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Full Body Workout

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Busty blonde model Lindsey Pelas takes on 2 gym hunks.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 01/04/2023
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the people, places etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Lindsey Pelas or any other current/former influencers, models or celebrities etc.

Starring: Lindsey Pelas (Glamour model, influencer)

Full Body Workout: Lindsey Pelas

An erotic fan-fiction story.

Written by DaxG2001

Codes: Cons, MF, MMF, oral.

* * *

"Well well, I'll be damned..." The mature man said, walking in the front sliding doors of the Gym. "My boy is actually up front, doing his darn job for once!" He said with a sly, but teasing tone. Not exactly dressed for a workout with the casual shirt and pants he had on.

"And you actually stopped by the business you're supposed to be running for once, Dad!" The younger man, who indeed bore a striking resemblance to the older one said. "What, did the golf club run out of balls for once?" He joked back as he stood up straight from behind the front counter. Clad in a more expected for an American-style gym set of loose shorts and a snug, sleeveless top.

"Very good, kid... And how exactly has been business then, since you know so much about it?" Theodore Moore, otherwise known as just Theo for short or 'Teddy' to his friends, asked as he went to the desk.

"Business has been... Well, I want to say snail-like but that would be an insult to animals with how slow it's been..." His son Samson, aka 'Sammy' or plain old Sam, responded with a grumble in his tone.

"I was sort of hoping for a different answer, kid... But then we'd both be lying to each other and ourselves." Theodore stated with a sigh. Leaning against the counter. "The accountant was painting not exactly a fine picture of this place... I mean, we're above water right now... But we need to get more feet through the door before this ship starts sinking."

"Easier said than done, Dad." Samson stated the obvious as he glanced to the sign on the wall of the entrance area. 'MOORE MUSCLE' in bright neon lettering. "We can't just go renting billboards or newspaper ads. For all the good it did last time."

"Yeah, when those damn wannabe... What are they called? Bankers did their spray painting?" Theo scoffed.

"I think you mean Banksy, Dad?" Sammy raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, whatever. Anyway, you understand what I'm getting at, right?" Theo said as his son nodded. "We just need to get the word out about us. Show that we've got that special something that's different from just buying one of those bikes with the screens and sprinting away at home. You're a smart enough kid. You should be able to come up with an idea or two to get more folks through these doors!" He said, just as those sliding doors automatically opened up. "And that one doesn't count..." He said as footsteps approached. "I'll leave you to it and we'll talk in a sec."

With Theodore stepping to the side, it left Samson free to look up and put on his best smile for the approaching woman. His eyes however unable to hide the surprise from seeing not just a drop dead gorgeous blonde woman but one packing her wonderful curves into a tight set of gym wear. Recognising the influencer and Glamour model Lindsey Pelas instantly as she had her hair tied up in a ponytail. Her huge tits packed into a sleeveless short top that even while zipped up couldn't stop them from jiggling with each step. Her often overlooked but rounded backside filling out a grey set of leggings more than nicely too, while carrying a small gym bag over her shoulder.

"W-Welcome!" Samson stuttered, before turning his face away to cough into his arm to clear his throat. "Sorry about that..." He looked back as she stepped to the counter. "Welcome to Moore Muscle gym and fitness studio. Is this your first time here?"

"...A little bold to say that off the bat." Lindsey raised an eyebrow. "Hitting me with a 'come here often' line?"

"Uh, I meant more of your first time being here? So you could take advantage of our trial offer for new customers." He explained with a flush across his cheeks.

"Oh? Well, and here I was just teasing you..." Pelas started to smile, showing she'd just been messing with the younger man to her early 30s age. "But an offer? I'm liking what I'm hearing now."

Sammy breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes. Half price for the first day so you can, you know? Try our place out, see if you like it and want to stop by again."

"Sounds simple enough! Sure..." She glanced to the side, checking out the corridor and noticing the older man across the way before she looked back to him. "My usual place had a power outage so I figured why not try this place out?"

"Well we appreciate you stopping by, Miss Pelas." He said, perhaps not thinking it through as he let slip he knew who she was. "Just a little basic details to jot down here." He said, passing over a clipboard with paper and pen. "Then we'll be good to go and you can pay on your way out."

"Sure." Pelas said, a brief eyebrow raise as hearing her name but letting it slip as she took the pen and filled in the row of details. "And it's just through there?"

"Yes, Miss. It's all signposted with the, uh, signs on the walls. But feel free to check in here or ask one of the staff going around if you need any assistance or need to know where to go." Sammy explained.

"Well then, I'll be sure to stop by here after I'm done and I can give you my review." She said with a smile as she put the pen down. Moving away from the desk as Sammy nodded and smiled back as the blonde turned and headed into the gym. As she walked, glancing again at Theodore as she paused when the two passed. Looking over her shoulder as her eyes swapped between the older of the two men and the younger. "Hmmmm..." Her head lifted a bit, seeing the similarities in handsome looks with a sly smile before she turned back and headed through to check out the gym.

"Well, you at least didn't screw that up, son..." Theodore said as he reached the desk. Reaching over to give his son a smack on the back. "Even if your eyes were like you were in a rocket going up to Mars!" He joked.

"I couldn't help that!" Samson said defensively. "It's not every day that damn Lindsey Pelas walks into the family business!"

"The say who now?" Teddy questioned.

"Lindsey Pelas! She's a famous model! Influencer!" He explained but just saw the brow furrowing on his father. "She's like, one of those mega hot women who post pictures all the time on social media."

"Oh? Well, she was sure damn pretty. I could understand your reaction in that regard." Theo chuckled. "You know I ain't understanding all that online stuff. That's why I got tech experts like you to manage the web pages and all that."

"Dad, hold on. This could..." Sam tapped the paper on the clipboard for a moment. "This might be what we're looking for." He said, getting an interested look from his father. "Gals like Pelas? They do all sorts of brand deals, you know? Post pics of themselves holding a product or putting hashrosa-blanca.ru about in in posts, stuff like that. Advertising real easy and to like tons of people! Like way beyond just the city alone!"

"Advertising, eh?" Theo glanced back towards the entrance to the gym area then back to his son. "Well I bet she catches plenty of eyes. Not sure we've got the budget though if a gal like her might have high celeb fees to book." He noted.

"Oh, yeah... That's a thing. I bet she's got an agent or something like that." Sam frowned. "Maybe it's not a good idea then..."

"Well hold on there, kid. Us Moores didn't get to where we are now without getting over a few bumps in the road." Theo said. "Let's get to thinking about this. I'm sure we can come up with something that could sway that lovely lady to hearing us out..."

* * *

Many minutes and a solid day's workout later...

"Well, this place isn't so bad after all..." Lindsey Pelas remarked to herself as she headed out of the gym's main area. A healthy, light shine of sweat on the exposed skin of her arms, stomach and above the chest from a solid workout. "A little quiet as well which isn't so bad... Half expected that cute guy at the front to be leering around the corner at me every couple of minutes." She said, smiling to herself as she stepped into the reception area. "Speaking of..." She remarked, seeing the young man still at the counter and the older man from before.

"How was the gym, Miss Pelas?" Sammy asked as he smiled while Theo stepped back from the desk slightly.

"Oh it was nice! No complaints at all." Lindsey said and didn't need to fake politeness about it either.

"That's great to hear, Miss." Theo said as her attention turned to him. "Sorry for cutting in, but my name is Theodore Moore. I'm the owner of this gym." He introduced. "And I'm sure you've already met my son, Samson here." He motioned to the younger male.

"Well, that answers a question that I'd had on my mind seeing the two of you before..." Pelas glanced between the duo. "The resemblance as you'd call it is pretty obvious!"

"Can't argue with that! I'll take that as a compliment as well." Teddy said with a smile of his own. "Now forgive me for being so bold about this, Miss. But my son here was telling about how you're quite the famous lady online on the old social media as it's called."

"I did notice that your son seemed to be a fan of mine..." Pelas teased, giving a sly look to the man younger than her own age and very much younger than his father's. "I half expected an autograph book to be waiting for me when I came back out!" She said playfully, much to Sammy's flushed look again.

"Oh no, I've kept the kid on a leash today!" Theo said with a laugh. "However, getting back to my point? I have a little bit of a proposition for you, Miss." He said.

"Oh?" She turned to look at him. "Not every day I get approached by a father and son wanting something from me..." Lindsey remarked.

"Well Miss, it's real simple as it goes. Our little family run gym here could do with a big old boost to the footfall and getting new folks in through the doors. And you're a leading lady who could do us a real big favour of getting our place out there way beyond what we've been able to drum up." Theodore explained. "But don't get me wrong! We ain't asking you to do this for free." He said, as Samson nodded in agreement. "We were thinking that if you enjoyed our gym so much? We could fix you up with a membership here on the house, in return for some posts from you to put us on the map."

"Now... Now that's not the sort of offer I'd usually be getting from two gym hunks after a workout!" Pelas smiled as the remark caught the men off guard as they glanced at one another. "But I will say? That doesn't sound like a half bad offer... Gyms these days aren't cheap. And going from a half price to, well, no price for me? Sounds almost too good to be true..." She mused as she put her hands on her shapely hips. "So, what's the catch?"

"Catch?" Sammy blinked as Lindsey locked onto him. "Oh no, no catch! We just need you to put our gym's name out there, you know? Maybe, uh, I dunno... Having our logo in the background of a selfie? Holding up a drinks bottle that's got our logo on it? Tagging our account on a social post with a bunch of gym, lifestyle hashtags?"

"Hmmmm... Are you two so sure? That's all I need to do to get the membership?" She seemed to be waiting to hear the 'small print' about this deal. "No offence but I'm not so sure that I'm buying this all, and not just because it's all so out of the blue and all."

"Ah, you know, Miss? That's understandable." Theodore apologised as he raised a hand. "We were out of line just asking you out of nowhere to do something like this." He said, believing that he'd offended her. "You know what, forget about it. Don't even bother yourself about even thinking it over. Guess my son here jumped the gun with his idea and I was foolish to not think it over either." He said as Sammy looked a little sheepish behind the counter. "So I'll tell you what, how about we..."

"Now hang on here, guys." Lindsey cut in. "You guys are really serious about this all, aren't you?" She looked between them both as they nodded. "Really offering me up a big gym membership for free, just for making a few posts?" She said again. "I mean, it does sound tempting... But your son here should know that with all the deals I do? I just can't go and accept anything that's sent my way. I'm a businesswoman after all." She stated. "So..." Another glance was cast between the younger and older men. "So... Let's talk this over. You know, a little business meeting between client and, well, gym owners in this case."

"Actually, it's just my Dad who owns the place." Sammy pointed out.

"Let's not fret over those details for the lovely lady now, kid." Theo cut in. "Well Miss, that's awfully generous of you to hear us out. When can we pencil you in for a meeting then so we can talk this all out?"

"Well... How about now?" Lindsey was the one being bold now, like she was trying to call their bluff to see if this deal was legit or not. "I'm sure a place like this has an office or something, right?"

"Well, sure it does." Teddy said. "My office when I need to interview new hires and the like. We can talk things out in there."

"OK then... And you're coming too, right?" Pelas looked to Samson again.

"Uh, do I need to? I'm sure Dad can explain things enough about the business side of things." Sammy said, taken aback by being requested.

"Well if you two are the package deal I think you two are? You need to be front and centre too so I know what I'm in for." Pelas said as she kept that blush on his cheeks.

"Well now, Son. I think you can't turn down the lady's request now, can you?" Theo said with a chuckle.

"I'll uh, just make a call." Samson reached for a handheld walkie-talkie, nearly fumbling it as he brought it to his mouth. "Hey, gonna need you to take over at the front desk for a while. Dad's got a business meeting I need to attend... No, it ain't about the water cooler incident again! Just get over here!"

* * *

A couple minutes later and Pelas was being walked into the Owner's office of the gym. A plain enough room with the expected desk and chairs with a couple in front and one behind. Along with pictures and posters on the walls and a computer desk at the very back corner.

"So then..." Lindsey put her bag down by the door as Theo closed it behind them. "What have you boys got for me?"

"Well, if you'd like to take a seat Miss? I'll just fish out the leaflets and stuff that we've got to hand about..." Theodore was about to say.

"Oh no no. You two can drop the act." Pelas said, drawing confused looks from the two. "I mean, I'll give you two credit. You've dragged this out and played hard ball a lot longer than other gym rats I have to deal with." She said, smirking as she was the one making an assumption now.

"Uh, Miss? I don't quite follow you." Theo said as Samson just shrugged.

"Sure you don't..." She smirked, standing in front of the two guys. "I'll admit though, you two are hunky and you at least keep your eyes up where they should be..." Pelas said as she shocked them again by lowering herself down to her knees in front of them both. "And taking on a father and son at the same time is a new one in my book."

"Uh... Uh... Uh?!?" Sammy just stuttered, staring with wide eyes as he got a good look at the deep cleavage her top provided at this angle.

"Miss? I think you might be misunderstanding what we meant by an offer..." Theodore tried to explain but even he could only just gaze on when he hands reached up and loosened his belt.

"Oh sure, I'm misunderstanding when two guys want me to take an 'offer' from them...." She kept a sly smile on as she took a hold of the waistbands of both men. "Like I've not heard that before from a couple beefy guys at a gym..." Pelas added. "As if you just wanted..." She was going to tease more as she helped herself to yank their clothing down. Now her turn to have widened eyes as the phrase 'Like Father, Like Son' was translating to a very pleasant surprise for her. Seeing both men packing impressively thick, meaty and long cocks with neither looking less than about ten inches or so, with the older of the two perhaps even longer. "...Now that?? That's not what I usually see from dudes at a gym!" She glanced from up at them to their dicks and then back as she started to grin. "All fucking natural!"

"Miss? I think..." Theo was about to explain when he had to groan as she took a hold of his and his son's shafts.

"Dad. I think Lindsey wants to, uh, well?" Samson was staring in disbelief. "I mean, if she wants to have some fun with us? Then I'm not going to stop her!"

"Smart kid you raised there..." Lindsey smirked for a moment as she started to stroke their cocks. "So what do you say, Mister Moore? Think you can handle a different kind of 'pump and grind' than you usually do at the gym?" It sounded like a challenge from her as she looked up at him.

"This was not how I expected my day to turn out... But lady, I think we're all too far into this thing already to talk about backing out now..." Theo said for a confirmation even with his own still stunned expression.

"Kinda cute how you're still keeping the act up, both of you..." She smirked, still misreading this all as she gave them what she only thought they were after from her all along. Stroking along their thick lengths as she leaned in. Using her tongue to brush around the head of Theo's cock to make him moan, before she moved across to give Sam's dick the same quick swirl treatment. "Biggest fucking cocks I've seen in a long time either..." She mused as she went back to the older of the two and worked her tongue around him. A measured series of swirls this time to go around the nicely fat head of his shaft. Groaning herself from the taste before she pulled away. Just to repeat the motion onto the younger stud's shaft while her hand moved right over the whole length of the freshly licked dick. Working a little bit of saliva onto their inches from the switching of licking to strokes as she darted back and forth. Not playing favourites with either man as she made them groan out.

"Mmmm... And you've already lasted longer than a couple guys I've had to deal with already." She added for a rather naughty form of compliment. Not giving either a chance to respond though as she leaned down and this time took Theo's shaft into her mouth. Making them both moan as she wrapped her juicy, full lips around his member with an approving slurp. Gazing up as she began to pump her blonde haired head along his length while her hand stroke off not just the rest of his size not yet in her mouth, but the inches of his own son standing next to him. Easily multitasking and making her huge tits jiggle as she worked her arms. "Mmmmmphhh! Mmmmm... Shhhrrrlllppp! Mmmmmphhh..." Her groans already bouncing off his prick as she bobbed along him. Gliding smoothly along him and letting him feel how warm and wet her oral hole was. A display already that this wasn't her first time sucking dick as she put those pouty lips of hers to perfect use. A look in her eyes along with the sin as she gave some head that she seemed impressed already that this mature stud was able to handle what her mouth could dish out.

"MMMMM! God damn, lady! MMMM... Where'd you... AHHHHH... Learn to do a thing like that? MMMMM..." Theodore marvelled as he looked on. His eyes following the motion of her gorgeous face as the Glamour model sucked him off. Applying her saliva onto his more than generous size as she slid her built for pleasuring dick lips back and forth along him. Even moving her hand down to just hold his rod at the base as she rather greedily, and eagerly for a woman believing all these two hunks wanted was just sex out of her, stuffed more of his big cock into her hungry oral hole. "AHHHH... Not anywhere in this kind of gym I bet! MMMMM! God damn, that's real good! MMMMM..." He moaned as already his moans and the groans from his son filled his office along with her lusty slurps as she handled his size. Easily multitasking as she sucked off one big dick while jerking off another like the sort of online content she's skilled at is of the more XXX nature than just modelling and brand ads on social media.

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