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Fuck, This Girl... Ch. 09

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Finale... For now.
20.9k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 08/25/2011
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Jason sat on the wooden bench in the courtyard waiting for Ellie to show for 2nd period. She had kissed him on his cheek and rushed out of history class like a cheetah, so here he sat. It was now 20 minutes into the period and he was beginning to feel foolish, constantly following Ellie around like a little puppy dog. He needed to know what else was going on with her and Hillman, and he knew exactly who to go to.

Jason took the long walk to the basement where the AV geeks could usually be found during free periods. He was happy to find just the girl he was looking for sitting at the monitors doing whatever AV geeks do. He began to explain his plan to her.

"I don't know, Jason. I feel like that's some kind of felony." Meredith whined nervously pushing her black wire rimmed glasses further up her nose. Jason let out a frustrated sigh looking at Meredith with a flirtatious smile.

"Come on, Mere, there's got to be a way. I need to know if something weird is going on."

"So you ask me to bug Mr. Hillman's classroom? No way! I'm not helping you." Jason was trying his hardest not to let his frustration take over ad make him lose his temper. Meredith would do what he wanted, one way or another.

"Then help you." Jason stepped close to Meredith and leaned down to her level resting his hand on the back of her chair. "I know you want to take down the Queen. Everyone does. This might be your chance to do it."

Meredith's slow realization reminded Jason of the Grinch planning grand larceny. "Proof that Ellie and Mr. Hillman are sleeping together would ruin her. Everybody would finally see her for the huge slut that she is." Her lips curled into a sinister smile one might only see in a Dr. Seuss movie. "Actually, I might have something already..."

"Show me." Jason knew Meredith would jump at the chance to take Ellie down, but that wasn't what Jason wanted at all. He just wanted Marcus Hillman to leave his girl alone once and for all. He wanted to have the Queen to himself. He needed her to rely on him and not on their son-of-a-bitch history teacher. Meredith had been smiling the entire time, knowing that the video would destroy Elisa, but Jason had been mortified. He watched as his girlfriend moaned and groaned with pleasure as her teacher fucked her into submission.

"Can you take the sound out?" He asked Meredith.

"Why on Earth would I do that? Then it looks like rape." Meredith asked him quizzically.

"Just do it!" He shouted making her extremely aware of the fact that they were alone in the AV room in a dark basement where no one could hear her if she screamed.

"A-alright, I'll take the sound out." Meredith was so nervous from this point on, her hands were shaking. She could see Jason's face turning red as the vein in his neck bulged and throbbed as the video progressed. He was really scaring her.

They watched as Marcus pushed Elisa down on her knees and she sucked him off, and it only got worse from there. Hillman was slapping her ass and pussy like he owned it, but when he bent Elisa over the desk and drove into her Jason lost it.

"She's really fucking him!" Jason shouted as he grabbed a box of old cords and headphones and threw it against the closed door.

"Oh my God!" Meredith screamed ducking low into her chair. "Jason! Calm down!" Jason was already too far-gone to calm down. His vision was blurry and red as he continued to trash the AV room with no regard for Meredith's safety. He threw everything he could get his hands on. Headphones, microphones, and speaker wires flew around the room as Jason took his frustration out on the AV equipment.

"That son-of-a-bitch is gonna pay!"

"Jason, please! You're not even supposed to be in here!" Meredith cried ducking low in the black office chair and covering her head with her hands.

Jason spun Meredith's chair around to face him. "Give me the tape!" He exclaimed and Meredith hurriedly ejected the DVD and handed it to him. With his blackmail method in hand, Jason stormed out of the AV room much to Meredith's relief.

Elisa felt so out of her element. She hadn't actually gone to gym class all year, but now she was walking around the basketball court in the gym with Megan. Mr. Curtis decided that they could walk around as class participation but since Ellie hadn't been attending class, she of course had to change. She was forced to borrow Megan's spare shorts that on her, were totally cute. On Elisa, however, they were tight and riding up her ass like a thong. Mr. Kurtis looked rather pleased as she walked out of the locker room nodding his head slowly in approval.

"Ewe, girl he is totally eye raping you right now." Ellie laughed as she strode along the rectangular path next to her best friend.

"That's because your tight ass shorts are only covering 1/4 of my ass!" The two girls giggled for a long time just enjoying each other's company.

"Speaking of eye rape, how goes your love triangle over there?" Megan finally brought up Elisa's drama filled love life and she had to applaud the ten minutes of normal conversation she allowed beforehand.

"It's not a triangle. I told you, I'm... dating Jason."

Megan rolled her eyes; her long dark hair wafting back and fourth across her back as she shook her head. "At least try and sound happy about it."

"What do you mean? I am happy about it."

"You're not acting like it. Still upset about the way 'he-who-shall-not-be-named' ended things?"

Ellie let out a sigh as her feelings for Marcus surfaced at the mere mention of their break up. "I guess." She threw her head back dramatically in frustration. Everything that she had been holding in just came flooding out like water crashing over a broken dam. "And believe me I feel so stupid feeling that way, but how can I not? I mean he really just gave up on us! After everything we've been through. And Jason, poor innocent Jason would go to the ends of the Earth just to be my friend. He buys me flowers, and takes me out, and makes me feel special, but it's just not the same."

"You know a lot of girls in this school would kill to have Lee , the runner-up Jason. And you're holding onto the real thing and don't even want it." Lee was the second-string quarterback on their football team that only played when Jason needed a break or was injured.

"It's not like that, Megs! I do really like Jason, but with Marcus it's different. When we're together, no matter how mad I am at him there's always this overwhelming need to be around him. I want our complicated, heart wrenching, soul shattering, drama filled love. I don't know how to love any other way..."

"So why are you with Jason?"

"Having Jason is better than nothing, no matter how fucked up that sounds. Besides, I told you, I do like Jason."

"Well you're not gonna really be able to be with him until you stop pinning over Marcus, so maybe you should just go talk to him."

"The ever logical Megan strikes again." Ellie muttered. "If it were that simple then I'd be over it. But when we're around each other, we're either tearing each other's clothes off or screaming at each other."

"Oooh, kinky." The girls were all smiles and giggles until Elisa noticed that the period would be ending soon.

"We should go get changed now." Just then Dr. Winston's voice came over the loudspeaker calling his daughter to his office.

"Uh oh, think daddy dearest heard our convo?" Megan gave her that classic "ooooooh" face little kids do when a classmate gets in trouble.

"I probably forgot lunch money or something. I'll bring your shorts back tomorrow after I wash them, ok?"

"Yeah, I'll see you later, good luck!"

When Elisa walked into her father's office, she could feel the frustration radiating off of him. He stood in the corner of the room next to the tall wooden bookcase. Elisa remembered everything about this room. Even with freshly painted blue walls and a new Martin Luther King poster hanging over his desk, she could close her eyes and describe any part of it. She had spent a great deal of time on her father's lap in the chair next to that bookcase, listening to tales of that heart-wrenching love she'd thought she'd found with Marcus or a life in the future where monogamist relationships were discouraged. Of course today, she wasn't here to have her father read Brave New World to her.

"Why, Elisa?" He asked her as soon as she sat down.

"Why what?"

He spun around turning his angry hazel gaze on his daughter. "Why would you risk your entire graduation by getting suspended! With your grades, if you miss a week of school, you'll need another year to graduate!"

"I, what?" Ellie looked at the open suspension request on the large metal desk. Scooping it up, she scanned it for the teacher requesting it.

"Seriously?!" Her temper hit the roof. "Daddy, I didn't do anything!"

"You skipped his detention! Elisa you know the consequence for missing detention at this school!"

"I didn't skip it, I just... forgot."


"Ugh!" Ellie spun heading out the door and down the hall to the classroom from hell. Now when she got to the classroom, Ellie knew he would be teaching, but being the Dean's daughter gave her a little pull. She opened the door and just leaned in the door frame, watching.

"Can none of you tell me when World War II ended?! My Lord what have I been teaching you people!" Marcus dramatically waved his arms in exasperation looking out at the class where not one hand was raised.

"1945." Ellie interjected relieving the class of the burden of answering.

"Miss Winston, a very unexpected surprise. What can I do for you?" What couldn't he do for her?

"I have this form from my father that he needs you to check out. Can I talk to you outside? It'll only take a second."

"Sure." He smiled knowingly as he strode past her and she shut the door behind him.

"You suspended me?"

"You skipped my detention." Marcus already knew exactly how this was all going to play out. He had been expecting her visit since he put in her suspension request, but he hadn't expected her to interrupt his class for it.

"I forgot! Don't I at least get a chance to make it up?"

"I don't remember that in the handbook." To her utter annoyance, he still wore that smile as they argued.

"I can come today."

"I don't think you're grasping how this suspension thing works, Ellie."

"I'm a senior! You know I can't miss a full week of school now and still graduate! Please, there's got to be something else." Elisa pleaded with her eyes hoping that puppy dog face still worked on her ex.

"Fine. In school suspension. One day."

"Okay! I can do that! Thank you, Mr. Hillman!"

"With me." Right on cue that loud screeching noise of brakes being slammed on sounded through Ellie's head.

"I don't think my dad is going to approve that."

He shrugged and turned back to his classroom, "Fine, regular suspension it is." His hand went to grab the doorknob but she stopped him by stepping in front of him.

"Mr. Hillman!" She whined.

"Miss Winston," he imitated her only causing her anger to escalate.



She dropped her head to her chest in frustration. "Fine."

Without another word she stormed past him back to her father's office in a huff. He was still in the same position she'd left him in just sitting there with his head in his hands as if he were praying for the son he'd always wanted.

"He changed it to an in-school suspension."


"With him."


"Daddy I have to."

"No you don't! I am the dean of this school and I am saying no."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine. Then I should go start collecting all my work for next week."

He looked up at her and she saw in his eyes just how much his thoughts were torturing him. "Thursday."

"Day after tomorrow..."

"My slow day. More time to check up on you two."

"Thursday it is."

Jason met Elisa for lunch as they had been doing for the past few days. She could see something was off with him, but she ignored it. Its not like she could say much— lately everything was off with her.

"Yoohoo, Jason, are you even listening to me?" She asked taking his hand across the small table outside Mr. Spumoni's Pizzeria. She'd intentionally chosen to sit and eat lunch because she wanted to end all the tension between the two of them.

He finally heard her and brought his big brown eyes up to meet her hazel-green ones. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something. What did you say?"

"I said we should go out this weekend. I had fun last week..."

"Did you?" Jason's voice shifted to something dark and choleric like a spouse that had caught his wife with another man.

"If I didn't would I be sitting here, holding your hand... undressing you with my eyes?" Ellie smirked and watched as the anger melted from him. Sex was the ultimate weapon with high school boys; Ellie had learned that back in ninth grade.

"Oh, are you?"

"Mhm," She slipped her foot out of her pink flip-flops and ran it up and back down his leg.

"Why wait? I don't have workouts on Thursday."

"That might be a nice change from being locked up in the ISS room all day..." She grumbled under her breath.


"Mr. Hillman gave me an in-school suspension for missing his detention... yesterday."

He closed his eyes as realization hit him. "Yesterday when I talked you into skipping 8th period to go--"

"Back to your house? Yep."

"Damn, Ellie I am so sorry."

Ellie shrugged glancing down at his fingers that she was playing with. "It's not your fault. I should've remembered. It's no big deal, honey." She smiled flirtatiously, "I'll just be texting you all day."

"I can deal with that." He smiled back at his girlfriend. "I feel bad for you though. I hear ISS with Ms. Long is the more boring than watching paint dry."

"Oh, well I'm not serving it with Ms. Long. Mr. Hillman is going to be my only human contact for the day."

"Mr. Hillman!" Jason shot up out of his chair as if it were on fire knocking it backwards.

"Jesus, Jason relax." Ellie whispered reaching across the table pointing at the chair he'd dramatically knocked over. "Well yeah. My father of course will be 'checking in on me' to make sure I'm doing whatever boring assignment he has me doing."

"You and Mr. Hillman, alone, together, for a whole school day? Your father is okay with this?!"

Ellie tipped her head, confused by her boyfriend's reaction. "Yeah, why wouldn't he be?"

"This is harassment, you know? First he gives you detention for no reason and now he's suspending you. Come on Ellie, you have to file a complaint or something."

"He isn't harassing me. I missed detention. It's my fault."

He slammed his hands on the metal table. "Don't let him do this to you Ellie! This isn't your fault! Can't you see he's obsessed with you?!"

"He is not, Jason its just an ISS, babe relax!" Ellie had never seen Jason angry, but she didn't feel too safe around him when he was slamming things. He didn't say anything for a few minutes. He just stared at her as if all the answers to all the questions in the universe could be found in her eyes if he looked hard enough. Ellie could see when it hit him that he was scaring her, because his eyes immediately softened.

"I'm sorry. You're right. I just... I don't like the idea of you being taken advantage of." His hand came under hers lifting it to his lips so he could trail small kisses along her fingers.

"Its okay. Besides, you're kind of cute when you're jealous..."

Jason stood just outside the door of his history classroom watching his teacher. He was actually giddy about the In-School-Suspension he'd given Elisa, which told Jason that he had some kind of plan. He looked like some kind of idiot. He was actually excited to be serving an In-School Suspension with a student. Jason was disgusted by this predatory man as he thought back to the first time he'd seen the video he was going to use against his teacher. He shuddered trying not to think about the look of pure pleasure that his girlfriend had made when their teacher had entered her.

Marcus had been so excited that his body woke before his brain. At 5 o'clock this morning, Marcus had been up, so energetic that he'd had to work out to calm down just a bit. What the hell was wrong with him? Now he stood in his classroom fluttering around his desk like some sort of maniac. He wanted to make sure that everything was set up for the substitute for the day and there were no interferences. He had a mission today, one that would ensure the woman he loved would graduate. Due to his need to busy himself, he didn't even notice Jason come in until he cleared his throat. "Jason. You're here early," Marcus greeted him as friendly as he could manage.

"Could say the same about you."

"I suppose. So what can I do for you?"

"I warned you." Marcus could see there was something— wrong— with Jason today. His eyes were dark and he looked as if he hadn't been sleeping well with the enormous amount of luggage under them.

"You threatened me."

"Call it what you want, but just remember that everything that happens from here on out is your fault." He pulled a disc from his book bag with a creepy smirk on his face. "Sit down, Marcus. I think you're gonna want to see this."

"Did you just call me..." Marcus trailed off when Jason slid the disc into the DVD player and it began to play. It was a video of Ellie and him from the last detention she'd served. The one where they had fucked on one of the student desks.

"Where did you get this?"

"See now you're asking the wrong questions. If you pay attention, you'll notice that there isn't any sound on this video." He put the remote up to his chin taunting Marcus as if he knew he had him by the balls and it was only about to get worse. "And you sure are being rough... One could almost argue that you raped that poor girl. Don't you think?"

Marcus shot up from the desk he sat at right in front of the TV. "You know that isn't true! That was not rape and you know it, Jason!"

"Maybe. But the parents' board and the police sure won't. I can make certain of that."

"You slimy little--"

He jumped in Marcus' face as the rage took him over. "I'm slimy? You sick son-of-a-bitch! You twisted and manipulated your student! Made her actually believe you were and good guy and then took advantage of her!" Just then he brought a fist up and connected it with Marcus' gut. Marcus hunched over into Jason and he lowered his face to Marcus' ear. "Remember our chat today. Let it help guide you and make sure you keep your hands," Jason pushed his teacher into the chalkboard just hard enough for it to hurt but not make any noise, "off my woman." While Marcus tried to gather himself, Jason took the DVD out of the TV and left as if nothing had ever happened.

Marcus stood there holding his stomach with the chalkboard supporting him for a while. Jason was a strong football player, and so the punch had really knocked the wind out of him. He had hoped that by the time Ellie came in, he would have regained his composure.

"I'm here," Ellie muttered as she walked in and Marcus tried to hurry up and sit down in his desk chair. The pain from the shift caused him to grunt out in pain and he had to bite his lip to hold it in.

"I see." Ellie's eyes were all over him when she saw how difficult the simple task of sitting down was. "Hey, what's wrong with you?" She strode over to her ex's desk and helped him into the chair.

"Nothing. I'm good. You ready to go to the ISS room?" Marcus' voice was still raspy as he tried to will the pain away by rubbing his soon-to-form bruise with his hand.

"You sure you can walk over there?"

"Ha, yeah I'm fine, let's go."

When they reached the room Marcus wasn't surprised to see Dr. Winston standing there, looking at the chalkboard with his hands clasped behind his back. He truly looked like a school principal. His white hair and receding hairline giving him that distinguished look that came with the title of "Doctor". His daughter let out an exasperated sigh upon seeing him and even though Marcus' eyes were on the cameras in the front and back of the room, he could feel Ellie rolling her eyes.

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