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Fright Night-Forced Swinging Sex 01

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Three couples, friends, forced to have sex with one another.
5.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/10/2015
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Not just another weekend up at the cabin, three couples are forced to have sex with one another.

Jeff and his friends, George and John, loaded up the Chevy Suburban for some fun at the cabin on the lake in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Normally going without their wives for some hunting, fishing, drinking, and alone time, this time, the three men took their wives with them for a getaway weekend. Jeff took his wife, Joan, George took his wife Anne, and John took his wife, Christine. Jeff couldn't wait to drive the twisty and curvy Kangamangus highway with its long straightaways for passing in his new truck.

All about the same age, all six friends were in their early forties. Leaving the kids home with their grandmothers, this is the first time in a long time that they've gone anywhere without their kids. Roughing it somewhat, this is the first time that all six friends would be sleeping at the cabin. Normally, it's just the three men roughing it, with the small A frame cabin having only one bedroom, a small kitchen, a bathroom with a shower, and a big main room with a fireplace, the cabin was meant for two people, maybe four, but not built for the comfort of six people. Yet, cheaper than staying at a motel and forever bonding the couples together with fond memories of spending quality time together in the White Mountains, the cabin was just a place to sleep after enjoying being out in nature for the day.

A beautiful spot to go camping, hiking, hunting, and fishing, the six friends would rather go to the mountains than to go to the beach. Where the beaches are always hot, noisy, and overcrowded, the mountains are always cool, scenic, and peaceful. The scenic view from the cutouts along the Kangamangus highways while traveling higher and higher are just breathtaking. Also, the cutouts allow campers and recreational vehicles collecting behind them to pass.

This time, something they've never done in all the years they've been coming to the White Mountains, they intended to drive to the top of the Mount Washington via the auto road and to tour the observatory and buy souvenirs at the gift shop. At 6,288 feet, Mount Washington is the highest peak in northeastern United States and the most prominent mountain east of the Mississippi River. While driving up through the mountain range, virtually surrounded by the mountain, there's a sensation that you can roll down your window and touch it. One can certainly feel the pressure popping your ears, smell the freshness of the mountain air, and see the babbling mountain water while driving by rocky streams. Nature at its best, sometimes a bear, a deer, a moose, coyotes, and even wolves will reveal themselves in the distance.

Accustomed to coming up here safely for years without incident, they never thought, didn't even suspect, that their weekend away from civilization would be a weekend filled with terror. They never thought they'd regret their decision to leave their guns home. They never thought that even up here, way up in the mountains, that they'd have to lock their doors in fear and for their own safety in the way they had to do when living in the city of Boston. Their biggest fear has always been coming in contact with a bear and not with three violent men determined to do them bodily harm.

* * * * *

As soon as Jeff, George, and John unloaded the truck, and went inside the cabin to relax, three armed men opened the unlocked, front door of the cabin with guns drawn. Way out in the middle of nowhere, Jeff bought this particular cabin because the quiet isolation. Their closest neighbor is five, long, trudging through the forest or driving down the winding mountain road, miles away.

Aside from driving up a two way, narrow road in plain sight of their big, bay window, anyone needing to reach the cabin on foot had to walk through the dense and sometimes dangerous woods. Someone would have to know these woods to reach their cabin by foot. With no phone and no computer, should there be an emergency, all they had were their cell phones.

"Take what you want," said Jeff. He brushed back his black hair to look at each man with his brown eyes before reaching in his pocket to pull out his money clip with several hundred dollars. He handed his money to the man who was seemingly in charge before holding his hands up in the air. "Just don't hurt us."

The man closest to Jeff took his money and then took off his hat, a sweat stained John Deer baseball cap, and put it on the coffee table upside down.

"I want to see six cell phones in my hat," he said staring down at his hat before staring up at the six people. "If I only see five cell phones, I'll shoot one of you to make the cell phones equation equal to the number of people in this room," he said looking around the room at all six people. "Then, after you deposit your cell phones in my hat, empty your pockets and purses beside my hat."

As if they were playing a wife swapping game with house keys, immediately, Jeff, George, and John removed their cell phones from their pockets and put them in the hat. Next, Joan, Anne, and Christine removed their cell phones from their purses and put them in the hat too. The three men emptied their pockets of their wallets and cash and the three women dumped their purses on the coffee table.

"Good. That's good," said the man picking up each cell phone and removing the battery while his two friend went through the contents on the coffee table searching for valuables.

He looked from Jeff, George, and John to look at Joan, Anne, and Christine.

"My name is Darryl," said Darryl with a big smile while looking around at each person. "I'm pleased to meet you all."

Darryl had brown hair and stood about 5'11" tall. He had a muscular build as if he worked as a lumberjack or in construction.

"Hi," said Jeff. "Under the circumstances, I can't say that it's good to meet you."

As if he was Boyd Crowder from Justified, Darryl gave him a big, white tooth smile.

"Oh contraire," said Darryl. "I'm happy to make all of your acquaintances," he said looking from one to the other. "Yes, I am," he said nodding his head.

Jeff shot him a look of derision.

"Why is that? Why are you so happy to make all of our acquaintances? I'd rather you just take what you want and just leave," said Jeff.

Darryl seemed eager to engage Jeff by enlightening him.

"Being that I'm a people person, I like meeting new people. Moreover, the only time we have anything of consequence to do around here is during the tourist season," he said with a laugh.

"Well, you must have a busy schedule in the summer as the White Mountains are littered with tourists," said Jeff.

"Indeed, we have been busy. Actually, the good thing about robbing tourists is, here today and gone tomorrow," he said with a shrug and a laugh. "We never see them again and they never report us. A win/win for both of us, we're happy to relieve them of some much needed money and they're happy to return home alive. Call it a use tax of the scenic mountains if you will."

When Darryl laughed, his two friends laughed with him.

"I'm glad we can occupy you, entertain you, and enrich you," said Jeff with sarcasm.

Darryl eyed Jeff before turning to his two friends.

"Forgive my rudeness but this is my brother Larry," he said pointing to the man closest to him, a man who stood about 5'9" tall and was heavyset before turning to the other man. "That's my other brother, Larry," he said pointing to a man who stood about 6'1" and was thin. "Now you. Who are you? Tell me your names, your first name only and your relation to one another," he said.

He looked at the six people while waiting for someone to speak. With Jeff doing all the talking, seemingly Jeff was the appointed spokesman of the group.

"I'm Jeff. That's my wife Joan," said Jeff pointing to Joan. "And these are our closest friends George and his wife, Anne, and John and his wife, Christine," he said.

As if he was a psychiatrist meeting people for the first time, Darryl looked down the line of six people.

"Nice to meet you, Jeff, Joan, George, Anne, John, and Christine," he said nodding his head after saying each name as if he was memorizing their names. "Now who owns the cabin?"

He looked at Jeff, the driver of the truck who had pulled up to the cabin.

"We do, my wife and I," said Jeff. "We own the cabin. We bought it several years ago as a place to get away from things. We love the White Mountains."

Darryl scooped up the cell phones and put his hat back on his head.

"Start a fire," ordered Darryl to Jeff.

Immediately Jeff put some wood in the fireplace and started a fire. Once the fire started blazing, Darryl took all six cell phones, less their batteries and threw them in the fire.

"Now I'm going to ask you another question and you best not lie to me or you'll suffer the consequences."

John, Christine's husband, a man who resembled a younger version of Christopher Walken, looked at the man.

"We'll answer your question honestly, Mister," he said.

Darryl shot John a hurt look as if he had been insulted.

"Mister?" He laughed. "Darryl. My name is Darryl. Please call me Darryl," he said.

As if they were airport baggage handlers, the two Larry's started opening and dumping out their luggage. They put laptops, iPads, and cameras to the side.

"Do you have any guns, knives, or any weapon that can hurt us, Tasers, stun guns, box cutters, scissors or anything that airline security wouldn't allow you to bring on a plane?"

Joan looked at the contents of the luggage dumped on the floor.

"Other than the knives in the kitchen, all we have is what you see there? Since this wasn't a hunting trip, we didn't bring any guns," she said.

Darryl stared out the window at the truck.

"Go collect the knives in the kitchen," said Darryl to short Larry. "Make sure you open every drawer."

Short Larry disappeared in the kitchen and made a lot of noise going through their silverware.

"Nice truck," said the man. "Is that a Chevy Suburban?"

"Thanks," said Jeff. "Yeah. It's a 2015 LTZ. I just got it."

"That must have cost you a few dollars," said Darryl with an inquisitive smile.

"With options, it pushed seventy-thousand-dollars," said Jeff.

"Wow! Seventy-thousand-dollars for a truck," said Darryl shaking his head in disbelief. "I like the color too. What color white is that?"

"White diamond clear coat," said Jeff. "It's a thousand dollar option."

Darryl looked pensively out the window at the truck before turning to confront Jeff.

"What about the truck?" Darryl turned from Jeff to look at the truck before returning his focused attention to Jeff and before looking over at Joan. "Are there any weapons in the truck?"

As if he was a police detective analyzing his suspect to see if he was being truthful, he studied Jeff who remained suspiciously silent.

"There's a 45 in the console and a hunting knife in the glove box," volunteered Joan.

Jeff shot her a look of disappointment by the outspokenness of her honesty.

"Thank you, Joan," said Darryl. "May I have the keys?" Darryl held out his big hand to Jeff and Jeff pulled the keys from his pocket and handed them to him. "Go search the truck," he said handing the keys to tall Larry. "And then move it behind the cabin. Be careful with the truck. It's brand new. Take care not to scratch the paint with branches. And don't park it beneath a tree or you'll get tree sap on it," he said turning his attention from tall Larry to smile at Jeff.

John looked from Jeff to Darryl and spoke.

"What are you going to do with us?

Acting pensively thoughtful, Darryl moved the loaded gun to his lips.

"Well, John, as long as you all cooperate and do all that I ask of you, we won't hurt anyone" said Darryl. "Other than burning your cellphones, taking your valuables, and Jeff's new truck, we're going to have a little fun. We're going to have a party."

Eying them from head to toe as if undressing them with his eyes, Darryl looked lustfully at Joan, before staring at Anne, and smiling at Christine.

* * * * *

"Party? Just take the truck and leave please," said Jeff impatiently while obviously surmising who the entertainment was going to be at his impromptu party. "Okay?"

Helpless to do anything but beg, Jeff looked panicked.

"Chill," said Darryl to Jeff. "Calm yourself. Don't do anything stupid that you'll regret," he said waving his gun while giving everyone a big toothy smile. "Why don't we all sit and relax," he said looking at Jeff. "Do you have any booze?"

Jeff acted nervous as if he was Brett, played by Frank Whaley, in Pulp Fiction, before being shot by Vincent, played by John Travolta and Jules, played by Samuel L Jackson. Instead of stuttering and repeating the question 'What' as Brett annoyingly did in the movie, Jeff pointed to the box on the floor as if pointing to where to find Marsellus Wallace's briefcase.

"There's beer in the ice chest. We were planning to buy more beer once up here. And there's vodka, gin, scotch, rum, and tequila in the box there," said Jeff pointing to one of the boxes.

Darryl smiled.

"Well, it sounds like we have a full bar," said Darryl with an annoyingly fake smile. "Joan, why don't you do the honors and make everyone a drink but from where I can see you."

She looked from Darryl to the kitchen before returning her focus to Darryl with fright.

"We don't have a bar. The glasses are in the kitchen," said Joan.

Darryl shrugged.

"Then, get the lady of the house some glasses," said Darryl to short Larry with a nod.

Larry returned with the glasses.

"Well, being that Joan knows what everyone drinks without even having to ask, it seems to me that you've been friends for a long time," said Darryl to no one in particular. "How long?"

As if counting the years, everyone remained silent until George spoke. George was a short, paunchy, bald man with a kind face. Looking so serenely content, he looked as if he could have been a holy man.

"Ten years," said George looking from his wife, Anne, to look at John's wife, Christine, before looking at Jeff's wife, Joan.

Darryl nodded his head as if he was happy with George's answer.

"Ten years is a long time to be dangling forbidden fruit in the face of horny men," said Darryl with a dirty laugh.

"I beg your pardon," said Jeff. "What do you mean by that rudely insulting remark?"

"Allow me to put it a different way by asking you a question," he said looking at all six people before continuing. "I imagined being that you have a fancy, new truck and this nice cabin that you all must live in a nice neighborhood and in comfortable homes," said Darryl.

Tall Larry entered the front door from outside.

"I got the gun and the hunting knife," he said handing the knife and gun to Darryl. "I pulled the truck around back. No one can see it from the road," said tall Larry.

Darryl pocketed the knife and stuck the gun in his belt. Seemingly happy that he had all of their weapons and control of the six hostages, he returned his focus to the three couples.

"Good," said Darryl. "As I was saying, do you all have pools?"

Not even having to think about it, Anne answered.

"Yes," said Anne. "We all have pools. We have pool parties and barbeques."

Darryl smiled.

"Pool parties are fun," said Darryl. "Just by the looks of you, I bet you three women look really hot in bikinis," he said looking from Joan's big tits to look at Anne's freckled, pretty face before staring at the beauty of Christine. "You men are very lucky to have such sexy, beautiful wives," said Darryl.

"Leave our wives out of this," said Jeff.

"I'd be remiss not to give your wives the attention that they deserve," said Darryl smiling at the three women before staring at the three men. "I bet you guys have lusted over one another's wives one time or another while having too much to drink and with the women flaunting their shapely bikini clad bodies," he said looking at the three men. "I bet you've all had some drunken, touchy feely, and tickle teasing, sexy fun in the pool," he said looking from one couple to another couple.

As if he knew what was coming next, Jeff looked horrorstruck.

"We're Christian people," said Jeff. "We all have children. We don't subscribe to that type of inappropriate behavior."

Darryl rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Oh please. Pardon me. La-di-da. Christian people?" Darryl laughed. "Christians have sex too. I dare say that Christians lust over one another as much as non-Christians do."

The six people looked at one another as if they suddenly were contestants at a Japanese sexy, game show.

"We're all friends. We're all happily married. We don't lust over the wives of our friends," said Jeff. "Maybe that's something that you do with your wives but that's not something that we do with our wives. We respect one another and take the vows of holy matrimony seriously."

Darryl smiled his disbelief with smug arrogance.

"In my line of work, I don't know very many holy rollers but I know of a Christian married couple, Jim Bakker and his wife, the late, Tammy Fay, two of the biggest sex addicts that I knew. Have you heard of them? They were famous. Jim was an evangelist and part of the PTL, the 700 Club, and Heritage USA religious theme park," he said with a snide laugh.

"Yes, we know who they are, of course," said Jeff.

"Well, seemingly, going against the good Christians that they professed to be, they literally had sex with a lot of people while preaching to everyone to figuratively love their neighbor. Taking that concept to an extreme level, they literally loved they neighbor," said Darryl with a loud laugh. "In the meantime, they broke the seventh Commandment, Thou shall not commit adultery and the tenth Commandment, Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife," said Darryl pausing to look down the line of six people.

"Hardly Christians, stealing from the poor to enrich themselves, they weren't even very nice people," said Joan in reference to Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker.

Darryl nodded a sad smile at Joan.

"What about Joel and Victoria Osteen? Do you think they're good Christians? They're constantly and continually professing on television that they are," he said looking from one person to the next. "Do you think they're very nice people in taking money from those who can ill afford to give it while they live in their ten million dollar mansion?"

Darryl looked to Joan for answers.

"Much like any CEO of any business, he'd entitled to earn a living that reflects his position," said Joan with a shrug.

Thinking of what Joan had just said, Darryl furrowed his brow.

"Yet, what bothers me is that Joel Osteen, the senior pastor of the largest Protestant Church in the United States, the Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, uses his charity to personally enrich himself," said Darryl.

"Amen to that," said George.

"It's unusual for a pastor to be so blessed by the good Lord," said Darryl looking to the ceiling as if God was there. Imitating Joel Osteen, he raised his hand to Him. "He's swimming in dough."

"Hallelujah," said George with a laugh.

"So now, instead of talking about religion, we're talking about a business and the biggest business in the world is the Catholic Church," said Darryl with a laugh. "Bigger than General Motors, bigger than the Exxon Oil Company, and even bigger than Apple Computer, the Catholic Church is the biggest business in the world," said Darryl looking from one to the other.

"That doesn't seem right that the Catholic Church would be the world's biggest business," said George shaking his head.

"Yet being that each Diocese is a separate entity onto itself, much like the Mafia families of old, and being that the Catholic Church is a charity, it doesn't have to report its earnings. They don't pay any taxes," said Darryl with a laugh. "With Vatican City, a sovereign country, and with the Pope, the monarch at its head, in the way of Prince Albert II in Monaco, we don't have a clue how rich they really are."


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