share an embrace with the tall man. "Mr. Wright." He bowed politely toward the other.

"Wow, new boy toy!" Ben exclaimed, and he shamelessly guided his attention toward Adrian.

"Oh, Ben, please, don't do it," Edward said.

"Do what?" Ben pretended not to understand as he moved to stand in front of Adrian. "Oh, he's so exquisite! Such a beautiful complexion! May I touch him?"

"Hey, jerk," Adrian said as he kept a cold smile on his face. "Keep your hands to yourself, or we'll have a problem."

Ben gasped exaggeratedly, placing one hand over his mouth.

"Adrian," Edward said in warning.

"Hey, I can't keep being polite if he treats me like I'm a monkey or something."

Ben seemed to have recovered from the earlier shock. He snapped his fingers, which, for Adrian, at least, seemed like a strange thing to do.

"I like him. Does he have a name?" Ben asked, never removing his eyes from Adrian.

"He also has two mean fists if you care to know," Adrian replied, his grin broadening.

Edward cleared his throat, but Adrian wasn't going to let anyone walk over him.

"Benjamin," Ben said and offered his hand. "Call me Ben."

"Adrian." He shook Ben's hand and enjoyed the firm grip. "So, did I pass the test or what?"

Ben laughed and placed his other hand over Adrian's, holding it. "Did I tell you how much I like him?" He directed his question at Edward.

"Only seconds earlier," was the wry reply.

"Finally, you realized that looks aren't everything," Ben said. "Adrian," he turned toward Adrian again, "I'm glad Edward finally went for wits, too, not only for a pretty face. Not that you're not pretty."

"Hey, I take offense to that," Adrian joked. "I'm not pretty. I'm not a butterfly."

"Of course not. You're a bull. A fighting bull."

Adrian burst into laughter. "Then, don't flaunt anything red in front of my eyes."

"Not even if there's a sexy thong?" Ben leaned in, and his eyelashes batted in an exaggerated gesture of seduction.

Adrian shook his head in mirth and laughed. "Not unless it's someone I like wearing it." He stole a glance at Edward.

Shadowed eyes stared back at him.

"Good answer, Adrian," Ben congratulated him. "We should mingle a little more, right?"

Adrian shook hands with Mr. Wright, too, as Ben whispered something to Edward that he didn't catch.

"Are they together?" Adrian asked as the couple was out of earshot.

"No. Just close friends."

"What did Ben tell you?"

A small smile lit up Edward's lips. "I can't tell you. It's a secret." His genuine smile faded fast as another man approached them.

Adrian looked at the stranger, more and more curious about the crowd. This one was in his forties, and he appeared strong and bulky under his nicely tailored suit. His entire demeanor expressed aggressiveness, and Adrian felt an itch like he needed to take a fighting stance. His eyes and hair were both dark. The hair was cut short, military-style, and he didn't appear to manscape like Ben. The planes of his face were harsh, and his lips were turned outwards, in an almost vulgar manner. As he got closer, he towered over both of them with his height. In a nutshell, he was intimidating, and Adrian didn't like Edward's reaction to him.

"If it isn't Eddy boy," the stranger said as he stopped in front of them, both hands in his pockets, making no sign that he even noticed Adrian's presence.

"Brown," Edward acknowledged the newcomer stiffly.

"Hmm. I see you have a new plaything with you."

Adrian made a small move, but Edward caught his arm. "He's not a plaything. Feel free to mistreat your partners as you see fit, Brown. Now, we have things to do, and you're standing in our way."

Brown didn't appear to care about Edward's words and moved toward Adrian. Then, abruptly, he grabbed Adrian's crotch. Just as fast, Adrian closed his hand on the massive wrist and squeezed.

Edward was scandalized. "Brown, cut it off," he whispered angrily.

"Or what?"

"Or I'll break your fucking arm," Adrian said calmly.

To his surprise, Brown let go of his crotch. An ugly smirk split his face. "I thought playthings were to be used. I like the strong ones best. A real challenge to break."

"He's not a plaything," Edward said again.

"Let's go," Adrian said and took Edward's arm. "He's not only an asshole, but he's also mentally challenged."

"What did you say?" Brown pushed himself in his face.

"I will call security if need be. You know the rules, Brown." Edward began to scout the room and raised his arm.

Brown caught it and pulled it down. "No need to get your panties in a twist, Eddy. I was just messing around with you."

"And I'd rather you didn't."

"I bet."

Edward didn't care to reply to that and just walked away. Adrian kept the staring contest for a few moments until Brown moved, too.

"What the fuck was that?" Adrian asked.

They were now climbing the grand staircase to the first floor, where music and laughter could be heard.

"An unfortunate incident. Let's not make too much of it. He's just someone who enjoys testing boundaries."

Adrian wanted to know more, but then he realized what all was about. "I can't believe it. It's fucking high school all over again."

"High school?" Edward appeared surprised at his words.

"Well, so far, we've met the guy who's been crushing on you for years, your BFF and his quiet companion, a frigging bully ... What's next?"

"Next is some real fun, the kind I can bet you never had in high school," Edward replied.

They were now on the first floor, and Adrian stopped dead in his tracks. Sex club was, after all, a good definition of the place. There were dancing poles around which sexy dancers floated, a real sex show on what looked like a stage with couples in various positions of intercourse and images projected on the walls with close-ups of sex acts, as well.

"Oh," Adrian managed to say. "Okay. Just like any sex club in the world, I guess."

Edward laughed. "Right. Let's get to our places and enjoy the show."

"You won't let me fuck you. How the hell am I supposed to enjoy this?"

"I'm certain you can show restraint. And we're here also to find a few things about your true nature."

"There's hardly any need for that," Adrian replied. "I can tell you directly. I'm a horny dude who wants nothing but to get into your pants and stay there for a while."

"Around you," Edward gestured, "do you see anything you like?"

Adrian shrugged. "They're all fucking sexy. But I'd rather do you."

"Good," Edward said shortly. "Now, let's take place at our table."

They had a table. Adrian just shook his head. All right, he had seen striptease shows, pole dancers, and people fucking. But everything around them right now was much more than that and far beyond.

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