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Fun at the Trap Meet

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A young wife takes on four men after the trap meet.
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My husband and I were heading for the regional trap shooting meet. We'd been shooting trap since I was in high school. In fact, he and I met at the local range.

Trap shooting is a sport dominated by men. There are other women, but we make up maybe 10% of the competitors. There are women only events and mixed events.

What is trap shooting? Well it's shooting a shotgun at clay disks shot in the air. Basically a trap range has a number of shooting stations. Each station has five shooting positions. Think of a hand with five fingers. Each hand is a shooting group with five shooters. One at the end of each finger.

There is a buried bunker in front of each station. The shooters line up. The first shooter yells pull and the bunker shoots out a clay disk. The shooter tries to hit it. Then the next shooter goes.

Each shooter gets five shots from each position, 25 shots each.

The reason I'm telling you all this is because of this. The shotguns are longer than standard shotguns and therefore heavier. You can shoot up to five to ten rounds a day. At 25 rounds each that can be up to 250 shots. The guns get heavy, and that's one reason they have separate women's competitions. A shooting stance is one leg back, and leaning forward, so the weight of the gun is all in front of you. Eventually your legs, arms, shoulders, and back hurt. And that's kind of where it began. But let's start at the beginning.

Most people at the regionals knew each other, or knew people who knew each other. It was a close knit group.

The people at the meet are extremely supportive of each other, but given it's a mostly male group, that support for a woman takes the form of a lot of ribbing, flirting, and fun teasing along with advice on stance and posture.

The event we were heading to was not at our usual range. It was two hours away. We decided to go the night before and stay the night after. Usually there was a welcome party and an after party for these things.

Who are we? We are Candy and Tom. We're 25 and 30 respectively. We've been married for four years. We met at a trap range where I used to shoot with my dad. You don't see a lot of young women so a lot of guys hit on me. Tom was the most interesting.

We left for the meet right after work. We figured we'd hit the welcome dinner and catch up with some friends. Most of the people we knew from our local club were our parents' ages, but we'd made friends with people our own age from other groups.

When we got there we immediately ran into some of the guys we knew. John and Dave were checking into the hotel as we were. We exchanged hugs and greetings.

"Hi guys, how are you," I said as I hugged Dave.

"I'm doing great, you look good," he said.

Being one of the few younger women at these competitions I was used to compliments.

"Thank you," I replied and then asked, "Where's Mary?" asking about his girlfriend.

"Oh," Dave looked a little sheepish. "We split up a few weeks ago."

"I'm so sorry," I replied. "I didn't know."

"That's ok, it was mutual. We weren't really compatible in many ways. We just weren't facing it," he replied.

"Oh? What ways?" I asked. I was honestly curious.

"Oh you know, just personal stuff," he replied.

My husband Tom kicked in, "probably couldn't keep her happy in bed."

"Fuck no," laughed Dave. "That's the one thing we were good at."

I turned to John, "and you? Still playing the field?"

John was very good looking but extremely shy. I've seen women hit on him and he having no clue what was going on.

John laughed, "I'm still waiting for a girl like you," he replied.

I laughed and hugged him.

"Well," I said. "Looks like I have three handsome men to take care of me this weekend.

We all checked into the hotel.

"Are you guys going to the reception," Dave asked.

"Yeah," Tom answered. "We're going to go get settled and then head over. You going?"

Dave looked at John, then me, then to Tom, "Yeah, if only to spend time with you and your pretty wife," he said.

I laughed, "Sure, compared with the slim pickings here I'm pretty."

Dave turned sincere, "Nah, in any group of women you're pretty."

"Well, I'll accept the compliment then," I responded.

"Ok," said Tom. "We're going to go get settled. See you at the reception."

The guys said their goodbyes and we headed for our room.

"Well, you seem to have developed a fan club," Tom teased.

"Probably because I'm the only woman here," I exaggerated. "Like you mind," I added.

Truthfully I knew Tom didn't mind. He always liked it when guys admired his wife. He was proud of the way I looked and liked showing me off. He liked it when I dressed to impress. Short skirts, tight jeans.

I didn't mind being admired. In fact, I liked it. I worked hard to stay in shape. At 5'3" 110 lbs, long reddish blonde hair down to the middle of my back, and a splash of freckles across my nose, I got my share of looks and I enjoyed the attention it brought me, a lot. I always wondered if other women got the same thrill out of being looked at that I did.

I was glad that Tom was not the jealous type. In fact, he encouraged me. He'd always point it out when guys noticed me. I'm not sure which of us liked it more.

"You're not the only woman," Tom teased back. "Besides, I think Dave and John have had crushes on you since they met you. They always want to hang out with you at these things. And admit it. You like the attention."

"I'll admit I like the attention if you'll admit you like it when I get the attention," I quipped back.

"True enough," he said. He pulled me to him and kissed me. "I think it's hot when guys admire my pretty little wife."

As he kissed me he slid his hands down the back of my jeans, grabbed my ass, and pulled me to him. I wondered if anyone was watching. I kinda hoped they were.

We reached our room and threw our suitcases on the floor. Tom pulled me to him and kissed me again. I kissed back. I was getting horny. The thoughts of being admired always turned me on a bit.

"We've got a little time before the reception. What do you want to do?" He asked. He had that gleam in his eyes.

"Well, we could fuck," I quipped.

"True," he joked. "We do have time."

I pulled away and pulled my top off over my head. "Only if you want to," I teased.

"Only if I want to?" he replied. "You brought it up."

We had these teasing conversations all the time.

"I guess I did," I answered. "What can I say. I like to fuck."

"What a coincidence," he laughed. He grabbed me from behind, pulled me to him, and kissed the back of my neck. "So do I," he whispered in my ear.

I pushed my ass into him. I felt his cock was hard inside his jeans.

"Hmmm, I can tell," I said as I ground my ass against him.

He undid my jeans and with one motion pushed them and my panties down past my ass and around my thighs. I pushed my now bare ass into his cock again.

"Mmmmm," I purred.

He undid my bra and as it fell away as he cupped my breasts. He lightly pulled on my nipples.

"What do you think you are doing?" I moaned.

"Playing with your tits," he replied.

"Mmmmm," I like having my tits played with." I encouraged him.

He pushed me towards the bed. With my jeans and panties still around my thighs I fell on the bed on my knees. I pushed my chest to the bed and my ass in the air.

I wiggled my ass. "Now what are you going to do?" I asked knowing full well what was coming.

I heard his zipper behind me.

"Fuck that hot pussy of yours," he answered.

He put a hand on my ass. I pictured him holding his cock with his other hand. He rubbed the tip of his cock up and down my pussy lips spreading my juices all over me and the tip of his cock. When I was all wet he slid his cock into me.

"Ummmmphhh," I grunted as his cock filled me up.

"Like that?" he teased as he started to slide his cock in and out of me.

"God yes," I moaned. "Fuck me."

"You liked Dave and John checking you out today, didn't you?" he said as he pounded my pussy.

"Uhgh, unnngghh. Mmmmmph. Yes," I replied as I grunted with each thrust.

This was a game we played. I loved it when he talked about other men when he fucked me. I closed my eyes and pictured Dave and John watching me, Checking me out.

"I saw them checking out your ass. I bet they'd like to see it now," he teased.

"Fuck," I groaned as a vision of them staring at my naked ass came to mind.

"Oh, you like the idea of being watched while you get fucked," he responded. "Don't you?"

When I didn't answer, he insisted.

"Don't you?" He pressed.

"Yes, yes," I hissed as his cock pounded me from behind.

It was true. The thought of being watched always turned me on, and Tom knew it. The good thing was that we shared the fantasy. I pictured Dave and John. I wondered how they'd react. Would they pull out their cocks and start jacking off? I've only watched Tom Jack off. I wondered what their cocks looked like.

This line of thought, plus Tom's cock pounding me from behind! Was bringing me close to cumming. .

"Fuck yes!" I cried. "That's it, fuck me, oh god, yes."

Tom picked up the pace and started to drive his cock into me. Fuck, it felt good. I could feel the orgasm rising inside of me.

"Mmmmmm, Fuck yes, so good," I moaned as I came. The orgasm washing over my body. Ohhhhh fuckkk. I sighed.

Tom continued to pump my pussy. I was soaked. I wanted to feel his hot cum fill me up.

"Come on baby," I coaxed. "That's it, fuck me, fuck your pussy, cum in me. Fill me up. God that feels good, fuck yes, yes, oh fuck, yes.."

I felt my body rise to another orgasm. As I came Tom came too. I could feel the hot cum filling my pussy. It felt like he'd had a gallon saved up. As he pumped me a few more times I felt the cum squeezed out of my pussy and onto my thighs.

I leaned forward so his cock slipped out of me. I laid down on my belly on the bed.

"God you're a great fuck," I sighed.

"You're not so bad yourself," he grinned.

He lay down next to me and put an arm over me.

I lay there thinking.

"Would you really?" I asked.

"Really what?" he answered.

"Really want to watch me get fucked," I replied.

"I think you'd look hot," he said.

"Would you just watch? Or join in?" I asked.

"Yes," he smirked.

I giggled.

"But could you really do it? Would you be jealous? How would it affect us going forward?" I mused.

"I love you now, I'd love you then," he kissed my head.

"I love you too," I replied.

"Let's get dressed for the reception," Tom reminded me.

I jumped up and hopped in the shower. As I did I started to think of what it would be like to fuck someone with Tom watching. I was still horny from just being fucked. As I washed my breasts my hands lingered a bit longer on my breasts and nipples.

I reached down to caress my clit, I wondered how Dave and John would react if they could see me in the shower. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. I felt the water cascade over my nipples and over my hands. I felt the warmth cascading over me and growing inside me. I pulled at my nipples as I massaged my clit. As I came I put my hand out to steady myself against the shower walls.

As my orgasm subsided I opened my eyes. I realized Tom was standing on the other side of the curtain.

"What? Fucking wasn't enough?" he teased. "Maybe I do need help."

"I wish," I quipped as I turned off the water and grabbed a towel.

I dried off as Tom jumped in the shower. I decided what to wear. We were only gone for two nights so I didn't bring a lot with me. Tonight was a very casual night. No one dressed up. I pulled out a pair of shorts and a tank top. The shorts sat low on my hips and showed a lot of leg. There was a bit of belly showing between the shorts and the top. If you're curious I pulled on a white lace thong and bra first over the whole ensemble I put on a flannel shirt that I left unbuttoned.

Tom got out of the shower.

"Cute." He said, Always one with a compliment.

He was right. I did look cute. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail, checked the mirror, then let it down again. As I fussed with it Tom got dressed. I decided to leave my hair down. One last check in the mirror confirmed I looked cute.

Tom got dressed and we headed to the reception. It was at the gun club. As we arrived Dave and John saw us enter. They came over.

"Thank god you're here," said Dave.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because there are no other hot chicks here to hang out with," he laughed.

"Oh?" I laughed. "Hot chick?"

Dave kind of back pedaled. "Umm.. pretty girls?" he offered.

"Nahhh," I laughed. "I like hot chick."

"Hot chick it is," exclaimed Dave.

We all laughed.

"Would the hot chick like some food?" Dave asked, offering me his arm.

I took his arm. I looked back and flashed a smile at my husband. He smiled back.

"This hot chick would be delighted," I said, and we headed off to get some food.

It was a fun evening. We greeted people we knew, Dave kept flirting with me, I flirted back. Even John offered me a compliment.

I was standing there with an empty plate. John took it from me and offered to dump it.

"I can do that," I offered.

"It's my pleasure," he said. "Anything for a beautiful woman," he added.

"Oh," I flirted. "You think I'm beautiful."

"Very," he replied.

"You're just saying that because there are so few women here," I teased.

"No, no," he protested. "I really think you're beautiful."

Then he looked at Tom. You could tell he was worried he went too far.

"Don't look at me," said Tom. "I think she's beautiful too."

You could see John visibly relax.

"I think you're beautiful too," chimed Dave.

"Well, if you're all in agreement," I quipped. "I must be beautiful."

We all laughed.

We stayed and chatted for a while. Finally it was time to head back to the hotel. We said our goodbyes and got in the car.

"Quite a fan club you have," Tom laughed.

"Oh? You don't think I deserve it?" I teased.

"You definitely deserve it," he answered. "There were lots of guys checking you out," he added.

"Yeah?" I asked with a grin.

"Oh yeah," he responded. "I bet half those old men are going to have wet dreams about you tonight," he laughed.

"Wet dreams," I said with a laugh.

"You bet," he said.

"Hmmm, so you think a bunch of men are jacking off thinking about me?" I teased.

"Most definitely," he said. "Hell, I like jacking off thinking of you."

I laughed, "yeah, but I like watching you, you can jack off for me anytime you want. In fact, you can jack off on me."

He already knew this, he'd cum on me many times. I loved it, I loved cum, I loved it on me, in me, and I loved the way it tasted. He knew that.

"You're saying you wouldn't like watching someone else jack off?" he asked.

I thought about it. Truth was, the idea started making me wet. I answered Tom truthfully.

"Ok, I do like the idea. Do you?" I asked.

"Love it," he laughed as we pulled into the hotel parking lot.

"Well," I said. "You don't have to jack off tonight. I'm going to fuck you."

"I like that too," he smiled.

We headed to the room. As soon as we were in I started stripping off my clothes. He stood and watched me.

"Are you going to get undressed?" I asked with a fake pout.

"I was enjoying watching you," he said.

"Yeah? I said as I stepped out of my shorts.

"Yeah, it's fun," he said. Then he added, "I think Dave and John would die if they could see you now."

I laughed, "Still thinking of them? Maybe I should undress for them."

"Sounds fun to me," he teased back.

As I took off my shirt I got down on my knees in front of him. In my bra and panties I went to unzip his pants. Even as I was unzipping them I could tell he was hard.

"Is this for me," I purred.

"You bet," he replied.

"Oh? Is it because you have a naked wife kneeling in front of you about to suck your cock, or are you imagining Dave and John watching me?"

"Yes," he said.

I pulled out his cock and started sucking on it. I loved the way a cock felt in my mouth. I don't know why, but I'd always loved giving blow jobs. It was a combination of the power it had to drive men wild and the submissiveness of being on my knees sucking cock.

"Mmmmmm," I purred around it. "I love sucking your cock."

"Just mine?" He teased.

He knew I'd always liked sucking cock.

"Well, yours is the only one I've sucked in a while," I said as I wrapped my lips around his cock.

"Well," he replied. "You look like you belong with a cock in your mouth."

"Mmmm," I repeated as I worked on his cock.

He reached behind me and undid my bra. I let it slide down my arms. I always felt so vulnerable when I was naked and he was mostly dressed. The feeling was making me very wet.

He reached down and pulled me to my feet.

"Get out of those panties," he commanded.

I hooked my thumbs in them and pushed them to the floor as he watched me.

He pushed me to the bed. I fell back on it.

"Are you going to get undressed," I asked.

"Maybe," he answered. "But first, I want to fuck you."

"Anytime," I replied.

I spread my legs as he got on top of me. I reached down and guided his cock into me.

"Yes," I exclaimed as his cock entered me. "Fuck I love the way you feel."

He started sliding his cock in and out of me. I moaned.

"You like that?" He teased.

"Fuck yes," I sighed.

He started fucking me harder. I thrust my hips up to meet every stroke.

"You look so sexy when you're being fucked," he told me.

"I love being fucked," I replied as I thrust towards him.

"That's it baby, fuck me," he coaxed.

He reached down and played with my clit as he pumped me with his cock. I kept pushing my pussy towards him. As he played with my clit I felt my orgasm start to rise. I came with a, "fuck yes."

He continued to fuck me.

"You like that baby?" He asked

"Fuck yes," I replied.

"You look so hot being fucked," he answered.

He took his finger and put it in my mouth. It was wet from playing with my clit. I sucked on it. I loved the taste of my pussy on his fingers or on his cock. I almost always sucked him clean after he fucked me.

"That's it baby, suck it," he coaxed. "Taste good?"

"Mmmmmm," I moaned around his finger.

"Imagine it being a big cock," he prodded.

"Yes," I exclaimed as he continued to fuck me.

I imagined his finger was a cock. Unfortunately I couldn't imagine a faceless cock. I didn't have to.

"You'd look good sucking cock while being fucked," he told me.

"Mmmmmm.," I repeated.

"I bet Dave or John would love to have their cocks in your mouth," he said.

My mind flashed to Dave and John with their cocks out. Holding them in front of my face. I didn't say anything, but I felt a gush of warmth around his cock.

"Oh? You like that idea?" He pursued it.

"Fuck me," I grunted.

He continued to fuck me.

"You like the idea of sucking a cock while being fucked?" He insisted.

"Shut up," I breathed.

He started pumping me harder. I couldn't help it, I started sucking his finger harder.

"That's it baby," he said. "Suck it, suck that cock."

I moaned again. I felt the orgasm rising inside of me,

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