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From Homophobe to Homo Ch. 13

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Connor and his dad fight against the "Gay Agenda".
5.5k words

Part 13 of the 24 part series

Updated 07/09/2023
Created 02/17/2023
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Fags are disgusting and Connor hates them all! There is no doubt in his mind. But when this raging homophobe finds himself forced to move in with another hunky mechanic, he has no idea that he is about to slowly, but surely, become what he despises the most!

This is a pure work of fiction.

This story does not reflect the views of its author. I do not endorse the actions depicted in this story in real life. All characters featured are above 18. Enjoy!



Chapter 13: The Gay Agenda

Robbie and I drove my dad to the Court before heading to work.

Instead of his usual shorts and tank top, he was wearing a (cheap) old-fashioned suit. It looked too tight for his large frame, and about to rip off at the slightest movement.

I even wondered if that suit was not the one he wore the day he married my bitch of a mom, some twenty plus years ago.

I did not ask though; No need to bring up bad memories.

For once, my father was not in a mood to grunt or to insult everyone else around him. He was closed off, feeling stressed.

"Just let your lawyer talk and when it's your turn, stick to the speech you rehearsed." I advised him.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I ain't scared of no dumb progressist judge."

In my family, men do not whine or show any kind of emotion or fear. That is just a sign of weakness.

Still, I was feeling bad for my old man when we dropped him off.

"He'll be fine, dude. The Court will just confirm that he has to pay the damn fine. The guy he's hit is not dead or seriously injured, they cannot send your dad to prison or do anything that bad." Robbie said to reassure me.

"I guess. But you know how the judges are when dealing with stupid "hate crimes", as the fucking libs say. It's getting worse and worse. He says anything outside of the politically correct speech, and the judge can turn his life into a living hell."

"Don't worry, bro." Robbie put his hand on my thigh.

It was weird, I would never have let a bro do that to me a few months back, but clearly, Robbie and I were way passed this point.

Once we were at work, he respected that we were on a break with the videos and he did not invite me once to join him in the bathroom. I could tell that he was "working" on the side, checking his phone constantly, but I did not take any part in it.

It was almost frustrating to be left out.

Wait... No, that did not come out right. I just meant... It felt weird to see him doing his thing by himself. Like, I had not stroked his dick in nearly 48 hours when it had become such a part of my routine before.

Something was missing.

Anyway, I had lunch with Oliver and Eric. Hot dogs for everyone. It was all fine until Oliver had to bring up my fucking cock into the conversation.

"Mate, I saw my brother-in-law yesterday." He told casually, between two bites, his mouth full of sausage.

Fuck, I had almost forgotten about the dick pic we had to send to that queer.

"Oh, cool..." I mumbled, hoping that Oliver would not mention anything else.

"Well, you did not have to worry about that mole, looked perfectly normal he said."

"I was not that worried..."

"He also told me that he loved your fat flaccid cock by the way! His words, not mine!"

Oliver started giggling like a kid. I should have seen it coming. It was typical of that little British brat.

"Fuck you, dude! We said this was staying between us!" I could already see Eric grinning while swallowing his own hot dog. "This is personal shit."

Normally, I hate using arguments like "this is personal", or "privacy matters", it makes you look like such a nerd or a wimp, - if there is any difference between the two. Long story short: I would rather use my fists to make my point. But there, I did not know what else to say to stop Oliver from talking.

"Come on, dude. Eric is part of the family. Besides, he saw the pics of your dick of my phone, I had to explain myself!"

"Yeah, I thought you were sexting him!" Eric intervened. "I mean, none of my business, you two are free to do whatever you please, but I wanted to make sure you were not sexually harassing my colleague."

That asshole! He was pushing my buttons on purpose.

Everybody knew that I was as straight as one can be!

"I'm not sexting Oliver, what the fuck, guys! And your brother-in-law and all your little family of faggots can keep theirs fucking comments about my dick for themselves!" I shouted, a little bit too loudly.

"Talking about dicks around here?" The Chief had come out of his office.

"Mind your filthy language when it comes to my brother and his husband. They have helped you out with a medical opinion, you should be thankful."

Oliver simply stated. "Besides, all they said about the thing dangling between your legs was complimentary." He added with a wink.

I wanted to snap back so hard but now the boss was there and I needed to escape the situation.

"That's nothing, Chief. Just banters. I should go back to work." I spoke.

"Nice try, Connor. What's going on here? I don't like my team fighting. What's the matter?"

Eric could not help himself to answer immediately. What a freaking sucker for the boss!

"Everything is fine, Chief, just Connor having some penis' problems."

"Shut up, Eric. I don't have any penis' problem. I... Oh fuck... Yeah, I do have a mole on my cock and yes, I just wanted to make sure it was normal. Can we drop this now?"

"Oh, that's something you should take seriously. I got a mole on my big black ass checked a couple months ago by a dermatologist." The Chief said.

"I did take it seriously..." I mumbled.

"I sent a picture of his dong to my brother; His husband is an expert in this kind of stuff." Oliver explained. "And now Connor is being all awkward and defensive about it. We were just teasing him."

Fuck my life, this bullshit would never end!

Usually, I did not mind talking about, and even less so, flaunting my dick so the guys would know how much meat I was packing between my legs, but this, implying that there could be something wrong with it and sending pictures to freaking queers for their opinion: That was a no go.

My dad would have never accepted that.

"Look, there is nothing wrong with my cock and the chicks freaking love it." I stood up and grabbed my crotch for good measures.

I (desperately) needed to show that I was still the Alpha in the room and that I would not be disrespected by beta males.

Maybe this move could have worked if Robbie had not come in at the same time and said:

"What chicks are you talking about, dude? You've been living with me for more than a month and I've barely ever seen you with a girl."

The three others laughed at my expense. I wanted to have a comeback but it felt like I had lost my voice. I have to admit it: I was very weak when it came to Robbie.

"Sexting guys, not seeing any chick, we could wonder if that one is not a closeted case." The Chief said, pushing the hammer on my humiliation.

I was fucking pissed; I could have beat them all up if I wanted to.

I would have lost my job, but really, fuck them!

"Chill, man, we're just joking, we know you only like dipping your prick into wet pussies." Eric said as he could tell that I was reaching my breaking point.

He came patting my shoulders: "Maybe this is finally a sign of maturity, you're looking for the one."

I pushed him away.

"Get lost, guys. You're fucking morons."

"Oh, come on!" They all shouted. "We're just playing!"

I left the break room, I did not even finish eating. I was no longer hungry.

"Dude, I was just making a joke when I came in! I did not realize you were so mad!" Robbie came after me.

"Whatever, man. I don't fucking care about those losers. I'm sick of this place anyway. Spending our days working our asses off on freaking cars which are not even ours."

"Look, bro, if we play our cards right, we won't have to work here for much longer."

I sighed.

"If you say so..."

"No, listen, I'm serious. I've sold a bunch of the videos we shot and dude, I have never made that much money in a week. I'll give you a couple thousands tonight. Your share of the revenues."

A couple thousands, just for me. Damn. How much were we making?

"You're selling those to how many people exactly?" I enquired; a bit worried.

"Just a few generous donators! Don't worry about that, they're trustworthy. I could sell way more but I'm trying to keep this whole thing discreet."

"Have you seen how Carlos is going full public about it?" I mentioned.

"Yeah... To be honest, if it were not for you, I may be taking the same path. But I know you want to keep it on the down-low."

"I do!"

The others were coming back, still mocking me for my over-reaction. I ignored them. Bunch of pricks.

As if I was not stressed enough about my father's hearing anyway.

Thankfully, nobody else bothered me for the rest of the day and Robbie had offered me some good news to pounder on. I had made 2K in less than a week! I focused on that. How much could I make in a just a few months working with my roommate?

Robbie and I left at 6pm without having heard about my father.

Oliver did try to apologize before we hopped in the car, he was sorry to have taken the joke too far. I told him it was fine. He was not such a bad lad after all...

It took us a while to track back my dad who was incoherent over the phone.

Robbie and I found him drinking at a bar, a few blocks away from the Court.

"Hey, dad. So, how did it go?" I said, as soon as I saw him.

"Bad. Fucking bad!" He took a sip of whatever strong brown alcohol he was drinking. "I did my whole speech but my freaking lawyer, that traitor! He barely even defended me. Barely said a word! I'm sure now he was a fag in disguise. Fucking effeminate fairy!"

"What are you talking about?"

Robbie went to get us some drinks at the bar.

"I'm saying that he's a fucking slim guy, not able to defend himself like a man, or do any sort of physical labour so what, he went to law school? Like all FAGGOTS do!" He yelled in the middle of the bar.

"Dad, calm down. I don't care about the damn lawyer; I was talking about the sentence. What did the judge say?"

"Read that."

My dad gave me a slightly torn-up piece of paper.

I read. A lot of legal jibber-jabber. But the gist of it was pretty clear: the fine had been doubled and was now reaching 13.458 USD, and it needed to be paid within the next eight days or my dad would go to jail, waiting for another judgement.

"Fuck, they are really twisting your arm on this one..." I reacted.

"They don't know what's coming. I live in a free damn country where I am rightfully entitled to carry a gun and to defend myself and..."


I had to physically restrain him from standing up. He was fairly drunk.

"Maybe let's not make it worse, ok? Let's not threaten to kill anyone."

"Yes, Dave, I'm sure we can figure a solution." Robbie had come back with more drinks.

Not sure that it was such a good idea.

"The only solution is that I'm going to sell the damn house and the farm, I'll fire Cody, I'll kill the animals. That's what they want! This is all part of the Gay Agenda, to stop real men such as myself from working. You have to understand that, boys, their only goal is to destroy us, the hard-working Americans! The lawyer, the judges, the fags, all those libs, all intertwined with each other, to make our life miserable."

I knew we had lost him.

Once my father would start mentioning "the Gay Agenda" (which was quite often), there was no hope to go back to a reasonable conversation.

"Dad, we're talking about 13K, that's a lot of money but we can find that."

"Damn it, boy, don't you know I'm already struggling to keep the business going as it is? They're strangling me! The taxes are killing me. The big companies are stealing all of the market anyway. I'm done. I'm a 45 years old man and I'm done. All because of a damn fairy who could not take a fucking well-deserved punch in a face!"

It was bad enough seeing my dad like that but it got worse when he started crying in the middle of the bar.

He seriously, and repeatedly, asked to go to a "fag club" to beat some of them up to make him feel better. People were definitely looking at us.

I heard a girl saying that they should "ban bars for pathetic alcoholics like this guy."


After a couple hours of struggle, Robbie and I drove him back home. My dad was barely able to walk when we lie him in his bed.

Robbie took care of taking his dirty and sweaty clothes off.

"What are you doing, dude?" I asked at first.

"It's what you do when you have a friend who's black out drunk, you removed his shoes, his jeans, his jacket, and you put him to bed."


It still felt weird to have Robbie getting so close to my dad's crotch but I kept my comments for myself. What was the point to discuss this?

"Are you ok, bro?" Robbie asked when we were back in the living-room.

"I'm just sick and tired of this money problems. My own shit was hard enough to deal with, but now, my dad. I know I'm a fucking Alpha and I should not whine but damn, that's tough, dude. I don't want him to go to jail."

"I get that. The past couples of months have not been easy on you. Your apartment, your car, the debts, now your father... You have all the rights to be pissed."

"It's like every time I feel like things are turning my way, another problem adds on to the pile."

Robbie got closer and grabbed my shoulders.

"You know, I'll always be here, bro. Just think of how much more you'd be struggling if you did not have this place. See how much worse it could be!"

"Yeah, thanks... I'm grateful, bro, I swear that I am. You know I get mad, but it's only cause sometimes, I don't know, things get weird, but thanks bro."

I was a bit drunk too.

"We're in this together, mate. I could do my thing alone but like, I want you to be fully involved! Don't think that I don't see or appreciate the efforts you have pulled out lately. As I see it, this is only the beginning, we have barely scratched the surface of the money we could make."


"Really! And I want to prove it to you. I am ready to invest in you."

"What do you mean?"

He stared deep in my eyes; his face was very close to mine. That was intense.

"Bro, I have the money. What about I give you 15K right now so you can gift them to your father before he leaves tomorrow?"

My heart started beating fast.

Saving my father. Making sure he would avoid going to prison and let him keep the farm. It would be a dream. Maybe finally, he would show me some consideration, maybe, my dad could even be proud of me!

"Rob, that's too much. I cannot accept that."

"This would not be a gift, bro. I know you'd be too proud to accept charity and I also know you're a man of your word. It's just an advance on future payments."

"Dude, I mean... That'd be amazing for my dad, like, if he could wake up with 15K in his bank account tomorrow. But I don't know..."

"You made 2K in a week, let's work together, like six or seven more weeks and you'll have reimbursed me. No problem. I trust you!"

I could not believe it. Robbie was ready to give me 15.000 dollars, that was a huge amount of money!

I knew he was loaded since he had started doing these videos and stuff for the queers but like, to the point of handing me 15K in one go?! I was flabbergasted.

"Man... I don't know what to say."

"Just say thank you."

I looked down at his crotch, remembering the previous night.

He chuckled.

"No need to kiss my dick, this time." He specified.

"Thank you, man." I said, hugging him.

A bro hug, of course, no faggy or sus shit.

"And, you know, I've been thinking of so many ways to make good money. With my plans, I don't think it would even take a month for you to make up that 15K."

"Bro, I cannot do anything more than what I am already doing though."

"Don't worry, you would not have to do anything more. We'll just make sure to get this cum selling business going, and maybe sell content to a few more clients. They would always be selected carefully of course, to make sure they are reliable."

"Yeah, I guess that's feasible."

"There is one thing though. Blurring your face out from the videos: that just does not work. First, it takes way too much time to edit, and second, people are complaining. One of my most generous clients told me point blank that he will not buy duo videos anymore if the bitch does not show his face."

"Robbie! I cannot show my face!" I replied, not even pushing back being referred to as "the bitch" from the videos.

"Why? Those are private content. I have never had anything leaked. And these guys are complete strangers, most of them living abroad, they would not even recognize you. I'm mostly talking to European guys at the moment."

I sighed.

"I'm not sure..."

"And it's not like you're doing that much, you're just stroking a cock, right?"

Lately, I was also rubbing his dripping bone against my lips but I thought it was not worth bringing that up.

"Bro... Maybe, but... Argh... My face?"

"Connor, I'm not asking you to get fucked in the ass or any crazy stuff like that, just do what you already do and save me time with the edit of the videos. Besides, it would allow us to stream live and the clients have been begging for this. Let's drain their fucking wallets!"

"Maybe I could act as a dominant too, then? If we show our faces?"

"No way, dude. What worked was the connection they have felt, me as a dom, and you as a good submissive bitch. I won't go back on that. Besides, that would be too gross for me. I told you; I have to picture you as a nasty slut to let you get anywhere near my cock, if I see you act too dominant or masculine, it will ruin that."

"You're the boss..." I stated.

I had learned my lesson.

I knew where this was going anyway.

"Damn right, I am. Now I'll go to the bank first thing in the morning, take 15K in cash and I'll let you surprise your dad with it. We'll tell him that it is YOUR money. That's gonna be crazy, I think I've never seen that much money in real life."

"Yeah, that would be awesome if it came in a briefcase or some shit like that." I said, suddenly excited by the prospect.

"I like how you think my friend. I'll take one before going tomorrow."

The rest of the evening was rather chill, we watched a football game until we heard my dad heavily snoring in his room.

Robbie went to shower first, he then wandered around the living room in the nude. Not unusual when it was only the two of us and I guess it was fine since my dad was sleeping.

Also, it would not be the first time he would see Robbie fully naked...

"Still not used to seeing this cock?" Robbie said with a smirk as I glanced at it.

"Or you just wanted to take a good look for some candy eye?"

"Shut up. I was just thinking of my father in the other room. You should put something on. I'll go shower now."

When I got out of the bathroom twenty minutes later, Robbie was already in his room, - well, the room I would get back to as soon as my father would leave - and I slipped under my sheets on the couch.

I was mildly horny and I must have fallen asleep on my hard cock.

Funny thing was, I actually woke up with a big dick all over my face!

I felt something rubbing against my cheek. Wet? Slimy? I opened my eyes in the darkness. It was hard to tell but it did look like a good old hard throbbing cock!

Also, there was a flash blinding my eyes.

"What the fuck?" I said, straightening up my head, confused.

Robbie was there, naked, his dick fully stiffed, enlarged to his nine + inches.

He was beating off his meat, slapping my face with it from time to time, while holding up his phone.

I had not realized he was such a multi-tasker.


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