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Full Circle


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"There are no footprints at the front of the building." Rachel said, staring out. "Let's try the spare bedroom."

Cleo followed behind Rachel into a smaller room filled with odds and ends of furniture and boxes. Some were opened and some still waiting to be unpacked. Cleo stood close behind Rachel and looked out over her shoulder. It looked as if there were two sets of footprints leading to the old barn. Cleo remembered a story Jenny had told her one evening over a bottle or two of wine about how her friend Linda had been brutally raped in that barn and how she had been molested herself. Jenny would never go back in there. She'd even tried to get Paul to buy the property and pull it down. It had been one of the few times Paul had not given in to her. He had said that just because something evil happens in a building it doesn't mean that the building is evil.

Two sets of tracks were heading in and both recent. Why no tracks out? Had it been summer then you could imagine two lovers sneaking inside.

What was that coming from the rear of the building? Smoke.

"What do you keep in there?" Cleo asked.

"Nothing at the moment." Rachel replied. "It's full of old farm machinery and straw bales. Hey. It's on fire."

A they watched the smoke was increasing. A small dark figure left the building and glanced in their direction before heading towards the steep path. They waited for the expected second person to appear.

Nobody came out.

"We've got to go and check there is nobody still in the Barn." Cleo said.


"We have to hurry."

They could both see the reddish glow building up inside the open door of the Barn.

"Come on." Cleo urged. "We have to check."

"Let me put some clothes on." Rachel said letting her robe drop to the floor and opening a drawer.

How many backside had she seen, Cleo thought, and yet she had to look. High, tight and round. She could just make out the odd wisp of hair between her legs as she lifted one foot after the other into a pair of knickers and jeans. Rachel turned to face her as she pulled a jumper over her head. Her breasts were high and firm. Her nipples proud and erect.

"There," said Rachel, slipping her feet into a pair of closed toed shoes, "that didn't take long. Did you enjoy the view?"

"What?" Cleo stammered. "I didn't. I wasn't."

"Don't forget. I am a fully paid up member of the Lesbian fraternity. Besides there is a mirror on the back of the dressing table. Don't look so worried. I won't tell anybody."

Rachel smiled and slowly drew her fingers down the side of Cleo's face and down further still, over the mound of her breast.

"But." Was all Cleo could think of to say as Rachel led the way down the stairs. Rachel hesitated at the back door for a moment and looked over her shoulder at Cleo.

"Do you think it's safe?"

"I'm sure the other person has gone, if that's what you mean."

Don't talk about it, she thought. We'll talk ourselves out of going.

"Alright." Rachel said, throwing the bolts, opening the door a crack and peering out.

Without another word she suddenly opened the door and, stepping outside, headed to the barn.

Cleo followed. It was fairly mild. That could mean more snow. Yes, large flakes were starting to fall.

They both stopped at the door of the barn. Cleo could hear somebody moaning and looked inside. The building was filling with smoke and she could see some old straw bails mouldering at the back of the barn. Occasionally flames would leap up then die back as if they weren't yet in charge. Water was dripping from the roof. The groan again.

A figure was lying on its face in the first stall. It was wearing a black coat with bright yellow markings.

"It's a policeman." Rachel said, coughing.

They knelt down on either side of the figure and turned him onto his back. Cleo could see a small trickle of blood running down in front of one ear. She followed it with her fingers until she came to a small lump under his hair. He moaned as she touched it.

"What?" He coughed, struggling to sit up.

"Are you able to move?" Cleo asked, the smoke was leaving an acid taste at the back of her throat.

The Doctor in her said keep the patient still until you have ascertained the full extent of his injuries. Everything else inside her knew they had to get away from the fire and smoke and quickly.

"Help me stand." The Policeman said, holding out an arm.

With Rachel and Cleo on either side supporting him he staggered to his feet. He swayed a bit at first then allowed them to help him out of the barn into the suddenly cold night air. Cleo could feel 'goose bumps' popping out on her naked legs. At the back door to the house he asked them to stop and reaching inside his coat pulled out the combined speaker and microphone to his radio. They could hear a voice repeating over and over, "Four eight. Four eight. Come in. Are you receiving me? Four eight. Four eight. Come in please."

"This is four eight." The Policeman gasped into the handset. "I am at the old Watson farm. Somebody attacked me. Wait."

He turned to the two women.

"Did you see anybody?" He asked.

"Yes." Rachel replied. "We saw a figure running away from the barn towards the path up the hill."

"Hallo this is four eight." The policeman spoke again into his handset. "The suspect was seen heading towards Knowle Hill."

"Thank you four eight." The voice replied. "Do you require any assistance."

"There is a barn on fire. We need the fire brigade."

"Roger four eight."

Rachel had opened the door to the house and the policeman followed them into the kitchen. Cleo examined his head whilst Rachel made fresh coffee. The policeman kept looking out at the barn as if gauging the hold the fire had taken whilst telling them a little of Roberta Long and her love of starting fires.

It was fifteen minutes before they heard the sounds of police sirens approaching in the distance. They all went to the front door and stepped outside. A procession of vehicles were coming slowly towards them headed by a yellow lorry with a snow plough fitted to the front and flashing orange lights followed by the more familiar blue and red lights of the police and fire brigade.

"You'd be waiting until this time next year for the council to send a lorry to clear away the snow on a road like this normally." Rachel observed ruefully. "It's amazing what having a policeman in your house can do."

The vehicles pulled up to a halt outside and the policeman reported to his Sergeant whilst the Fireman attacked the fire in the barn.

Cleo felt Rachel's hand on her hip and turned her head to look down into her face.

"You're not going to leave me here alone tonight, are you?" Rachel asked.

Cleo didn't answer. Now the question had been asked what should she say?

She stalled.

"I think we had better make some more coffee."

But she didn't remove Rachel's hand as they walked back into the house.

It was an hour before the fire chief announced he was happy that there was no further risk from the fire in the barn. An hour, during which word was received that Roberta Long had been apprehended in Chipping Marsden.

The policeman came back to the house as the firemen were packing up.

"We have somebody on the radio wanting to speak to you." He smiled at Cleo.

"Who is it?" Cleo asked, following him to the Land Rover.

"It's your friends the Wagstaffe's."

Cleo took the offered handset from the policeman behind the steering wheel.

"Hallo." She said into the mouthpiece.

"Hallo Cleo." A woman's voice answered. "We've been so worried. How are you? Shall we come and get you?"

"I'm fine, thanks Jenny." Cleo relied, she was suddenly conscious of Rachel standing by her side. This was it. Decision time. "No. Don't collect me. I'll spend the night here."

The words came out before she even had time to think them. Cleo felt Rachel move in closer, her hand rested on her hip then moved down to her ass cheek. It squeezed gently.

"The police found your hire car after a man reported being attacked by a woman." Jenny spoke quickly. "The police contacted Richard and he contacted us and we contacted the police. Well I must go. Paul sends his love. You are sure you'll be all right?"

"Yes. I'm sure. I'll see you in the morning."

The line went dead.

"Are you sure you don't want a lift somewhere?" The policeman asked, looking from one to the other.

"We will be fine." Rachel assured him.

They stood close together in the doorway and waved to the departing vehicles. Rachel closed the door and led Cleo by the hand to the foot of the stairs.

"Time for bed." She said.

Cleo hesitated for a moment then followed Rachel up the stairs and into the front bedroom. Rachel switched on a bedside table light and pulled the curtains. Cleo stood still by the side of the bed arms dangling by her side. She didn't think she could move even if she wanted to.

Rachel stood in front of her and ran her fingers slowly and so lightly down the side of Cleo's face. Then down again. This time closing around her breast and squeezing it gently through her jumper, blouse and bra. Reaching up with her other hand Rachel placed it behind Cleo's head and pulled her mouth down, meeting her lips with her own. At first Cleo tensed then she slowly relaxed and allowed her lips to part to allow the entry of Rachel's tongue. She tensed again as Rachel's hand slid down her spine and cupped one of the cheeks of her ass. Then she moved it back up, pulling her jumper with it. As Rachel pulled her lips away Cleo lifted her arms above her head. Her jumper fell to the floor. Cleo looked down as Rachel' nimble fingers undid the buttons on her blouse and pushed it back, off her shoulders and down her arms. As it fell to the ground to join her jumper Rachel's fingers deftly released the clasp of Cleo's bra. As it joined the growing pile of her clothing Cleo reached out and lifted Rachel's jumper over her head. For a second they looked at each other's breasts then kissed again. Their breasts squashed flat with their hardening nipples pressing into one another. Without releasing their kiss their fingers fumbled with each other's skirt fastenings and knicker elastic until Cleo felt the soft, but wiry feeling of Rachel's pubic mound pressing against her own. Automatically their hands felt each other's ass cheeks. Pulling them apart then pushing them together. Cleo gasped out loud as Rachel's finger slid slowly between her ass cheeks and came to rest on her anus. She gasped again as it slowly explored each fold of skin around her tightly closed hole then moved further down until it just touched the start of her slit.

Cleo groaned her disappointment as Rachel released her and stepped back. Then Rachel turned and pulled open the covers on the bed.

"Come on." She said, taking Cleo's hand and sliding across into the middle of the bed.

As Cleo lay on her back Rachel leaned over her, her nipples brushing her own and switched off the light. For a few second the darkness was total then the room lightened to the glow from the moon outside. Cleo could see the outline of Rachel's head above her and lifted her own until their lips touched. Tongues fencing and probing Cleo felt one of Rachel's hands close around her breast. Rachel lifted her mouth from Cleo's and lowered it to her nipple licking it gently with her tongue then sucking it between her lips.

Instinctively Cleo opened her legs and lifted her hips from the bed as Rachel released her nipple and moved slowly down her body. Running her fingers through Rachel's hair as she explored her navel with her tongue. Pulling her knees up to her breasts as Rachel moved between her legs. Crying out loud as her tongue entered her pussy.

Cleo found it hard to catch her breath as Rachel sucked on her pussy lips then pushed her tongue deep inside her again. Even harder to breathe when she moved to her clit and sucked it out from it's cover. Her entire body went rigid as her first orgasm ripped through her; it was quickly followed by a second then a third. Each one more intense than the last. Rachel licked and sucked on her clit gentler yet more insistently than anybody before, including Marty. Cleo peaked again as Rachel pushed first one then a second finger into her.

Cleo collapsed back onto the pillows as Rachel moved away from her, pulling her fingers from her hole. She blinked as the bedside light on the far side of the bed was switched on and Rachel fumbled for something inside the bedside cupboard.

Cleo gasped out loud when she saw what she was holding in her hand as she turned back to face her. Amidst a tangled mass of straps and buckles she held a large black penis shaped dildo. Before she could lower and close her legs Rachel had moved to kneel between them and started to fit the straps around her waist and thighs.

Seeing the look on Cleo's face Rachel said.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you."

Looking down at Cleo's open pussy she made some adjustments to the straps. When she was satisfied she moved forward. Cleo could feel the head of the dildo pressing against her pussy. Knocking at her door.

"Help me in." Rachel said brushing Cleo's lips with own. "Please."

Sensing a need she didn't understand in Rachel Cleo found herself reaching down between her legs and holding open her pussy lips as she guided the head of the dildo between them as she had done for Richard's cock less then twenty four hours earlier. She hadn't gasped for him as she did for Rachel as she thrust the dildo deep inside her. Rachel pulled back and thrust again and again forcing the breath from Cleo. She gasped again and wrapping her arms around Rachel's back lifted her hips from the bed to meet her thrusts. Thrusts that increased in pace. Cleo could feel herself building to another orgasm as she heard and felt Rachel come.

"Don't stop." Cleo almost begged as Rachel paused to catch her own breath.

"I won't." Came the breathless reply.

Rachel started moving again. Long slow strokes, slowly building the tempo. Better then any man Cleo had ever had. Rachel knew when to slow to allow a wave of pleasure to run over her then to catch it at its peak and carry it on to the next wave. Cleo could hear the subtle changes in Rachel's breathing as she approached her own orgasm. Her own come seemed to trigger it as with a strangled cry Rachel collapsed forward on top of her the dildo still deep inside her. It seemed an age before either moved then Rachel pulled the dildo out of her and sat back on her heels and looked down onto her body. Her eyes travelled up to Cleo's face and they both smiled.

"I wish I'd been born with one of these." Rachel said, holding the base of the dildo and waving it from side to side.

"You could have been." Cleo replied, with feeling.

"Did you like it?"

"Yes." Cleo replied hesitantly then with more confidence as she realised that Rachel cared whether she actually had enjoyed it. She'd been asked the question before by men after they had fucked her but she had known they were more seeking re-assurance about their own performances then any genuine concern about her. She also realised that perhaps they weren't alone in wanting that. "It was great. Really good. I've never felt anything like it before."

Had she overdone the praise?

Rachel's smile as she lay down by her side, the dildo pressing against her thigh, told her it was worth it.

Rachel switched off the light and they held each other in silence. Watching the moonlight lighten the room then fade as a cloud obscured its face.

It was full daylight when Cleo next opened her eyes. Rachel had a finger inside her that she was gently swirling around. Cleo smiled. A lazy, half-asleep smile. She felt so warm, so comfortable. This was her favourite time with Richard. The long, slow early morning fuck.

Cleo reached down for the dildo which was still fixed around Rachel waist and pulled her on top of her by it. Holding herself open she guided it inside her. Wrapping her arms and legs around Rachel as she moved it in and out. It felt so good. So right.

She could feel the pressure building inside her. Building with every movement Rachel made. She cried out gently as she came.

Rachel stopped and looked down at her face. They both smiled.

"You Bastard. You bitch."

Rachel leapt from the bed tearing the dildo from her hole.

In the doorway stood a woman. A very pretty woman. She was shaking with rage.

"It's not what you think Lesley." Rachel stammered the dildo, glistening with Cleo's lubricant, sticking out from her body.

"You Bastard. You Bitch." Lesley repeated. "So this is what happens every time I turn my back?"

Cleo recognised the words she used. She'd used the same ones the day before.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Great story telling. I love the descriptive word "squelching," I can almost hear it.

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