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Friends, Sexcapades and Love Affairs Ch. 22

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A date at midnight :)
7.5k words

Part 23 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/26/2020
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Author's note:

I want to give my thanks to the people who commented on the last chapter!

Hutchison12 - you are a bit right about Edward... but I will not say anything more ;)

BlowPopJ - glad to see you on Adrian's side!

1moeannie - the breakup was foreshadowed, indeed; and no, it's not the end :)

I hope you will enjoy the new chapter!


Chapter Twenty-Two - Midnight Dating

Mike caressed the dashboard, the combination of high-quality leather and polished wood nice and pleasant under his fingers.

"Do you like my car?" Ryan asked, throwing him a wink and a lopsided grin.

Was it okay for them to flirt like that while Ryan was driving?

"It's a very nice car," Mike admitted. "But please don't mind me. And keep your eyes on the road. I mean, please. Damn, I didn't want it to come out like this -"

Ryan's soft laugh silenced him, or better said, saved him from blabbing like an idiot a bunch of nonsense. "It's all right. I should keep my eyes on the road, no matter how difficult it is for me to stop looking at you."

Mike pinched his arm surreptitiously and made a small distressed sound.

"Is everything okay?" Ryan asked him, concerned.

"Yes. I just pinched myself, a little too hard. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming."

"And did you?" Ryan sounded amused, and Mike couldn't hold it against him.

"By how my arm hurts, I think it's safe to say that I'm not dreaming. It's all real," he added, in a small whisper.

"Yes," Ryan confirmed and let out a satisfied sigh. "Would you think little of me if I told you that I've dreamed about you all these weeks?"

"No," Mike said gravely. "I am very flattered."

"So polite." They were at a stop, and Ryan reached out for him and caressed his cheek. "You're such a good boy, Micah. And I just found my kryptonite."

"A good boy?"

"Yeah," Ryan replied, and there was a tiny bit of wonder in how he said that.

"You could always get a dog," Mike said without thinking.

Ryan laughed. "I have a dog. I just don't have any plans to date him."

"You have a dog?" Mike asked and realized too late that he had shouted the question.

"I hope you're not allergic to animal hair or anything. He's an Irish Wolfhound, so there's a lot of hair to brush."

"Do you have him here, in the city?" Mike was starting to get it, how little he knew about Ryan. They were moving fast, without a doubt, but he was getting used to this need for speed.

"Yes, although I need to make sure that he gets plenty of exercise. And it serves that my property is large enough for him and it's not in the city."

"Can I see him?"

"Now? He might be sleeping, unlike us, tortured souls," Ryan said.

Mike tried to hide his disappointment. So, that also meant that they wouldn't go to Ryan's home, which he hoped.

"I had all sorts of plans for tonight, but I must admit that it hasn't crossed my mind until now to ask you. What would you like to do?" Ryan asked.

Mike stared at his hands. "Whatever you want."

"I can tell you were disappointed about not being able to see Bran."

"That's the dog's name?"

"Yes. So, tell me what you want, as direct as you can. What would you like us to do on our first date?"

"I'd like to sleep with you." Mike put one hand over his mouth. Direct was one thing; what he had just done was simply shameless.

Ryan chuckled. "All right. I was hoping for an answer like that, but you still surprised me a little. So, no romantic midnight dating for you? Just sex?"

Mike could tell he was being teased. But that wasn't the time to forget why he was there tonight. "It wouldn't be just sex," he said quietly.

Ryan sighed. "I hope you do realize you're making me drive with a boner. It's not exactly the easiest way to do that."

Mike winced. "Sorry."

"Where should we go?" Ryan asked in a strained voice. As much as he joked, he wasn't unaffected, and Mike was glad that he wasn't the only one with lustful thoughts on his mind. "A hotel -"

"Your place," Mike said with determination. "And I get to meet Bran, too."

"Well, then your wish is my command. If you can stand me for a one-hour long drive -"

"I'd go anywhere with you," Mike said. "Even if it's really far away."

"Like the end of the world?" Ryan teased again.

Mike snickered. "The world is round. I don't think there's such a thing as an end to it."

"Hmm, that must be true. I'll take it as a compliment."

"Ryan, can I ask you something?" Mike rested his eyes on the road ahead. "Do you have, um, like any second thoughts? I mean, we hardly know each other and -"

"And you're insecure and I understand. Don't worry. We will know each other, and I'm sure that I'll like you more and more. The only worry I have is that you might discover that I'm a bit of bore."

"I doubt that. You know how to kiss and, um, you're just so considerate and handsome, and you have a dog -" Mike began.

"So you love me because of all that?"

"I love you because I do," Mike said simply. "I just know I do."

Ryan sighed in satisfaction again. "Am I the luckiest guy on earth tonight or what?"

Mike didn't know what to reply to that. He didn't expect Ryan to say the words back, although he had said plenty of things to point out in that direction. It would come with time; he was sure of it.


Mike kept in all the wow's and oh's threatening to pour out of his mouth, as he followed Ryan. The property wasn't a mansion or anything, but it was above any suburbanite's wet dream. The manicured lawn wasn't the only thing to make it so; there were bushes and flowers everywhere, and they weren't just the ornamental kind. Mike sniffed a few in passing, as they walked the pathway leading to the modern-looking one-story building in the back. He hurried after Ryan when he remained a few steps behind.

A large living room came to life when Ryan flicked on the lights. It came appointed with a large screen TV, although large wasn't a suitable term to describe what that electronic equipment was. It covered almost the entire wall, and Mike wondered if it was healthy to stay this close to it. "That's huge," he commented, forgetting his manners for the moment.

"My friends decreed a long time ago that I'm to host whatever sports party crosses their minds. Therefore, the usual place for that sofa is far against that wall," Ryan explained. "They're all big boys and want to have enough room to go crazy. Also, the last TV I had suffered a small accident. My friends decided to make it up to me by buying this monstrosity. It's embarrassing to explain its presence when someone new walks in, but I'm getting used to it."

Mike turned to Ryan with a smile. "If it's a gift from your friends, there's nothing to be embarrassed about." He was about to ask about Bran when small sounds of distress came from behind a door.

Ryan offered Mike an apologetic look and went to open the door, allowing a ball of dark fur to tumble into the room. The dog began to sniff his owner's feet and whined a little, although not loudly.

"You didn't tell me Bran was a puppy," Mike said and carefully approached the dog. "He is so quiet. For a dog, I mean."

Bran was manifesting his happiness at seeing his master home only by wagging his tail.

"It's sort of a tradition for my family and me to have Irish Wolfhounds. They take well to spending time indoors because they are a very considerate species, although they need the space to stretch their muscles. You won't hear them barking maddeningly like others do. Bran, in particular, is very well behaved." Ryan crouched in front of the puppy to run one hand through his coat and caress his muzzle with the other. "Come and meet him, Mike."

Mike had never had a dog, but he liked them as a general rule. He knelt on the carpet and petted Bran. The puppy examined him with curious eyes; the tail wagging intensified.

"This is Bran, my faithful hound," Ryan declared in a funny voice. "And this," he pointed at Mike while talking to Bran, "is my cute boyfriend."

Mike snickered as he continued to pet Bran cautiously. The dog turned all his attention on him, and Mike felt a bit measured. It looked like the measurement had a positive outcome because Bran pressed a paw solemnly against his knee.

"It's past your bedtime, buddy," Ryan said and picked up Bran. "You two will have plenty of opportunities to play, don't you guys worry."

Mike felt a bit overwhelmed. Ryan was talking about him being his boyfriend so naturally, but, for him, all seemed like a walk on cloud nine. Any moment, and he was bound to hit the ground.

Ryan returned quickly. "Let's not make a lot of noise so that we don't excite him further. At his age, he needs his sleep." Mike nodded. Ryan walked over to him and grabbed his hand. "How about I show you other parts of the house?"

"Like your bedroom?" Mike whispered.

Ryan ruffled his hair. "Sure. Why not start with that?"

"Boy, you must think that I have only one thing on my mind," Mike said with a sigh.

"Even if that's the case, there's nothing wrong with it," Ryan hurried to put his mind at ease. "After all, the same thing's been on my mind for quite a while now."

Mike added nothing to that. He felt strangely calm now, and a special kind of warmth spread through his chest.

That state of affairs didn't last long. Soon, he was inside a master bedroom, complete with an impressive bed and lavish furniture that he barely had the time to register. Ryan grabbed him and kissed him, pushing him against the wall. Mike managed a small sign of surprise, but that turned into a shameless moan as Ryan plastered his hard body over his and deepened the kiss.

Mike moved his hands to embrace Ryan, but they got caught and pushed above his head. His entire body reacted; soon, he was acutely aware of the hard throbbing thing between his legs, the butterflies dancing madly in his stomach, and the puddle of molasses that his insides were now. Ryan moved his body against him in a sequence that left no room for interpretation of his real intentions.

A strong thigh pushed his legs apart, and Mike found himself humping shamelessly against it. They gasped for air at the same time.

"Damn, I'm sorry for being such a Neanderthal," Ryan whispered and pressed his forehead against his.

Mike could tell his body was much in need of that kind of Neanderthal if Ryan was that. "No problem," he mumbled.

"I planned on being romantic tonight, I swear," Ryan said. "It looks like I'm messing up from the first step."

Mike leaned in and kissed him; he couldn't use his hands as they were still kept in a fierce grip by Ryan. Only then Ryan realized and let go of them; he began massaging Mike's wrists. "Damn, I'm such a -"

Mike kissed him again.

"You know that what you do is pretty dangerous," Ryan warned him.

Mike smiled. "I know." It wasn't like him to be in the shoes of the guy taking the lead, but Ryan worried too much already. With feverish hands, he began to push down Ryan's jacket and unbutton his shirt. To his excitement and surprise, there was no resistance from Ryan as he did so. He seemed too busy doing the same with Mike's t-shirt.

They fell on the bed, both struggling, quite comically, to get out of their pants. Mike was the first to start laughing.

"Damn," Ryan moaned and rolled his eyes, "I'm not usually such a fuckup when it comes to seduction." He pushed away his pants and pulled Mike's jeans, too. "Don't judge me by my foreplay, please," he added, begging Mike with his eyes.

Mike became suddenly aware that he was practically naked, like completely naked, in front of his crush. His laughter died, and he stared down at his body. What would Ryan think of him? He wasn't much to look at, and it wasn't just a figure of speech. He was pretty small, and his cock was average, he liked to think. Hesitantly, he raised his eyes, only to witness Ryan's hungry stare.

His breathing caught in his chest; Mike bit his lips and swallowed hard. He had known for a while now the depth and weight of his attraction toward Ryan. He hadn't stopped to think too much of how Ryan felt about it all; it looked like there was no point in having doubts or worries. That look said everything he needed to know.

"I," he started, not knowing what he wanted to say.

Ryan moved and straddled him, his body hard above, pressing him down. Mike didn't hesitate to open his mouth and receive Ryan's tongue that seemed as bent on penetration as its master's other parts. One of them, in particular, was a hot pulsing thing, conveniently aligned with Mike's cock. At this point, Mike wasn't even sure of what he wanted. Ryan kissed like a superstar, not that Mike had a clear idea of what that meant, but it sounded cool and accurate in his head. His kiss was everything; it made Mike's heart beat wildly, his mind forget all coherent thought, and his entire body was yearning for nothing else but Ryan's touch.

A hand was teasing his nipples, while their kiss grew savage. There was so much repressed desire that Mike feared that they might go mad, or explode, or do something crazy like in the movies. Asked what that could be, he wouldn't answer. His mind was gone, his body was hot, and there was just one thing he cared about.

He was with Ryan, and it was no dream. He was Ryan's boyfriend - just how insane that sounded? - and it was for real. And soon, Ryan would make love to him, as he had dreamed of for so long.

"I'll be back. Don't go anywhere, please," Ryan said as he moved away with evident reluctance.

Mike nodded, his mouth throbbing where Ryan had kissed him hard. He looked after his lover as he moved around the room. When they had met the first time, Mike had thought of Ryan as a handsome man. Seeing him naked was another thing entirely. He had a hard, muscular body, lean where needed, tough, too. Could it be that he practiced some sports? That was another thing for him to learn. No one had that kind of an attractive body without working hard, as Mike knew from his friend Adrian.

Ryan crouched to look for things in a drawer, and Mike straightened up to admire the line of his back. He bit back a whimper as he took in Ryan's ass, firm and round, and he couldn't believe that his mind was taking him back to his stupid fetish. Ryan had no qualms with letting his body hair grow, and although he was not some bear in the sense of the word Mike knew, he was plenty of his favorite animal.

He shook his head. It was clear as day that Ryan topped, and Mike wouldn't blow it by asking him if he didn't mind getting fucked in the ass. It was something Mike could live with. Ryan stood up and turned. He held a pack of condoms and a bottle of lube in his hands and seemed relieved. "I cannot believe that I thought I didn't have any around. Phew, dodged a bullet there."

Mike blinked. "So, you don't usually bring your lovers home?"

Ryan laughed. "What lovers?"

Mike swallowed. "Well, you know. People you hook up with."

"It might surprise you, my cute Micah, but the way I hooked up with you that evening is not my usual MO. From the moment I took over the company from my uncle, I didn't have time to land a boyfriend. Until now."

Mike's surprise came from a different source. "Are you trying to tell me that you haven't slept with anyone since you that time?"

Ryan offered him another broad smile. "Yeah. It looks like a super cute redhead blew my mind just as I barely got here, to this city, and he was a tough act to follow."

Mike grinned. That was him. The super cute redhead was him. "But, what about before?"

Ryan sighed. "This house is relatively new as my residence. And, before, let's say that I preferred other venues for carrying on with my affairs."

Mike could tell Ryan was pulling his leg a little. There would be time later to ask more questions. It looked like Ryan was fighting certain urges that weren't unfamiliar to him, either. Ryan's cock bounced as he climbed on the bed. Mike remembered it, but he reached for it with one hand. A satisfied moan from Ryan rewarded him for his actions.

Ryan kissed him quickly. "I know you must want to ask me a ton of questions. And if you want us to talk -"

"Let's don't," Mike said abruptly. He began to move his hand on Ryan's cock up and down and locked his eyes with his lover's. "It doesn't matter the order."

"The order?" Ryan asked. His eyes flashed with new desire.

"Of things. I don't even know what it should be."

Ryan teased him, leaning forward, but making sure not to allow Mike to let go of his cock. "What we should do now, per the order of things you want?"

Mike couldn't believe his ears as he spoke. "Let's fuck."

All right, he could have said it nicer, like 'let's make love', but it looked like his words had the desired effect on Ryan, who attacked him with his mouth again. This time, Mike's lips weren't the only prey. Soon, he was a mess of sensations, as Ryan's mouth moved slower, his teeth grazing the skin of his neck and chest in passing.

Mike let out a small moan as Ryan reached between his legs and took him in his mouth. How long had he dreamed of this? He was sure that lately, he hadn't jerked off to porn at all; he had had enough material, and other men couldn't do it for him anymore.

But reality was everything imaginary adventures weren't. Ryan's tongue wrapping around his cock and doing strange, wonderful things seemed like nothing Mike could have ever imagined. His cock was in heaven, just like him.

"Oh, fuck," he shouted when he realized that, lost in the sensation, he hadn't bothered to keep himself in check.

The pressure, the hotness, the up and down moves of that sexy mouth, were all too much. Mike tried to push Ryan away at the last moment, but he met resistance, so, embarrassed as he was, he exploded in his lover's mouth, while strong hands kept him down, making it impossible for him to move.

He threw one arm over his eyes. Good going, Mike. What would Ryan think of him now?

"You know, I think I told you before that I thought you must be sweet. Now I have the confirmation that you're sweet everywhere," Ryan said, pulling him out of his instant self-loathing, which was challenging to do while coming down from that high.

Mike put down his arm and stared at Ryan. "I came in your mouth," he mumbled. "Like a rude person. I mean, like an asshole."

Ryan was still between his legs, and he stared at him. Mike gasped when Ryan moved one hand to caress his balls and then snuck it lower between his butt cheeks. "I think I know what I want as compensation."

"Of course," Mike murmured. "How should I sit?" Not on all fours, please. Mike thought the look from behind had to be the most unflattering he could offer.

Ryan laughed. "You don't have to worry about a thing, Micah. And I've wanted to taste you for so long."

"But, that time," Mike protested, "you didn't come in my mouth."

"We weren't boyfriends then." Everything Ryan said poured so naturally out of his mouth that Mike felt unnatural envy toward him. He would either have to learn the secret to do that or ask for lessons.

Ryan kissed his spent cock. Then he looked at him again. "What's bothering you?"

"I'm a total klutz," Mike moaned. "I don't know how to behave."

"Is that all? Then let me guide you. Come sit nicely on all fours, and present your lovely ass to me."

Mike covered his eyes again.

"What? What did I say?" Ryan's voice was teasing, but even Mike was capable of realizing that he shouldn't put the man's impatience to the test.

"I don't have a sexy ass," Mike whispered.

"Ah, how about you let me be the judge of that? Come. Do as I say, and if by the end of it all, you don't like what I'm about to do to you, feel free to tell me. I'll never transgress again."

"You can do anything you want," Mike replied, although he wasn't sure his meek voice could pass as determination.

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